2013年08月節目表-HBO - HBO

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-07-30T02:33

Table of Contents

HBO 00:15~01:50 2012-致命救援 Gone
HBO 01:50~02:35 2010-勇者逆襲第二季03 "Strike Back"
HBO 02:35~03:20 2010-勇者逆襲第二季04 "Strike Back"
HBO 03:20~05:00 2011-德州殺戮戰場 Texas Killing Fields
HBO 05:00~06:30 2001-傻喬歷險記 Joe Dirt
HBO 06:30~08:00 2004-姚明來了 The Year of the Yao
HBO 08:00~10:00 2005-黑道比酷 Be Cool
HBO 10:00~11:30 2011-朱迪之夏 Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
HBO 11:30~13:45 2011-心靈鑰匙 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
HBO 13:45~14:15 2011-HBO本月最愛
HBO 14:15~16:15 2011-簡愛 Jane Eyre
HBO 16:15~18:40 2004-哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯
           Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
HBO 18:40~20:30 1997-火箭人 RocketMan
HBO 20:30~22:00 2011-龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill
HBO 22:00~00:15 2005-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins
HBO 00:15~02:00 2012-隨心所欲 Wanderlust
HBO 02:00~03:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季03 "True Blood"
HBO 03:00~04:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季04 "True Blood"
HBO 04:00~06:00 1997-極速殺機 Switchback
HBO 06:00~08:00 2011-簡愛 Jane Eyre
HBO 08:00~09:30 2004-黑心之都 Capital City (TV)
HBO 09:30~11:20 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
HBO 11:20~13:40 2005-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins
HBO 13:40~15:10 2011-龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill
HBO 15:10~17:05 1996-星艦迷航記08戰鬥巡航 Star Trek: First Contact
HBO 17:05~18:30 2005-芭樂拍檔 The Man
HBO 18:30~20:20 2003-小飛俠彼得潘 Peter Pan
HBO 20:20~22:00 2011-我們撞到外星人 Paul
HBO 22:00~00:00 2011-綠光戰警 Green Lantern
HBO 00:00~01:30 2010-最後大法師 The Last Exorcism
HBO 01:30~03:20 2010-遇見莫妮卡 Meet Monica Velour
HBO 03:20~05:00 1993-帥哥嬌娃 Benny & Joon
HBO 05:00~06:30 2004-瘋狂烤肉會 The Cookout
HBO 06:30~08:00 2005-芭樂拍檔 The Man
HBO 08:00~10:00 1999-老大靠邊閃 Analyze This
HBO 10:00~11:35 1993-阿達一族2 Addams Family Values
HBO 11:35~13:20 2011-我們撞到外星人 Paul
HBO 13:20~15:15 2011-綠光戰警 Green Lantern
HBO 15:15~17:10 2003-小飛俠彼得潘 Peter Pan
HBO 17:10~18:45 2006-留住最後一支舞2 Save the Last Dance 2
HBO 18:45~20:15 2012-羅雷司 The Lorax
HBO 20:15~22:00 2012-MIB星際戰警3 Men in Black 3
HBO 22:00~23:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季05 "True Blood"
HBO 23:00~00:40 2011-醉後大丈夫2 The Hangover Part II
HBO 00:40~02:20 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
HBO 02:20~04:20 1994-星艦迷航記07日換星移 Star Trek: Generations
HBO 04:20~06:15 2011-醉後大丈夫2 The Hangover Part II
HBO 06:15~08:00 1996-天使不設防 Michael
HBO 08:00~09:20 2010-史酷比4 Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster
HBO 09:20~11:00 2006-留住最後一支舞2 Save the Last Dance 2
HBO 11:00~12:30 2011-龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill
HBO 12:30~14:00 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
HBO 14:00~15:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季05 "True Blood"
HBO 15:00~16:30 2012-羅雷司 The Lorax
HBO 16:30~18:20 2012-MIB星際戰警3 Men in Black 3
HBO 18:20~20:00 2011-藍色小精靈 The Smurfs
HBO 20:00~21:30 2012-海賊天團 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
HBO 21:30~23:15 2011-在劫難逃 Abduction
HBO 23:15~01:15 2011-熟男型不型 Crazy, Stupid, Love.
HBO 01:15~03:25 2011-心靈鑰匙 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
HBO 03:25~04:45 2012-困鬥 Barricade
HBO 04:45~06:30 1993-瘋狂盯梢令 Another Stakeout
HBO 06:30~08:00 2006-女排交鋒 All You've Got
HBO 08:00~10:05 2012-歡樂之聲 Joyful Noise
HBO 10:05~12:20 2011-勇氣之名 Courageous
HBO 12:20~14:00 2011-藍色小精靈 The Smurfs
HBO 14:00~15:50 2011-在劫難逃 Abduction
HBO 15:50~17:20 2012-海賊天團 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
HBO 17:20~19:30 2011-心靈鑰匙 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
HBO 19:30~21:00 2011-即刻反擊 Haywire
HBO 21:00~22:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季01 "The Newsroom"
HBO 22:00~22:45 2010-勇者逆襲第二季05 "Strike Back"
HBO 22:45~23:30 2010-勇者逆襲第二季06 "Strike Back"
HBO 23:30~00:30 2008-噬血真愛第六季05 "True Blood"
HBO 00:30~02:00 2012-困鬥 Barricade
HBO 02:00~04:00 1990-別闖陰陽界 Flatliners
HBO 04:00~06:00 1997-桃色追捕令 Kiss the Girls
HBO 06:00~08:00 1993-印第安傳奇 Geronimo: An American Legend
HBO 08:00~10:10 1994-真愛一世情 Legends Of The Fall
HBO 10:10~12:00 1997-火箭人 RocketMan
HBO 12:00~13:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季05 "True Blood"
HBO 13:00~14:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季01 "The Newsroom"
HBO 14:00~15:30 2011-即刻反擊 Haywire
HBO 15:30~16:55 2010-史酷比4 Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster
HBO 16:55~18:05 2012-Ben10(少年駭客)殲滅外星怪 Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens (TV)
HBO 18:05~19:55 1997-新娘不是我??? My Best Friend's Wedding
HBO 19:55~22:00 2005-雙面翻譯 The Interpreter
HBO 22:00~00:10 2011-哈利波特7死神的聖物II
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
HBO 00:10~01:05 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季01 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 01:05~02:00 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季02 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 02:00~04:00 1993-印第安傳奇 Geronimo: An American Legend
HBO 04:00~06:15 1990-獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt For Red October
HBO 06:15~08:00 1997-老爺潛艇少爺兵 McHale's Navy
HBO 08:00~09:30 2012-漢娜法則 Hannah's Law (TV)
HBO 09:30~11:20 1998-星艦迷航記09星際叛變 Star Trek: Insurrection
HBO 11:20~13:00 2011-我們撞到外星人 Paul
HBO 13:00~15:10 2011-哈利波特7死神的聖物II
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
HBO 15:10~17:15 2005-雙面翻譯 The Interpreter
HBO 17:15~19:00 2002-貼身情人 Two Weeks Notice
HBO 19:00~20:30 2012-凱蒂佩芮:做我自己 Katy Perry: Part of Me
HBO 20:30~22:00 2012-海賊天團 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
HBO 22:00~00:10 2012-超級戰艦 Battleship
HBO 00:10~02:00 2012-狡兔計畫 Safe House
HBO 02:00~02:45 2010-勇者逆襲第二季05 "Strike Back"
HBO 02:45~03:35 2010-勇者逆襲第二季06 "Strike Back"
HBO 03:35~05:10 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
HBO 05:10~06:25 2009-Ben10(少年駭客)外星蜂爆 Ben 10: Alien Swarm (TV)
HBO 06:25~08:00 1993-阿達一族2 Addams Family Values
HBO 08:00~09:20 2005-芭樂拍檔 The Man
HBO 09:20~10:50 2011-朱迪之夏 Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
HBO 10:50~12:20 2012-凱蒂佩芮:做我自己 Katy Perry: Part of Me
HBO 12:20~14:30 2012-超級戰艦 Battleship
HBO 14:30~16:20 2003-小飛俠彼得潘 Peter Pan
HBO 16:20~17:50 2012-海賊天團 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
HBO 17:50~19:30 2011-藍色小精靈 The Smurfs
HBO 19:30~20:00 2011-HBO本月最愛
HBO 20:00~21:30 2012-馬達加斯加3歐洲大圍捕 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
HBO 21:30~23:45 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
HBO 23:45~00:45 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季01 "The Newsroom"
HBO 00:45~02:30 2011-醉後大丈夫2 The Hangover Part II
HBO 02:30~03:30 2008-噬血真愛第六季04 "True Blood"
HBO 03:30~04:30 2008-噬血真愛第六季05 "True Blood"
HBO 04:30~06:15 1999-老大靠邊閃 Analyze This
HBO 06:15~08:00 1999-致命追緝令 Double Jeopardy
HBO 08:00~10:00 2003-小飛俠彼得潘 Peter Pan
HBO 10:00~11:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季01 "The Newsroom"
HBO 11:00~12:45 2011-藍色小精靈 The Smurfs
HBO 12:45~14:40 2011-綠光戰警 Green Lantern
HBO 14:40~16:15 2012-馬達加斯加3歐洲大圍捕 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
HBO 16:15~18:30 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
HBO 18:30~20:30 2005-巧克力冒險工廠 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
HBO 20:30~22:00 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
HBO 22:00~00:15 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
HBO 00:15~01:50 2011-即刻反擊 Haywire
HBO 01:50~04:00 2011-哈利波特7死神的聖物II
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
HBO 04:00~06:00 2012-決戰異世界4:未來復甦 Underworld: Awakening
HBO 06:00~08:00 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
HBO 08:00~10:00 2011-熟男型不型 Crazy, Stupid, Love.
HBO 10:00~12:05 2011-哈利波特7死神的聖物II
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
HBO 12:05~14:15 2011-雨果的冒險 Hugo
HBO 14:15~16:30 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
HBO 16:30~18:05 2012-馬達加斯加3歐洲大圍捕 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
HBO 18:05~19:50 2010-魔境夢遊 Alice in Wonderland
HBO 19:50~22:00 2011-福爾摩斯:詭影遊戲 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
HBO 22:00~23:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季06 "True Blood"
HBO 23:00~00:30 2012-決戰異世界4:未來復甦 Underworld: Awakening
HBO 00:30~02:30 1999-危險人物 Payback
HBO 02:30~04:00 2011-獵魔教士 Priest
HBO 04:00~05:55 1993-印第安傳奇 Geronimo: An American Legend
HBO 05:55~08:00 2011-雨果的冒險 Hugo
HBO 08:00~10:15 1994-真愛一世情 Legends Of The Fall
HBO 10:15~11:50 2012-馬達加斯加3歐洲大圍捕 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
HBO 11:50~14:00 2011-福爾摩斯:詭影遊戲 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
HBO 14:00~15:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季06 "True Blood"
HBO 15:00~16:45 2010-魔境夢遊 Alice in Wonderland
HBO 16:45~18:30 2012-魔鏡,魔鏡 Mirror Mirror
HBO 18:30~20:05 2011-快樂腳2 Happy Feet Two
HBO 20:05~22:00 2011-綠光戰警 Green Lantern
HBO 22:00~00:05 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
HBO 00:05~01:30 2011-獵魔教士 Priest
HBO 01:30~02:50 2007-死亡倒數88分鐘 88 Minutes
HBO 02:50~05:00 1994-真愛一世情 Legends Of The Fall
HBO 05:00~06:35 1993-阿達一族2 Addams Family Values
HBO 06:35~08:00 2004-黑心之都 Capital City (TV)
HBO 08:00~08:55 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季01 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 08:55~09:50 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季02 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 09:50~11:15 2004-瘋狂烤肉會 The Cookout
HBO 11:15~12:40 2011-獵魔教士 Priest
HBO 12:40~14:45 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
HBO 14:45~16:30 1996-星戰毀滅者 Mars Attacks!
HBO 16:30~17:40 2007-Ben10(少年駭客)超時空聖戰 Ben 10: Race Against Time (TV)
HBO 17:40~19:15 2011-快樂腳2 Happy Feet Two
HBO 19:15~21:00 2011-劍客聯盟:雲端之戰 The Three Musketeers
HBO 21:00~22:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季02 "The Newsroom"
HBO 22:00~22:45 2010-勇者逆襲第二季07 "Strike Back"
HBO 22:45~23:30 2010-勇者逆襲第二季08 "Strike Back"
HBO 23:30~00:30 2008-噬血真愛第六季06 "True Blood"
HBO 00:30~02:45 2011-強‧艾德格 J. Edgar
HBO 02:45~04:45 2011-簡愛 Jane Eyre
HBO 04:45~06:20 1994-愛得沒話說 Speechless
HBO 06:20~08:00 1993-帥哥嬌娃 Benny & Joon
HBO 08:00~10:00 1994-星艦迷航記07日換星移 Star Trek: Generations
HBO 10:00~12:00 2011-簡愛 Jane Eyre
HBO 12:00~13:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季06 "True Blood"
HBO 13:00~14:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季02 "The Newsroom"
HBO 14:00~15:25 2005-赤眼玄機 Red Eye
HBO 15:25~16:55 2011-朱迪之夏 Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
HBO 16:55~18:30 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
HBO 18:30~20:30 2012-歡樂之聲 Joyful Noise
HBO 20:30~22:00 2011-龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill
HBO 22:00~23:45 2003-魔鬼終結者3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
HBO 23:45~00:35 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季03 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 00:35~01:30 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季04 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 01:30~02:55 2012-困鬥 Barricade
HBO 02:55~04:50 2011-好友萬萬睡 Friends with Benefits
HBO 04:50~06:30 1987-夏日補習班 Summer School
HBO 06:30~08:00 2012-漢娜法則 Hannah's Law (TV)
HBO 08:00~12:00 1996-肯尼斯布萊納之哈姆雷特 Hamlet
HBO 12:00~13:30 2011-龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill
HBO 13:30~15:45 2003-魔鬼終結者3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
HBO 15:45~17:45 1994-星艦迷航記07日換星移 Star Trek: Generations
HBO 17:45~19:45 2005-巧克力冒險工廠 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
HBO 19:45~22:00 2011-哈利波特7死神的聖物II
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
HBO 22:00~00:05 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
HBO 00:05~02:00 2011-好友萬萬睡 Friends with Benefits
HBO 02:00~02:45 2010-勇者逆襲第二季07 "Strike Back"
HBO 02:45~03:30 2010-勇者逆襲第二季08 "Strike Back"
HBO 03:30~04:50 2007-死亡倒數88分鐘 88 Minutes
HBO 04:50~06:40 1993-瘋狂盯梢令 Another Stakeout
HBO 06:40~08:00 2010-史酷比4 Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster
HBO 08:00~09:50 1996-天使不設防 Michael
HBO 09:50~11:35 1999-致命追緝令 Double Jeopardy
HBO 11:35~13:45 2011-哈利波特7死神的聖物II
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
HBO 13:45~15:50 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
HBO 15:50~18:00 1994-真愛一世情 Legends Of The Fall
HBO 18:00~20:05 2005-雙面翻譯 The Interpreter
HBO 20:05~22:00 2003-古墓奇兵2風起雲湧
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
HBO 22:00~23:40 2012-致命救援 Gone
HBO 23:40~00:40 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季02 "The Newsroom"
HBO 00:40~02:30 1997-桃色追捕令 Kiss the Girls
HBO 02:30~03:30 2008-噬血真愛第六季05 "True Blood"
HBO 03:30~04:30 2008-噬血真愛第六季06 "True Blood"
HBO 04:30~06:00 1993-蜜月危險期 So I Married An Axe Murderer
HBO 06:00~08:00 1997-極速殺機 Switchback
HBO 08:00~10:00 2000-搶錢大作戰 Boiler Room
HBO 10:00~11:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季01 "The Newsroom"
HBO 11:00~12:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季02 "The Newsroom"
HBO 12:00~13:40 1999-老大靠邊閃 Analyze This
HBO 13:40~16:25 2005-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins
HBO 16:25~18:30 2003-古墓奇兵2風起雲湧
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
HBO 18:30~20:15 1996-星戰毀滅者 Mars Attacks!
HBO 20:15~22:00 2012-魔鏡,魔鏡 Mirror Mirror
HBO 22:00~00:15 2012-超級戰艦 Battleship
HBO 00:15~02:15 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
HBO 02:15~04:15 1997-極速殺機 Switchback
HBO 04:15~06:15 1997-火箭人 RocketMan
HBO 06:15~08:00 1996-星戰毀滅者 Mars Attacks!
HBO 08:00~09:10 2007-Ben10(少年駭客)超時空聖戰 Ben 10: Race Against Time (TV)
HBO 09:10~10:20 2009-Ben10(少年駭客)外星蜂爆 Ben 10: Alien Swarm (TV)
HBO 10:20~12:35 2005-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins
HBO 12:35~14:45 2012-超級戰艦 Battleship
HBO 14:45~16:30 2012-魔鏡,魔鏡 Mirror Mirror
HBO 16:30~18:10 2002-貼身情人 Two Weeks Notice
HBO 18:10~20:15 2011-雨果的冒險 Hugo
HBO 20:15~22:00 2011-在劫難逃 Abduction
HBO 22:00~23:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季07 "True Blood"
HBO 23:00~01:15 1998-全民公敵 Enemy of the State
HBO 01:15~02:50 2011-鬼入鏡3 Paranormal Activity 3
HBO 02:50~04:20 2012-致命救援 Gone
HBO 04:20~06:15 1997-老爺潛艇少爺兵 McHale's Navy
HBO 06:15~08:30 1993-帥哥嬌娃 Benny & Joon
HBO 08:30~10:05 1993-阿達一族2 Addams Family Values
HBO 10:05~12:15 1998-全民公敵 Enemy of the State
HBO 12:15~14:00 2011-在劫難逃 Abduction
HBO 14:00~15:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季07 "True Blood"
HBO 15:00~17:05 2011-雨果的冒險 Hugo
HBO 17:05~18:30 2012-羅雷司 The Lorax
HBO 18:30~20:05 2012-地心冒險2:神祕島 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
HBO 20:05~22:00 2012-狡兔計畫 Safe House
HBO 22:00~23:40 2012-幸運符 The Lucky One
HBO 23:40~01:15 2012-隨心所欲 Wanderlust
HBO 01:15~03:15 1999-危險人物 Payback
HBO 03:15~04:45 2010-最後大法師 The Last Exorcism
HBO 04:45~06:30 1998-星艦迷航記09星際叛變 Star Trek: Insurrection
HBO 06:30~08:00 2012-漢娜法則 Hannah's Law (TV)
HBO 08:00~08:50 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季03 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 08:50~09:45 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季04 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 09:45~11:20 1999-危險人物 Payback
HBO 11:20~13:20 2012-狡兔計畫 Safe House
HBO 13:20~15:00 2012-幸運符 The Lucky One
HBO 15:00~16:25 2012-羅雷司 The Lorax
HBO 16:25~17:55 2012-地心冒險2:神祕島 Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
HBO 17:55~19:15 2005-芭樂拍檔 The Man
HBO 19:15~21:00 2013-妙咖復仇記 Clear History (TV)
HBO 21:00~22:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季03 "The Newsroom"
HBO 22:00~22:45 2010-勇者逆襲第二季09 "Strike Back"
HBO 22:45~23:30 2010-勇者逆襲第二季10 "Strike Back"
HBO 23:30~00:30 2008-噬血真愛第六季07 "True Blood"
HBO 00:30~02:20 2010-新手人生 Beginners
HBO 02:20~04:15 1996-星艦迷航記08戰鬥巡航 Star Trek: First Contact
HBO 04:15~06:25 1990-獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt For Red October
HBO 06:25~08:00 1987-他們的故事 Some Kind of Wonderful
HBO 08:00~10:00 1993-印第安傳奇 Geronimo: An American Legend
HBO 10:00~12:00 2005-黑道比酷 Be Cool
HBO 12:00~13:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季07 "True Blood"
HBO 13:00~14:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季03 "The Newsroom"
HBO 14:00~15:40 2011-我們撞到外星人 Paul
HBO 15:40~17:55 1990-獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt For Red October
HBO 17:55~19:45 1997-火箭人 RocketMan
HBO 19:45~22:00 2005-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins
HBO 22:00~23:35 2011-醉後大丈夫2 The Hangover Part II
HBO 23:35~00:30 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季05 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 00:30~01:30 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季06 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 01:30~03:55 2005-黑道比酷 Be Cool
HBO 03:55~08:00 1996-肯尼斯布萊納之哈姆雷特 Hamlet
HBO 08:00~09:25 2010-史酷比4 Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster
HBO 09:25~11:00 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
HBO 11:00~13:20 2005-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins
HBO 13:20~15:20 2011-熟男型不型 Crazy, Stupid, Love.
HBO 15:20~17:30 2011-心靈鑰匙 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
HBO 17:30~18:45 2009-Ben10(少年駭客)外星蜂爆 Ben 10: Alien Swarm (TV)
HBO 18:45~20:30 1997-新娘不是我??? My Best Friend's Wedding
HBO 20:30~22:00 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
HBO 22:00~23:40 2012-幸運符 The Lucky One
HBO 23:40~01:10 2005-赤眼玄機 Red Eye
HBO 01:10~01:55 2010-勇者逆襲第二季09 "Strike Back"
HBO 01:55~02:40 2010-勇者逆襲第二季10 "Strike Back"
HBO 02:40~04:30 2010-遇見莫妮卡 Meet Monica Velour
HBO 04:30~06:00 1993-姦情一籮筐 Fatal Instinct
HBO 06:00~08:00 2002-星艦迷航記10星戰啟示錄 Star Trek: Nemesis
HBO 08:00~11:35 2003-戰役風雲 Gods and Generals
HBO 11:35~13:15 2012-幸運符 The Lucky One
HBO 13:15~14:45 2011-啟動原始碼 Source Code
HBO 14:45~16:30 1997-新娘不是我??? My Best Friend's Wedding
HBO 16:30~18:15 1997-老爺潛艇少爺兵 McHale's Navy
HBO 18:15~20:10 2003-小飛俠彼得潘 Peter Pan
HBO 20:10~22:00 2010-魔境夢遊 Alice in Wonderland
HBO 22:00~23:50 2011-綠光戰警 Green Lantern
HBO 23:50~00:50 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季03 "The Newsroom"
HBO 00:50~02:45 2011-好友萬萬睡 Friends with Benefits
HBO 02:45~03:45 2008-噬血真愛第六季06 "True Blood"
HBO 03:45~04:45 2008-噬血真愛第六季07 "True Blood"
HBO 04:45~06:10 2004-黑心之都 Capital City (TV)
HBO 06:10~08:00 1993-瘋狂盯梢令 Another Stakeout
HBO 08:00~10:00 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
HBO 10:00~11:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季02 "The Newsroom"
HBO 11:00~12:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季03 "The Newsroom"
HBO 12:00~14:00 2003-小飛俠彼得潘 Peter Pan
HBO 14:00~16:00 2011-綠光戰警 Green Lantern
HBO 16:00~18:15 2011-勇氣之名 Courageous
HBO 18:15~20:10 2010-魔境夢遊 Alice in Wonderland
HBO 20:10~22:00 2011-在劫難逃 Abduction
HBO 22:00~23:45 2012-MIB星際戰警3 Men in Black 3
HBO 23:45~01:20 2011-鬼入鏡3 Paranormal Activity 3
HBO 01:20~03:00 2011-即刻反擊 Haywire
HBO 03:00~04:40 2011-醉後大丈夫2 The Hangover Part II
HBO 04:40~06:15 2006-女排交鋒 All You've Got
HBO 06:15~08:00 1999-老大靠邊閃 Analyze This
HBO 08:00~09:25 2012-Ben10(少年駭客)殲滅外星怪 Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens (TV)
HBO 09:25~11:10 1997-新娘不是我??? My Best Friend's Wedding
HBO 11:10~12:45 2012-凱蒂佩芮:做我自己 Katy Perry: Part of Me
HBO 12:45~14:15 2011-即刻反擊 Haywire
HBO 14:15~16:00 2011-在劫難逃 Abduction
HBO 16:00~16:25 2011-HBO本月最愛
HBO 16:25~18:10 2012-MIB星際戰警3 Men in Black 3
HBO 18:10~19:55 2012-魔鏡,魔鏡 Mirror Mirror
HBO 19:55~22:00 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
HBO 22:00~23:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季08 "True Blood"
HBO 23:00~00:30 2011-獵魔教士 Priest
HBO 00:30~02:30 2011-醉後大丈夫2 The Hangover Part II
HBO 02:30~04:30 1996-星艦迷航記08戰鬥巡航 Star Trek: First Contact
HBO 04:30~06:20 1996-星戰毀滅者 Mars Attacks!
HBO 06:20~08:00 2011-快樂腳2 Happy Feet Two
HBO 08:00~10:20 2012-歡樂之聲 Joyful Noise
HBO 10:20~12:30 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
HBO 12:30~14:00 2011-獵魔教士 Priest
HBO 14:00~15:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季08 "True Blood"
HBO 15:00~16:40 2011-快樂腳2 Happy Feet Two
HBO 16:40~18:10 2012-海賊天團 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
HBO 18:10~20:20 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
HBO 20:20~22:00 2012-超世紀封神榜2怒戰天神 Wrath of the Titans
HBO 22:00~00:00 2012-婚迷指數:5 The Five-Year Engagement
HBO 00:00~01:40 2012-致命救援 Gone
HBO 01:40~04:00 2011-強‧艾德格 J. Edgar
HBO 04:00~06:00 1990-別闖陰陽界 Flatliners
HBO 06:00~08:00 2005-黑道比酷 Be Cool
HBO 08:00~08:55 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季05 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 08:55~09:50 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季06 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 09:50~11:45 2011-簡愛 Jane Eyre
HBO 11:45~13:50 2012-婚迷指數:5 The Five-Year Engagement
HBO 13:50~15:20 2012-海賊天團 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
HBO 15:20~17:45 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
HBO 17:45~19:00 2000-約瑟傳說:埃及之謎 Joseph: King of Dreams
HBO 19:00~21:00 2012-狡兔計畫 Safe House
HBO 21:00~22:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季04 "The Newsroom"
HBO 22:00~23:00 2012-復仇女神第一季01 "Nemesis"
HBO 23:00~00:00 2012-復仇女神第一季02 "Nemesis"
HBO 00:00~01:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季08 "True Blood"
HBO 01:00~02:30 2012-隨心所欲 Wanderlust
HBO 02:30~04:15 1999-致命追緝令 Double Jeopardy
HBO 04:15~06:00 2011-脫星世家 Bucky Larson Born to be A Star
HBO 06:00~08:00 1992-賢伉儷 Husbands and Wives
HBO 08:00~10:00 1997-桃色追捕令 Kiss the Girls
HBO 10:00~12:00 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
HBO 12:00~13:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季08 "True Blood"
HBO 13:00~14:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季04 "The Newsroom"
HBO 14:00~18:20 1996-肯尼斯布萊納之哈姆雷特 Hamlet
HBO 18:20~20:05 2010-魔境夢遊 Alice in Wonderland
HBO 20:05~22:00 2005-巧克力冒險工廠 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
HBO 22:00~23:30 2011-即刻反擊 Haywire
HBO 23:30~00:25 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季07 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 00:25~01:30 2011-冰與火之歌:權力遊戲第三季08 "Game of Thrones"
HBO 01:30~03:20 2011-我們撞到外星人 Paul
HBO 03:20~05:00 2011-鬼入鏡3 Paranormal Activity 3
HBO 05:00~06:20 2010-史酷比4 Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster
HBO 06:20~08:00 1994-愛得沒話說 Speechless
HBO 08:00~10:00 2000-搶錢大作戰 Boiler Room
HBO 10:00~12:00 2011-熟男型不型 Crazy, Stupid, Love.
HBO 12:00~13:00 2012-復仇女神第一季01 "Nemesis"
HBO 13:00~14:00 2012-復仇女神第一季02 "Nemesis"
HBO 14:00~15:30 2011-即刻反擊 Haywire
HBO 15:30~17:30 2005-巧克力冒險工廠 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
HBO 17:30~18:00 2011-HBO本月最愛
HBO 18:00~20:15 1990-獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt For Red October
HBO 20:15~22:00 2003-魔鬼終結者3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
HBO 22:00~00:00 2012-婚迷指數:5 The Five-Year Engagement
HBO 00:00~01:30 2010-最後大法師 The Last Exorcism
HBO 01:30~02:25 2012-復仇女神第一季01 "Nemesis"
HBO 02:25~03:30 2012-復仇女神第一季02 "Nemesis"
HBO 03:30~06:05 2011-心靈鑰匙 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
HBO 06:05~08:00 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
HBO 08:00~09:45 1999-老大靠邊閃 Analyze This
HBO 09:45~12:00 1990-獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt For Red October
HBO 12:00~14:00 2003-魔鬼終結者3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
HBO 14:00~16:00 2012-婚迷指數:5 The Five-Year Engagement
HBO 16:00~18:15 2011-心靈鑰匙 Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
HBO 18:15~20:15 2002-星艦迷航記10星戰啟示錄 Star Trek: Nemesis
HBO 20:15~22:00 2012-魔鏡,魔鏡 Mirror Mirror
HBO 22:00~23:30 2012-決戰異世界4:未來復甦 Underworld: Awakening
HBO 23:30~00:30 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季04 "The Newsroom"
HBO 00:30~02:15 2012-幸運符 The Lucky One
HBO 02:15~03:15 2008-噬血真愛第六季07 "True Blood"
HBO 03:15~04:15 2008-噬血真愛第六季08 "True Blood"
HBO 04:15~08:00 2003-戰役風雲 Gods and Generals
HBO 08:00~10:00 2002-星艦迷航記10星戰啟示錄 Star Trek: Nemesis
HBO 10:00~11:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季03 "The Newsroom"
HBO 11:00~12:00 2012-新聞急先鋒第二季04 "The Newsroom"
HBO 12:00~13:30 2011-龍鳳大雙胞 Jack and Jill
HBO 13:30~15:30 2005-黑道比酷 Be Cool
HBO 15:30~17:15 2012-魔鏡,魔鏡 Mirror Mirror
HBO 17:15~18:45 2006-留住最後一支舞2 Save the Last Dance 2
HBO 18:45~20:30 2002-貼身情人 Two Weeks Notice
HBO 20:30~22:00 2012-馬達加斯加3歐洲大圍捕 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
HBO 22:00~00:10 2011-福爾摩斯:詭影遊戲 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
HBO 00:10~02:30 2005-蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻 Batman Begins
HBO 02:30~04:10 2012-隨心所欲 Wanderlust
HBO 04:10~06:25 1994-真愛一世情 Legends Of The Fall
HBO 06:25~08:00 2011-朱迪之夏 Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
HBO 08:00~09:50 2003-小飛俠彼得潘 Peter Pan
HBO 09:50~11:30 2012-幸運符 The Lucky One
HBO 11:30~12:00 2011-HBO本月最愛
HBO 12:00~13:30 2012-馬達加斯加3歐洲大圍捕 Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
HBO 13:30~15:55 2011-福爾摩斯:詭影遊戲 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
HBO 15:55~17:50 2005-巧克力冒險工廠 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
HBO 17:50~20:00 2005-雙面翻譯 The Interpreter
HBO 20:00~22:00 2005-康斯坦汀:驅魔神探 Constantine
HBO 22:00~23:00 2008-噬血真愛第六季09 "True Blood"
HBO 23:00~00:30 2012-提款機殺人夜 ATM

Tags: HBO

All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-08-02T17:40
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2013-08-06T17:50

True Blood S6E01 最後一幕

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2013-07-10T10:46
請問眼尖的網友....關於第六季第一集的最後一幕 我連續看了兩遍重播,還是看不出來 最後面 Bill Compton 好像被 Lilith 召喚 (可是她喊的不是 Bill 的名字阿?!) Bill 進到他的書房看到 Lilith 然後突然疑似兩個影子衝向 B ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2013-06-30T12:07
幾年前在HBO晚上11點播 一集30分鐘 劇情和名字都已經不記得了...Orz 只記得主角很窮,而且來自一個小國家 主角的老闆沒朋友,有一小段的劇情是 老闆和他的一個朋友在車上,一問一答 問的題目都很不知所云... 有請神人幫忙啊! 第一個找到的願小酬1000p - ...


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-06-29T18:44
07月01日星期一 CINEMAX 01:30~03:15 2006-暗夜來電 Ring Around the Rosie CINEMAX 03:15~05:00 1990-世紀滴血 The Handmaidand#39;s Tale CINEMAX 05:00~06:00 2001-火星惡靈 Ghosts ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2013-06-29T18:37
07月01日星期一 STAR_MOVIES 01:25~03:35 2000-殺戮戰警 Shaft STAR_MOVIES 03:35~05:55 2003-我的野蠻網友 Bringing Down the House STAR_MOVIES 05:55~07:00 2009-U2屋頂演唱會 U2 STAR_ ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-06-29T18:24
07月01日星期一 好萊塢電影 01:10~03:05 1994-王牌威龍1 Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 好萊塢電影 03:05~05:00 2010-原始部落 The Lost Tribe 好萊塢電影 05:00~07:25 1988-入侵阿富汗 The Beast of War ...