115-part 02 - 六人行

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2012-11-30T22:42

Table of Contents

Part 2

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, Chandler walks in, wearing a suit.]

Chandler: Can you see my nipples through this shirt?

Rachel: No. But don't worry, I'm sure they're still there.

Phoebe: Where are you going, Mr. Suity-Man?

Chandler: Well, I have an appointment to see Dr. Robert Pillman,
career counselor a-gogo. (pause) I added the "a-gogo."

Rachel: Career counselor?

Chandler: Hey, you guys all know what you want to do.

Rachel: I don't!

Chandler: Hey, you guys in the living room all know what you want to do.
You know, you have goals. You have dreams. I don't have a dream.

Ross: Ah, the lesser-known "I don't have a dream" speech.

(Monica enters, excited.)

Monica: Oh, I love my life, I love my life!

Phoebe: Ooh! Brian's Song!

Rachel: The meeting with the guy went great?

Monica: So great! He showed me where the restaurant's going to be.
It's this, it's this cute little place on 10th Street.
Not too big, not too small. Just right.

Chandler: Was it formerly owned by a blonde woman and some bears?

Monica: So anyway, I'm cooking dinner for him Monday night.
You know, kind of like an audition.
And Phoebe, he really wants you to be here,
which will be great for me because then you can 'ooh' and 'ahh'
and make yummy noises.

Rachel: What are you going to make?

Phoebe: (as though Rachel wasn't paying attention) Yummy noises.

Rachel: (pause) And Monica, what are you going to make?

Monica: I don't know. I don't know. It's just going to be so great!

Phoebe: Ooh! I know what you could make!
(runs over to join Monica and Rachel in the kitchen)
I know! Oh, you should definitely make that thing... you know,
with the stuff? (Monica doesn't know.) You know, that thing...
with the stuff...? OK, I don't know. (sits down)

Ross: Hey guys, does anybody know a good date place in the neighborhood?

Joey: How about Tony's? If you can finish a 32-ounce steak, it's free.

Ross: OK, ahem, hey, does anybody know a good place
if you're not dating a puma?

Chandler: Who are you going out with?

Phoebe: Oh, is this the bug lady?

Rachel: (trying to sound like a bug) Bzzzz.... I love you, Ross.

Ross: Her name is Celia. She's not a bug lady.
She's curator of insects at the museum.

Rachel: So what are you guys going to do?

Ross: Oh, I just thought we could go out to dinner,
and then maybe bring her back to my place
and I'd introduce her to my monkey.

Chandler: And he's not speaking metaphorically.

Joey: (aside to Ross) So.... back to your place...you thinking, maybe...
(gestures with hands, back and forth) huh-huh?

Ross: Well, I don't know.... (gestures) huh-huh....
but I'm hoping (gestures) huh-huh.

Joey: I'm telling you, that monkey is a chick magnet!
She's going to take one look at his furry, cute little face
and it'll seal the deal.

[Scene: Ross's apartment, Marcel is hanging from Celia's hair,
and she is screaming, trying to get him off.]

Ross: Celia, don't worry! Don't scream! He's not going to hurt you!
Soothing tones, Celia. Soothing tones! Marcel...

Celia: I can't stand this! He's got his claws in my...

Ross: Alright... (lifts Marcel away)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, everyone is there but Ross and Chandler.
Monica is making food, and having everyone try it.]

Monica: (to Joey) OK, try this salmon mousse.

Joey: (tasting) Mmmm. Good.

Monica: Is it better than the other salmon mousse?

Joey: It's creamier.

Monica: Yeah, well, is that better?

Joey: I don't know. We're talking about whipped fish, Monica.
I'm just happy I'm keeping it down, y'know?

(Chandler kicks the door closed, angrily.
His clothes are askew, he looks beat.)

Rachel: My God! What happened to you?

Chandler: Eight and a half hours of aptitude tests, intelligence tests,
personality tests... and what do I learn?
(he taps the results and reads them)
"You are ideally suited for a career in data processing
for a large multinational corporation."

Phoebe: That's so great! 'Cause you already know how to do that!

Chandler: Can you believe it?
I mean, don't I seem like somebody who should be doing
something really cool?
You know, I just always pictured myself doing something...something.

Rachel: (comes up and rubs him on the chest)
Oh Chandler, I know, I know... oh, hey!
You can see your nipples through this shirt!

Monica: (brings a plate of tiny appetizers over)
Here you go, maybe this'll cheer you up.

Chandler: Ooh, you know, I had a grape about five hours ago,
so I'd better split this with you.

Monica: It's supposed to be that small. It's a pre-appetizer.
The French call it an amouz-bouche.

Chandler: (tastes it) Well.... it is amouz-ing...

(Phone rings. Monica answers it.)

Monica: (on phone) Hello? (Listens) Oh, hi Wendy!
(Listens) Yeah, eight o'clock. (Listens) What did we say?
Ten dollars an hour?... (Listens) OK, great.
(Listens) All right, I'll see you then. Bye. (hangs up)

Phoebe: Ten dollars an hour for what?

Monica: Oh, I asked one of the waitresses at work if she'd help me out.

Rachel: (hurt) Waitressing?

Joey: Uh-oh.

Monica: Well... of course I thought of you! But... but...

Rachel: But, but?

Monica: But, you see, it's just...
this night has to go just perfect, you know?
And, well, Wendy's more of a... professional waitress.

Rachel: Oh! I see. And I've sort of been maintaining my amateur status
so that I can waitress in the Olympics.

Chandler: You know, I don't mean to brag,
but I waited tables at Innsbruck in '76.
(dead silence) Amouz-bouche? (holds out tray)

[Scene: Ross' apartment, Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon
(the original, not that cruddy Urge Overkill version) is playing.
Ross and Celia are kissing passionately.]

Celia: Talk to me.

Ross: OK.... um, a weird thing happened to me on the train this morning...

Celia: No no no. Talk... dirty.

Ross: (embarrassed) Wha... what, here?

Celia: Yes...

Ross: Ah....

Celia: Say something..... hot.

Ross: (panicked) Er.... um.....

Celia: What?

Ross: Um... uh.... vulva.

Commercial Break


All Comments


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-11-29T02:15
想問問大家 六個人他們的約會角色當中 最喜歡看到的角色是誰 不是想跟他交往喔 是想在劇情中多看到他/她 以下列舉幾個出現集數較長的 只出現一兩集 或客串性質的明星就不討論 集數太少比較難深入了解角色個性 我比較想問大家是因為喜歡這個角色的某些個性 想多看到他 (CAROL 和BARRY 在劇 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-11-27T17:06
為什麼Ross和Emily離婚也要律師啊? 他們根本沒有住在一起過阿 難道這樣也要贍養費 為什麼不能直接去市政府說要離婚單子簽一簽就好 要給那個律師賺 - ...

5 memorable TV Thanksgivings XD

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-11-23T13:30
http://tv.yahoo.com/news/5-memorable-tv-thanksgivings.html (今天的 Yahoo OMG! http://omg.yahoo.com/ 應該都可以看到 monica 戴著 火雞頭套的圖XD ) - ...


Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-11-22T22:10
女朋友生日要到了,她很喜歡看六人行 我是偶而看一下,三個月前她看到友情萬歲板很想買 但是節儉不愛花大錢她看到7500還是買不下去 本來過一陣子想買,找了一下決定等藍光板 等了三個月...看別人的文章感覺起來是(有誤請指點) 藍光板比起DVD起來好像有剪掉內容(對於很有愛的人似乎又是一大打擊) D ...


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-11-18T01:17
哈嚕各位 我潛水很久了,領悟到了一件事情決定浮上來! 我今天體會到人生最困難的事情 就是當你在看Friends的時候 千萬不要... 千萬不要在敷面膜的時候看Friends!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!我快瘋了,憋笑真的會得內傷T_ ...