Alec Baldwin calls JP "Bastard" XD - 宅男行不行

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-10-15T23:54

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Jim Parsons這人...該說他認真還是貼心咧

開始耍正義罵Baldwin,結果Jim Parsons只好特地po一篇blog替Alec Baldwin解釋,
(還是說Jim po這篇時Baldwin其實正站在Jim身後 XD)

文章不長,稍微翻譯了一下 :)

Alec Baldwin, the internet, and me

Jim Parsons
Posted: October 14, 2010 11:04 AM

I don't blog often, but when I do it's usually important. In fact,
this is only my second Huffington Post blog. The first one was to
raise awareness about cancer research. This one is about Alec Baldwin,
who is almost as important as cancer research. Alec is a great actor --
one of the best, a passionate supporter of numerous worthy causes and
an all around really nice guy. So I was really surprised to learn there
is an Internet rumor floating around accusing Alec Baldwin of being
anything but gracious and me, of being anything but grateful.

這只是我的第二篇Huffington Post blog。第一篇,
而這篇,則與跟癌症研究差不多重要的Alec Baldwin有關。

充滿善意的Alec Baldwin後,的確感到相當訝異。

This brouhaha seems to stem from my appearance on David Letterman this
past Monday night where I told a story about Alec. After I won the Emmy
award, Alec was kind enough to send a really nice wine and cheese basket,
with a card addressing me as a "talented, charming bastard." I understood
this to be a joke, and coming from Alec, a compliment. I thought that came
across in the Letterman bit. You can watch it here for yourself:

這「噗哈哈」玩笑話,似乎是起於我星期一晚上在David Letterman訪談中所說的,


Clearly, some people didn't get my sincerity. So to clear things up,
in the spirit of David Letterman, here are my Top Ten Favorite Alec Baldwin
Performances, as a thank you for the basket.

並繼續我在David Letterman要表達的心意,
且讓我列出十項我最喜歡的Alec Baldwin表演,

10. Beetlejuice -- One of the best performances from a character in the

9. It's Complicated -- Alec, Steve Martin and Meryl Streep-- enough said.

8. The Cooler -- Now Alec's character in this movie is actually a "bastard."

7. The Edge/State and Main/ Glengarry Glen Ross -- No actor is more suited
to play David Mamet's characters better than Alec. Mamet revisited:
"First prize is an Emmy. Anybody want to see second prize? Second prize
is a set of steak knives. Third prize is you're fired. (Will miss you,
Monk. Just kidding. I really love Tony Shalhoub, please don't start any
more rumors, internet media.)

6. The Royal Tennabaums/Madagascar 2/Thomas the Tank Engine -- Next to Morgan
Freeman, he's the best voice over guy in Hollywood. Such range...

5. The Departed -- The bit where Alec extols the benefits of The Patriot
Act may be worthy of an Oscar.

4. Saturday Night Live --Schweddy Balls says it all.

3. The Hunt For Red October -- "Welcome to the New World, Captain."

2. Path To War -- "50 to 300 is my estimate, and if the bombs miss,
it can go as high as 12,000, with fifty percent of these civilians
and fifty percent of those killed." Still gives me chills.

1. 30 Rock -- There's a reason Alec has two Emmys and I only have one.

Feel free to debate this list...

十. Beetlejuice-- 是諸多傑出的角色詮釋中的一個。

九. It's Complicated --Alec, Steve Martin 跟 Meryl Streep──這即足以說明。

八. The Cooler -- Alec在裡頭的角色可真切就是個混蛋啦。

七. The Edge/State and Main/ Glengarry Glen Ross --
  沒有演員比Alec更適合詮釋David Mamet筆下的角色了。來重寫Mamet的名言:
我很愛Tony Shalhoub,請勿發起更多謠言,網路媒體。)

六. The Royal Tennabaums/Madagascar 2/Thomas the Tank Engine --
  他有Morgan Freeman之後,好萊塢最棒的聲音。那音域...

五. The Departed -- Alec稱頌愛國者法案的片段,足有奧斯卡水準。

四. Saturday Night Live --Schweddy Balls,一切盡在不言中。

三. The Hunt For Red October -- "Welcome to the New World, Captain."

二. Path To War --"50 to 300 is my estimate, and if the bombs miss,
it can go as high as 12,000, with fifty percent of these civilians
and fifty percent of those killed." 還讓我冷顫不止。

一. 30 Rock -- 這就是為什麼Alec有兩座Emmy,而我僅獲一次。



1. 數字改國字比較不會原文與翻譯攪在一起
2. Jim引用Alec台詞的部分我懶得翻 XD
3. 把30 Rock排第一個,真的很會做人耶。


All Comments

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-10-18T19:03
他真的會把事情看得很認真 接受訪問也是
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2010-10-23T17:35
真的!他接受訪問時,相當喜歡解釋自己的用詞 XD
(Sheldon你可以考慮學學...欸 演你的這個演員)
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2010-10-25T01:04
匆匆翻 漏了些句子,不過沒差啦~
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-10-27T15:08
還在想Alec是誰 原來是我也很愛的30 Rock男主角
Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2010-10-28T12:56
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2010-10-31T08:30


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2010-10-15T22:10
※ 引述《pooi (唱歌..)》之銘言: : 1.Sheldon vs Penny 天才死小孩 vs 大姐姐 : 2.Howard vs Bernadette 死小孩 vs 天然呆眼鏡御姐 : 3.Sheldon vs Lesile 死小孩 vs 腹黑蘿 : 4.Howard vs Penny ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-10-15T21:46
來閒聊一下男女對戲的喜愛度排行吧!! 1.Sheldon vs Penny 這兩人對戲總讓人洒小花 2.Howard vs Bernadette Howard純潔一面真的很有趣! 3.Sheldon vs Lesile Lesile鎮住Sheldon的時候真的超強XD 4.Howard vs Pen ...


Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-10-15T19:14
: 年輕的德布洛義提出了他的博士論文 : 大意主要是物質波的波長(德布洛義波長)和動量成反比 比例常數是普朗克常數 : 也就是λ=h/p : 這使德布洛義拿到了1929年的諾貝爾物理獎 : p=h/λ和λ=h/p看似簡單的交換律 : 但是其背後的物理意義絕對不是a=b/c和c=b/a那麼簡單 : 前者說明了光 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-10-15T11:56
我覺得404比403好看,   難道TBBT在學習Star Trek的電影偶數法則嗎......   以下有雷   這集再次提到S和R一起工作,兩人非常幼稚地吵架   隔了這麼久,我本來還以為R受不了S,已經另外找到別的研究計畫了。   H試圖跟Bernadette ...

Sheldon Cooper等人的薪水

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2010-10-14T22:08
推 a07125857:我比較疑惑Penny是怎麼有辦法住進去的 哪來的錢 囧 10/14 19:56 推 kizuna1019:推樓上, 我也比較懷疑Penny怎麼活的,這版上一定有很多 10/14 21:53 → kizuna1019:前任或現任菸酒生, 我看都很了解三個阿宅的生態, 可是 10/14 2 ...