Amy 在車禍中受傷 - 宅男行不行

By Genevieve
at 2012-08-16T12:06
at 2012-08-16T12:06
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'Big Bang Theory' star Mayim Bialik injured in car accident
By Lesley Goldberg, The Hollywood Reporter
Mary Clavering / Getty Images
"The Big Bang Theory" Emmy nominee Mayim Bialik sustained serious injuries to
her left hand and thumb following a car crash Wednesday in Los Angeles.
The actress was injured and taken to a Los Angeles hospital after her white
Volvo was struck near the intersection of Hollywood Boulevard and LaBrea
Avenue. Traffic was being diverted to nearby sidestreets following the crash.
An LAPD spokesperson tells The Hollywood Reporter that the actress was
traveling south on LaBrea when a vehicle with three tourists going north on
LaBrea decided to make a left turn in front of Bialik's car at the
intersection and both airbags in her Volvo deployed.
Bialik sustained severe lacerations to her left hand and thumb and was
transported to a nearby hospital where she was set to be admitted for
potential surgery on her hand, according to the LAPD.
No crime was reported.
Sources tell THR that the "Blossom" actress is "doing OK."
A spokesperson for "Big Bang Theory" studio Warner Bros. Television said the
incident is not expected to impact production on the series, which began
filming last week.
Bialik picked up her first career Emmy nomination for her supporting turn on
the CBS comedy last month.
Bialik took to Twitter a few hours following the crash, noting she was "in
pain" but would be returning to work on "Big Bang" on Thursday.
"(husband typing) In pain but will keep all my fingers. If u wanna See pre
accident me watch The Soup tonight lol #joelmchale @thesoup" Bialik's husband
wrote for her.
※ 編輯: jeffgreen 來自: (08/16 12:09)
推 Topanga:大驚! 她竟然已婚了! 我看了這篇去查imdb才發現她竟然已經 08/16 17:17
→ Topanga:是兩個孩子的媽,然後還是神經科學博士!(申請上哈佛和耶魯 08/16 17:19
→ Topanga:但最後去念UCLA) 還有我完全認不出來她是演Blossom的那個! 08/16 17:19
推 GUDU:現實世界是神經學博士!!? 08/16 17:55
推 Topanga:IMDB:Received her Ph.D in neuroscience from UCLA(2008) 08/16 18:00
推 groupie:她受訪時的聲音好好聽 08/16 18:31
推 lenjoyn:他在兩個世界都是神經學專家啊!! p.s. tbbt的物理顧問 08/17 03:36
→ lenjoyn:也是UCLA的吧? 08/17 03:37
推 aristocrat:amy是神經學博士在板上732篇連結裡他自己有說喔1 08/17 07:27
推 GUDU:真厲害...當演員是興趣嗎... 08/17 07:53
推 xmann:wow phd 08/17 10:51
推 JamesChen:美國演員都可以當到總統了 08/17 11:13
推 l23:推文完全離題...冏 祝她早日康復!! 08/18 14:26
推 detw:希望她早日康復!(ps. 我也很喜歡她訪談時的口條耶!) 08/19 21:32
推 asuralee:Amy是童星演員出身的 唸書才是她的興趣 08/22 13:04
推 vampirefish:她是裡面唯一真正的PHD阿!! 09/07 05:13
推 afreet:Bernadette也是PHD喔 11/26 09:39
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