2012年10月節目表-CINEMAX - HBO
![Ida avatar](/img/girl.jpg)
By Ida
at 2012-09-29T03:07
at 2012-09-29T03:07
Table of Contents
CINEMAX 01:40~04:30 1997-明日帝國 Tomorrow Never Dies
CINEMAX 04:30~06:00 1981-地獸 THE BOOGENS
CINEMAX 06:00~07:45 1991-再續前世情 Dead Again
CINEMAX 07:45~09:30 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 09:30~10:55 2012-西雅圖風暴 Seattle Superstorm (TV)
CINEMAX 10:55~12:35 1992-雙面女郎1 Single White Female
CINEMAX 12:35~14:25 2009-型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 1991-終極尖兵 The Last Boy Scout
CINEMAX 16:00~17:30 1968-黑街喋血 Coogan's Bluff
CINEMAX 17:30~18:45 1976-神力女超人 "Wonder Woman"
CINEMAX 18:45~20:15 1997-比佛利山威龍 Beverly Hills Ninja
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 2012-魔蠍大帝3為救贖而戰
The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption
CINEMAX 22:00~23:25 2011-特遣部隊 Tactical Force
CINEMAX 23:25~01:00 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 01:00~03:00 1961-狼人血咒 Curse Of The Werewolf
CINEMAX 03:00~04:25 2011-特遣部隊 Tactical Force
CINEMAX 04:25~06:00 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 06:00~08:15 1997-神鬼至尊 The Saint
CINEMAX 08:15~09:45 1959-地底巨獸 Behemoth the Sea Monster
CINEMAX 09:45~12:00 2009-蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones
CINEMAX 12:00~14:20 2012-魔蠍大帝3為救贖而戰
The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption
CINEMAX 14:20~16:00 1983-惡夜夢魘 Nightmares
CINEMAX 16:00~18:30 1960-十一羅漢 Ocean's Eleven
CINEMAX 18:30~20:15 1986-絕不留情 No Mercy
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 1995-致命的快感 The Quick and the Dead
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季04 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:20 2005-戰地魔獸 Manticore (TV)
CINEMAX 00:20~02:35 2009-蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones
CINEMAX 02:35~04:35 2005-惡靈鬼屋2 House of the Dead 2 (TV)
CINEMAX 04:35~06:30 1976-兩分鐘警告 Two-Minute Warning
CINEMAX 06:30~08:15 1990-小魔星 Arachnophobia
CINEMAX 08:15~09:45 1999-危險性遊戲 Cruel Intentions
CINEMAX 09:45~11:30 1995-致命的快感 The Quick and the Dead
CINEMAX 11:30~13:00 1990-守護神 The Guardian
CINEMAX 13:00~14:30 1998-戰鼓平息 When Trumpets Fade (TV)
CINEMAX 14:30~16:00 2005-戰地魔獸 Manticore (TV)
CINEMAX 16:00~17:35 1968-特種任務 ASSIGNMENT K
CINEMAX 17:35~19:15 1997-老爸我被綁架了 Excess Baggage
CINEMAX 19:15~20:35 2010-超人與蝙蝠俠:啟示錄 Superman/Batman: Apocalipsis
CINEMAX 20:35~22:00 2005-再生殺手 Painkiller Jane (TV)
CINEMAX 22:00~23:30 2011-反恐特警組2火速救援 S.W.A.T.: Firefight
CINEMAX 23:30~01:00 1986-玩命!玩笑! April Fool's Day
CINEMAX 01:00~02:35 2011-地下拳擊社2 Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown
CINEMAX 02:35~04:15 2006-召喚惡靈 Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes
CINEMAX 04:15~06:00 1983-克麗絲汀魅力 Christine
CINEMAX 06:00~08:20 2000-巔峰極限 Vertical Limit
CINEMAX 08:20~10:00 2010-辣妹愛宅男 She's Out Of My League
CINEMAX 10:00~11:40 2011-地下拳擊社2 Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown
CINEMAX 11:40~13:05 1986-玩命!玩笑! April Fool's Day
CINEMAX 13:05~14:30 2005-再生殺手 Painkiller Jane (TV)
CINEMAX 14:30~16:00 2011-反恐特警組2火速救援 S.W.A.T.: Firefight
CINEMAX 16:00~18:10 1969-飛魂谷 Downhill Racer
CINEMAX 18:10~20:10 1990-閃電俠 The Flash (TV)
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 1985-龍拳小子 The Last Dragon
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2010-敗者為王 The Losers
CINEMAX 23:35~01:00 1998-H2O捉鬼節 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
CINEMAX 01:00~03:00 1987-粗野少年族1 The Lost Boys
CINEMAX 03:00~04:30 1981-鬼玩人 The Evil Dead
CINEMAX 04:30~06:00 1998-H2O捉鬼節 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
CINEMAX 06:00~07:45 1983-克麗絲汀魅力 Christine
CINEMAX 07:45~09:00 2002-掃黑大行動 Red Skies (TV)
CINEMAX 09:00~10:50 2011-少女殺手的奇幻旅程 Hanna
CINEMAX 10:50~12:35 1984-四面殺機 The Naked Face
CINEMAX 12:35~14:25 2001-太空戰士 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 2010-敗者為王 The Losers
CINEMAX 16:00~18:25 1963-梟巢掃蕩戰 Bye Bye Birdie
CINEMAX 18:25~20:15 1988-霹靂五號續集 Short Circuit 2
CINEMAX 20:15~21:45 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 21:45~22:00 2011-MAX本月發燒強片183 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季05 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:20 1988-十三號星期五7 Friday the 13th Part Ⅶ: The New Blood
CINEMAX 00:20~02:00 2010-波麗士很忙 Cop Out
CINEMAX 02:00~03:45 2001-太空戰士 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
CINEMAX 03:45~04:40 2010-勇者逆襲第二季05 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 04:40~06:30 2011-少女殺手的奇幻旅程 Hanna
CINEMAX 06:30~08:05 2005-烈日血戰 Into the Sun
CINEMAX 08:05~09:40 1997-1997悍將奇兵 Breakdown
CINEMAX 09:40~11:25 2010-波麗士很忙 Cop Out
CINEMAX 11:25~12:55 2011-赤色戰線:起源 Red Faction Origins (TV)
CINEMAX 12:55~14:30 2010-消失在第七大街 Vanishing on 7th Street
CINEMAX 14:30~16:00 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 16:00~17:30 1990-閃電俠 The Flash (TV)
CINEMAX 17:30~17:45 2011-MAX本月發燒強片183 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 17:45~19:15 2005-火星驚航 Crimson Force
CINEMAX 19:15~22:00 2000-決戰時刻 The Patriot
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 23:45~01:20 1985-生人迴避1 The Return of the Living Dead
CINEMAX 01:20~02:15 2010-勇者逆襲第二季05 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 02:15~04:30 2010-隔離島 Shutter Island
CINEMAX 04:30~06:00 2010-獵與殺 Hunt to Kill
CINEMAX 06:00~07:45 1985-生人迴避1 The Return of the Living Dead
CINEMAX 07:45~10:25 2000-決戰時刻 The Patriot
CINEMAX 10:25~12:10 2009-型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air
CINEMAX 12:10~13:55 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 13:55~14:20 2010-超世紀封神榜幕後特輯 Clash of the Titans
CINEMAX 14:20~16:05 2010-超世紀封神榜 Clash of the Titans
CINEMAX 16:05~16:30 2011-MAX本月發燒強片183 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 16:30~18:45 1986-絕不留情 No Mercy
CINEMAX 18:45~20:15 2012-西雅圖風暴 Seattle Superstorm (TV)
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 2003-浴血叢林 The Rundown
CINEMAX 22:00~23:40 2010-黃沙武士 The Warrior's Way
CINEMAX 23:40~01:10 1986-正宗太空殭屍 Night of the Creeps
CINEMAX 01:10~03:00 1981-鬼玩人 The Evil Dead
CINEMAX 03:00~05:00 2010-黃沙武士 The Warrior's Way
CINEMAX 05:00~06:30 1983-戰士魔鬼堡 The Keep
CINEMAX 06:30~08:30 2012-西雅圖風暴 Seattle Superstorm (TV)
CINEMAX 08:30~10:25 2000-透明人1 Hollow Man
CINEMAX 10:25~12:20 1993-雙面女蠍星 Point of No Return
CINEMAX 12:20~14:15 1983-克麗絲汀魅力 Christine
CINEMAX 14:15~16:00 2003-浴血叢林 The Rundown
CINEMAX 16:00~17:50 1969-勇破迷魂陣 The Wrecking Crew
CINEMAX 17:50~18:15 2011-MAX本月發燒強片183 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 18:15~20:20 1997-神鬼至尊 The Saint
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 2010-敗者為王 The Losers
CINEMAX 22:00~00:05 2000-巔峰極限 Vertical Limit
CINEMAX 00:05~02:15 1989-禁入墳場1 Pet Sematary
CINEMAX 02:15~04:15 1984-四面殺機 The Naked Face
CINEMAX 04:15~06:00 1999-危險性遊戲 Cruel Intentions
CINEMAX 06:00~07:30 1998-戰鼓平息 When Trumpets Fade (TV)
CINEMAX 07:30~08:50 2011-全明星超人 All Star Superman
CINEMAX 08:50~10:25 2010-敗者為王 The Losers
CINEMAX 10:25~12:05 2003-致命任務 The Foreigner
CINEMAX 12:05~14:10 2000-巔峰極限 Vertical Limit
CINEMAX 14:10~16:00 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 16:00~17:35 1967-超級情報員麥漢3:烏龍大埋伏 The Ambushers
CINEMAX 17:35~18:45 2011-全明星超人 All Star Superman
CINEMAX 18:45~20:30 1986-橫行天下 Firewalker
CINEMAX 20:30~22:00 2011-英雄時代 Age of Heroes
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季05 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:40 1990-小魔星 Arachnophobia
CINEMAX 00:40~02:20 2011-戰略陰謀4 Sniper: Reloaded
CINEMAX 02:20~04:25 1998-H2O捉鬼節 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
CINEMAX 04:25~06:00 1961-狼人血咒 Curse Of The Werewolf
CINEMAX 06:00~08:45 2009-蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones
CINEMAX 08:45~10:35 2006-絕命保鑣 The Hard Corps
CINEMAX 10:35~10:50 2011-MAX本月發燒強片183 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 10:50~12:40 1988-霹靂五號續集 Short Circuit 2
CINEMAX 12:40~14:25 1990-小魔星 Arachnophobia
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 2011-英雄時代 Age of Heroes
CINEMAX 16:00~17:55 1965-貝德福德軍變 The Bedford Incident
CINEMAX 17:55~20:10 2009-蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2011-少女殺手的奇幻旅程 Hanna
CINEMAX 22:00~23:30 1993-姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
CINEMAX 23:30~01:00 2005-蝗蟲大軍:天降災難 Locusts : The 8th Plague (TV)
CINEMAX 01:00~02:40 1968-血濺墳場 Dracula Has Risen from the Grave
CINEMAX 02:40~04:30 1997-老爸我被綁架了 Excess Baggage
CINEMAX 04:30~06:00 2005-惡靈鬼屋2 House of the Dead 2 (TV)
CINEMAX 06:00~07:30 2005-蝗蟲大軍:天降災難 Locusts : The 8th Plague (TV)
CINEMAX 07:30~09:10 1997-老爸我被綁架了 Excess Baggage
CINEMAX 09:10~10:35 2005-再生殺手 Painkiller Jane (TV)
CINEMAX 10:35~12:25 2011-少女殺手的奇幻旅程 Hanna
CINEMAX 12:25~14:25 1997-1997悍將奇兵 Breakdown
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 1993-姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
CINEMAX 16:00~18:15 1966-一吻定生死 Kiss The Girls And Make Them Die
CINEMAX 18:15~20:10 1996-魔龍傳奇 Dragonheart
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 1993-雙面女蠍星 Point of No Return
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 23:35~01:20 1993-惡夜追殺令 Judgment Night
CINEMAX 01:20~04:00 2010-隔離島 Shutter Island
CINEMAX 04:00~06:00 1985-生人迴避1 The Return of the Living Dead
CINEMAX 06:00~08:15 1993-雙面女蠍星 Point of No Return
CINEMAX 08:15~10:15 1994-獵人A計畫 Surviving the Game
CINEMAX 10:15~12:00 1996-魔龍傳奇 Dragonheart
CINEMAX 12:00~14:15 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 14:15~16:00 2009-型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air
CINEMAX 16:00~17:50 1966-愛情萬花筒 Kaleidoscope
CINEMAX 17:50~20:00 2000-巔峰極限 Vertical Limit
CINEMAX 20:00~21:45 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 21:45~22:00 2011-MAX本月發燒強片184 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季06 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:30 1989-十三號星期五8 Friday the 13th Part Ⅷ: Jason Takes
CINEMAX 00:30~02:15 2010-超世紀封神榜 Clash of the Titans
CINEMAX 02:15~04:05 2010-百戰天龍馬蓋鮮 MacGruber
CINEMAX 04:05~05:00 2010-勇者逆襲第二季06 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 05:00~06:45 2009-型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air
CINEMAX 06:45~08:30 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 08:30~10:00 2011-反恐特警組2火速救援 S.W.A.T.: Firefight
CINEMAX 10:00~11:45 2010-超世紀封神榜 Clash of the Titans
CINEMAX 11:45~12:15 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 12:15~14:00 1995-致命的快感 The Quick and the Dead
CINEMAX 14:00~15:50 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 15:50~16:15 2011-MAX本月發燒強片184 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 16:15~18:30 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 18:30~19:00 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 19:00~20:45 1992-雙面女郎1 Single White Female
CINEMAX 20:45~22:00 1976-神力女超人 "Wonder Woman"
CINEMAX 22:00~23:25 2011-地底獸人莫拉克 Morlocks (TV)
CINEMAX 23:25~00:50 1994-德州電鋸殺人狂4
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
CINEMAX 00:50~01:55 2010-勇者逆襲第二季06 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 01:55~04:35 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 04:35~06:00 1994-德州電鋸殺人狂4
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
CINEMAX 06:00~08:15 1984-四面殺機 The Naked Face
CINEMAX 08:15~09:45 1999-危險性遊戲 Cruel Intentions
CINEMAX 09:45~10:00 2011-MAX本月發燒強片184 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 10:00~11:15 1976-神力女超人 "Wonder Woman"
CINEMAX 11:15~12:45 2005-戰地魔獸 Manticore (TV)
CINEMAX 12:45~14:20 1991-終極尖兵 The Last Boy Scout
CINEMAX 14:20~16:15 2011-地底獸人莫拉克 Morlocks (TV)
CINEMAX 16:15~18:10 1988-霹靂五號續集 Short Circuit 2
CINEMAX 18:10~20:25 2009-蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 1993-無處可逃(叛獄大獵殺) Nowhere to Run
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2010-獵與殺 Hunt to Kill
CINEMAX 23:35~01:35 1994-瑪莉雪萊之科學怪人 Mary Shelleys Frankenstein
CINEMAX 01:35~03:50 2009-蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones
CINEMAX 03:50~05:25 2010-獵與殺 Hunt to Kill
CINEMAX 05:25~07:00 1983-戰士魔鬼堡 The Keep
CINEMAX 07:00~08:45 1986-橫行天下 Firewalker
CINEMAX 08:45~10:45 1988-霹靂五號續集 Short Circuit 2
CINEMAX 10:45~12:20 2010-敗者為王 The Losers
CINEMAX 12:20~14:20 1994-瑪莉雪萊之科學怪人 Mary Shelleys Frankenstein
CINEMAX 14:20~16:00 1993-無處可逃(叛獄大獵殺) Nowhere to Run
CINEMAX 16:00~17:55 1963-謎中謎 Charade
CINEMAX 17:55~18:20 2011-MAX本月發燒強片184 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 18:20~20:25 1997-老爸我被綁架了 Excess Baggage
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 1987-除魔特攻隊 The Monster Squad
CINEMAX 23:35~01:10 1992-禁入墳場2 Pet Sematary II
CINEMAX 01:10~03:00 1976-兩分鐘警告 Two-Minute Warning
CINEMAX 03:00~04:20 1981-鬼玩人 The Evil Dead
CINEMAX 04:20~06:00 1992-禁入墳場2 Pet Sematary II
CINEMAX 06:00~07:40 2010-敗者為王 The Losers
CINEMAX 07:40~10:25 2000-決戰時刻 The Patriot
CINEMAX 10:25~10:50 2011-MAX本月發燒強片184 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 10:50~12:35 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 12:35~14:25 2000-透明人1 Hollow Man
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 1987-除魔特攻隊 The Monster Squad
CINEMAX 16:00~17:55 1957-密戰計劃 Jet Pilot
CINEMAX 17:55~20:05 2003-浴血叢林 The Rundown
CINEMAX 20:05~22:00 2011-帝國戰記 The Eagle
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季06 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:10 1981-鬼玩人 The Evil Dead
CINEMAX 00:10~01:35 2011-特遣部隊 Tactical Force
CINEMAX 01:35~03:00 1988-十三號星期五7 Friday the 13th Part Ⅶ: The New Blood
CINEMAX 03:00~05:15 2010-隔離島 Shutter Island
CINEMAX 05:15~07:00 2000-透明人1 Hollow Man
CINEMAX 07:00~09:15 2000-巔峰極限 Vertical Limit
CINEMAX 09:15~11:00 2003-浴血叢林 The Rundown
CINEMAX 11:00~12:35 1998-戰鼓平息 When Trumpets Fade (TV)
CINEMAX 12:35~14:05 1986-正宗太空殭屍 Night of the Creeps
CINEMAX 14:05~16:00 2011-帝國戰記 The Eagle
CINEMAX 16:00~17:40 1969-飛魂谷 Downhill Racer
CINEMAX 17:40~19:05 1997-比佛利山威龍 Beverly Hills Ninja
CINEMAX 19:05~20:20 2011-全明星超人 All Star Superman
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 2003-致命任務 The Foreigner
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 23:35~01:00 1990-守護神 The Guardian
CINEMAX 01:00~02:45 1991-再續前世情 Dead Again
CINEMAX 02:45~04:20 2010-黃沙武士 The Warrior's Way
CINEMAX 04:20~06:00 1968-槌頭計畫 Hammerhead
CINEMAX 06:00~07:30 1983-戰士魔鬼堡 The Keep
CINEMAX 07:30~09:15 1992-雙面女郎1 Single White Female
CINEMAX 09:15~11:00 2012-魔蠍大帝3為救贖而戰
The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption
CINEMAX 11:00~12:45 2006-絕命保鑣 The Hard Corps
CINEMAX 12:45~14:25 2003-致命任務 The Foreigner
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 1990-守護神 The Guardian
CINEMAX 16:00~18:30 1963-梟巢掃蕩戰 Bye Bye Birdie
CINEMAX 18:30~20:15 1986-絕不留情 No Mercy
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 1995-來自陰陽界 Hideaway
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 23:45~01:15 2006-召喚惡靈 Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes
CINEMAX 01:15~02:45 1999-危險性遊戲 Cruel Intentions
CINEMAX 02:45~04:20 2010-消失在第七大街 Vanishing on 7th Street
CINEMAX 04:20~06:00 1984-四面殺機 The Naked Face
CINEMAX 06:00~07:30 1997-1997悍將奇兵 Breakdown
CINEMAX 07:30~09:00 2011-英雄時代 Age of Heroes
CINEMAX 09:00~10:45 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 10:45~12:15 1994-獵人A計畫 Surviving the Game
CINEMAX 12:15~13:45 2005-蝗蟲大軍:天降災難 Locusts : The 8th Plague (TV)
CINEMAX 13:45~16:00 2009-蘇西的世界 The Lovely Bones
CINEMAX 16:00~17:25 1968-黑街喋血 Coogan's Bluff
CINEMAX 17:25~19:10 1985-龍拳小子 The Last Dragon
CINEMAX 19:10~20:20 1976-神力女超人 "Wonder Woman"
CINEMAX 20:20~21:45 2011-地底獸人莫拉克 Morlocks (TV)
CINEMAX 21:45~22:00 2011-MAX本月發燒強片185 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季07 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:10 2007-重返猛鬼屋 Return To House On Haunted Hill
CINEMAX 00:10~01:45 1998-好膽別走 The Big Hit
CINEMAX 01:45~03:55 1993-惡夜追殺令 Judgment Night
CINEMAX 03:55~05:25 2010-勇者逆襲第二季07 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 05:25~07:15 1990-小魔星 Arachnophobia
CINEMAX 07:15~08:45 1994-獵人A計畫 Surviving the Game
CINEMAX 08:45~10:15 1987-除魔特攻隊 The Monster Squad
CINEMAX 10:15~12:00 2001-太空戰士 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
CINEMAX 12:00~13:25 2011-地底獸人莫拉克 Morlocks (TV)
CINEMAX 13:25~13:40 2011-MAX本月發燒強片185 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 13:40~15:10 1993-姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
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CINEMAX 20:00~22:00 1997-神鬼至尊 The Saint
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2012-特戰部隊 Battle Force
CINEMAX 23:45~01:45 1994-夜訪吸血鬼
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CINEMAX 01:45~02:35 2010-勇者逆襲第二季07 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 02:35~03:50 2002-掃黑大行動 Red Skies (TV)
CINEMAX 03:50~05:35 1993-雙面女蠍星 Point of No Return
CINEMAX 05:35~07:00 1993-姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
CINEMAX 07:00~08:45 1995-致命的快感 The Quick and the Dead
CINEMAX 08:45~10:35 1994-夜訪吸血鬼
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
CINEMAX 10:35~12:10 2011-地下拳擊社2 Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown
CINEMAX 12:10~14:00 1990-小魔星 Arachnophobia
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CINEMAX 17:35~19:15 1993-無處可逃(叛獄大獵殺) Nowhere to Run
CINEMAX 19:15~20:20 2011-蝙蝠俠元年 Batman: Year One
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 2005-烈日血戰 Into the Sun
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 2011-少女殺手的奇幻旅程 Hanna
CINEMAX 23:50~01:20 1991-闇黑之子 Children of the Night
CINEMAX 01:20~03:00 1989-十三號星期五8
Friday the 13th Part Ⅷ: Jason Takes Manhattan
CINEMAX 03:00~04:30 2011-戰略陰謀4 Sniper: Reloaded
CINEMAX 04:30~06:15 1990-小魔星 Arachnophobia
CINEMAX 06:15~08:30 1995-來自陰陽界 Hideaway
CINEMAX 08:30~10:05 1991-闇黑之子 Children of the Night
CINEMAX 10:05~11:45 2005-烈日血戰 Into the Sun
CINEMAX 11:45~12:15 2011-MAX本月發燒強片185 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 12:15~14:05 2010-辣妹愛宅男 She's Out Of My League
CINEMAX 14:05~16:00 2011-少女殺手的奇幻旅程 Hanna
CINEMAX 16:00~17:35 1967-超級情報員麥漢3:烏龍大埋伏 The Ambushers
CINEMAX 17:35~18:50 2011-全明星超人 All Star Superman
CINEMAX 18:50~20:10 2010-超人與蝙蝠俠:啟示錄 Superman/Batman: Apocalipsis
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 22:00~00:20 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 00:20~02:00 1983-惡夜夢魘 Nightmares
CINEMAX 02:00~03:30 1994-德州電鋸殺人狂4
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
CINEMAX 03:30~05:10 2010-辣妹愛宅男 She's Out Of My League
CINEMAX 05:10~06:45 1983-戰士魔鬼堡 The Keep
CINEMAX 06:45~08:30 1993-雙面女蠍星 Point of No Return
CINEMAX 08:30~08:45 2011-MAX本月發燒強片185 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 08:45~10:35 2010-B咖戰警 The Other Guys
CINEMAX 10:35~12:10 1997-1997悍將奇兵 Breakdown
CINEMAX 12:10~13:40 2011-反恐特警組2火速救援 S.W.A.T.: Firefight
CINEMAX 13:40~16:00 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 16:00~18:10 1965-貝德福德軍變 The Bedford Incident
CINEMAX 18:10~20:15 1993-無處可逃(叛獄大獵殺) Nowhere to Run
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 1992-雙面女郎1 Single White Female
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季07 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:25 1959-地底巨獸 Behemoth the Sea Monster
CINEMAX 00:25~02:10 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 02:10~04:25 2011-反恐特警組2火速救援 S.W.A.T.: Firefight
CINEMAX 04:25~06:00 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 06:00~07:55 1988-霹靂五號續集 Short Circuit 2
CINEMAX 07:55~08:15 2011-MAX本月發燒強片185 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 08:15~09:55 2011-地下拳擊社2 Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown
CINEMAX 09:55~11:25 1990-守護神 The Guardian
CINEMAX 11:25~12:45 2007-重返猛鬼屋 Return To House On Haunted Hill
CINEMAX 12:45~14:30 1992-雙面女郎1 Single White Female
CINEMAX 14:30~16:00 1959-地底巨獸 Behemoth the Sea Monster
CINEMAX 16:00~18:10 1969-勇破迷魂陣 The Wrecking Crew
CINEMAX 18:10~20:25 1986-絕不留情 No Mercy
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2011-英雄時代 Age of Heroes
CINEMAX 22:00~23:25 2007-屠龍武士 Grendel (TV)
CINEMAX 23:25~01:00 1987-粗野少年族1 The Lost Boys
CINEMAX 01:00~02:40 1989-禁入墳場1 Pet Sematary
CINEMAX 02:40~04:05 2007-重返猛鬼屋 Return To House On Haunted Hill
CINEMAX 04:05~06:00 1976-兩分鐘警告 Two-Minute Warning
CINEMAX 06:00~08:00 1983-克麗絲汀魅力 Christine
CINEMAX 08:00~09:30 2005-戰地魔獸 Manticore (TV)
CINEMAX 09:30~11:05 1994-獵人A計畫 Surviving the Game
CINEMAX 11:05~12:55 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 12:55~14:35 2011-英雄時代 Age of Heroes
CINEMAX 14:35~16:00 2007-屠龍武士 Grendel (TV)
CINEMAX 16:00~18:05 1968-特種任務 ASSIGNMENT K
CINEMAX 18:05~20:05 2003-浴血叢林 The Rundown
CINEMAX 20:05~22:00 2010-超世紀封神榜 Clash of the Titans
CINEMAX 22:00~23:25 2011-地底獸人莫拉克 Morlocks (TV)
CINEMAX 23:25~01:00 2005-惡靈鬼屋2 House of the Dead 2 (TV)
CINEMAX 01:00~02:40 1992-禁入墳場2 Pet Sematary II
CINEMAX 02:40~04:30 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 04:30~06:00 2006-召喚惡靈 Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes
CINEMAX 06:00~08:40 2000-決戰時刻 The Patriot
CINEMAX 08:40~10:25 2003-浴血叢林 The Rundown
CINEMAX 10:25~12:45 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 12:45~14:30 2010-超世紀封神榜 Clash of the Titans
CINEMAX 14:30~16:00 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 16:00~17:45 1966-一吻定生死 Kiss The Girls And Make Them Die
CINEMAX 17:45~18:15 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 18:15~20:05 1997-神鬼至尊 The Saint
CINEMAX 20:05~21:45 2012-特戰部隊 Battle Force
CINEMAX 21:45~22:00 2011-MAX本月發燒強片186 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季08 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:40 2000-透明人1 Hollow Man
CINEMAX 00:40~02:15 2010-黃沙武士 The Warrior's Way
CINEMAX 02:15~04:00 1986-橫行天下 Firewalker
CINEMAX 04:00~06:15 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 06:15~07:50 1991-終極尖兵 The Last Boy Scout
CINEMAX 07:50~09:25 1985-生人迴避1 The Return of the Living Dead
CINEMAX 09:25~10:55 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
CINEMAX 10:55~12:35 2012-特戰部隊 Battle Force
CINEMAX 12:35~14:00 1986-玩命!玩笑! April Fool's Day
CINEMAX 14:00~15:20 1996-癟四與大頭蛋電影 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
CINEMAX 15:20~16:45 2012-西雅圖風暴 Seattle Superstorm (TV)
CINEMAX 16:45~18:15 1997-比佛利山威龍 Beverly Hills Ninja
CINEMAX 18:15~19:55 1997-老爸我被綁架了 Excess Baggage
CINEMAX 19:55~22:00 2000-巔峰極限 Vertical Limit
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 2010-特務謎雲 The Debt
CINEMAX 23:50~01:15 1988-芝加哥打鬼2 Return of the Living Dead Part II
CINEMAX 01:15~02:05 2010-勇者逆襲第二季08 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 02:05~03:30 1996-癟四與大頭蛋電影 Beavis and Butt-Head Do America
CINEMAX 03:30~05:20 1993-惡夜追殺令 Judgment Night
CINEMAX 05:20~07:00 1997-老爸我被綁架了 Excess Baggage
CINEMAX 07:00~08:40 1986-橫行天下 Firewalker
CINEMAX 08:40~10:40 1994-瑪莉雪萊之科學怪人 Mary Shelleys Frankenstein
CINEMAX 10:40~12:10 2011-反恐特警組2火速救援 S.W.A.T.: Firefight
CINEMAX 12:10~14:05 2010-特務謎雲 The Debt
CINEMAX 14:05~16:05 2000-巔峰極限 Vertical Limit
CINEMAX 16:05~16:35 2003-好萊塢好好看 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 16:35~18:05 2007-屠龍武士 Grendel (TV)
CINEMAX 18:05~20:25 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 1998-戰鼓平息 When Trumpets Fade (TV)
CINEMAX 22:00~00:15 2010-隔離島 Shutter Island
CINEMAX 00:15~01:45 2011-雪獸 Snow Beast
CINEMAX 01:45~03:30 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 03:30~05:05 2011-反恐特警組2火速救援 S.W.A.T.: Firefight
CINEMAX 05:05~06:45 1992-雙面女郎1 Single White Female
CINEMAX 06:45~08:15 1986-正宗太空殭屍 Night of the Creeps
CINEMAX 08:15~08:45 2011-MAX本月發燒強片186 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 08:45~10:20 2011-地底獸人莫拉克 Morlocks (TV)
CINEMAX 10:20~11:55 2011-雪獸 Snow Beast
CINEMAX 11:55~14:15 2010-功夫夢 The Karate Kid
CINEMAX 14:15~16:00 1995-致命的快感 The Quick and the Dead
CINEMAX 16:00~18:10 1960-十一羅漢 Ocean's Eleven
CINEMAX 18:10~19:20 1976-神力女超人 "Wonder Woman"
CINEMAX 19:20~20:35 2011-全明星超人 All Star Superman
CINEMAX 20:35~22:00 2011-地底獸人莫拉克 Morlocks (TV)
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 1999-危險性遊戲 Cruel Intentions
CINEMAX 23:35~01:10 2002-獵鬼行動 Vampires: Los Muertos
CINEMAX 01:10~02:35 2005-戰地魔獸 Manticore (TV)
CINEMAX 02:35~04:30 1990-小魔星 Arachnophobia
CINEMAX 04:30~06:00 2002-獵鬼行動 Vampires: Los Muertos
CINEMAX 06:00~07:30 1983-戰士魔鬼堡 The Keep
CINEMAX 07:30~09:15 1985-龍拳小子 The Last Dragon
CINEMAX 09:15~10:45 1993-姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
CINEMAX 10:45~12:50 1994-夜訪吸血鬼
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles
CINEMAX 12:50~14:25 1999-危險性遊戲 Cruel Intentions
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 1991-闇黑之子 Children of the Night
CINEMAX 16:00~17:40 1966-愛情萬花筒 Kaleidoscope
CINEMAX 17:40~19:10 1987-除魔特攻隊 The Monster Squad
CINEMAX 19:10~20:15 2011-蝙蝠俠元年 Batman: Year One
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 2010-波麗士很忙 Cop Out
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2010-勇者逆襲第二季08 "Strike Back"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:20 2010-消失在第七大街 Vanishing on 7th Street
CINEMAX 00:20~03:00 2000-決戰時刻 The Patriot
CINEMAX 03:00~04:50 1991-再續前世情 Dead Again
CINEMAX 04:50~06:45 1976-兩分鐘警告 Two-Minute Warning
CINEMAX 06:45~08:20 1983-惡夜夢魘 Nightmares
CINEMAX 08:20~11:05 2000-決戰時刻 The Patriot
CINEMAX 11:05~12:45 1997-老爸我被綁架了 Excess Baggage
CINEMAX 12:45~14:30 2010-波麗士很忙 Cop Out
CINEMAX 14:30~16:00 2010-消失在第七大街 Vanishing on 7th Street
CINEMAX 16:00~18:05 1963-梟巢掃蕩戰 Bye Bye Birdie
CINEMAX 18:05~18:30 2011-MAX本月發燒強片186 "EPAD on MAX"
CINEMAX 18:30~20:20 2001-太空戰士 Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 2011-地下拳擊社2 Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown
CINEMAX 22:00~23:25 1998-H2O捉鬼節 Halloween H20: 20 Years Later
CINEMAX 23:25~00:10 2012-2011惡靈傳奇 Boogeyman (TV)
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