4400, Dead Zone axed - 歐美

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2007-12-20T09:24

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By Tim Surette - TV.com
December 19, 2007 at 10:38:00 AM

USA canceling sci-fi double dose, say reports; alleged post
by 4400 creator says "at least we got to go out with a

Yesterday brought good news for a pair of USA Network
shows. NBC announced that Monk and Psych would make the
jump from basic cable to prime-time broadcast television in
March, as the network repurposes shows from NBC-owned USA.

Unfortunately, yesterday also brought news for two USA
shows that falls way on the other side of the "good/bad"
spectrum. It all began with a post on the USA message
boards by a user named "SPeters," who claimed to be Scott
Peters, creator and executive producer of The 4400. In his
post he made the sullen announcement that The 4400 has been
canceled, and thanked all the show's fans and crew.

"I just spoke to [star] Joel [Gretsch] and we had a great
talk about what we all accomplished and how much we'll miss
our family that is our crew and our cast... and our fans,"
reads the post. "But at least we got to go out with a bang!
I had an awesome time directing the last episode. I think I
got to make almost every single cast member cry (on
camera). How much fun was that?!"

One may balk at the validity of the post, and the fact that
the username was created only yesterday and has a history
of just that one post probably leads most 4400 fans to
believe someone is just pulling their collective leg.

Unfortunately, not only does it look the cancelation is
true, but it appears The 4400 isn't alone. TV Guide's
Michael Ausiello is reporting that USA is canceling both
The 4400 and The Dead Zone. Both sci-fi shows anchored
USA's Sunday nights and last aired new episodes in

The 4400, about a group of alien abductees who return to
Earth, finished its fourth season and developed a loyal fan
base. The Dead Zone, based loosely on the Stephen King
novel of the same name and starring Anthony Michael Hall,
leaves us after six seasons.

The USA Network has not made an official announcement on
either show. Requests for comment from parent company NBC
Universal were not returned as of press time.

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2007-12-25T00:37
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-12-28T17:01
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2007-12-30T21:28
誰人來報一下4400的劇情雷 我好想知道...
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-01-03T11:26
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-01-04T17:02

Spaced 第一季

George avatar
By George
at 2007-12-20T05:24
這是一部99年的英國影集 在當年還獲得多項英國學院獎的sitcom類提名 而且FOX還準備要拍美國版????!!!!! http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117974978.html?categoryid=14andamp;cs=1 美國有這麼缺劇本嗎?XDD ...

Gossip Girl 111

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2007-12-20T03:39
借標題一問~~全文恕刪 請問美國時間今天禮拜三12/19會不會播Gossipgirl阿 11集是最新的 還是上禮拜的阿 如果今天(我在東岸) 會播的話 那是播12集嗎?? 因為我也是剛剛才看完11集(網路上) 我還以為是上禮拜的(上週期末忙到昏天暗地的) 可是我現在一進版 看到有人po 11集 ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2007-12-20T02:53
想請問凱特跟艾登是怎麼認識的 艾登真的是好男人壓~~ 因為都是跳著看 再看的時候他們已經在一起了 謝謝 - ...

Kyle XY~DVD幕後花絮

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2007-12-20T01:27
剛剛看了第一季DVD的幕後花絮(最後一片) 共有三段 分別是: 1.第一集的另個版本 2.最後一集加長版 3.第一季片段剪輯+第二季一點點拍攝花絮 個人非常推薦最後一集加長版 多了Kyle離去後送給家人的小驚喜,非常催淚 至於另個版本的第一集 好在播出時不是這個版本 不然可能會看到睡著... ...

Journeyman 112

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-12-20T00:55
穿梭時空的秘密似乎要解開了!!?? 是因為只剩一集了嗎 希望能好好收尾 看來是似乎是跟一顆神秘彗星有關 100年來只出現過二次 一次是Dan生日 另一次就是Livia生日 這集最後Dan去找之前出現過的博士 不過對方假裝不認識他 看來應該跟結局會有點關聯 這集主線就是Dan回到過去 把數位相 ...