C22 第12名 賽後訪談 - 超級名模生死鬥

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2015-10-26T16:03

Table of Contents

The models exercised some creativity with two challenges that pushed their
editorial skills with two shoots. Kelly Cultrone ran the first challenge with
a Simply Be campaign that asked teams of models to create an alluring
campaign with a tagline involving the gorgeous and curvy, Whitney Thompson.
For the elimination challenge, the models are harnessed and lifted into the
air for a high-fashion spread that encompasses being possessed. Of course,
the episode is packed with drama including an intervention between Mame and
Hadassah. Sadly, Ava Capra is sent packing after her images didn’t please
the panel.
Ava Capra talks about her experience on America’s Next Top Model, revealing
her true thoughts on the model mullet, the best advice for surviving ANTM,
and what she is up to now.

開膩=Kelly 肥妮=Whitney 麻美=Mame 韓大莎=Hadassah

Personalities are clashing in several different ways. Mame and Hadassah had a
huge fight that forced an intervention. You confronted Mikey for saying some
rude things about your winning image that won you time in the Tyra Suite,
after a crying Courtney confessed what she had overheard. What do you think
is behind the rivalries and feuds? Jealousy, arrogance, or just the
competition and being confined within a group?
“You know, it’s a competition and there were a lot of clashing
personalities. Everyone wants the same prize, so bound to happen. Courtney
was crying on my shoulder and I did what I could to comfort her. People loved
that I stood up for her, but it’s who I am. I grew up in a home with an
abusive father and even was subjected to bullying in school. I refuse to be a
bystander when that kind of thing is taking place. It did jar my focus, but
it was my choice and I stand by it.”


鯰魚=Mikey 科尼=Courtney

The modeling industry seems to be pretty cutthroat without the reality show
aspect thrown in. How you do you combat the emotions and body image issues?
“A great support system! It’s tough at times, but I learned to feel
confident in who I am. Family, friends, and fans have been incredibly
helpful. I’d definitely say a great support system is the way to survive
just about anything.”

What is the biggest challenge that ‘America’s Next Top Model’ presents to
hopeful super models?
“Personally, the makeover was the biggest challenge for me on a personal
level. I got the model mullet and it’s not my style, but I tried to be
professional and took it with a smile. My hair began to weigh me down, but it
’s a cute pixie cut now. As always, I wanted to be incredibly respectful at
all times.”

So, during your final panel, when Tyra said your outfit made you look like a
“Oh, yes. I smiled and nodded while trying to as professional as possible! I
was just happy to be there. I had wanted to model and compete on ANTM since I
was a little girl. It’s a dream and I was truly happy to be there. ”

What is your plan for life after ANTM?
It hasn’t slowed down! I am walking in New York Fashion Week, I just
released a new song on my Youtube channel, and I’m actually pitching reality
shows. I fell in love with the industry!”
R: 结束ANTM的比赛之后你有什么计划?
A: 我并没有停止我的步伐。我现在正在纽约时装周走秀,还有在油管放了我的新歌。实

If you could go back to the start of ‘America’s Next Top Model’ and give
yourself tip, what would it be?
“Focus on yourself! I would ignore the cattiness and focus on myself and why
I was there.”



All Comments

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2015-10-30T09:55
"pitching reality shows"不知道該不該解釋成再去應徵下
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2015-11-02T21:04
都是那顆醜頭的錯! 害Ava都沒自信了 QQ
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2015-11-05T17:42
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2015-11-07T14:04
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2015-11-07T22:14

C21 Don?

Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2015-10-26T04:42
今天閒來無事想看看CAT的鞋子時看到一個人 這是Don嗎? http://i.imgur.com/Aeiad1W.jpg 話說他還是沒什麼model樣 話又說 喬丹好像離開Next Model了 -- Sent from my Android - ...

ANTM 2211-2213劇情大綱

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2015-10-24T15:32
===2211(就是下週)==== FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 AMERICAand#39;S NEXT TOP MODEL and#34;The Guy Who Closed the Deal in Vegasand#34; - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL ...

ANTM 2212預告

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-10-24T15:16
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XoSh-k0fT8 下週終於是新進度了... 大家要跟Miss J合照 那主題也多元到我不知道該怎麼形容(狂歡照?)... (C5那個是合成 等於算是是第一次跟Miss J現場拍照的嗎?) 剩下四集但還有六人 看來快要瘋狂砍人惹... ...

ANTM 2211(回顧)-直接附上影片

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-10-24T14:26
因為今天忘了開LIVE 加上也是大家興趣不大的回顧 所以就決定直接放影片(尚未有熟肉)來討論吧 (我也還沒看過) http://goo.gl/DoMPUY 聽說有不少之前沒看過的畫面(廢話)... 這禮拜就請大家見諒囉... - ...

Bello走MarcoMarco秀 妖氣震人

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2015-10-24T05:34
這幾天在Youtube上看到Marco Marco的Collection 4 S/S 2016 Part.2 in LA。 會看是因為有在追RuPauland#39;s Drag Rac 啦~~哈離題了~ 看著就發現,好熟悉的長髮男子走過來,那不正是ANTM C22的Bello呀 Youtube連結:htt ...