201-part 01 - 六人行

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2014-01-18T02:45

Table of Contents

201 The One With Ross' New Girlfriend -part 1

[Scene: Central Perk, Phoebe is recapping last season,
and as she talks we see a montague of scenes from Ross and Rachel.]

PHOEBE: Ok, so this is pretty much what's happened so far.
Ross was in love with Rachel since, you know, forever,
but every time he tried to tell her,
something kind of got in the way, like cats, and Italian guys.
Finally Chandler was like "forget about her"
but when Ross was in China on his dig,
Chandler let it slip that Ross was in love with Rachel.
She was like, "Oh my god." So she went to the airport
to meet him when he came back, but what she didn't know was,
that Ross was getting off the plane with another woman.
Uh-Oh! So, that's pretty much everything you need to know.
But, enough about us. So, how've you been?


[Scene, The Airport, continued from last season,
Rachel is waiting for Ross to come of the plane,
when she sees he's coming off with another woman.]

RACHEL: Oh my god. Oh my god. (She decides to make a break for it.)
Excuse me. Move! Move! Emergency! Excuse me!
(She tries climbing over a bench and falls down.)

ROSS: Rache!

RACHEL: Oh, there you are! Hi! Oh, so, so, how was China, you?
(Hits him with the flowers.)

ROSS: It was, it was great. Oh, what happened?


ROSS: You're bleeding.

RACHEL: I am? Oh, look at that, yes I am.
Enough about me, enough about me, Mr. Back from the Orient.
I wanna hear everything! (Looks at Julie)

ROSS: Well, where do I start? This is Julie. Julie, this is Rachel.

RACHEL: These are, these aren't for you. (to Julie) These are for you.
(Loudly, thinking she can't speak English.) Welcome to our country.

JULIE: (Loudly, proving she can speak English.) Thank you.
I'm from New York.

RACHEL: Ok, well, not a problem. We'll just use them to stop the bleeding.
Ok. Baggage claim? Ok.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the gang is waiting for Rachel
to return from the airport with Ross.]


MONICA: I'm telling you, she went to the airport,
and she's gonna go for it with Ross!

PHOEBE: Oh my god. This is huge. This is bigger than huge.
This is like, all right, what's bigger than huge?

JOEY: Um, this?


MONICA: Guys, you got your hair cut.

CHANDLER: Yes, yes, we did, thanks to Vidal Buffay.

PHOEBE: 'Cause, you know, (in that voice) if you don't look good,
we don't look good. I love that voice.

RACHEL: (entering, out of breath) Airport, airport.
Ross, not alone, Julie, arm around her. Cramp, cramp.

CHANDLER: Ok, I think she's trying to tell us something.
Quick, get the verbs.

RACHEL: (to Chandler) You, you, you said he liked me.
(Ross and Julie enter) You, you slowpokes!

ROSS: That's all right, Rache, we got the bags.
Hi, hello. Julie, this is my sister Monica. This is Chandler.
Phoebe. Joey, what up?

JOEY: What up?!

ROSS: Everyone, this is Julie.

RACHEL: (out of breath) Julie.

ALL: Ohh. (Happily) Hi!

JULIE: Hi, but I'm not here, you haven't met me.
I'll make a much better first impression tomorrow
when I don't have 20 hours of cab and plane on me.

ROSS: And bus.

JULIE: Oh my god.

ROSS: The screaming guy?

JULIE: And the spitting?

ROSS: You gotta hear this story.

JULIE: We're on this bus, that's easily 200 years old...

ROSS: At least.

JULIE: ...and this guy--

RACHEL: And the chicken poops in her lap. Oh, I'm so sorry.
I just gave away the ending, didn't I?
Oh! It's just, I just heard this story in the cab,
and it is all I can think about.

MONICA: This is amazing. I mean, how, how did this happen?

JULIE: Well, Ross and I were in grad school together.

ROSS: But we haven't seen each other since then.
Well I land in China, guess who's in charge of the dig.

RACHEL: Julie! Julie, isn't that great?
I mean, isn't that just kick-you-in-the-crotch,
spit-on-your-neck fantastic?

MONICA: It's an expression.

ROSS: Well, we just wanted to say a quick hi,
and then we're gonna go see the baby.

JULIE: And then we've gotta get some sleep.

ROSS: Yeah, it's really 6:00 tomorrow night our time.

CHANDLER: Well, listen, don't tell us what's gonna happen though,
'cause I like to be surprised.

(Ross and Julie exit)

RACHEL: Bye. (She closes the door and everyone tries to sympathize with her.)


All Comments


Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2014-01-14T00:58
最近複習六人行DVD有個很大的困擾..... 前三季開頭的版權宣告一直無法跳掉, 必須要花一分多鐘等它跑完才能進入功能表, (第4~10季就沒這個問題) 是說版權宣告當然很重要啦, 可是這種東西能有耐心看過一次就很厲害了 囧 每次換片都要等它跑完各國語言的版權宣告, 真的覺得很讓人煩躁+很沒必要~~ ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2014-01-13T09:32
昨天看了一集金頭腦的重播 對象是保險業的從業人員 其中一輪問了一題西方習俗中哪個不是結婚要有的東西 1.新的 2.舊的 3.借來的 4.白色的 我看了之後馬上肯定說白色是錯的 藍色的才對 因為現場的五個參賽者沒一個選四 跟我一起看的朋友都不相信我的答案 我在心中大喊 這個 Chandler 和 ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2014-01-09T20:54
※ 引述《smalldra (ha。)》之銘言: : With or Without You 是很經典 出現了兩次 : 不過千萬不要忘了這首 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcyuKUtgyZ8 : 這首也出現了兩次 : 不過他下面的推文?grand controle? d ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-12-30T11:25
六人行事我從小到大依然喜歡並且不時會重新體驗的影集! 估計至少已經看過7-8輪。 當初開始看得那時候其實我身邊的女性朋友並沒有很多, 一部分先天較內向,而且比較不會聊天... 所以我一直都很嚮往六人行那種好朋友的組合。 其實說六人行的團體,也不過就是一群好朋友常常聚會做一些事情。 但是六人行的模式 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-12-28T08:59
0522 Rachel不想去看眼科醫生 把cereal用倒 http://i.imgur.com/rJpHWsx.jpg 下個切換角度的鏡頭 http://i.imgur.com/qqKAmlw.jpg 可以發現已經有人踩過了 散 ...