7x22 老葛那封未寄出的信 - CSI

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2007-05-05T01:30

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就是在7x14 裡面老葛沒寄出去的信
7x22 果然拿出來賣了 XDDD


情書更羅曼蒂克了 *^^*...這年頭真的沒什麼人動手寫情書了 囧rz)

刮號是信上內容但老葛沒唸出來 (有一幕鏡頭停在那封信)

(Our parting was awkward…)I don't know why I find it so difficult to express
my feelings to you. (小莎看到這裡淡淡的笑了一下)
Even though we're far apart, I can see you as vividly as you were here with
I said I'll miss you, and I do. (又淡淡地笑了一下)
As Shakespeare more ably wrote my sentiment in Sonnet 47:

(Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took,
And each doth good turns now unto the other:
When that mine eye is famish'd for a look,
Or heart in love with sighs himself doth smother,
With my love's picture then my eye doth feast
And to the painted banquet bids my heart;
Another time mine eye is my heart's guest
And in his thoughts of love doth share a part:
So, either by thy picture or my love,)

Thyself away art resent still with me;
For thou not farther than my thoughts canst move,
And I am still with them and they with thee;
Or, if they sleep, thy picture in my sight
Awakes my heart to heart's and eye's delight.


請她自己來貼吧 :P

Sara : You just don't like sports.
Grissom : I like baseball.
Sara : Baseball. Well, that figures. All the stats.
Grissom : It's a beautiful sport.
Sara : Since when are you interested in beauty?
Grissom : Since I met you.

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-05-07T16:36
這一集是CSI: X-files
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2007-05-08T21:14
話說小葛真的很可憐.....這種事怎麼不是叫囧尼做= =
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2007-05-10T10:53
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-05-13T12:17
有什麼問題嗎? 嘶~~嘶~~
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2007-05-18T11:30
可以請問一下 你的簽名檔是哪一集的嗎? 好想親眼看看^^"
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2007-05-22T02:59


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2007-05-04T23:52
「CSI:邁阿密」第四季 今晚 八點播到快九點的最後面劇情演到 要找一位里亞茲 andlt;惡夜幫andgt; , 跟何瑞修老婆被射殺有關聯的人, 何瑞修 說:要去巴西捉人....結束。 --之後...., AXN 在進廣告前 打上「本季已全部播畢」字樣...。 * 網站的時間表=andgt; ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2007-05-04T19:34
這部片是我的最愛之一 因為有史蒂芬席格,我喜歡他早期的動作片 裡面還有凱姐.... 她演一位從小被哥哥性侵的女孩at_atand#34; 個性也比較懦弱的感覺 - ...

CSI 7x23 雷

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2007-05-04T15:34
7x23 是下禮拜四播出, 我只是想來爆下集預告的雷 如之前spoiler 說的, Lady Heather 回來了 然後預告裡面,不知道是老布還是誰問她說, 你前一天晚上在哪裡? 然後老葛突然冒出來說: She was with m ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-05-04T13:25
基於對於蘇姐的尊崇 且讓粉絲小弟的記憶來幫忙蘇姐 第五季 首先是在Formalities老葛穿的人模人樣的時候 發生了奇怪的命案,擔任代理日班組長的蘇姐先一步去看現場 讓老葛躲過要為死艾禿升官的晚宴致辭的囧境 (結果囧的是凱姐) 後來發現蘇姐跟海瑟夫人很像 有種soulmate的fu 老葛也開始學蘇姐在現場鑑 ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-05-04T09:39
※ 引述《sinhway (迷)》之銘言: ^_^ 我...我來了...雖然我印象小模糊 雖然有IMDB...如果有講錯,大家就體諒一下啦(倒咖啡) 我是從第五季第11集(2004.11.11)中開始出現的(以上來自IMDB) 本來是日班人員...有一群互相信任的好夥伴(嗚~~ come back...) ...