1010 - 六人行

By Quintina
at 2006-08-21T13:00
at 2006-08-21T13:00
Table of Contents
※ 引述《samchiu (閒祭秋)》之銘言:
: 好吧...
: 又是FRIENDS英語教室時間了...
: 今天我們來討論S10E10
: TOW Chandler Gets Caught
: 錢德被抓包了
: 請各位高手來回答一下以下的問題:
: 1.Mon:When I said sex, I wasn't thinking about sex with you.
: Chan:It's like a giant hug.
Monica說wan't thinking about sex with you其實是會很傷那個聽者you
: 2.Ross:it's like Sophie's Choice
Sophie's choice有兩個來源,不過同時都代表著悲劇性的選擇。
我知道的Sohpie's choice是在納粹德國的時候,一些猶太母親會被
: 3.
: Rach:Last week, you thought Ross was trying to kill you.
: Pheebs:Well, I'm sorry, but it's hard to believe that
: anyone who tell a story that dull just to tell it.
: 4.
: "Liar Liar","Betrayal","An Affair to remember", or "Do Towards My Car"
: 前三部電影的中文片名分別是「王牌大騙子」「危險女人心」「金玉盟」
: 但照這樣翻好像不符合劇情裡的用意
: 第四不應該是Rach亂掰的,不過我猜應該是某部片換了些字而已吧,
: 有高手知道是哪一部嗎?
第四部是Dude, where is my car? 中文譯成「豬頭,我的車咧?」
Rachel給的原因是因為Chandler正在車裡 XD
以下晚點再回,先去吃飯 :P
: 5.
: Mon:Isn't it? And what about the amazing wings coating,
: and crown molding and doormal window and attic?
: Chan:And wiggal worms and zip zops?
: 6.
: Joey:You son of a bitch!
: Chan:Is it me or greeting's gone down hill around here.
: Mon:Pheobe and Rachel saw you with Nancy today
: 好吧...
: 又是FRIENDS英語教室時間了...
: 今天我們來討論S10E10
: TOW Chandler Gets Caught
: 錢德被抓包了
: 請各位高手來回答一下以下的問題:
: 1.Mon:When I said sex, I wasn't thinking about sex with you.
: Chan:It's like a giant hug.
Monica說wan't thinking about sex with you其實是會很傷那個聽者you
: 2.Ross:it's like Sophie's Choice
Sophie's choice有兩個來源,不過同時都代表著悲劇性的選擇。
我知道的Sohpie's choice是在納粹德國的時候,一些猶太母親會被
: 3.
: Rach:Last week, you thought Ross was trying to kill you.
: Pheebs:Well, I'm sorry, but it's hard to believe that
: anyone who tell a story that dull just to tell it.
: 4.
: "Liar Liar","Betrayal","An Affair to remember", or "Do Towards My Car"
: 前三部電影的中文片名分別是「王牌大騙子」「危險女人心」「金玉盟」
: 但照這樣翻好像不符合劇情裡的用意
: 第四不應該是Rach亂掰的,不過我猜應該是某部片換了些字而已吧,
: 有高手知道是哪一部嗎?
第四部是Dude, where is my car? 中文譯成「豬頭,我的車咧?」
Rachel給的原因是因為Chandler正在車裡 XD
以下晚點再回,先去吃飯 :P
: 5.
: Mon:Isn't it? And what about the amazing wings coating,
: and crown molding and doormal window and attic?
: Chan:And wiggal worms and zip zops?
: 6.
: Joey:You son of a bitch!
: Chan:Is it me or greeting's gone down hill around here.
: Mon:Pheobe and Rachel saw you with Nancy today
All Comments

By Belly
at 2006-08-22T09:30
at 2006-08-22T09:30

By Donna
at 2006-08-27T05:55
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By Irma
at 2006-08-21T12:46
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at 2006-08-20T00:33
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雖然晚了 但今天是Chandler的生日~

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