2019年09月節目表-CINEMAX - HBO

By Suhail Hany
at 2019-08-31T23:00
at 2019-08-31T23:00
Table of Contents
CINEMAX 00:20~02:15 2007-瘋狂理髮師:倫敦首席惡魔剃刀手
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
CINEMAX 02:15~03:40 2018-211緊急呼救 211
CINEMAX 03:40~04:10 2018-HBO電影介紹09 "The HBO Movie Show"
CINEMAX 04:10~06:00 2013-玩命法則 The Counselor
CINEMAX 06:00~07:35 2018-捕手間諜 The Catcher Was a Spy
CINEMAX 07:35~09:25 2017-美國刺客 American Assassin
CINEMAX 09:25~11:10 2018-背後捅一刀 Backstabbing for Beginners
CINEMAX 11:10~13:10 2013-實習大叔 The Internship
CINEMAX 13:10~15:10 1992-愛國者遊戲 Patriot Games
CINEMAX 15:10~17:05 2005-麻辣女王2:美麗的要命
Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulous
CINEMAX 17:05~19:00 2004-小姐好白 White Chicks
CINEMAX 19:00~20:30 2018-捕手間諜 The Catcher Was a Spy
CINEMAX 20:30~22:00 2013-逆轉王牌 Runner Runner
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium
CINEMAX 23:45~01:25 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 01:25~03:05 2015-拆車廠的朝陽 Chop Shop
CINEMAX 03:05~05:00 1997-桃色追捕令 Kiss the Girls
CINEMAX 05:00~06:55 1998-哈啦瑪莉 There's Something About Mary
CINEMAX 06:55~08:50 1992-愛國者遊戲 Patriot Games
CINEMAX 08:50~10:45 2005-麻辣女王2:美麗的要命 Miss Congeniality 2
CINEMAX 10:45~12:40 1997-桃色追捕令 Kiss the Girls
CINEMAX 12:40~14:25 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 2015-拆車廠的朝陽 Chop Shop
CINEMAX 16:00~17:55 1977-週末的狂熱 Saturday Night Fever
CINEMAX 17:55~19:30 1999-大製騙家 Bowfinger
CINEMAX 19:30~21:15 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium
CINEMAX 21:15~22:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季03 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 1999-斷頭谷 Sleepy Hollow
CINEMAX 23:45~01:30 2009-菜鳥新人王 Adventureland
CINEMAX 01:30~02:55 2012-官賤對決 The Campaign
CINEMAX 02:55~04:30 1981-魔幻樂園 The Funhouse
CINEMAX 04:30~06:15 1995-剛果 Congo
CINEMAX 06:15~08:50 2007-刺殺傑西 The Assassination of Jesse James
CINEMAX 08:50~10:15 1993-角頭風雲前傳 Carlito's Way
CINEMAX 10:15~12:05 1977-週末的狂熱 Saturday Night Fever
CINEMAX 12:05~12:50 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季03 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 12:50~14:25 1999-大製騙家 Bowfinger
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 2004-鐵男躲避球 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
CINEMAX 16:00~17:25 2015-飛上枝頭變烏鴉 The Leisure Class (TV)
CINEMAX 17:25~19:00 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
CINEMAX 19:00~20:30 2011-赤色戰線:起源 Red Faction Origins (TV)
CINEMAX 20:30~22:00 2018-捕手間諜 The Catcher Was a Spy
CINEMAX 22:00~23:20 2009-王牌售車員 The Goods Live Hard Sell Hard
CINEMAX 23:20~01:10 2004-奮力一擊 Against the Ropes
CINEMAX 01:10~03:00 2008-兇鏡 Mirrors
CINEMAX 03:00~04:40 1996-未來帝國 Barb Wire
CINEMAX 04:40~06:10 1997-王牌大賤諜 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
CINEMAX 06:10~08:15 1995-危機總動員 Outbreak
CINEMAX 08:15~09:50 2004-鐵男躲避球 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
CINEMAX 09:50~11:30 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
CINEMAX 11:30~13:05 2018-捕手間諜 The Catcher Was a Spy
CINEMAX 13:05~14:40 2011-赤色戰線:起源 Red Faction Origins (TV)
CINEMAX 14:40~16:00 2009-王牌售車員 The Goods Live Hard Sell Hard
CINEMAX 16:00~17:45 2017-推倒白宮的男人
Mark Felt: The Man Who Brought Down the White House
CINEMAX 17:45~19:25 2003-扭轉過去 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star
CINEMAX 19:25~21:15 2004-奮力一擊 Against the Ropes
CINEMAX 21:15~22:00 2017-英雄無畏第一季12 The Brave
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2018-光戰未來 Kin
CINEMAX 23:45~01:45 2003-記憶裂痕 Paycheck
CINEMAX 01:45~03:40 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 03:40~05:05 2018-211緊急呼救 211
CINEMAX 05:05~06:45 1999-老大靠邊閃 Analyze This
CINEMAX 06:45~09:40 1997-2013終極神差 The Postman
CINEMAX 09:40~11:20 2017-推倒白宮的男人 Mark Felt
CINEMAX 11:20~13:00 2003-扭轉過去 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star
CINEMAX 13:00~14:50 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 14:50~16:40 1996-暗夜獵殺 The Ghost And The Darkness
CINEMAX 16:40~18:15 1996-鬼頭天兵 Sgt. Bilko
CINEMAX 18:15~20:15 2003-記憶裂痕 Paycheck
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 2018-光戰未來 Kin
CINEMAX 22:00~22:45 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季03 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:45~00:20 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 00:20~02:25 2017-摯愛毒梟 Loving Pablo
CINEMAX 02:25~06:00 2003-戰役風雲 Gods and Generals
CINEMAX 06:00~08:55 1990-與狼共舞 Dances with Wolves
CINEMAX 08:55~10:45 1996-暗夜獵殺 The Ghost And The Darkness
CINEMAX 10:45~12:20 1996-鬼頭天兵 Sgt. Bilko
CINEMAX 12:20~13:00 2017-英雄無畏第一季12 The Brave
CINEMAX 13:00~14:35 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 14:35~16:25 1998-冷暖人間(叱吒街頭) Always Outnumbered
CINEMAX 16:25~20:00 2003-戰役風雲 Gods and Generals
CINEMAX 20:00~22:00 2017-摯愛毒梟 Loving Pablo
CINEMAX 22:00~00:15 1986-異形2 Aliens
CINEMAX 00:15~01:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季03 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 01:00~02:35 2006-我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend
CINEMAX 02:35~04:35 1995-兇手就在門外 Copycat
CINEMAX 04:35~06:00 2017-陰宅變 Dementia 13
CINEMAX 06:00~08:05 1999-神鬼尖兵 The Boondock Saints
CINEMAX 08:05~10:10 2001-大敵當前 Enemy at the Gates
CINEMAX 10:10~12:10 1995-兇手就在門外 Copycat
CINEMAX 12:10~13:45 2006-我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend
CINEMAX 13:45~15:25 1995-魔鬼戰將2 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
CINEMAX 15:25~16:55 1984-狠將奇兵 Streets of Fire
CINEMAX 16:55~18:25 1992-母子威龍 Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
CINEMAX 18:25~20:15 2011-阿舍正傳 Arthur
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 2018-恩德培行動 7 Days in Entebbe
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季04 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:50~01:05 2014-性本惡 Inherent Vice
CINEMAX 01:05~03:30 2016-救命解藥 A Cure for Wellness
CINEMAX 03:30~05:15 2007-恐怖社區 Disturbia
CINEMAX 05:15~06:30 2013-超時空扭轉 Rewind (TV)
CINEMAX 06:30~06:55 2018-HBO電影介紹09 "The HBO Movie Show"
CINEMAX 06:55~08:20 1992-母子威龍 Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
CINEMAX 08:20~09:50 1984-狠將奇兵 Streets of Fire
CINEMAX 09:50~11:35 2018-恩德培行動 7 Days in Entebbe
CINEMAX 11:35~13:40 2006-臥底 Inside Man
CINEMAX 13:40~15:25 2007-恐怖社區 Disturbia
CINEMAX 15:25~16:45 2013-超時空扭轉 Rewind (TV)
CINEMAX 16:45~18:15 2003-奶爸安親班 Daddy Day Care
CINEMAX 18:15~20:10 1985-回到未來1 Back to the Future
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 1986-捍衛戰士 Top Gun
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 1990-霹靂男兒 Days Of Thunder
CINEMAX 23:45~01:20 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 01:20~03:10 2002-神經殺手 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
CINEMAX 03:10~04:50 2018-詭影豪宅 Delirium
CINEMAX 04:50~06:25 2006-解剖外星人 Alien Autopsy
CINEMAX 06:25~08:30 2006-臥底 Inside Man
CINEMAX 08:30~10:20 1996-終極審判 The Chamber
CINEMAX 10:20~11:55 2003-奶爸安親班 Daddy Day Care
CINEMAX 11:55~13:50 1985-回到未來1 Back to the Future
CINEMAX 13:50~15:40 2002-神經殺手 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
CINEMAX 15:40~17:30 1986-捍衛戰士 Top Gun
CINEMAX 17:30~19:15 1990-霹靂男兒 Days Of Thunder
CINEMAX 19:15~21:10 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 21:10~22:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季04 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:00~23:40 2018-從地心竄出6 Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell
CINEMAX 23:40~01:30 2017-美國刺客 American Assassin
CINEMAX 01:30~03:00 2013-逆轉王牌 Runner Runner
CINEMAX 03:00~04:30 2005-火星驚航 Crimson Force
CINEMAX 04:30~06:30 1987-鐵面無私 The Untouchables
CINEMAX 06:30~08:15 2018-背後捅一刀 Backstabbing for Beginners
CINEMAX 08:15~09:45 1985-早餐俱樂部 The Breakfast Club
CINEMAX 09:45~11:35 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 11:35~12:25 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季04 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 12:25~14:15 2017-美國刺客 American Assassin
CINEMAX 14:15~15:45 2013-逆轉王牌 Runner Runner
CINEMAX 15:45~17:25 2002-聖堂風雲2黑金迷牆 The Skulls II
CINEMAX 17:25~19:00 2002-衝鋒九號:雙探奇謀 K-9: P.I
CINEMAX 19:00~20:25 2005-再生殺手 Painkiller Jane (TV)
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2018-從地心竄出6 Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell
CINEMAX 22:00~23:40 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 23:40~01:30 2005-恐怖蠟像館 House of Wax
CINEMAX 01:30~03:15 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium
CINEMAX 03:15~05:00 2009-菜鳥新人王 Adventureland
CINEMAX 05:00~06:25 2015-飛上枝頭變烏鴉 The Leisure Class (TV)
CINEMAX 06:25~07:50 2017-獵男有轉機 The Layover
CINEMAX 07:50~09:40 1995-剛果 Congo
CINEMAX 09:40~11:20 2002-聖堂風雲2黑金迷牆 The Skulls II
CINEMAX 11:20~12:40 2005-再生殺手 Painkiller Jane (TV)
CINEMAX 12:40~14:15 2002-衝鋒九號:雙探奇謀 K-9: P.I
CINEMAX 14:15~16:00 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium
CINEMAX 16:00~17:35 1999-大製騙家 Bowfinger
CINEMAX 17:35~19:30 1982-油脂小子 Grease 2
CINEMAX 19:30~21:15 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 21:15~22:00 2017-英雄無畏第一季13 The Brave
CINEMAX 22:00~00:10 2006-世貿中心 World Trade Center
CINEMAX 00:10~03:10 1990-與狼共舞 Dances with Wolves
CINEMAX 03:10~06:05 1997-2013終極神差 The Postman
CINEMAX 06:05~07:45 1999-大製騙家 Bowfinger
CINEMAX 07:45~09:40 1982-油脂小子 Grease 2
CINEMAX 09:40~12:20 2007-刺殺傑西 The Assassination of Jesse James
CINEMAX 12:20~15:20 1990-與狼共舞 Dances with Wolves
CINEMAX 15:20~16:55 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
CINEMAX 16:55~19:00 2006-世貿中心 World Trade Center
CINEMAX 19:00~20:30 1993-角頭風雲前傳 Carlito's Way
CINEMAX 20:30~22:00 2018-英國佬來了 The BRITs Are Coming (TV)
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季04 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:35 1999-斷頭谷 Sleepy Hollow
CINEMAX 00:35~02:05 2018-捕手間諜 The Catcher Was a Spy
CINEMAX 02:05~03:25 2012-官賤對決 The Campaign
CINEMAX 03:25~04:55 2003-奪寶生死戰 Encrypt (TV)
CINEMAX 04:55~06:10 2017-蝙蝠俠與小丑女 Batman and Harley Quinn
CINEMAX 06:10~07:45 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
CINEMAX 07:45~10:00 1994-迫切的危機 Clear and Present Danger
CINEMAX 10:00~11:30 2018-捕手間諜 The Catcher Was a Spy
CINEMAX 11:30~12:55 1993-角頭風雲前傳 Carlito's Way
CINEMAX 12:55~13:40 2017-英雄無畏第一季13 The Brave
CINEMAX 13:40~15:10 2018-英國佬來了 The BRITs Are Coming (TV)
CINEMAX 15:10~16:55 2017-推倒白宮的男人 Mark Felt
CINEMAX 16:55~18:35 2008-天方夜談 Bedtime Stories
CINEMAX 18:35~20:25 2004-小姐好白 White Chicks
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 1998-尖峰時刻1 Rush Hour
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2019-毒玫瑰 The Poison Rose
CINEMAX 23:35~00:25 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季04 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 00:25~02:10 2003-追殺比爾 Kill Bill: Vol. 1
CINEMAX 02:10~04:25 2004-追殺比爾2之愛的大逃殺 Kill Bill: Vol. 2
CINEMAX 04:25~06:00 1981-魔幻樂園 The Funhouse
CINEMAX 06:00~07:25 1994-絕命大剋星 Blind Justice (TV)
CINEMAX 07:25~08:55 2005-流言蜚語 Rumor Has It...
CINEMAX 08:55~10:35 2017-推倒白宮的男人 Mark Felt
CINEMAX 10:35~12:25 2004-小姐好白 White Chicks
CINEMAX 12:25~14:05 1998-尖峰時刻1 Rush Hour
CINEMAX 14:05~16:00 2016-魔境夢遊:時光怪客 Alice Through the Looking Glass
CINEMAX 16:00~18:15 1997-造雨人(約翰葛里遜之造雨人)
John Grisham's The Rainmaker
CINEMAX 18:15~20:25 2000-太空大哥大 Space Cowboys
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2019-毒玫瑰 The Poison Rose
CINEMAX 22:00~22:40 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季05 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:40~00:15 1982-48小時 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 00:15~01:50 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 01:50~02:15 2018-HBO電影介紹09 "The HBO Movie Show"
CINEMAX 02:15~04:15 2003-記憶裂痕 Paycheck
CINEMAX 04:15~06:05 1996-暗夜獵殺 The Ghost And The Darkness
CINEMAX 06:05~08:20 1997-造雨人(約翰葛里遜之造雨人)
John Grisham's The Rainmaker
CINEMAX 08:20~10:25 2000-太空大哥大 Space Cowboys
CINEMAX 10:25~10:50 2018-HBO電影介紹09 "The HBO Movie Show"
CINEMAX 10:50~12:40 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium
CINEMAX 12:40~14:15 1982-48小時 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 14:15~15:50 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 15:50~17:40 1996-暗夜獵殺 The Ghost And The Darkness
CINEMAX 17:40~19:40 2003-記憶裂痕 Paycheck
CINEMAX 19:40~22:00 2007-變形金剛 Transformers
CINEMAX 22:00~00:15 1986-異形2 Aliens
CINEMAX 00:15~01:40 2018-211緊急呼救 211
CINEMAX 01:40~04:30 1972-教父 The Godfather
CINEMAX 04:30~06:15 1988-龍兄鼠弟 Twins
CINEMAX 06:15~08:05 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium
CINEMAX 08:05~10:15 2015-大賣空 The Big Short
CINEMAX 10:15~12:15 2017-摯愛毒梟 Loving Pablo
CINEMAX 12:15~15:10 1972-教父 The Godfather
CINEMAX 15:10~17:00 1988-龍兄鼠弟 Twins
CINEMAX 17:00~19:25 2007-變形金剛 Transformers
CINEMAX 19:25~21:20 2000-驚天動地60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds
CINEMAX 21:20~22:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季05 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:00~23:40 1995-魔鬼戰將2 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
CINEMAX 23:40~02:05 2016-救命解藥 A Cure for Wellness
CINEMAX 02:05~03:50 2018-恩德培行動 7 Days in Entebbe
CINEMAX 03:50~05:25 2006-我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend
CINEMAX 05:25~07:20 2001-危險情人 The Mexican
CINEMAX 07:20~09:10 2002-神經殺手 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind
CINEMAX 09:10~10:45 1999-王牌大賤諜2時空賤諜007
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
CINEMAX 10:45~12:20 2006-我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend
CINEMAX 12:20~13:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季05 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 13:00~14:45 2018-恩德培行動 7 Days in Entebbe
CINEMAX 14:45~16:30 1990-霹靂男兒 Days Of Thunder
CINEMAX 16:30~18:10 2003-扭轉過去 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star
CINEMAX 18:10~20:20 2002-絕世英豪 The Count of Monte Cristo
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 1995-魔鬼戰將2 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2011-神偷軍團 Tower Heist
CINEMAX 23:45~01:45 1995-兇手就在門外 Copycat
CINEMAX 01:45~03:35 2007-反恐戰場 The Kingdom
CINEMAX 03:35~05:15 2001-致命玩笑 Joy Ride
CINEMAX 05:15~06:50 2015-拆車廠的朝陽 Chop Shop
CINEMAX 06:50~08:25 1996-未來帝國 Barb Wire
CINEMAX 08:25~10:10 1990-霹靂男兒 Days Of Thunder
CINEMAX 10:10~11:50 2003-扭轉過去 Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star
CINEMAX 11:50~13:40 2007-反恐戰場 The Kingdom
CINEMAX 13:40~15:40 1995-兇手就在門外 Copycat
CINEMAX 15:40~19:15 2003-戰役風雲 Gods and Generals
CINEMAX 19:15~21:00 2011-神偷軍團 Tower Heist
CINEMAX 21:00~22:00 2019-唐人街戰士第一季01 "Warrior"
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2019-毒玫瑰 The Poison Rose
CINEMAX 23:35~01:20 2007-恐怖社區 Disturbia
CINEMAX 01:20~03:05 2009-菜鳥新人王 Adventureland
CINEMAX 03:05~04:55 2017-美國刺客 American Assassin
CINEMAX 04:55~06:30 2009-不懼風暴 Into the Storm
CINEMAX 06:30~10:05 2003-戰役風雲 Gods and Generals
CINEMAX 10:05~12:10 1999-神鬼尖兵 The Boondock Saints
CINEMAX 12:10~13:55 2007-恐怖社區 Disturbia
CINEMAX 13:55~15:45 2017-美國刺客 American Assassin
CINEMAX 15:45~17:10 1992-母子威龍 Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
CINEMAX 17:10~18:45 1996-鬼頭天兵 Sgt. Bilko
CINEMAX 18:45~20:25 2002-聖堂風雲2黑金迷牆 The Skulls II
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2019-毒玫瑰 The Poison Rose
CINEMAX 22:00~22:40 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季05 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:40~00:10 2004-鐵男躲避球 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
CINEMAX 00:10~01:30 2009-王牌售車員 The Goods Live Hard Sell Hard
CINEMAX 01:30~03:20 2005-恐怖蠟像館 House of Wax
CINEMAX 03:20~04:45 2017-陰宅變 Dementia 13
CINEMAX 04:45~06:00 2013-超時空扭轉 Rewind (TV)
CINEMAX 06:00~07:30 2004-鐵男躲避球 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
CINEMAX 07:30~09:05 1996-鬼頭天兵 Sgt. Bilko
CINEMAX 09:05~10:25 2009-王牌售車員 The Goods Live Hard Sell Hard
CINEMAX 10:25~11:55 1992-母子威龍 Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot
CINEMAX 11:55~12:55 2019-唐人街戰士第一季01 "Warrior"
CINEMAX 12:55~14:35 2002-聖堂風雲2黑金迷牆 The Skulls II
CINEMAX 14:35~16:20 2006-所向披靡 Invincible
CINEMAX 16:20~18:00 2001-搖滾巨星 Rock Star
CINEMAX 18:00~19:50 1986-捍衛戰士 Top Gun
CINEMAX 19:50~22:00 2006-世貿中心 World Trade Center
CINEMAX 22:00~23:40 2010-狼嚎再起 The Wolfman
CINEMAX 23:40~00:20 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季05 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 00:20~01:40 2009-購物中心超級警探 Observe and Report
CINEMAX 01:40~03:15 2013-逆轉王牌 Runner Runner
CINEMAX 03:15~05:00 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 05:00~06:30 2003-奶爸安親班 Daddy Day Care
CINEMAX 06:30~08:30 2001-危險情人 The Mexican
CINEMAX 08:30~10:10 2001-搖滾巨星 Rock Star
CINEMAX 10:10~12:00 1986-捍衛戰士 Top Gun
CINEMAX 12:00~13:45 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 13:45~15:15 2013-逆轉王牌 Runner Runner
CINEMAX 15:15~17:25 2006-世貿中心 World Trade Center
CINEMAX 17:25~19:00 2003-奶爸安親班 Daddy Day Care
CINEMAX 19:00~20:20 2009-購物中心超級警探 Observe and Report
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 2010-狼嚎再起 The Wolfman
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季06 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:30 2011-我們撞到外星人 Paul
CINEMAX 00:30~02:05 2010-半夜鬼上床:夢殺 A Nightmare on Elm Street
CINEMAX 02:05~03:55 2003-追殺比爾 Kill Bill: Vol. 1
CINEMAX 03:55~05:30 1997-王牌大賤諜 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
CINEMAX 05:30~07:50 1994-迫切的危機 Clear and Present Danger
CINEMAX 07:50~09:20 2003-奪寶生死戰 Encrypt (TV)
CINEMAX 09:20~10:50 2005-流言蜚語 Rumor Has It...
CINEMAX 10:50~12:50 2012-搖滾時代 Rock of Ages
CINEMAX 12:50~14:30 2011-我們撞到外星人 Paul
CINEMAX 14:30~16:05 1997-王牌大賤諜 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
CINEMAX 16:05~18:05 2001-捍衛公理 Boycott (TV)
CINEMAX 18:05~19:50 2017-推倒白宮的男人 Mark Felt
CINEMAX 19:50~22:00 2015-大賣空 The Big Short
CINEMAX 22:00~23:40 2018-光戰未來 Kin
CINEMAX 23:40~00:40 2019-唐人街戰士第一季01 "Warrior"
CINEMAX 00:40~02:55 2014-性本惡 Inherent Vice
CINEMAX 02:55~05:10 2004-追殺比爾2之愛的大逃殺 Kill Bill: Vol. 2
CINEMAX 05:10~07:00 2011-阿舍正傳 Arthur
CINEMAX 07:00~09:00 2012-搖滾時代 Rock of Ages
CINEMAX 09:00~10:40 1999-老大靠邊閃 Analyze This
CINEMAX 10:40~12:10 2006-解剖外星人 Alien Autopsy
CINEMAX 12:10~13:50 2017-推倒白宮的男人 Mark Felt
CINEMAX 13:50~16:00 2015-大賣空 The Big Short
CINEMAX 16:00~17:35 2002-衝鋒九號:雙探奇謀 K-9: P.I
CINEMAX 17:35~19:25 2011-阿舍正傳 Arthur
CINEMAX 19:25~21:10 2018-光戰未來 Kin
CINEMAX 21:10~22:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季06 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:00~00:55 1990-與狼共舞 Dances with Wolves
CINEMAX 00:55~03:50 1997-2013終極神差 The Postman
CINEMAX 03:50~05:40 2008-兇鏡 Mirrors
CINEMAX 05:40~07:25 2004-機動殺人 Taking Lives
CINEMAX 07:25~09:00 2006-解剖外星人 Alien Autopsy
CINEMAX 09:00~10:35 2019-毒玫瑰 The Poison Rose
CINEMAX 10:35~12:10 2002-衝鋒九號:雙探奇謀 K-9: P.I
CINEMAX 12:10~13:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季06 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 13:00~15:55 1997-2013終極神差 The Postman
CINEMAX 15:55~17:45 2004-小姐好白 White Chicks
CINEMAX 17:45~19:00 2017-蝙蝠俠與小丑女 Batman and Harley Quinn
CINEMAX 19:00~22:00 1990-與狼共舞 Dances with Wolves
CINEMAX 22:00~00:00 2017-摯愛毒梟 Loving Pablo
CINEMAX 00:00~02:05 2001-大敵當前 Enemy at the Gates
CINEMAX 02:05~03:35 2018-英國佬來了 The BRITs Are Coming (TV)
CINEMAX 03:35~06:00 2016-救命解藥 A Cure for Wellness
CINEMAX 06:00~07:30 1993-病毒大作戰 Daybreak (TV)
CINEMAX 07:30~08:55 2005-赤眼玄機 Red Eye
CINEMAX 08:55~11:00 2001-大敵當前 Enemy at the Gates
CINEMAX 11:00~12:15 2017-蝙蝠俠與小丑女 Batman and Harley Quinn
CINEMAX 12:15~14:10 2004-小姐好白 White Chicks
CINEMAX 14:10~15:45 2018-英國佬來了 The BRITs Are Coming (TV)
CINEMAX 15:45~17:25 2008-廉價保鑣 Drillbit Taylor
CINEMAX 17:25~19:15 1988-龍兄鼠弟 Twins
CINEMAX 19:15~21:15 2017-摯愛毒梟 Loving Pablo
CINEMAX 21:15~22:00 2019-唐人街戰士第一季02 "Warrior"
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2006-我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend
CINEMAX 23:35~01:15 1995-魔鬼戰將2 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
CINEMAX 01:15~02:55 1998-尖峰時刻1 Rush Hour
CINEMAX 02:55~05:00 2015-大賣空 The Big Short
CINEMAX 05:00~06:25 2007-救命援手 Life Support
CINEMAX 06:25~08:30 2006-臥底 Inside Man
CINEMAX 08:30~10:10 2008-廉價保鑣 Drillbit Taylor
CINEMAX 10:10~11:55 1988-龍兄鼠弟 Twins
CINEMAX 11:55~13:35 1995-魔鬼戰將2 Under Siege 2: Dark Territory
CINEMAX 13:35~15:10 1998-尖峰時刻1 Rush Hour
CINEMAX 15:10~16:40 1994-絕命大剋星 Blind Justice (TV)
CINEMAX 16:40~18:30 1978-火爆浪子 Grease
CINEMAX 18:30~20:25 1977-週末的狂熱 Saturday Night Fever
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2006-我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend
CINEMAX 22:00~22:50 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季06 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:50~00:55 2006-臥底 Inside Man
CINEMAX 00:55~02:30 2007-冰刀雙人組 Blades of Glory
CINEMAX 02:30~04:45 1990-獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt For Red October
CINEMAX 04:45~06:25 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 06:25~08:25 2005-神鬼剋星 The Brothers Grimm
CINEMAX 08:25~10:05 2018-光戰未來 Kin
CINEMAX 10:05~11:55 1978-火爆浪子 Grease
CINEMAX 11:55~12:35 2019-唐人街戰士第一季02 "Warrior"
CINEMAX 12:35~14:25 1977-週末的狂熱 Saturday Night Fever
CINEMAX 14:25~16:40 1990-獵殺紅色十月 The Hunt For Red October
CINEMAX 16:40~18:15 2007-冰刀雙人組 Blades of Glory
CINEMAX 18:15~20:10 2005-麻辣女王2:美麗的要命 Miss Congeniality 2
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2007-反恐戰場 The Kingdom
CINEMAX 22:00~00:15 2017-惡魔島 Papillon
CINEMAX 00:15~01:05 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季06 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 01:05~02:30 2018-211緊急呼救 211
CINEMAX 02:30~04:20 2017-美國刺客 American Assassin
CINEMAX 04:20~05:55 2001-致命玩笑 Joy Ride
CINEMAX 05:55~06:30 2018-HBO電影介紹09 "The HBO Movie Show"
CINEMAX 06:30~08:25 2005-麻辣女王2:美麗的要命 Miss Congeniality 2
CINEMAX 08:25~10:10 2002-重裝任務 Equilibrium
CINEMAX 10:10~12:20 2015-大賣空 The Big Short
CINEMAX 12:20~14:10 2007-反恐戰場 The Kingdom
CINEMAX 14:10~16:00 2017-美國刺客 American Assassin
CINEMAX 16:00~18:10 2002-絕世英豪 The Count of Monte Cristo
CINEMAX 18:10~19:50 2008-天方夜談 Bedtime Stories
CINEMAX 19:50~22:00 2017-惡魔島 Papillon
CINEMAX 22:00~22:40 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季07 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:40~00:25 2002-靈異象限 Signs
CINEMAX 00:25~02:05 2002-火焰末日 Reign of Fire
CINEMAX 02:05~04:00 2017-摯愛毒梟 Loving Pablo
CINEMAX 04:00~05:30 1999-王牌大賤諜2時空賤諜007
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
CINEMAX 05:30~07:00 2018-捕手間諜 The Catcher Was a Spy
CINEMAX 07:00~08:35 2015-拆車廠的朝陽 Chop Shop
CINEMAX 08:35~10:15 2004-警網雙雄 Starsky & Hutch
CINEMAX 10:15~11:50 1999-王牌大賤諜2時空賤諜007
Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
CINEMAX 11:50~13:30 2002-火焰末日 Reign of Fire
CINEMAX 13:30~15:30 2017-摯愛毒梟 Loving Pablo
CINEMAX 15:30~16:55 2007-救命援手 Life Support
CINEMAX 16:55~18:25 1993-小鬼警察 Cop & 1/2
CINEMAX 18:25~20:05 2001-搖滾巨星 Rock Star
CINEMAX 20:05~22:00 2016-魔境夢遊:時光怪客 Alice Through the Looking Glass
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 1997-空中監獄 Con Air
CINEMAX 23:50~00:35 2019-唐人街戰士第一季02 "Warrior"
CINEMAX 00:35~02:15 2019-毒玫瑰 The Poison Rose
CINEMAX 02:15~03:45 2004-鐵男躲避球 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
CINEMAX 03:45~04:15 2018-HBO電影介紹09 "The HBO Movie Show"
CINEMAX 04:15~06:00 2018-背後捅一刀 Backstabbing for Beginners
CINEMAX 06:00~08:00 2012-搖滾時代 Rock of Ages
CINEMAX 08:00~09:30 1993-小鬼警察 Cop & 1/2
CINEMAX 09:30~11:00 1997-王牌大賤諜 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
CINEMAX 11:00~12:40 2001-搖滾巨星 Rock Star
CINEMAX 12:40~14:25 2018-背後捅一刀 Backstabbing for Beginners
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 2019-毒玫瑰 The Poison Rose
CINEMAX 16:00~17:50 2007-七日之癢 The Heartbreak Kid
CINEMAX 17:50~19:45 2001-捍衛公理 Boycott (TV)
CINEMAX 19:45~21:15 2004-鐵男躲避球 Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
CINEMAX 21:15~22:00 2019-重啟陰陽魔界第一季07 "The Twilight Zone"
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 1999-靈異第六感 The Sixth Sense
CINEMAX 23:45~01:50 2012-搖滾時代 Rock of Ages
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