Ark of Truth (雷) - 星際之門

By Brianna
at 2008-03-05T23:13
at 2008-03-05T23:13
Table of Contents
※ 引述《Jerryamd (Let's go cubbies)》之銘言:
: 有雷喔......
: 配上Daniel 啟動了Ark ...打完收工...
重力加速度算很慢了吧 XD 不過這樣在對手面前眼睜睜看著自己的力量流失,
Ancient pk Ori簡直就跟ST: DS9的Prophets vs Pah-wraith一樣...
那個燒著火的Ori shrine跟Bajoran的幾乎一樣... Ori跟Pah-wraith也都是火作的...@@
The 4400 ~ A Place In Time ~ [Amanda Abizaid]
So long ago, another life, I can feel your heartbeat.
It's not a dream, remember us. I can see it in your eyes.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time beyond the sun.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time to call our own.
: 有雷喔......
: 配上Daniel 啟動了Ark ...打完收工...
重力加速度算很慢了吧 XD 不過這樣在對手面前眼睜睜看著自己的力量流失,
Ancient pk Ori簡直就跟ST: DS9的Prophets vs Pah-wraith一樣...
那個燒著火的Ori shrine跟Bajoran的幾乎一樣... Ori跟Pah-wraith也都是火作的...@@
The 4400 ~ A Place In Time ~ [Amanda Abizaid]
So long ago, another life, I can feel your heartbeat.
It's not a dream, remember us. I can see it in your eyes.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time beyond the sun.
We'll find our place in time, a place in time to call our own.
All Comments

By Erin
at 2008-03-06T19:04
at 2008-03-06T19:04
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