Ang Lee is“Taking Woodstock” - 李安

By Odelette
at 2008-10-22T20:32
at 2008-10-22T20:32
Table of Contents
RushPRNews’Insider Reports– Ang Lee is “Taking Woodstock”
September 26, 2008
Ang Lee is “Taking Woodstock”, but how did this movie wind up
in his hands?
by Dan Bloom
Taiwan-born film director and Oscar winner Ang Lee is tackling a
new movie project, a comedy this time, about America’s famous Woodstock
music festival in 1969. Titled “Taking Woodstock”, and adapted by
longtime Lee collaborator James Schamus, the movie stems from a book
of the same name by U.S. writer Elliot Tiber.
Tiber’s memoir, co-written with Tom Monte, was published with in 2007 and
subtitled “A True Story of a Riot, a Concert, and a Life”.
It’s set for a premiere in New York on June 26, 2009, just in time for the
40th anniversary of the famous Woodstock concert .
What does the title of the book, and the movie mean? Inquiring minds on both
sides of the Pacific want to know, and one industry insider told Rush PR News
what he knows.
“Taking Woodstock’” means two things: Taking stock of your life and, in a
sense, control of your destiny — and also taking the experience of
Woodstock, and what that cultural event meant, with you for the rest of your
life, according to the industry insider. A marketing maven at the publishing
house in New York came up with the phrase, he added.
How did a book that few people had even heard about wind up in Ang Lee’s
hands? Was it fate, karma, serendipity?
“It might sound like something out of a Hollywood drugstore story where the
pretty girl is ‘discovered’ by a savvy scout, but it really happened this
way,” says one of the few people who knows about the genesis of the book and
the movie. “Eliot Tiber was scheduled to appear on a TV show in
San Francisco in 2007 to promote the book, and while he was waiting
in the green room to go on the show, Ang Lee sat down beside him,
by complete chance. Lee was also scheduled to appear on the same show
to promote his current film at the time, ‘Lust, Caution’. Tiber, who had
never met Lee before but knew his name, struck up a conversation with
the Taiwan-born helmer and then spent the next thirty minutes or so
chatting about his book. Lee had asked what the book was about,
so Tiber told him.”
“Later, when Lee went on the show, the host asked him where he usually
gets his ideas for his movies, and Lee said that he really doesn’t go
looking for stories, that they seem to come to him. And with that he turned
to Tiber, who was sitting across from him on the TV set, and gave him a
wink,” the insider told this reporter.
“Fast forward to nine months later … Lee finally had read the book,
loved it, and felt there was a very good movie there, so he headed to
upstate New York to visit the farm where Woodstock took place in 1969.
That’s the inside story in a nutshell: fate, karma, destiny,”
the insider added.
RushPRNews’Insider Reports– Ang Lee is “Taking Woodstock”
September 26, 2008
Ang Lee is “Taking Woodstock”, but how did this movie wind up
in his hands?
by Dan Bloom
Taiwan-born film director and Oscar winner Ang Lee is tackling a
new movie project, a comedy this time, about America’s famous Woodstock
music festival in 1969. Titled “Taking Woodstock”, and adapted by
longtime Lee collaborator James Schamus, the movie stems from a book
of the same name by U.S. writer Elliot Tiber.
Tiber’s memoir, co-written with Tom Monte, was published with in 2007 and
subtitled “A True Story of a Riot, a Concert, and a Life”.
It’s set for a premiere in New York on June 26, 2009, just in time for the
40th anniversary of the famous Woodstock concert .
What does the title of the book, and the movie mean? Inquiring minds on both
sides of the Pacific want to know, and one industry insider told Rush PR News
what he knows.
“Taking Woodstock’” means two things: Taking stock of your life and, in a
sense, control of your destiny — and also taking the experience of
Woodstock, and what that cultural event meant, with you for the rest of your
life, according to the industry insider. A marketing maven at the publishing
house in New York came up with the phrase, he added.
How did a book that few people had even heard about wind up in Ang Lee’s
hands? Was it fate, karma, serendipity?
“It might sound like something out of a Hollywood drugstore story where the
pretty girl is ‘discovered’ by a savvy scout, but it really happened this
way,” says one of the few people who knows about the genesis of the book and
the movie. “Eliot Tiber was scheduled to appear on a TV show in
San Francisco in 2007 to promote the book, and while he was waiting
in the green room to go on the show, Ang Lee sat down beside him,
by complete chance. Lee was also scheduled to appear on the same show
to promote his current film at the time, ‘Lust, Caution’. Tiber, who had
never met Lee before but knew his name, struck up a conversation with
the Taiwan-born helmer and then spent the next thirty minutes or so
chatting about his book. Lee had asked what the book was about,
so Tiber told him.”
“Later, when Lee went on the show, the host asked him where he usually
gets his ideas for his movies, and Lee said that he really doesn’t go
looking for stories, that they seem to come to him. And with that he turned
to Tiber, who was sitting across from him on the TV set, and gave him a
wink,” the insider told this reporter.
“Fast forward to nine months later … Lee finally had read the book,
loved it, and felt there was a very good movie there, so he headed to
upstate New York to visit the farm where Woodstock took place in 1969.
That’s the inside story in a nutshell: fate, karma, destiny,”
the insider added.
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