2023年05月節目表-CINEMAX - HBO

By Isabella
at 2023-04-28T09:26
at 2023-04-28T09:26
Table of Contents
CINEMAX 00:25~01:55 2011-絕命終結站5 Final Destination 5
CINEMAX 01:55~03:45 2008-正義悍將 Street Kings
CINEMAX 03:45~04:35 2008-噬血真愛第六季10 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 04:35~06:00 2006-快克殺手 Crank
CINEMAX 06:00~07:45 2007-1408 1408
CINEMAX 07:45~09:20 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 09:20~10:45 2001-救世主 The One
CINEMAX 10:45~12:15 2007-生死格鬥 DOA: Dead or Alive
CINEMAX 12:15~14:00 2002-街頭痞子 8 Mile
CINEMAX 14:00~15:25 2003-辣姐出招 Marci X
CINEMAX 15:25~17:00 2008-愛因斯坦與愛丁頓 Einstein and Eddington (TV)
CINEMAX 17:00~18:55 2005-全民情聖 Hitch
CINEMAX 18:55~20:15 2009-護送錢斯 Taking Chance (TV)
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 1990-霹靂男兒 Days Of Thunder
CINEMAX 22:00~01:05 2005-金剛 King Kong
CINEMAX 01:05~02:40 2013-降魔戰警 R.I.P.D.
CINEMAX 02:40~04:20 2008-絕命尬車 Death Race
CINEMAX 04:20~06:00 2021-無限殺戮日 The Forever Purge
CINEMAX 06:00~07:25 2003-辣姐出招 Marci X
CINEMAX 07:25~08:50 2001-救世主 The One
CINEMAX 08:50~10:30 2007-1408 1408
CINEMAX 10:30~13:35 2005-金剛 King Kong
CINEMAX 13:35~15:10 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 15:10~17:10 2005-全民情聖 Hitch
CINEMAX 17:10~19:00 1990-霹靂男兒 Days Of Thunder
CINEMAX 19:00~20:25 2010-非凡舞團 The LXD: The Uprising Begins
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2013-降魔戰警 R.I.P.D.
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 1987-致命武器1 Lethal Weapon
CINEMAX 23:50~01:40 1989-致命武器2 Lethal Weapon 2
CINEMAX 01:40~03:25 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 03:25~05:00 1982-48小時 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 05:00~06:50 2014-百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
CINEMAX 06:50~08:20 2021-至死不渝 Till Death
CINEMAX 08:20~08:45 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1012 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 08:45~10:20 2016-天性使然 Brother Nature
CINEMAX 10:20~11:55 1982-48小時 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 11:55~13:45 2004-奮力一擊 Against the Ropes
CINEMAX 13:45~15:50 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
CINEMAX 15:50~17:20 2004-市井小民 Everyday People
CINEMAX 17:20~18:45 2010-非凡舞團 The LXD: The Uprising Begins
CINEMAX 18:45~20:25 2010-非凡舞團2(街舞軍團2) "The LXD: The Legion of
Extraordinary Dancers"
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 1986-橫掃千軍 The Golden Child
CINEMAX 22:00~23:55 1989-致命武器2 Lethal Weapon 2
CINEMAX 23:55~01:50 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
CINEMAX 01:50~03:50 2016-分裂 Split
CINEMAX 03:50~06:00 2013-白宮末日 White House Down
CINEMAX 06:00~08:05 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
CINEMAX 08:05~09:55 2004-奮力一擊 Against the Ropes
CINEMAX 09:55~12:05 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 12:05~13:35 2021-至死不渝 Till Death
CINEMAX 13:35~15:00 2022-綠光戰警:懼吾神光 Green Lantern: Beware My Power
CINEMAX 15:00~16:50 2008-棒球男孩 Sugar
CINEMAX 16:50~18:30 2010-非凡舞團2(街舞軍團2) "The LXD: The Legion of
Extraordinary Dancers"
CINEMAX 18:30~20:05 1986-橫掃千軍 The Golden Child
CINEMAX 20:05~22:00 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 22:00~23:55 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
CINEMAX 23:55~02:00 1998-致命武器4 Lethal Weapon 4
CINEMAX 02:00~03:30 2021-尬電殺手 Jolt
CINEMAX 03:30~05:05 2018-鬼修女 The Nun
CINEMAX 05:05~06:40 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 06:40~08:50 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 08:50~10:15 2022-綠光戰警:懼吾神光 Green Lantern: Beware My Power
CINEMAX 10:15~12:30 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
CINEMAX 12:30~14:25 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 14:25~16:00 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 16:00~17:50 1990-霹靂教頭 El Diablo (TV)
CINEMAX 17:50~18:20 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1013 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 18:20~19:55 2011-真實電影 Cinema Verite (TV)
CINEMAX 19:55~22:00 1998-致命武器4 Lethal Weapon 4
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 2021-刺客密令 The Protégé
CINEMAX 23:50~01:40 2021-殺手保鑣2 The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard
CINEMAX 01:40~03:20 2004-非常命案 Twisted
CINEMAX 03:20~04:50 2008-玩命獵殺 Pig Hunt
CINEMAX 04:50~06:05 2021-活屍之夜 Night of the Animated Dead
CINEMAX 06:05~08:00 2010-騎士出任務 Knight and Day
CINEMAX 08:00~10:50 2012-哈比人:意外旅程 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
CINEMAX 10:50~13:30 2013-哈比人:荒谷惡龍 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
CINEMAX 13:30~15:55 2014-哈比人:五軍之戰 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
CINEMAX 15:55~16:25 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1013 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 16:25~18:00 2011-真實電影 Cinema Verite (TV)
CINEMAX 18:00~20:10 2007-魂歸傷膝谷 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (TV)
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2021-刺客密令 The Protégé
CINEMAX 22:00~23:55 2021-殺手保鑣2 The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard
CINEMAX 23:55~01:55 2022-暖心小象第一季53險路勿近 "Mumfie"
CINEMAX 01:55~03:45 2021-詭老 Old
CINEMAX 03:45~04:35 2008-噬血真愛第七季01 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 04:35~05:30 2008-噬血真愛第七季02 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 05:30~07:00 2016-疾速天使 Maximum Ride
CINEMAX 07:00~09:25 2014-哈比人:五軍之戰 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
CINEMAX 09:25~11:20 2012-浩劫奇蹟 The Impossible
CINEMAX 11:20~13:15 1997-極速殺機 Switchback
CINEMAX 13:15~14:45 2016-疾速天使 Maximum Ride
CINEMAX 14:45~16:55 2007-魂歸傷膝谷 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (TV)
CINEMAX 16:55~18:35 2007-一飛沖天 Rocket Science
CINEMAX 18:35~20:05 1997-豆豆秀 Bean
CINEMAX 20:05~22:00 2014-百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
CINEMAX 22:00~00:00 2022-暖心小象第一季53險路勿近 "Mumfie"
CINEMAX 00:00~02:05 2001-大敵當前 Enemy at the Gates
CINEMAX 02:05~03:45 2005-幻影殺手 Elektra
CINEMAX 03:45~04:40 2008-噬血真愛第七季03 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 04:40~05:35 2008-噬血真愛第七季04 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 05:35~06:05 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1013 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 06:05~08:00 2014-百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
CINEMAX 08:00~09:55 1997-極速殺機 Switchback
CINEMAX 09:55~11:40 1987-致命武器1 Lethal Weapon
CINEMAX 11:40~13:20 1996-逍遙法外 Eye for an Eye
CINEMAX 13:20~15:05 2002-街頭痞子 8 Mile
CINEMAX 15:05~16:45 2007-一飛沖天 Rocket Science
CINEMAX 16:45~18:15 1997-豆豆秀 Bean
CINEMAX 18:15~19:50 2011-大到不能倒:金融海嘯真相 Too Big to Fail (TV)
CINEMAX 19:50~22:00 2001-大敵當前 Enemy at the Gates
CINEMAX 22:00~00:20 2006-火線交錯 Babel
CINEMAX 00:20~02:20 2005-全民情聖 Hitch
CINEMAX 02:20~04:05 1995-時空悍將 Virtuosity
CINEMAX 04:05~06:00 2005-街頭嘻哈客 Hustle & Flow
CINEMAX 06:00~07:50 1987-致命武器1 Lethal Weapon
CINEMAX 07:50~09:30 1996-逍遙法外 Eye for an Eye
CINEMAX 09:30~11:05 2008-玩命獵殺 Pig Hunt
CINEMAX 11:05~13:05 2018-古墓奇兵(2018) Tomb Raider
CINEMAX 13:05~15:00 2005-街頭嘻哈客 Hustle & Flow
CINEMAX 15:00~16:40 2008-廉價保鑣 Drillbit Taylor
CINEMAX 16:40~18:25 2018-自由在門外 O.G.
CINEMAX 18:25~20:00 2008-愛因斯坦與愛丁頓 Einstein and Eddington (TV)
CINEMAX 20:00~22:00 2005-全民情聖 Hitch
CINEMAX 22:00~00:25 2000-浩劫重生 Cast Away
CINEMAX 00:25~02:10 2002-鬼潛艇 Below
CINEMAX 02:10~04:35 2014-蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰 The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Rise of Electro
CINEMAX 04:35~06:05 2008-科洛弗檔案 Cloverfield - Monstruo
CINEMAX 06:05~07:40 2008-玩命獵殺 Pig Hunt
CINEMAX 07:40~09:25 2002-鬼潛艇 Below
CINEMAX 09:25~11:25 2018-古墓奇兵(2018) Tomb Raider
CINEMAX 11:25~13:35 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
CINEMAX 13:35~16:00 2014-蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰 The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Rise of Electro
CINEMAX 16:00~17:35 2008-愛因斯坦與愛丁頓 Einstein and Eddington (TV)
CINEMAX 17:35~18:05 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1013 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 18:05~19:35 2015-飛上枝頭變烏鴉 The Leisure Class (TV)
CINEMAX 19:35~22:00 2000-浩劫重生 Cast Away
CINEMAX 22:00~23:55 2012-浩劫奇蹟 The Impossible
CINEMAX 23:55~01:20 2014-直闖暴風圈 Into the Storm
CINEMAX 01:20~02:55 2020-魔咒 Spell
CINEMAX 02:55~05:15 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood
CINEMAX 05:15~06:40 2007-生死格鬥 DOA: Dead or Alive
CINEMAX 06:40~08:30 2012-浩劫奇蹟 The Impossible
CINEMAX 08:30~10:10 2001-以毒攻毒 Exit Wounds
CINEMAX 10:10~12:25 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood
CINEMAX 12:25~15:25 2005-金剛 King Kong
CINEMAX 15:25~16:50 2008-納粹求生錄 Primo
CINEMAX 16:50~18:15 2015-飛上枝頭變烏鴉 The Leisure Class (TV)
CINEMAX 18:15~20:30 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
CINEMAX 20:30~22:00 2014-直闖暴風圈 Into the Storm
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2021-無限殺戮日 The Forever Purge
CINEMAX 23:45~01:15 2007-瘋狂飛車手 Hot Rod
CINEMAX 01:15~02:55 2008-絕命尬車 Death Race
CINEMAX 02:55~04:30 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 04:30~06:05 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 06:05~07:45 2001-以毒攻毒 Exit Wounds
CINEMAX 07:45~10:50 2005-金剛 King Kong
CINEMAX 10:50~12:25 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 12:25~14:15 2004-奮力一擊 Against the Ropes
CINEMAX 14:15~16:05 2002-街頭痞子 8 Mile
CINEMAX 16:05~18:20 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
CINEMAX 18:20~20:15 2008-棒球男孩 Sugar
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 2018-遊戲夜殺必死 Game Night
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 2021-瓦爾多 Last Looks
CINEMAX 23:50~02:35 2012-哈比人:意外旅程 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
CINEMAX 02:35~04:15 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 04:15~06:00 2007-1408 1408
CINEMAX 06:00~07:55 2004-奮力一擊 Against the Ropes
CINEMAX 07:55~09:35 2018-遊戲夜殺必死 Game Night
CINEMAX 09:35~10:05 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1014 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 10:05~11:35 2001-救世主 The One
CINEMAX 11:35~13:20 2002-街頭痞子 8 Mile
CINEMAX 13:20~14:55 1982-48小時 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 14:55~16:35 2006-戀愛學分 Starter for 10
CINEMAX 16:35~18:30 2008-棒球男孩 Sugar
CINEMAX 18:30~20:10 2008-廉價保鑣 Drillbit Taylor
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2021-瓦爾多 Last Looks
CINEMAX 22:00~00:50 2012-哈比人:意外旅程 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
CINEMAX 00:50~03:30 2013-哈比人:荒谷惡龍 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
CINEMAX 03:30~05:05 2008-豬頭漢堡飽2 Harold & Kumar 2
CINEMAX 05:05~06:05 2008-噬血真愛第七季05 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 06:05~07:35 2001-救世主 The One
CINEMAX 07:35~09:25 2021-刺客密令 The Protégé
CINEMAX 09:25~11:05 1982-48小時 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 11:05~13:40 2000-神鬼戰士 Gladiator
CINEMAX 13:40~15:35 2014-百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
CINEMAX 15:35~16:55 2009-護送錢斯 Taking Chance (TV)
CINEMAX 16:55~18:35 2008-廉價保鑣 Drillbit Taylor
CINEMAX 18:35~20:05 2007-救命援手 Life Support
CINEMAX 20:05~22:00 2013-傑克:巨人戰紀 Jack the Giant Slayer
CINEMAX 22:00~00:40 2013-哈比人:荒谷惡龍 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
CINEMAX 00:40~03:05 2014-哈比人:五軍之戰 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
CINEMAX 03:05~05:00 2016-分裂 Split
CINEMAX 05:00~06:00 2008-噬血真愛第七季06 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 06:00~08:30 2000-神鬼戰士 Gladiator
CINEMAX 08:30~10:25 2013-傑克:巨人戰紀 Jack the Giant Slayer
CINEMAX 10:25~11:55 2008-科洛弗檔案 Cloverfield - Monstruo
CINEMAX 11:55~14:15 2014-蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰 The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Rise of Electro
CINEMAX 14:15~16:05 2021-刺客密令 The Protégé
CINEMAX 16:05~18:05 2005-全民情聖 Hitch
CINEMAX 18:05~19:35 2004-市井小民 Everyday People
CINEMAX 19:35~22:00 2014-哈比人:五軍之戰 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
CINEMAX 22:00~00:10 2005-搶救前線 The Great Raid
CINEMAX 00:10~02:00 2011-殺客同萌 Sucker Punch
CINEMAX 02:00~04:20 1994-迫切的危機 Clear and Present Danger
CINEMAX 04:20~06:00 2005-幻影殺手 Elektra
CINEMAX 06:00~08:05 2005-搶救前線 The Great Raid
CINEMAX 08:05~10:25 2014-蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰 The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Rise of Electro
CINEMAX 10:25~12:05 1996-逍遙法外 Eye for an Eye
CINEMAX 12:05~13:40 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 13:40~15:10 2007-冰刀雙人組 Blades of Glory
CINEMAX 15:10~16:40 2004-市井小民 Everyday People
CINEMAX 16:40~18:15 2006-戀愛學分 Starter for 10
CINEMAX 18:15~20:10 2005-全民情聖 Hitch
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2011-殺客同萌 Sucker Punch
CINEMAX 22:00~00:10 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
CINEMAX 00:10~01:40 2021-至死不渝 Till Death
CINEMAX 01:40~03:35 2021-殺手保鑣2 The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard
CINEMAX 03:35~05:10 2021-尬電殺手 Jolt
CINEMAX 05:10~06:45 2013-降魔戰警 R.I.P.D.
CINEMAX 06:45~08:15 2007-生死格鬥 DOA: Dead or Alive
CINEMAX 08:15~10:10 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 10:10~11:45 2007-冰刀雙人組 Blades of Glory
CINEMAX 11:45~13:25 2013-降魔戰警 R.I.P.D.
CINEMAX 13:25~15:15 1987-致命武器1 Lethal Weapon
CINEMAX 15:15~16:35 2009-護送錢斯 Taking Chance (TV)
CINEMAX 16:35~18:15 2011-大到不能倒:金融海嘯真相 Too Big to Fail (TV)
CINEMAX 18:15~19:50 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
CINEMAX 19:50~22:00 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
CINEMAX 22:00~00:00 2013-浪人47 47 Ronin
CINEMAX 00:00~02:15 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 02:15~04:10 2005-街頭嘻哈客 Hustle & Flow
CINEMAX 04:10~06:00 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 06:00~07:55 1999-將軍的女兒 The General's Daughter
CINEMAX 07:55~09:35 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 09:35~11:20 2007-1408 1408
CINEMAX 11:20~13:05 1987-致命武器1 Lethal Weapon
CINEMAX 13:05~15:00 1989-致命武器2 Lethal Weapon 2
CINEMAX 15:00~16:40 2011-大到不能倒:金融海嘯真相 Too Big to Fail (TV)
CINEMAX 16:40~18:20 2003-烏龍元首 Head of State
CINEMAX 18:20~19:50 2011-真實電影 Cinema Verite (TV)
CINEMAX 19:50~22:00 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 2021-詭老 Old
CINEMAX 23:50~01:25 2018-鬼修女 The Nun
CINEMAX 01:25~03:25 2022-暖心小象第一季53險路勿近 "Mumfie"
CINEMAX 03:25~06:10 2012-哈比人:意外旅程 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
CINEMAX 06:10~07:50 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 07:50~09:30 2002-街頭痞子 8 Mile
CINEMAX 09:30~11:20 2014-百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
CINEMAX 11:20~13:15 1989-致命武器2 Lethal Weapon 2
CINEMAX 13:15~15:15 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
CINEMAX 15:15~16:45 2011-真實電影 Cinema Verite (TV)
CINEMAX 16:45~18:20 1997-豆豆秀 Bean
CINEMAX 18:20~20:00 2007-一飛沖天 Rocket Science
CINEMAX 20:00~22:00 2018-古墓奇兵(2018) Tomb Raider
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2021-月光光新慌慌:萬聖殺 Halloween Kills
CINEMAX 23:45~02:00 2013-白宮末日 White House Down
CINEMAX 02:00~04:20 2006-火線交錯 Babel
CINEMAX 04:20~06:00 2004-非常命案 Twisted
CINEMAX 06:00~07:55 2018-古墓奇兵(2018) Tomb Raider
CINEMAX 07:55~10:30 2000-神鬼戰士 Gladiator
CINEMAX 10:30~11:00 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1015 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 11:00~12:55 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
CINEMAX 12:55~15:00 1998-致命武器4 Lethal Weapon 4
CINEMAX 15:00~16:30 1997-豆豆秀 Bean
CINEMAX 16:30~18:10 2007-一飛沖天 Rocket Science
CINEMAX 18:10~20:30 2000-浩劫重生 Cast Away
CINEMAX 20:30~22:00 2008-科洛弗檔案 Cloverfield - Monstruo
CINEMAX 22:00~00:15 2013-白宮末日 White House Down
CINEMAX 00:15~02:30 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
CINEMAX 02:30~03:30 2008-噬血真愛第七季07 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 03:30~06:10 2013-哈比人:荒谷惡龍 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
CINEMAX 06:10~07:35 2008-科洛弗檔案 Cloverfield - Monstruo
CINEMAX 07:35~09:40 1998-致命武器4 Lethal Weapon 4
CINEMAX 09:40~11:50 2001-大敵當前 Enemy at the Gates
CINEMAX 11:50~13:40 2014-百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
CINEMAX 13:40~15:30 2021-瓦爾多 Last Looks
CINEMAX 15:30~17:50 2000-浩劫重生 Cast Away
CINEMAX 17:50~19:40 2018-自由在門外 O.G.
CINEMAX 19:40~22:00 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
CINEMAX 22:00~00:25 2014-蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰 The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Rise of Electro
CINEMAX 00:25~01:50 2001-救世主 The One
CINEMAX 01:50~02:45 2008-噬血真愛第七季08 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 02:45~04:40 1997-極速殺機 Switchback
CINEMAX 04:40~06:00 2016-鬼關燈 Lights Out
CINEMAX 06:00~08:10 2001-大敵當前 Enemy at the Gates
CINEMAX 08:10~10:00 2021-瓦爾多 Last Looks
CINEMAX 10:00~11:55 1997-極速殺機 Switchback
CINEMAX 11:55~13:30 1990-48小時闖天關 Another 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 13:30~15:40 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 15:40~16:10 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1015 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 16:10~18:00 1990-霹靂教頭 El Diablo (TV)
CINEMAX 18:00~19:35 2008-愛因斯坦與愛丁頓 Einstein and Eddington (TV)
CINEMAX 19:35~22:00 2014-蜘蛛人驚奇再起2:電光之戰 The Amazing Spider-Man 2:
Rise of Electro
CINEMAX 22:00~23:30 2001-救世主 The One
CINEMAX 23:30~01:10 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 01:10~02:35 2007-生死格鬥 DOA: Dead or Alive
CINEMAX 02:35~04:05 2008-玩命獵殺 Pig Hunt
CINEMAX 04:05~06:00 2016-分裂 Split
CINEMAX 06:00~07:35 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 07:35~09:45 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 09:45~12:45 2005-金剛 King Kong
CINEMAX 12:45~14:15 2008-玩命獵殺 Pig Hunt
CINEMAX 14:15~15:40 2007-生死格鬥 DOA: Dead or Alive
CINEMAX 15:40~17:10 2008-愛因斯坦與愛丁頓 Einstein and Eddington (TV)
CINEMAX 17:10~18:35 2015-飛上枝頭變烏鴉 The Leisure Class (TV)
CINEMAX 18:35~20:15 1986-蹺課天才 Ferris Bueller's Day Off
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 22:00~23:45 2007-1408 1408
CINEMAX 23:45~01:15 2011-絕命終結站5 Final Destination 5
CINEMAX 01:15~03:00 2021-刺客密令 The Protégé
CINEMAX 03:00~05:25 2014-哈比人:五軍之戰 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
CINEMAX 05:25~06:50 2008-科洛弗檔案 Cloverfield - Monstruo
CINEMAX 06:50~09:55 2005-金剛 King Kong
CINEMAX 09:55~11:45 2021-刺客密令 The Protégé
CINEMAX 11:45~13:30 1992-魔鬼戰將 Under Siege
CINEMAX 13:30~15:15 2007-1408 1408
CINEMAX 15:15~16:40 2015-飛上枝頭變烏鴉 The Leisure Class (TV)
CINEMAX 16:40~18:25 1986-蹺課天才 Ferris Bueller's Day Off
CINEMAX 18:25~20:20 2008-棒球男孩 Sugar
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 2010-特務間諜 Salt
CINEMAX 22:00~23:30 2021-尬電殺手 Jolt
CINEMAX 23:30~01:00 2016-疾速天使 Maximum Ride
CINEMAX 01:00~02:40 2018-鬼修女 The Nun
CINEMAX 02:40~04:15 2016-天性使然 Brother Nature
CINEMAX 04:15~06:00 2008-絕命尬車 Death Race
CINEMAX 06:00~07:35 2010-特務間諜 Salt
CINEMAX 07:35~09:00 2021-至死不渝 Till Death
CINEMAX 09:00~10:40 1996-逍遙法外 Eye for an Eye
CINEMAX 10:40~12:20 2002-街頭痞子 8 Mile
CINEMAX 12:20~14:30 2005-搶救前線 The Great Raid
CINEMAX 14:30~16:00 2016-疾速天使 Maximum Ride
CINEMAX 16:00~17:25 2008-納粹求生錄 Primo
CINEMAX 17:25~18:55 2004-市井小民 Everyday People
CINEMAX 18:55~20:20 2010-非凡舞團 The LXD: The Uprising Begins
CINEMAX 20:20~22:00 2002-命運交錯 Changing Lanes
CINEMAX 22:00~00:00 2016-分裂 Split
CINEMAX 00:00~01:35 2005-幻影殺手 Elektra
CINEMAX 01:35~03:05 2022-綠光戰警:懼吾神光 Green Lantern: Beware My Power
CINEMAX 03:05~04:40 2013-降魔戰警 R.I.P.D.
CINEMAX 04:40~06:25 1995-時空悍將 Virtuosity
CINEMAX 06:25~08:05 2002-命運交錯 Changing Lanes
CINEMAX 08:05~10:15 2005-搶救前線 The Great Raid
CINEMAX 10:15~11:50 2013-降魔戰警 R.I.P.D.
CINEMAX 11:50~13:15 2022-綠光戰警:懼吾神光 Green Lantern: Beware My Power
CINEMAX 13:15~16:05 2012-哈比人:意外旅程 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
CINEMAX 16:05~17:30 2010-非凡舞團 The LXD: The Uprising Begins
CINEMAX 17:30~19:40 2007-魂歸傷膝谷 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (TV)
CINEMAX 19:40~22:00 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood
CINEMAX 22:00~23:20 2022-真人快打:雪盲 Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind
CINEMAX 23:20~00:40 2021-真人快打:域界之戰 Mortal Kombat Legends: Battle of
the Realms
CINEMAX 00:40~02:10 2009-末日病毒 Carriers
CINEMAX 02:10~04:05 2014-百萬種硬的方式 A Million Ways to Die in the West
CINEMAX 04:05~06:00 2021-殺手保鑣2 The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard
CINEMAX 06:00~08:15 2010-羅賓漢 Robin Hood
CINEMAX 08:15~11:00 2012-哈比人:意外旅程 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
CINEMAX 11:00~13:35 2013-哈比人:荒谷惡龍 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
CINEMAX 13:35~14:55 2009-末日病毒 Carriers
CINEMAX 14:55~17:05 2007-魂歸傷膝谷 Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (TV)
CINEMAX 17:05~18:35 2011-真實電影 Cinema Verite (TV)
CINEMAX 18:35~20:15 2010-非凡舞團2(街舞軍團2) "The LXD: The Legion of
Extraordinary Dancers"
CINEMAX 20:15~22:00 2009-回到17歲 17 Again
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 2010-騎士出任務 Knight and Day
CINEMAX 23:50~01:40 2008-特務行不行 Get Smart
CINEMAX 01:40~03:50 2013-白宮末日 White House Down
CINEMAX 03:50~04:50 2008-噬血真愛第七季09 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 04:50~06:20 2007-生死格鬥 DOA: Dead or Alive
CINEMAX 06:20~08:20 1992-致命武器3 Lethal Weapon 3
CINEMAX 08:20~11:00 2013-哈比人:荒谷惡龍 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
CINEMAX 11:00~13:25 2014-哈比人:五軍之戰 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
CINEMAX 13:25~14:55 2007-生死格鬥 DOA: Dead or Alive
CINEMAX 14:55~16:45 2008-特務行不行 Get Smart
CINEMAX 16:45~18:25 2010-非凡舞團2(街舞軍團2) "The LXD: The Legion of
Extraordinary Dancers"
CINEMAX 18:25~20:10 2009-回到17歲 17 Again
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2010-騎士出任務 Knight and Day
CINEMAX 22:00~23:50 2005-血盟兄弟 Four Brothers
CINEMAX 23:50~01:30 2008-廉價保鑣 Drillbit Taylor
CINEMAX 01:30~03:30 2013-浪人47 47 Ronin
CINEMAX 03:30~04:40 2008-噬血真愛第七季10 "True Blood"
CINEMAX 04:40~06:25 2002-街頭痞子 8 Mile
CINEMAX 06:25~08:30 1998-致命武器4 Lethal Weapon 4
CINEMAX 08:30~10:50 2014-哈比人:五軍之戰 The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five
CINEMAX 10:50~12:55 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
CINEMAX 12:55~14:35 2010-特務間諜 Salt
CINEMAX 14:35~16:15 2007-一飛沖天 Rocket Science
CINEMAX 16:15~17:55 2008-廉價保鑣 Drillbit Taylor
CINEMAX 17:55~20:10 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
CINEMAX 20:10~22:00 2007-七日之癢 The Heartbreak Kid
CINEMAX 22:00~23:35 2008-玩命獵殺 Pig Hunt
CINEMAX 23:35~01:20 1995-時空悍將 Virtuosity
CINEMAX 01:20~03:05 2021-月光光新慌慌:萬聖殺 Halloween Kills
CINEMAX 03:05~04:55 2010-索命條碼 Repo Men
CINEMAX 04:55~06:50 2018-古墓奇兵(2018) Tomb Raider
CINEMAX 06:50~08:35 1995-時空悍將 Virtuosity
CINEMAX 08:35~10:45 2012-公主與狩獵者 Snow White and the Huntsman
CINEMAX 10:45~12:35 2021-瓦爾多 Last Looks
CINEMAX 12:35~14:50 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 14:50~17:05 2012-蜘蛛人:驚奇再起 The Amazing Spider-Man
CINEMAX 17:05~18:55 2007-七日之癢 The Heartbreak Kid
CINEMAX 18:55~20:25 1997-豆豆秀 Bean
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 2008-玩命獵殺 Pig Hunt
CINEMAX 22:00~23:25 2016-鬼關燈 Lights Out
CINEMAX 23:25~00:50 2006-德州電鋸殺人狂:從頭開始 Texas Chainsaw Massagre The
CINEMAX 00:50~03:10 2000-浩劫重生 Cast Away
CINEMAX 03:10~05:10 2022-暖心小象第一季53險路勿近 "Mumfie"
CINEMAX 05:10~06:50 2010-特務間諜 Salt
CINEMAX 06:50~08:40 2021-刺客密令 The Protégé
CINEMAX 08:40~10:15 2007-關鍵下一秒Next Next
CINEMAX 10:15~12:25 2004-凡赫辛 Van Helsing
CINEMAX 12:25~14:15 2021-瓦爾多 Last Looks
CINEMAX 14:15~15:50 1982-48小時 48 Hrs.
CINEMAX 15:50~16:15 2003-好萊塢好好看弟一季1016 "Hollywood On Set"
CINEMAX 16:15~18:00 2018-自由在門外 O.G.
CINEMAX 18:00~20:25 2000-浩劫重生 Cast Away
CINEMAX 20:25~22:00 1997-豆豆秀 Bean
CINEMAX 22:00~23:40 2018-貼背戰 Tag
CINEMAX 23:40~01:20 2016-天性使然 Brother Nature
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