Bionic Woman 1x08 - 歐美

By Robert
at 2007-11-30T00:41
at 2007-11-30T00:41
Table of Contents
這集也是不錯, 主題是 Jaimie 跟 Becca 的工作/家庭關係,
剛好對照這次的意外任務, 一個盜賣核武的爸爸跟他兒子,
故事舖陳從一開始的懸疑, 到後面的追殺都很緊湊, 這集讓
我對這影集的信心比上集高, 可能因為現在「間諜工作辛酸」
部份變成由大老闆 Jonas 來演
其他: 兩姊妹喜歡看 Heroes XD (Hiro:>"<~~~~~~~~~~ YATTA!)
搞笑對話: (Jonas vs. Jaimie 談賣核武給北韓)
"He's selling them A NUCLEAR BOMB."
"I thought they had one."
"This one works."
Jae 持續存活中 XD
People assume that time is a strict progression Ⅱ
of cause to effect. But actually, from a non- ▅█▅
linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like 田田▌
a big ball of wibbly-wobbly...timey-wimey... ■■▌
stuff. ■■▌
_ ■■ _
All Comments

By Edward Lewis
at 2007-12-03T03:04
at 2007-12-03T03:04

By Agnes
at 2007-12-05T02:10
at 2007-12-05T02:10
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