2019年12月節目表-HBO - HBO

By Tom
at 2019-11-30T19:13
at 2019-11-30T19:13
Table of Contents
HBO 01:20~02:50 2018-噤界 A Quiet Place
HBO 02:50~04:35 2014-老闆不是人2 Horrible Bosses 2
HBO 04:35~06:00 2018-破門而入 Breaking In
HBO 06:00~07:35 1991-阿達一族 The Addams Family
HBO 07:35~08:05 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 08:05~09:55 2000-火星任務 Mission to Mars
HBO 09:55~11:50 2003-古墓奇兵2風起雲湧
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
HBO 11:50~13:55 2011-玩命關頭5 Fast Five
HBO 13:55~15:55 2017-正義聯盟 Justice League
HBO 15:55~17:20 2000-鬼靈精 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
HBO 17:20~19:50 2001-哈利波特:神秘的魔法石
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
HBO 19:50~22:00 2015-移動迷宮2:焦土試煉 Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-點食成金:泰國篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 23:00~00:35 2015-刺客任務:殺手47 Hitman: Agent 47
HBO 00:35~02:30 2019-女人百分百 What Men Want
HBO 02:30~04:55 1996-殺戮時刻 A Time to Kill
HBO 04:55~06:45 2000-火星任務 Mission to Mars
HBO 06:45~08:00 2018-超級英雄女孩:亞特蘭提斯傳奇
DC Super Hero Girls: Legends of Atlantis
HBO 08:00~10:00 2012-普羅米修斯 Prometheus
HBO 10:00~11:00 2019-守護者第一季07 "Watchmen"
HBO 11:00~12:55 2017-正義聯盟 Justice League
HBO 12:55~14:10 1999-G型神探 Inspector Gadget
HBO 14:10~16:15 2007-星塵傳奇 Stardust
HBO 16:15~18:00 2016-尋龍傳說 Pete's Dragon
HBO 18:00~19:45 2004-波特萊爾的冒險
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
HBO 19:45~20:10 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 20:10~22:00 2018-失蹤網紅 A Simple Favor
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-守護者第一季07 "Watchmen"
HBO 23:00~00:45 2018-月光光新慌慌 Halloween
HBO 00:45~03:50 1993-辛德勒的名單 Schindler's List
HBO 03:50~05:50 2005-神鬼剋星 The Brothers Grimm
HBO 05:50~07:20 2018-英國佬來了 The BRITs Are Coming (TV)
HBO 07:20~08:35 2018-史酷比與美食家幽靈 Scooby-Doo! and the Gourmet Ghost
HBO 08:35~10:00 2006-鼠國流浪記 Flushed Away
HBO 10:00~11:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季05 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 11:00~12:50 2018-失蹤網紅 A Simple Favor
HBO 12:50~14:30 2017-大災難家 The Disaster Artist
HBO 14:30~16:15 2007-K歌情人 Music And Lyrics
HBO 16:15~17:45 2018-真愛趁現在 Midnight Sun
HBO 17:45~20:20 2002-哈利波特:消失的密室
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
HBO 20:20~22:00 2018-鋼鐵墳墓2 Escape Plan 2: Hades
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季05 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 23:00~00:40 2018-窺鏡 Looking Glass
HBO 00:40~01:40 2019-點食成金:泰國篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 01:40~04:05 1996-殺戮時刻 A Time to Kill
HBO 04:05~05:35 2010-鬼入鏡 Paranormal Activity 2
HBO 05:35~07:10 2018-真愛趁現在 Midnight Sun
HBO 07:10~08:40 2004-超完美嬌妻 The Stepford Wives
HBO 08:40~10:20 2018-窺鏡 Looking Glass
HBO 10:20~11:50 2018-拳力逃脫 Mile 22
HBO 11:50~12:20 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 12:20~14:10 2009-型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air
HBO 14:10~15:45 2018-鋼鐵墳墓2 Escape Plan 2: Hades
HBO 15:45~17:30 2011-山寨公主 Monte Carlo
HBO 17:30~19:35 2010-情人節快樂 Valentine's Day
HBO 19:35~21:00 2000-鬼靈精 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
HBO 21:00~23:00 2010-創:光速戰記 TRON: LEGACY
HBO 23:00~00:00 2019-守護者第一季07 "Watchmen"
HBO 00:00~01:45 2010-黑天鵝 Black Swan
HBO 01:45~03:30 2008-誘惑 Doubt
HBO 03:30~05:00 1999-惡夜追殺令3:魔界妖姬
From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman's Daughter
HBO 05:00~05:25 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 05:25~07:25 2017-賽馬皮特 Lean on Pete
HBO 07:25~09:10 2009-型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air
HBO 09:10~11:10 2008-牛仔褲的夏天2 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
HBO 11:10~13:15 2010-創:光速戰記 TRON: LEGACY
HBO 13:15~14:40 2000-鬼靈精 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
HBO 14:40~16:10 2004-銀幕大角頭 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
HBO 16:10~17:35 2018-電影少年悍將GO! Teen Titans GO! To The Movies
HBO 17:35~19:50 1995-阿波羅13 Apollo 13
HBO 19:50~22:00 2018-一個巨星的誕生 A Star Is Born
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-點食成金:泰國篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 23:00~00:40 2018-人類升級 Upgrade
HBO 00:40~02:25 2003-玩命關頭2:飆風再起 2 Fast 2 Furious
HBO 02:25~04:50 2004-哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
HBO 04:50~07:00 2015-移動迷宮2:焦土試煉 Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials
HBO 07:00~08:55 2003-好萊塢重案組 Hollywood Homicide
HBO 08:55~10:50 2001-生死極速 Driven
HBO 10:50~13:00 2018-一個巨星的誕生 A Star Is Born
HBO 13:00~14:45 2003-玩命關頭2:飆風再起 2 Fast 2 Furious
HBO 14:45~16:50 2003-愛你在心眼難開 Something's Gotta Give
HBO 16:50~19:15 2004-哈利波特:阿茲卡班的逃犯
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
HBO 19:15~21:00 2004-神鬼認證2神鬼疑雲 The Bourne Supremacy
HBO 21:00~22:55 2007-神鬼認證3最後通牒 The Bourne Ultimatum
HBO 22:55~00:30 2018-殺戮元年 The First Purge
HBO 00:30~00:55 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 00:55~02:35 2018-人類升級 Upgrade
HBO 02:35~04:25 2011-狙擊陌生人 Unknown
HBO 04:25~06:05 2017-潛龍突擊隊 Renegades
HBO 06:05~07:55 1999-將計就計 Entrapment
HBO 07:55~09:30 2012-凱蒂佩芮:做我自己 Katy Perry: Part of Me
HBO 09:30~11:25 2003-絕配冤家 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
HBO 11:25~13:15 2004-神鬼認證2神鬼疑雲 The Bourne Supremacy
HBO 13:15~15:10 2007-神鬼認證3最後通牒 The Bourne Ultimatum
HBO 15:10~16:45 2004-三十姑娘一朵花 13 Going On 30
HBO 16:45~19:05 2012-復仇者聯盟 Marvel's The Avengers
HBO 19:05~21:00 2016-奇異博士 Doctor Strange
HBO 21:00~22:45 2018-她的成功日記 Second Act
HBO 22:45~23:45 2019-守護者第一季07 "Watchmen"
HBO 23:45~01:45 2018-瘋狂亞洲富豪 Crazy Rich Asians
HBO 01:45~03:35 1997-異形4浴火重生 Alien: Resurrection
HBO 03:35~06:00 2008-納尼亞傳奇:賈思潘王子
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
HBO 06:00~08:05 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park
HBO 08:05~10:15 2017-美女與野獸2017 Beauty and the Beast
HBO 10:15~12:45 2011-變形金剛3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon
HBO 12:45~14:30 2018-她的成功日記 Second Act
HBO 14:30~17:05 2005-哈利波特:火盃的考驗 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
HBO 17:05~19:05 2018-瘋狂亞洲富豪 Crazy Rich Asians
HBO 19:05~20:30 2000-鬼靈精 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
HBO 20:30~22:00 2017-歌喉讚3 Pitch Perfect 3
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-點食成金:新加坡篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 23:00~00:45 2018-毀滅大作戰 Rampage
HBO 00:45~02:45 2005-康斯坦汀:驅魔神探 Constantine
HBO 02:45~04:50 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park
HBO 04:50~06:40 2008-拒絕再戰 Stop-Loss
HBO 06:40~08:30 2013-玩命法則 The Counselor
HBO 08:30~10:00 2018-真愛趁現在 Midnight Sun
HBO 10:00~11:00 2019-守護者第一季08 "Watchmen"
HBO 11:00~12:40 2018-窺鏡 Looking Glass
HBO 12:40~14:00 2006-森林保衛戰 Over the Hedge
HBO 14:00~15:30 2018-英國佬來了 The BRITs Are Coming (TV)
HBO 15:30~17:45 2007-哈利波特:鳳凰會的密令
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
HBO 17:45~20:15 2009-哈利波特:混血王子的背叛
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
HBO 20:15~22:00 2018-毀滅大作戰 Rampage
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-守護者第一季08 "Watchmen"
HBO 23:00~01:20 2017-決勝女王 Molly's Game
HBO 01:20~03:10 2018-姐妹行不行 Nobody's Fool
HBO 03:10~04:05 2019-點食成金:新加坡篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 04:05~05:45 2018-貼背戰 Tag
HBO 05:45~07:20 2008-舞力全開 Step Up 2: The Streets
HBO 07:20~10:00 2004-特洛伊:木馬屠城 Troy
HBO 10:00~11:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季06 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 11:00~13:05 2012-普羅米修斯 Prometheus
HBO 13:05~14:40 2018-貼背戰 Tag
HBO 14:40~16:20 2016-尋龍傳說 Pete's Dragon
HBO 16:20~18:20 2017-賽馬皮特 Lean on Pete
HBO 18:20~19:55 2003-精靈總動員 Elf
HBO 19:55~22:00 2007-狙擊生死線 Shooter
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季06 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 23:00~00:45 2017-潛龍突擊隊 Renegades
HBO 00:45~01:45 2019-點食成金:新加坡篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 01:45~03:25 2013-名魔生死鬥 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
HBO 03:25~05:20 1992-異形3 Alien3
HBO 05:20~07:00 2018-蜜糖第一名4 Honey 4: Lebe Deinen Traum
HBO 07:00~08:30 2017-大腳冒險王 The Son of Bigfoot
HBO 08:30~09:50 2018-無厘取鬧:冒險樂園 Action Point
HBO 09:50~11:35 2018-倫敦戰場 London Fields
HBO 11:35~13:40 2017-最黑暗的時刻 Darkest Hour
HBO 13:40~15:45 2007-狙擊生死線 Shooter
HBO 15:45~16:10 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 16:10~17:35 2001-救世主 The One
HBO 17:35~19:00 2018-電影少年悍將GO! Teen Titans GO! To The Movies
HBO 19:00~21:00 2017-正義聯盟 Justice League
HBO 21:00~22:40 2018-她的成功日記 Second Act
HBO 22:40~23:40 2019-守護者第一季08 "Watchmen"
HBO 23:40~01:30 1992-異形3 Alien3
HBO 01:30~03:15 2017-女性的先行者 Woman Walks Ahead
HBO 03:15~04:45 2010-鬼入鏡 Paranormal Activity 2
HBO 04:45~06:10 2018-世界之間 Between Worlds
HBO 06:10~08:00 2000-火星任務 Mission to Mars
HBO 08:00~09:45 2008-誘惑 Doubt
HBO 09:45~12:00 1998-王牌對王牌 The Negotiator
HBO 12:00~14:15 2017-決勝女王 Molly's Game
HBO 14:15~16:00 2018-她的成功日記 Second Act
HBO 16:00~17:20 2003-魔法靈貓 The Cat in the Hat
HBO 17:20~19:25 2007-星塵傳奇 Stardust
HBO 19:25~22:00 2004-特洛伊:木馬屠城 Troy
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-點食成金:新加坡篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 23:00~00:50 2018-大君主行動 Overlord
HBO 00:50~02:20 2018-世界之間 Between Worlds
HBO 02:20~04:00 2017-大災難家 The Disaster Artist
HBO 04:00~06:15 2014-大法官 The Judge
HBO 06:15~06:40 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 06:40~08:25 2006-幸運之吻 Just My Luck
HBO 08:25~10:50 1996-殺戮時刻 A Time to Kill
HBO 10:50~13:30 2004-特洛伊:木馬屠城 Troy
HBO 13:30~15:10 1990-小鬼當家 Home Alone
HBO 15:10~17:10 1997-小鬼當家2紐約迷途記 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
HBO 17:10~19:05 2014-當我們混在一起 Blended
HBO 19:05~21:00 2011-雷神索爾 Thor
HBO 21:00~22:35 2018-拳力逃脫 Mile 22
HBO 22:35~00:35 2008-地獄怪客2金甲軍團 Hellboy II: The Golden Army
HBO 00:35~02:20 2018-月光光新慌慌 Halloween
HBO 02:20~04:00 2011-凸搥特派員:二度出包 Johnny English Reborn
HBO 04:00~06:05 2003-駭客任務完結篇:最後戰役 Matrix Revolutions
HBO 06:05~07:35 2004-銀幕大角頭 Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
HBO 07:35~09:00 2006-森林保衛戰 Over the Hedge
HBO 09:00~10:35 2018-鋼鐵墳墓2 Escape Plan 2: Hades
HBO 10:35~12:25 2011-雷神索爾 Thor
HBO 12:25~14:00 2015-刺客任務:殺手47 Hitman: Agent 47
HBO 14:00~15:35 2018-拳力逃脫 Mile 22
HBO 15:35~17:25 2006-博物館驚魂夜 Night at the Museum
HBO 17:25~19:05 2001-古墓奇兵1 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
HBO 19:05~21:00 2003-古墓奇兵2風起雲湧 Lara Croft Tomb Raider 2
HBO 21:00~22:25 2019-奇幻遊樂園 Wonder Park
HBO 22:25~23:25 2019-守護者第一季08 "Watchmen"
HBO 23:25~01:50 2010-哈利波特7死神的聖物1
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
HBO 01:50~03:45 2001-生死極速 Driven
HBO 03:45~06:00 1998-王牌對王牌 The Negotiator
HBO 06:00~08:00 2017-賽馬皮特 Lean on Pete
HBO 08:00~09:30 1997-王牌大賤諜 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
HBO 09:30~11:15 2003-玩命關頭2:飆風再起 2 Fast 2 Furious
HBO 11:15~13:35 2010-哈利波特7死神的聖物1
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1
HBO 13:35~15:45 2011-哈利波特7死神的聖物II
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
HBO 15:45~17:10 2019-奇幻遊樂園 Wonder Park
HBO 17:10~18:50 2011-凸搥特派員:二度出包 Johnny English Reborn
HBO 18:50~20:15 2012-冰原歷險記4板塊漂移 Ice Age: Continental Drift
HBO 20:15~22:00 2011-猩球崛起 Rise of the Planet of the Apes
HBO 22:00~22:55 2019-點食成金:日本篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 22:55~00:35 2018-她的成功日記 Second Act
HBO 00:35~02:15 2008-殺手沒有假期 In Bruges
HBO 02:15~04:10 2003-絕配冤家 How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
HBO 04:10~06:00 1999-將計就計 Entrapment
HBO 06:00~08:05 2007-星塵傳奇 Stardust
HBO 08:05~10:00 2005-神鬼剋星 The Brothers Grimm
HBO 10:00~11:00 2019-守護者第一季09 "Watchmen"
HBO 11:00~12:45 2011-猩球崛起 Rise of the Planet of the Apes
HBO 12:45~14:30 2018-派對人生 Life of the Party
HBO 14:30~16:00 2012-冰原歷險記4板塊漂移 Ice Age: Continental Drift
HBO 16:00~17:30 2018-我家就是鬼家 Trico Tri Happy Halloween
HBO 17:30~19:50 2014-大法官 The Judge
HBO 19:50~22:00 2017-加勒比海盜神鬼奇航:死無對證
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-守護者第一季09 "Watchmen"
HBO 23:00~00:35 2017-歌喉讚3 Pitch Perfect 3
HBO 00:35~02:20 2010-黑天鵝 Black Swan
HBO 02:20~04:15 1999-將計就計 Entrapment
HBO 04:15~06:00 1997-異形4浴火重生 Alien: Resurrection
HBO 06:00~07:40 2011-先生你哪位? What's Your Number?
HBO 07:40~10:00 2017-決勝女王 Molly's Game
HBO 10:00~11:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季07 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 11:00~13:15 1999-駭客任務 The Matrix
HBO 13:15~14:55 2018-遊戲夜殺必死 Game Night
HBO 14:55~16:45 2004-波特萊爾的冒險
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
HBO 16:45~18:05 2006-森林保衛戰 Over the Hedge
HBO 18:05~19:50 2006-博物館驚魂夜 Night at the Museum
HBO 19:50~22:00 2011-X戰警:第一戰 X-Men: First Class
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季07 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 23:00~00:45 2019-驚濤佈局 Serenity
HBO 00:45~01:40 2019-點食成金:日本篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 01:40~03:35 2003-好萊塢重案組 Hollywood Homicide
HBO 03:35~05:20 2007-K歌情人 Music And Lyrics
HBO 05:20~06:45 2018-無厘取鬧:冒險樂園 Action Point
HBO 06:45~08:20 2012-凱蒂佩芮:做我自己 Katy Perry: Part of Me
HBO 08:20~10:00 2004-三十姑娘一朵花 13 Going On 30
HBO 10:00~11:50 2008-拒絕再戰 Stop-Loss
HBO 11:50~13:45 1989-速成家庭 Immediate Family
HBO 13:45~15:55 2011-X戰警:第一戰 X-Men: First Class
HBO 15:55~17:55 2008-牛仔褲的夏天2 The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
HBO 17:55~19:35 2007-K歌情人 Music And Lyrics
HBO 19:35~21:00 2019-奇幻遊樂園 Wonder Park
HBO 21:00~22:45 2018-疾速救援 The Commuter
HBO 22:45~23:45 2019-守護者第一季09 "Watchmen"
HBO 23:45~01:40 2007-神鬼認證3最後通牒 The Bourne Ultimatum
HBO 01:40~03:55 1995-阿波羅13 Apollo 13
HBO 03:55~05:30 2002-好戲上場 Showtime
HBO 05:30~07:15 2000-麻辣女王1 Miss Congeniality
HBO 07:15~08:45 2018-我家就是鬼家 Trico Tri Happy Halloween
HBO 08:45~10:40 2007-神鬼認證3最後通牒 The Bourne Ultimatum
HBO 10:40~12:30 2018-夜間學校 Night School
HBO 12:30~14:15 2018-疾速救援 The Commuter
HBO 14:15~15:40 2019-奇幻遊樂園 Wonder Park
HBO 15:40~18:05 2008-納尼亞傳奇:賈思潘王子
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
HBO 18:05~19:55 2000-麻辣女王1 Miss Congeniality
HBO 19:55~22:00 2018-移動城市:致命引擎 Mortal Engines
HBO 22:00~22:55 2019-點食成金:日本篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 22:55~00:50 2005-康斯坦汀:驅魔神探 Constantine
HBO 00:50~02:55 2003-駭客任務完結篇:最後戰役 Matrix Revolutions
HBO 02:55~06:00 1993-辛德勒的名單 Schindler's List
HBO 06:00~07:50 2011-超級8 Super 8
HBO 07:50~09:15 2006-森林保衛戰 Over the Hedge
HBO 09:15~09:40 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 09:40~11:20 2017-大災難家 The Disaster Artist
HBO 11:20~13:20 2010-波西傑克森:神火之賊
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
HBO 13:20~15:25 2018-移動城市:致命引擎 Mortal Engines
HBO 15:25~17:25 2010-情人節快樂 Valentine's Day
HBO 17:25~18:55 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2
HBO 18:55~21:00 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park
HBO 21:00~23:15 2018-怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
HBO 23:15~00:50 2018-鋼鐵墳墓2 Escape Plan 2: Hades
HBO 00:50~02:25 2015-刺客任務:殺手47 Hitman: Agent 47
HBO 02:25~04:25 2017-正義聯盟 Justice League
HBO 04:25~06:00 2012-凱蒂佩芮:做我自己 Katy Perry: Part of Me
HBO 06:00~07:20 2003-魔法靈貓 The Cat in the Hat
HBO 07:20~08:55 2010-馴龍高手 How to Train Your Dragon
HBO 08:55~11:00 1993-侏儸紀公園1 Jurassic Park
HBO 11:00~13:05 2010-創:光速戰記 TRON: LEGACY
HBO 13:05~15:20 2018-怪獸與葛林戴華德的罪行
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
HBO 15:20~17:00 1990-小鬼當家 Home Alone
HBO 17:00~19:00 1997-小鬼當家2紐約迷途記 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
HBO 19:00~21:00 2017-正義聯盟 Justice League
HBO 21:00~23:20 2018-水行俠 Aquaman
HBO 23:20~00:20 2019-守護者第一季09 "Watchmen"
HBO 00:20~02:45 2008-黑暗騎士 The Dark Knight
HBO 02:45~04:15 2001-救世主 The One
HBO 04:15~05:35 2018-無厘取鬧:冒險樂園 Action Point
HBO 05:35~06:50 2018-樂高超級英雄女孩:超級惡棍
Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Super-Villain High
HBO 06:50~08:25 2003-精靈總動員 Elf
HBO 08:25~10:15 2003-天降奇兵 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
HBO 10:15~12:35 2018-水行俠 Aquaman
HBO 12:35~15:00 2008-黑暗騎士 The Dark Knight
HBO 15:00~16:40 2003-海底總動員 Finding Nemo
HBO 16:40~18:05 2019-奇幻遊樂園 Wonder Park
HBO 18:05~19:55 2018-巨齒鯊 The Meg
HBO 19:55~22:00 2018-侏羅紀世界:殞落國度 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
HBO 22:00~22:55 2019-點食成金:馬來西亞篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 22:55~01:15 2018-一級玩家 Ready Player One
HBO 01:15~02:45 2018-拳力逃脫 Mile 22
HBO 02:45~04:35 2018-夜間學校 Night School
HBO 04:35~06:30 2001-生死極速 Driven
HBO 06:30~08:00 1993-阿達一族2 Addams Family Values
HBO 08:00~09:50 2017-追爸大行動 Father Figures
HBO 09:50~11:40 2011-超級8 Super 8
HBO 11:40~13:35 2018-巨齒鯊 The Meg
HBO 13:35~15:40 2018-侏羅紀世界:殞落國度 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
HBO 15:40~17:35 2014-當我們混在一起 Blended
HBO 17:35~19:10 2004-三十姑娘一朵花 13 Going On 30
HBO 19:10~21:00 2018-瞞天過海:八面玲瓏 Ocean's Eight
HBO 21:00~23:00 2018-瘋狂亞洲富豪 Crazy Rich Asians
HBO 23:00~01:15 2018-一個巨星的誕生 A Star Is Born
HBO 01:15~03:05 2018-環太平洋2起義時刻 Pacific Rim: Uprising
HBO 03:05~05:00 2013-玩命法則 The Counselor
HBO 05:00~06:35 2004-三十姑娘一朵花 13 Going On 30
HBO 06:35~08:15 2013-名魔生死鬥 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone
HBO 08:15~10:00 2011-猩球崛起 Rise of the Planet of the Apes
HBO 10:00~11:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季08 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 11:00~12:45 2018-瞞天過海:八面玲瓏 Ocean's Eight
HBO 12:45~14:10 2000-鬼靈精 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
HBO 14:10~15:40 2017-歌喉讚3 Pitch Perfect 3
HBO 15:40~17:40 2018-瘋狂亞洲富豪 Crazy Rich Asians
HBO 17:40~19:50 2017-美女與野獸2017 Beauty and the Beast
HBO 19:50~22:00 2017-加勒比海盜神鬼奇航:死無對證
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-黑暗元素第一季08 "His Dark Materials"
HBO 23:00~01:20 2018-水行俠 Aquaman
HBO 01:20~02:15 2019-點食成金:馬來西亞篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 02:15~04:25 2011-玩命關頭5 Fast Five
HBO 04:25~06:00 1997-王牌大賤諜 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
HBO 06:00~08:05 2003-駭客任務完結篇:最後戰役 Matrix Revolutions
HBO 08:05~10:20 2002-神鬼交鋒 Catch Me If You Can
HBO 10:20~12:30 2017-加勒比海盜神鬼奇航:死無對證
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
HBO 12:30~14:50 2018-水行俠 Aquaman
HBO 14:50~16:30 2011-凸搥特派員:二度出包 Johnny English Reborn
HBO 16:30~18:05 2003-精靈總動員 Elf
HBO 18:05~21:00 2001-魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
HBO 21:00~23:55 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
HBO 23:55~03:15 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
HBO 03:15~05:15 1989-速成家庭 Immediate Family
HBO 05:15~07:05 2003-天降奇兵 The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
HBO 07:05~09:45 2004-特洛伊:木馬屠城 Troy
HBO 09:45~11:45 2015-翻轉幸福 Joy
HBO 11:45~14:40 2002-魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
HBO 14:40~16:50 2017-美女與野獸2017 Beauty and the Beast
HBO 16:50~18:20 2011-功夫熊貓2 Kung Fu Panda 2
HBO 18:20~20:10 2018-環太平洋2起義時刻 Pacific Rim: Uprising
HBO 20:10~22:00 2018-大黃蜂 Bumblebee
HBO 22:00~23:00 2019-點食成金:馬來西亞篇 "Food Lore"
HBO 23:00~01:30 2011-變形金剛3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon
HBO 01:30~03:15 2003-玩命關頭2:飆風再起 2 Fast 2 Furious
HBO 03:15~04:50 2018-拳力逃脫 Mile 22
HBO 04:50~06:40 2018-失蹤網紅 A Simple Favor
HBO 06:40~08:20 2016-尋龍傳說 Pete's Dragon
HBO 08:20~10:10 1999-將計就計 Entrapment
HBO 10:10~12:15 2017-最黑暗的時刻 Darkest Hour
HBO 12:15~14:05 2018-大黃蜂 Bumblebee
HBO 14:05~15:55 2018-環太平洋2起義時刻 Pacific Rim: Uprising
HBO 15:55~17:20 2006-鼠國流浪記 Flushed Away
HBO 17:20~18:50 2012-冰原歷險記4板塊漂移 Ice Age: Continental Drift
HBO 18:50~21:00 2011-玩命關頭5 Fast Five
HBO 21:00~22:40 2018 摩天大樓 Skyscraper
HBO 22:40~00:25 2018-毀滅大作戰 Rampage
HBO 00:25~02:05 2018-遊戲夜殺必死 Game Night
HBO 02:05~03:45 2001-古墓奇兵1 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
HBO 03:45~05:10 2018-世界之間 Between Worlds
HBO 05:10~06:35 2018-電影少年悍將GO! Teen Titans GO! To The Movies
HBO 06:35~08:35 2017-最黑暗的時刻 Darkest Hour
HBO 08:35~10:25 2004-神鬼認證2神鬼疑雲 The Bourne Supremacy
HBO 10:25~12:10 2017-潛龍突擊隊 Renegades
HBO 12:10~13:50 2018 摩天大樓 Skyscraper
HBO 13:50~15:55 2011-玩命關頭5 Fast Five
HBO 15:55~17:45 2000-麻辣女王1 Miss Congeniality
HBO 17:45~19:20 2010-馴龍高手 How to Train Your Dragon
HBO 19:20~21:00 2017-Cars3:閃電再起 Cars 3
HBO 21:00~22:45 2019-樂高玩電影2 The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part
HBO 22:45~00:30 2011-猩球崛起 Rise of the Planet of the Apes
HBO 00:30~02:35 2018-侏羅紀世界:殞落國度 Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
HBO 02:35~04:05 2005-陰宅 The Amityville Horror
HBO 04:05~06:00 2005-神鬼剋星 The Brothers Grimm
HBO 06:00~07:20 1999-G型神探 Inspector Gadget
HBO 07:20~09:15 2014-當我們混在一起 Blended
HBO 09:15~11:10 2010-波西傑克森:神火之賊
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
HBO 11:10~13:00 2019-樂高玩電影2 The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part
HBO 13:00~14:50 1996-不可能的任務 Mission: Impossible
HBO 14:50~16:50 2000-不可能的任務2 Mission: Impossible II
HBO 16:50~18:50 2006-不可能的任務3 Mission: Impossible III
HBO 18:50~21:00 2011-不可能的任務:鬼影行動
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
HBO 21:00~23:25 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout
HBO 23:25~01:00 2018-殺戮元年 The First Purge
HBO 01:00~03:15 2017-決勝女王 Molly's Game
HBO 03:15~05:05 2009-型男飛行日誌 Up in the Air
HBO 05:05~06:40 2006-長毛狗 The Shaggy Dog
HBO 06:40~08:25 2008-拒絕再戰 Stop-Loss
HBO 08:25~10:20 2018-失蹤網紅 A Simple Favor
HBO 10:20~13:35 2003-魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
HBO 13:35~16:05 2018-不可能的任務:全面瓦解 Mission: Impossible - Fallout
HBO 16:05~16:30 2018-HBO電影介紹11 "The HBO Movie Show"
HBO 16:30~18:50 1995-阿波羅13 Apollo 13
HBO 18:50~21:00 2016-星際大戰外傳:俠盜一號 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
HBO 21:00~23:10 2011-X戰警:第一戰 X-Men: First Class
HBO 23:10~01:05 2017-正義聯盟 Justice League
HBO 01:05~02:35 1997-王牌大賤諜 Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
HBO 02:35~04:05 2018-義務警員 A Vigilante
HBO 04:05~05:45 2011-先生你哪位? What's Your Number?
HBO 05:45~07:25 2018-窺鏡 Looking Glass
HBO 07:25~09:40 1995-阿波羅13 Apollo 13
HBO 09:40~11:25 2018-派對人生 Life of the Party
HBO 11:25~13:35 2011-X戰警:第一戰 X-Men: First Class
HBO 13:35~15:10 2018-鋼鐵墳墓2 Escape Plan 2: Hades
HBO 15:10~17:00 2018-媽媽咪呀!回來了 Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
HBO 17:00~18:40 2017-Cars3:閃電再起 Cars 3
HBO 18:40~21:00 2012-復仇者聯盟 Marvel's The Avengers
HBO 21:00~23:15 2017-星際異攻隊2 Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
HBO 23:15~01:05 2016-奇異博士 Doctor Strange
All Comments

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