2014 喬治亞影評人協會(GFCA) 得獎名單 - 電影

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2015-01-10T01:36

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2014 喬治亞影評人協會(Georgia Film Critics Association) 得獎名單

最佳電影 Best Motion Picture:
"Gone Girl"
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"
"A Most Violent Year"

最佳導演 Best Director:
"Boyhood" - Richard Linklater
"Gone Girl" - David Fincher
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" - Wes Anderson
"Selma" - Ava DuVernay
"Whiplash" - Damien Chazelle

最佳男主角 Best Actor:
Ralph Fiennes ("The Grand Budapest Hotel")
Jake Gyllenhaal ("Nightcrawler")
Michael Keaton ("Birdman")
David Oyelowo ("Selma")
Eddie Redmayne ("The Theory of Everything")

最佳女主角 Best Actress:
Marion Cotillard ("Two Days, One Night")
Scarlett Johansson ("Under the Skin")
Felicity Jones ("The Theory of Everything")
Lisa Loven Kongsli ("Force Majeure")
Julianne Moore ("Still Alice")
Rosamund Pike ("Gone Girl")

最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor:
Riz Ahmed ("Nightcrawler")
Ethan Hawke ("Boyhood")
Edward Norton ("Birdman")
Mark Ruffalo ("Foxcatcher")
J.K. Simmons ("Whiplash")

最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress:
Patricia Arquette ("Boyhood")
Jessica Chastain ("A Most Violent Year")
Rene Russo ("Nightcrawler")
Emma Stone ("Birdman")
Tilda Swinton ("Snowpiercer")

最佳原著劇本 Best Original Screenplay:
"Boyhood" - Richard Linklater
"Calvary" - John Michael McDonagh
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" - Wes Anderson, Hugo Guinness
"Nightcrawler" - Dan Gilroy
"Selma" - Paul Webb

最佳改編劇本 Best Adapted Screenplay:
"Gone Girl" - Gillian Flynn
"The Imitation Game" - Graham Moore, Andrew Hodges
"Inherent Vice" - Paul Thomas Anderson, Thomas Pynchon
"Snowpiercer" - Bong Joon-ho, Kelly Masterson, Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand,
Jean-Marc Rochette
"The Theory of Everything" - Anthony McCarten, Jane Wilde Hawking
"Wild" - Nick Hornby, Cheryl Strayed

最佳攝影 Best Cinematography:
"Birdman" - Emmanuel Lubezki
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" - Robert Yeoman
"Ida" - Lukasz Zal, Ryszard Lenczewski
"Inherent Vice" - Robert Elswit
"Interstellar" - Hoyte van Hoytema

最佳道具與佈景設計 Best Production Design:
"The Grand Budapest Hotel" - Adam Stockhausen, Anna Pinnock
"Inherent Vice" - David Crank, Amy Wells
"Interstellar" - Nathan Crowley, Gary Fettis
"Into the Woods" - Dennis Gassner, Anna Pinnock
"Snowpiercer" - Ondrej Nekvasil, Catherine George
"Under the Skin" - Chris Oddy, Emer O'Sullivan

最佳原著音樂 Best Original Score:
"Birdman" - Antonio Sánchez
"Gone Girl" - Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
"Interstellar" - Hans Zimmer
"Life Itself" - Joshua Abrams
"Under the Skin" - Mica Levi

最佳原著歌曲 Best Original Song:
"Everything is Awesome" - Shawn Patterson, Joshua Bartholomew, Lisa Harriton,
The Lonely Island ("The Lego Movie")
"Glory" - John Stephens, Lonnie Lynn, Che Smith ("Selma")
"I'm Not Gonna Miss You" - Glen Campbell, Julian Raymond ("Glen Campbell:
I'll Be Me")
"Something so Right" - Bret McKenzie ("Muppets Most Wanted")
"We Will Not Go" - J. Ralph ("Virunga")

最佳全體 Best Ensemble:
"The Grand Budapest Hotel"
"Gone Girl"

最佳外語片 Best Foreign Film:
"Force Majeure"
"Two Days, One Night"
"We Are the Best!"

突破獎 Breakthrough Award:
Ellar Coltrane ("Boyhood")
Ava DuVernay ("Selma")
Gugu Mbatha-Raw ("Belle," "Beyond the Lights")
David Oyelowo ("Default," "Interstellar," "A Most Violent Year,"
"Nightingale," "Selma")
Jenny Slate ("The Longest Week," "Obvious Child")
Tessa Thompson ("Dear White People," "Grantham & Rose," "Selma")

最佳動畫片 Best Animated Film:
"Big Hero 6"
"The Book of Life"
"The Boxtrolls"
"How to Train Your Dragon 2"
"The LEGO Movie"

最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary:
"Finding Vivian Maier"
"Keep On Keepin' On"
"Life Itself"

奧格爾索普獎(對於傑出喬治亞電影) Oglethorpe Award for Excellence in Georgia
"Selma" - Ava DuVernay, Paul Webb


Tags: 電影

All Comments

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2015-01-14T05:35
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2015-01-17T18:50
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2015-01-19T08:01
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2015-01-22T03:23
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-01-26T00:47
明年 她跟ellen page的freeheld 論題材比較有機會
William avatar
By William
at 2015-01-27T06:30
julianne moore奧斯卡應該還是穩啦!
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-01-29T13:20
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2015-01-31T12:37
David avatar
By David
at 2015-02-02T21:10
Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2015-02-03T10:16
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-02-05T16:17


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-01-10T01:17
(防雷) 因為連爺爺(還真的要當爺爺了...)的動作明快,很對我的動作片胃口, 雖然版上有些許負雷,今天還是去看了. 這兩個3部曲,都是拳拳到肉的打戲為影迷所稱道! 個人是比較喜歡神鬼認證, 1. 比較不用思考,專注在武打設計動作上 2. 我比較喜歡每部曲都有大小兩頭 ...

連恩尼遜最新犯罪電影RUN ALL NIGHT

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2015-01-10T01:16
網址:http://hypesphere.com/?p=42919 華納影業釋出連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson)最新主演動作電影《Run All Night》首支預告。 本片由《狙擊陌生人》 、《空中救援》導演豪梅寇勒特瑟拉(Jaume Collet-Serra)執導。 這一次,老爸只有一天的時間可以解決 ...

即刻救援3 另有劇情數問...

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2015-01-10T00:51
剛看完Taken3~寫得有點亂,敬請見諒~ 這集的動作感覺是有要刻意表現最強老爸身手已不如以往,但對家人的愛依舊 不變~ 看板上有人說這集打鬥爽度變差,個人是還可以接受,畢竟布萊恩也老了....身手退化也 是正常的~ 話說俄國老大的造型很潮!!!!!(根本是個大鵰俠) 打赤腳,而且地上很多玻璃 ...


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2015-01-10T00:50
。Une Nouvelle Amie 面對現實世界的殘酷,他們只能用愛來克服一切。 一部法國電影,難得一見的性別越界情慾題材,這不是單純的男同性戀、女同性戀、雙性 戀或者是跨性別者的故事,而是一般人少見,在電影中也算特別的一個元素,在所謂的“ male lesbian”的認同與情慾探索。 女主角克 ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-01-10T00:40
如標題 忘記是電影還是卡通還是什麼了 記得有一幕是有很多很多蠟燭 每個蠟燭代表一個生命 蠟燭熄了就會死掉 有人有印象嗎? -- Sent from my Android - ...