2010第15屆釜山影展 得獎名單 - 藝術電影

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-10-25T13:00

Table of Contents


新浪潮單元大獎:    《巫山日記》(韓國)、《荒涼的夜》(韓國)
國際影評人協會大獎:  《巫山日記》(韓國)
未來景象單元大獎:   《純潔》(瑞典)
選材獎:        《破碎的夜》(韓國)、《呼吸》(馬來西亞、日本)
最受觀眾歡迎大獎:   《盲人電影院》(中國)
研討會大獎:      《新堡》(中國)


1. New Currents Award

Winner: The Journals of Musan - PAKR, Jung-Bum (Korea)

WADA Emi (Jury Head)
Amazing scenario, great ability of the film director, good cinematography
propose what current days’ film must show. I cannot forget the ending of
the film when the movie makes us think the white dog is dead.

A great film should mark unforgettable impression into the audience and
make the audience think what we should do with the impression we got.

KIM Yunjin
A gripping story about a North Korean defector. A horrifying story about
a man who gives up.

His virtue to “fit in” the new society. Like the white dog he has, he’s
like a stray dog to the south Korean society. Surprising ending makes this
true story every more special.

Murali NAIR
Current socio-political realities expressed in a very interesting and
challenging way, which is the need of the moment.

YANG Kuei Mei
After watching 13 films, The Journal of Musan stays in my head even till
now. Especially the ending was remarkably impressive.

A displaced character’s forced assimilation into a new society. He has to
sacrifice his integrity in order to fit in.

Winner : <Bleak Night> Yoon, Sung-Hyun (Korea)

WADA Emi (Jury Head)
The drama of the group of three guys is portrayed with a well-structured
cut division and skillful editing. Where will be the baseball thrown after
all? We must keep an eye on what is to come.

KIM Yunjin
Character Driven movie, you really care about the 3 boys. There was strength
in the storytelling and great acting. This shows a great possibility and
a great future for the director.

The plot weaves from past to present in a fluid interesting way. This was
every jury’s favorite!

YANG Kuei Mei
The illustration of the former part of the film was terrific. I am really
liking it.

Intriguing storytelling. The three boys’ relationship is slowly uncovered
but was shipped of the mysteries. The young Actors are thoroughly convincing.

Multiple layers discovered through the father’s attempt to reveal the truth
about the son’s death.

* Jury for New Currents Award
- Jury Head : WADA Emi
- Jury Members : Christoph TERHECHTE, KIM Yunjin, Murali NAIR, YANG Kuei Mei

2. Flash Forward Award

Winner : <Pure> Lisa LANGSETH (Sweden)
We the Flash Forward jury are awarding the top prize to a film that is
bold , risky and high energy while featuring an amazing performance by
a young actress that can carry a film with conviction and power. PURE
written and directed by Lisa Langseth

Special Mention : <Erratum> Marek LECHKI (Poland)
We the jury want to give a special mention to a film that enlists eloquent
details and moments of grace to tell the classic story of a father and
son relationship ERRATUM written, directed and produced by Marek Lechki

3. Jury for Flash Forward Award

-Jury Head : John COOPER
-Jury Members : Alexey POPOGREBSKIY, Jasmila , LEE Kwangmo,

4. PIFF Mecenat Award for Documentaries

Winner : <Miracle on Jongno Street> LEE Hyuk-sang (Korea)
The jury is pleased to announce that the PIFF Mecenat Award for Best Korean
Documentary goes to a film that demonstrates excellent craft and storytelling
in addressing issues of social justice for the LGBT community in Korea.
Trusting their director, LEE Hyuksang, with their personal stories, the
characters display an openness which provokes feelings of compassion, humour
and empathy for their struggles. The film is MIRACLE ON JONGO STREET.

Winner : <New Castle> GUO Hengqi (China)(郭恆奇《新堡》中國)
For the PIFF Mecenat Award for Best Asian Documentary, the jury recognizes a
courageous film which brings dignity to the people it observes, despite the
severe difficulties of their daily lives. Skillfully filmed and edited by a
first-time director, GUO Hengqi, the award goes to NEW CASTLE.

* Jury for PIFF Mecenat Award:
KIM Myoungjoon (Media Act Director), Rithy PAHN, Sean FARNEL

5. FIPRESCI (International Federation of Film Critics) Award

Winner : <The Journals of Musan> PARK Jung-bum (Korea)
The FIPRESCI Prize at the 15th Pusan International Film Festival goes to a
film that perfectly balances its cinematic values with contemporary political
issues and becomes a witness of our times from artistic, psychological and
social aspects.

* Jury for FIPRESCI Award
NAM Wanseok, Mihai FULGER, Akiko KOBARI, Alin TASCIYAN, Uma da CUNHA

6. NETPAC (Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema) Award

Winner : <Dooman River> Zhang Lu (Korea)
For its sensitive and revealing narrative about villagers and innocent
children from both sides of Dooman River and how their lives are shattered
by the consequences of the political divide between North and South Korea.

* Jury for NETPAC Award : Nestor O. JARDIN, Martine THÉROUANNE, MOON Kwan Kyu

7. KNN Movie Award (Audience Award)

Winner : <My Spectacular Theatre> LU Yang (China)(陸楊《我的華麗演出》中國)

8. Asian Filmmaker of the Year : Tsai Ming-liang(蔡明亮)






※ 編輯: Loreto 來自: (10/25 13:00)

All Comments


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-10-24T06:54
我個人覺得IBON比起年代好太多太多了 起碼不用排隊牌個天長地久 以前呢 排隊時間總共需要兩次 看了快十年的金馬 以前光套票就要兩三個小時 劃位呢 運氣好可能兩個小時以內 運氣不好要五六個小時 加一加 莫名其妙的我只是看個電影卻要排八個小時 而且還會遇到插隊的 沒紙的 笨店員等等(雖然這個IBON也會 ...

10/24(日)14:00瑞士真實影展策展人Jean Perret光點與您面對面

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-10-24T02:32
座談訊息 Talks Info. 》台北之家2樓多功能藝文廳 (中山北路2段18號) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◆ 2010/10/24(日)14:00 講者:Jean ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2010-10-23T23:55
我今天是11:50分去家附近(東豐街)的7-11 結果跟白癡一樣點到12:30一直都是暫停服務 我懷疑這家用的是56k網路,怎麼樣都進不去 最後受不了跑到大安路上的7-11,看樣子是還蠻正常的因為一直有人在劃 (這家網路比較快吧 XD) 結果遇到一個男的不知道拿幾套在劃,劃了整整個半個小時以上欲罷不 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2010-10-23T23:20
【已售完場次】 11/04(四)19:30長春國賓A廳 性福拉警報【新增】 11/04(四)20:00微風國賓2廳 茱麗葉 11/05(五)18:30微風國賓2廳 生命之詩 11/06(六)10:20新光影城2廳 三個傻瓜 11/06(六)13:40新光影城2廳 魔術師 11/06(六)1 ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2010-10-23T21:45
雖然我想看的都劃到了 也沒有劃到太爛的位子 但我真的真的受不了ibon。 我從11點半開始守在機器前 55分開始狂點 但從59分稅換套票的icon出來後就一直一直是顯示系統暫停服務 隨著時間的過去真是焦慮到爆 因為根本搞不清楚是甚麼狀況 客服也打不通 也只能繼續一直反覆的點 那時我有點買套票試試看 同樣暫 ...