111-part 06 - 六人行

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2012-07-27T02:17

Table of Contents

[Scene: The Coma Guy's Room, Monica bursts in, closely followed by Phoebe.
There is no sign of Coma Guy. His bed is empty.]

Phoebe: Alright, whadyou do with him?

(There is the sound of a flushing toilet and
Coma Guy emerges from the bathroom)

Monica: Oh! You're awake!

Phoebe: Look at you! How, how do you feel?

Coma Guy: Uh, a little woozy, but basically okay.

Monica: You look good!

Coma Guy: I feel good! ...Who are you?

Monica: Oh, sorry.

Phoebe: I'm Phoebe Buffay.

Monica: I'm Monica Geller. I've been taking care of you.

Phoebe: Well, we both have.

Coma Guy: So, the Etch-a-Sketch is from you guys?

Phoebe: Well, actually it's just from me.

Monica: I got you the foot massager.

Phoebe: You know who shaved you? That was me.

Monica: I read to you.

Phoebe: I sang. (To Monica) Hah!

Coma Guy: Well,... thanks.

Monica: Oh, my pleasure.

Phoebe: You're welcome.

Coma Guy: So. I guess I'll see you around.

Phoebe: What, that's it?

Monica: "See you around?"

Coma Guy: Well, what do you want me to say?

Monica: Oh, I don't know. Maybe, um, "That was nice?"
Admit something to me? "I'll call you?"

Coma Guy: Alright, I'll call you.

Phoebe: I don't think you mean that.

Monica: This is so typical. Y'know, we give, and we give, and we give.
And then- we just get nothing back!
And then one day, y'know, it's just, you wake up,
and "See you around!" Let's go, Phoebe.

Phoebe: Y'know what? We thought you were different.
But I guess it was just the coma.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's Chandler is talking with his mom.]

Mrs. Bing: Car's waiting downstairs,
I just wanted to drop off these copies of
my book for your friends.
Anything you want from Lisbon?

Chandler: No, just knowing you're gonna be there is enough.

Mrs. Bing: Alright, well, be good, I love you.
(Kisses him and goes to leave)

Chandler: You kissed my best Ross! ...Or something to that effect.

Mrs. Bing: (Reentering) O-kay. Look, it, it was stupid.

Chandler: Really stupid.

Mrs. Bing: Really stupid. And I don't even know how it happened.
I'm sorry, honey, I promise it will never happen again.
Are we okay now?

Chandler: Yeah. No. No...

[Cut to the hallway, Joey is listening to Chandler and his mom's conversation
through the door as Ross walks up.]

Ross: Ah, the forbidden love of a man and his door.

Joey: Shh. He did it. He told her off,
and not just about the kiss, about everything.

Ross: You're kidding.

Joey: No, no. He said "When are you gonna grow up and start being a mom?"

Ross: Wow!

Joey: Then she came back with "The question is,
when are you gonna grow up and realise I have a bomb?"

Ross: 'Kay, wait a minute, are you sure she didn't say
"When are you gonna grow up and realise I am your mom?"

Joey: That makes more sense.

Ross: So, what's going on now?

Joey: I dunno, I've been standing here spelling it out for you!
(Goes back to the door) I don't hear anything.
Oh, wait, wait, wait. (Looks through the spyhole)

Ross: Whaddya see?

Joey: Hard to tell, they're so tiny and upside-down.
Wait, wait. They're walking away... they're walking away...
No, no they're not, they're coming right at us! Run! Run!

(Joey runs off down the hall. Ross tries Monica and Rachel's apartment,
but it is locked so he has to stand in the hall
and pretend he wasn't listening. Chandler and his mom come out)

Mrs. Bing: You okay, kiddo?

Chandler: Yeah, okay.

Mrs. Bing: Alright. (Kisses him)

Chandler: Nice save.

(She walks down the hall)

Ross: (Very politely) Mrs. Bing.

Mrs. Bing: Mr. Geller.

(She leaves)

(Ross knocks on Monica and Rachel's door)

Chandler: Hey.

Ross: You mean that?

Chandler: Yeah, why not. (They shake hands) So I told her.

Ross: Yeah? How'd it go?

Chandler: Awful. Awful. Couldn'ta gone worse.

Ross: Well, howdya feel?

Chandler: Pretty good! I told her.

Ross: Well, see? So, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea,
y'know, me kissing your mom, uh? Huh?
(Wags his finger at Chandler, then puts it down)
But.. we don't have to go down that road.

Closing Credits

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Rachel is handing out copies of her book
to the gang.]

Rachel: Okay. Now this is just the first chapter,
and I want your absolute honest opinion.
Oh, oh, and on page two, he's not 'reaching for her heaving beasts'.

Monica: What's a 'niffle'?

Joey: You usually find them on the 'heaving beasts'.

Rachel: Alright, alright, so I'm not a great typist...

Ross: Wait, did you get to the part about his 'huge throbbing pens'?
Tell ya, you don't wanna be around when he starts writing with those!

Rachel: Alright, that's it! Give it back! That's it!

All: Nooo!



All Comments


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-07-26T19:43
上禮拜去出租店晃,赫然發現馬修主演的熱血教師 看介紹好像是擷取出來的感覺 後面的介紹: 「影片選取了克拉克隻身來到紐約執教於黑人區一所學校的一段經典經歷」 請問還有其他的部分嗎還是真的只有這一部? 然後這部真的很感人 不知道是不是對他有愛的關係 整部片子看的超認真的啊XDDDD 尤其他用力拍桌子的地 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2012-07-26T03:49
第三季裡面 Monica很難過Pheobe已經偷偷搬出去 然後她是最後一個才知道 Chandler抱著Monica安慰她 Chandler要離開前說 救生員正在拆核彈 請問這邊他是要表達甚麼? - ...

Joey的Identical hand twin在蝙蝠俠電影中

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-07-25T20:58
不知道大家去看蝙蝠俠了沒 雖然現在去看會有點心裡毛毛的 (在台灣應該不會有人進去掃射才是) 不過在看這部電影的時候 還看到了Joey的Identical Hand Twin, 他在裡面演檢查Bruce Wayne膝蓋的醫生 我覺得蝙蝠俠是部緊張刺激的電影 但看到他的時候,反而他為這部緊張的戲劇帶來些幽默與喜感 ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-07-25T13:55
想找一集Ross在學校當教授的時候 因為校園太大了 使得Ross不得不在短時間之內教室和教室之間兩頭奔跑 最後在一間教室累掛了XD 請問各位這是哪一集呢? - ...

602 TOW Ross Hugs Rachel

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2012-07-25T04:17
Ross在Central Perk跟Phoebe坦承他騙了Rachel,他沒有去取消和Rachel的婚約, Phoebe聞言便招計程車把想約Phoebe和Ross一起去看電影的Rachel支開,開始責問Ross. Ross說他實在無法接受自己即將離婚三次的事實, 所以他決定不取消和Rach的婚約,也不跟 ...