124-part 04 - 六人行

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-10-03T01:33

Table of Contents

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is eating breakfast,
Joey quietly opens his bedroom door.]

Chandler: Hey, big...

Joey: Shhhh!

Chandler: (quietly) ...spender.

Joey: She's still asleep.

Chandler: So how'd it go?

Joey: Oh, it was amazing. You know how you always think you're great in bed?

Chandler: The fact that you'd even ask that question
shows how little you know me.

Joey: Well, it's like, last night, I couldn't do the thing
that usually makes me great.
So I had to do all this other stuff.
And the response I got... man, oh man,
it was like a ticker tape parade!

Chandler: Yes, I know, as it happens my room is very very close
to the parade route.

Joey: It was amazing! And not just for her... uh-uh.
For me, too. It's like, all of a sudden, I'm blind.
But all my other senses are heightened, y'know?
It's like... I was able to appreciate it on another level.

Chandler: I didn't know you had another level.

Joey: I know! Neither did I!

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, one week later.
Monica is seated, Rachel comes out of her bedroom.]

Monica: Hey, great skirt! Birthday present?

Rachel: Yeah.

Monica: Oh, from who?

Rachel: From you. I exchanged the blouse you got me.

Monica: Well, it's the thought.
Hey, doesn't Ross's flight get in in a couple hours? At gate 27-B?

Rachel: Uh, yeah. Uh, Monica, y'know, honey,
I've been thinking about it and I've decided this..
this whole Ross thing, it's just not a good idea.

Monica: Oh, why?

Rachel: Because, I feel like I wouldn't just be going out with him.
I would be going out with all of you.
Oh, and there would just be all this pressure, and I don't wanna...

Monica: (gets up) No, no, no, no, no, no pressure, no pressure!

Rachel: Monica, nothing has even happened yet, and you're already so...

Monica: I am not 'so'! OK, I was a teensy bit weird at first,
but... I'll be good. I promise.

(Door buzzer goes off. Rachel answers it.)

Rachel: Who is it?

Intercom: It's me, Carl.

Rachel: C'mon up.

Monica: Behind my brother's back? (Rachel glares at her)
... is exactly the kind of crazy thing you won't be hearing from me.

[Scene: Chandler and Joey's, Chandler is seated,
and the apartment is filled with baskets of fruit.
Joey enters, check in hand.]

Joey: Seven hundred bucks!

Chandler: Alright, you did it! Do we have any fruit?

Joey: Man, hell of a two weeks, huh? Y'know what, though?
I really feel like I learned something.

Chandler: Really? So, you're gonna stick with this 'it's all for her' thing?

Joey: What, are you crazy? When a blind man gets his sight back,
does he walk around like this?

(Joey closes his eyes and walks around with arms spread.)

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's Balcony,
Rachel is having drinks with her date, Carl.]

Carl: I'm just sayin', if I see one more picture of Ed Begley, Jr.
in that stupid electric car, I'm gonna shoot myself!
I mean, don't get me wrong...
I'm not against environmental issues per se.... it's just that guy!

(Rachel looks bored. At this point, Ross¡Xa figment of Rachel's imagination
¡X shows up on the balcony and starts talking to her.)

Ross: I can't believe you'd rather go out with him than me.

Rachel: Would you excuse me, please? I'm trying to have a date here.

Ross: Fine, just stop thinking about me.

(She tries, and Ross disappears momentarily.
He reappears, standing closer to her.)

Ross: Can't do it, can you?

Rachel: So I'm thinking about you. So what?

Ross: I don't get it. What do you see in this guy, anyway?

Rachel: Well... he happens to be a very nice... guy....

Carl: I mean, come on, buddy, get a real car!

Ross: Rachel, come on. Give us a chance.

Rachel: Ross, it's too hard.

Ross: No, no, no... why, because it might get weird for everyone else?
Who cares about them. This is about us.
Look, I-I've been in love with you since, like, the ninth grade.

Rachel: Ross, you're like my best friend.

Ross: I know.

Rachel: If we broke up, and I lost you...

Ross: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What makes you think we're gonna break up?

Rachel: Well, have you been involved with someone
where you haven't broken up?

Ross: (pause) No. But... it only has to happen once.
Look, you and I both know we are perfect for each other, right?
I mean... so, the only question is... are you attracted to me?

Rachel: I don't know... I mean, I've never looked at you that way before.

Ross: Well, start looking.

(They kiss. Ross walks away, and then fades out.)

Rachel: Wow.

Carl: Exactly! And you just know I'm gonna be the guy
caught behind this hammerhead in traffic!

Rachel: Right! You're right!

Carl: Heh... y'know?

Rachel: You know what?

Carl: What?

Rachel: I forgot... I am supposed to pick up a friend at the airport.
I am so sorry! I'm so... if you want to stay,
and finish your drinks, please do.... (gives him her drink)
I mean... I'm sorry. I-I-I gotta go. I'm sorry.

(Rachel leaves.)

Carl: But...

[Scene: Airport. Madonna's Take A Bow plays in the background
as Rachel waits at the gate with flowers.]

Rachel: (sifting through crowd) Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me,
excuse me, sorry. Hi.

[Cut to the jetway, the old man who the flight attendant
delivered Rachel's message to gets off the plane,
his wife still upset with him.]

Man: For God's sake, will you let it go? There's no Rachel!

(A Chinese woman getting off the plane drops one of her bags.
Ross gets off next.)

Ross: Oh, hey, hey, I got that.

(Ross picks up the bag... then he and the woman kiss.)

Julie: Oh, thanks, sweetie.

Ross: No problem. I cannot wait for you to meet my friends.

Julie: Really?

Ross: Yeah.

Julie: You don't think they'll judge and ridicule me?

Ross: No, no, they will. I just... uh...

Ross and Julie: Can't wait.

Ross: Come on, they're gonna love you.

[Cut to a close-up of Rachel, eagerly awaiting Ross's arrival...
not knowing he is getting off the plane with another woman.]



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太太出櫃告白:我是女同志 丈夫:其實,

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2013-09-30T20:44
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1IIMGZKe ] 作者: kosuke (耕助) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 太太出櫃告白:我是女同志 丈夫:其實, 時間: Mon Sep 30 19:44:32 2013 ETtoday 2013年09月30日 13:14 太太出 ...

Another friend in Web Therapy!

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-09-29T21:32
繼 Monica Ross之後 Joey也出現在這一季的Web Therapy囉!!! 看到他們一起演出真的很開心 是每年會邀一個來客串的意思嗎~哈哈 不過這部人氣好像都不高 我很喜歡Lisa在裡面的演出 把個性很差又很陽春的心理醫生演得很好 XD 還有很多大明星來客串 像Meryl Str ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2013-09-29T02:49
最近想買椅子 我就想到喬伊每次坐的那張椅子= = 不知道哪裡能買到到那總椅子E - ...


Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-09-27T13:51
國際中心/綜合報導 速解胸罩是一門藝術也是一門學問,國外有一名斯文男子堪稱全世界最快的男人,他可以 在短短一分鐘內解開56個胸罩,幾乎是一秒就能解開一個,最後他這項解胸罩技能還被列 入金氏世界紀錄。 這名穿著藍色襯衫的斯文男子一出場就非常有氣勢,而他的手技更是高超,輕輕鬆鬆就能 解開內衣的扣環;許多內衣女郎 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-09-26T08:09
http://ppt.cc/hsfr 如果說一個男人身上有三個乳頭,恐怕很難想像會是什麼樣子?大陸江西省有一位中年男 子,身上真的長了三個乳頭,他並且讓記者拍照,展示身上的這一特殊現象。 大陸「大江網」報導,在江西省城一家飼料公司工作的寧都人李先生,確確實實長了三個 乳頭,並以照相證實為真。 ...