4x11 Be All My Sins Remember'd (雷) - 星際之門

By Joseph
at 2008-01-12T03:18
at 2008-01-12T03:18
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Yenchin (Yenchin Beyond)》之銘言:
: Todd 和他的 Wraith Hive
: Larrin 和她的艦隊 (什麼事這麼重要?)
: 黑暗 Weir (RepliWeir?) 的野望?!
Todd和Larrin都知道Atlantis的位置了.... 那Atlantis要搬家了嗎?
可憐的Sheppard跟Larrin要電話號碼失敗 XD
Ronan竟然牽起Teyla的手去看(婦產科)醫生!! 不過,他本來就像小弟弟一樣
The 4400 ~ A Place In Time ~ [Amanda Abizaid]
So long ago, another life, I can feel your heartbeat.
It's not a dream, remember us. I can see it in your eyes.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time beyond the sun.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time to call our own.
: Todd 和他的 Wraith Hive
: Larrin 和她的艦隊 (什麼事這麼重要?)
: 黑暗 Weir (RepliWeir?) 的野望?!
Todd和Larrin都知道Atlantis的位置了.... 那Atlantis要搬家了嗎?
可憐的Sheppard跟Larrin要電話號碼失敗 XD
Ronan竟然牽起Teyla的手去看(婦產科)醫生!! 不過,他本來就像小弟弟一樣
The 4400 ~ A Place In Time ~ [Amanda Abizaid]
So long ago, another life, I can feel your heartbeat.
It's not a dream, remember us. I can see it in your eyes.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time beyond the sun.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time to call our own.
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