C22 第9名 賽後訪談 - 超級名模生死鬥

By Ida
at 2015-10-26T15:48
at 2015-10-26T15:48
Table of Contents
雖然該集有雙淘汰 但是這位分數較高 所以就論他的名次較高一個
Bello, you were always one to voice stronger feelings and didn’t back down
when it came confrontation. Do you think your tendency to take things head on
helped or hurt you in the competition?
“Both, honestly. I was distracted by coming into defend others. Having a
strong voice and using it to stand up for others instead of myself hurt when
I needed to focus on myself. But I’m passionate and I’m never going to stop
being me. It’s my truth and I’m happy. That’s what matters.”
R: 公主,在节目中你是一个心直口快的人,在跟别人对峙的时候你永远不会让步。你认
B: 说实话,都有。在为别人说话、为别人出头的时候其实我自己也分了心,特别是在需
Bello’s story is nothing short of amazing. After moving to L.A. at the age
of 19, Bello started with just $200 and living in Skid Row. Eventually, after
auditioning for ANTM on several occasions, he was discovered and cast. How
much of your strength comes from your past and drive?
“Everything comes from who I am and my past. It’s true, I came to Los
Angeles with $200 and that quickly became $100, but I knocked on every door
with a rental sign on it promising to pay the moment I had a job. I lived up
to that and had a job the following Monday. I went knowing I would never go
back and I wouldn’t even look back. I was so ready for the journey, and it
reminds me of Cinderella. Would she have ever been a Princess if she went
back for her shoe? No! I feel like I get undeserved praise for doing this,
because it’s something that so many other people from every race and creed
have done. My mother even made the same journey. Mexicans, Africans, so many
people from various backgrounds and situations do it every day, and I get the
praise because of television. It’s definitely put things into perspective
and I will just say that I’m not done yet!”
R: 公主的故事,用让人既兴奋又紧张来形容真是一点也不为过。公主在19岁的时候搬到
B: 所有经历造就了现在的我和过去的我。我来洛杉矶的时候身上只有200刀,很快只剩
Bullying wasn’t just a part of the show, it was a part of your past. What
advice to have for those trying to endure the same treatment?
“This might be controversial, but my advice is – BULLY THEM BACK! I’ll use
the hashtag #BullyABully because I take a realistic view. Telling a parent or
teacher is an ok start, but realistically it won’t help. I lived through it
at school and asked for help, but kids would follow me home from school and
bully me. Finally, I stood up for myself and used my voice. So, I’d say,
defend yourself – without question. Tell them, “Not today!”
R: 被欺凌不只是在节目中,在过去你也遇到过这样的事情。对于那些正在默默忍受被欺
B: 或许这么说可能存在争议性,但我的建议是——欺负回去!我的态度很现实,就是反
How did the rift between you, Mikey, and Devin begin? Is it water under the
bridge now, or just something you are ready to be done with?
“It came from not minding my own business. I defended others and got
involved where I should have minded my own business. For example, I was
always there to stand up for Hadassah, but viewers saw her just stand there
when it came time to stand up for me. Hadassah wasn’t there despite the fact
I always stood up for her. I’m not going to stop defending people, but I
learned from that situation. I think Mikey was genuine when he offered the
olive branch and talked to me about the situation. It’s not even water under
the bridge – it’s a desert. I don’t even think about it. We’re good.”
R: 你和鲶鱼还有蟑螂头的裂痕是什么时候开始产生的呢?你们的隔阂现在已经无关紧要
B: 我们之间的裂痕还是因为我多管闲事。我为其他人出头,并且因此就卷进了他们的撕
鯰魚=Mikey 蟑螂頭=Devin 大傻=Hadassah
Modeling is about so much more than just being beautiful. What would you say
is your biggest modeling asset outside of being photogenic and attractive?
“The fact that I feel. I feel a lot! Some will say they are passionate, but I
’m very passionate. Even when it is not in my best interest, I’m myself and
I will never back down from being myself. I’m always sympathetic, but I am
passionate about every moment.”
R: 做模特远远不是只漂亮就可以的了,对你而言,能够帮助拍照上镜和吸引观众的最重
B: 感觉。我能够感觉到很多东西!有些人说他们有热情,但我是超级有热情。尽管有时
The end of the episode was tense! How are you feeling now and what’s next
for you?
“Now, I can breathe! Being out of the situation has been refreshing in the
sense that I can process and deal. Being on America’s next Top Model has
given us all this huge platform, and good things are happen. Don’t rule me
out! I will be back, you have to stay tuned!”
R: 这集的最后实在是箭拨弩张厚!(应该是指公主不跟其他人拥抱就走的事情)你现在
B: 现在我能够松一口气啦!现在跳出来看,我能够接受(被淘汰的事实)了。ANTM给我
Bello, you were always one to voice stronger feelings and didn’t back down
when it came confrontation. Do you think your tendency to take things head on
helped or hurt you in the competition?
“Both, honestly. I was distracted by coming into defend others. Having a
strong voice and using it to stand up for others instead of myself hurt when
I needed to focus on myself. But I’m passionate and I’m never going to stop
being me. It’s my truth and I’m happy. That’s what matters.”
R: 公主,在节目中你是一个心直口快的人,在跟别人对峙的时候你永远不会让步。你认
B: 说实话,都有。在为别人说话、为别人出头的时候其实我自己也分了心,特别是在需
Bello’s story is nothing short of amazing. After moving to L.A. at the age
of 19, Bello started with just $200 and living in Skid Row. Eventually, after
auditioning for ANTM on several occasions, he was discovered and cast. How
much of your strength comes from your past and drive?
“Everything comes from who I am and my past. It’s true, I came to Los
Angeles with $200 and that quickly became $100, but I knocked on every door
with a rental sign on it promising to pay the moment I had a job. I lived up
to that and had a job the following Monday. I went knowing I would never go
back and I wouldn’t even look back. I was so ready for the journey, and it
reminds me of Cinderella. Would she have ever been a Princess if she went
back for her shoe? No! I feel like I get undeserved praise for doing this,
because it’s something that so many other people from every race and creed
have done. My mother even made the same journey. Mexicans, Africans, so many
people from various backgrounds and situations do it every day, and I get the
praise because of television. It’s definitely put things into perspective
and I will just say that I’m not done yet!”
R: 公主的故事,用让人既兴奋又紧张来形容真是一点也不为过。公主在19岁的时候搬到
B: 所有经历造就了现在的我和过去的我。我来洛杉矶的时候身上只有200刀,很快只剩
Bullying wasn’t just a part of the show, it was a part of your past. What
advice to have for those trying to endure the same treatment?
“This might be controversial, but my advice is – BULLY THEM BACK! I’ll use
the hashtag #BullyABully because I take a realistic view. Telling a parent or
teacher is an ok start, but realistically it won’t help. I lived through it
at school and asked for help, but kids would follow me home from school and
bully me. Finally, I stood up for myself and used my voice. So, I’d say,
defend yourself – without question. Tell them, “Not today!”
R: 被欺凌不只是在节目中,在过去你也遇到过这样的事情。对于那些正在默默忍受被欺
B: 或许这么说可能存在争议性,但我的建议是——欺负回去!我的态度很现实,就是反
How did the rift between you, Mikey, and Devin begin? Is it water under the
bridge now, or just something you are ready to be done with?
“It came from not minding my own business. I defended others and got
involved where I should have minded my own business. For example, I was
always there to stand up for Hadassah, but viewers saw her just stand there
when it came time to stand up for me. Hadassah wasn’t there despite the fact
I always stood up for her. I’m not going to stop defending people, but I
learned from that situation. I think Mikey was genuine when he offered the
olive branch and talked to me about the situation. It’s not even water under
the bridge – it’s a desert. I don’t even think about it. We’re good.”
R: 你和鲶鱼还有蟑螂头的裂痕是什么时候开始产生的呢?你们的隔阂现在已经无关紧要
B: 我们之间的裂痕还是因为我多管闲事。我为其他人出头,并且因此就卷进了他们的撕
鯰魚=Mikey 蟑螂頭=Devin 大傻=Hadassah
Modeling is about so much more than just being beautiful. What would you say
is your biggest modeling asset outside of being photogenic and attractive?
“The fact that I feel. I feel a lot! Some will say they are passionate, but I
’m very passionate. Even when it is not in my best interest, I’m myself and
I will never back down from being myself. I’m always sympathetic, but I am
passionate about every moment.”
R: 做模特远远不是只漂亮就可以的了,对你而言,能够帮助拍照上镜和吸引观众的最重
B: 感觉。我能够感觉到很多东西!有些人说他们有热情,但我是超级有热情。尽管有时
The end of the episode was tense! How are you feeling now and what’s next
for you?
“Now, I can breathe! Being out of the situation has been refreshing in the
sense that I can process and deal. Being on America’s next Top Model has
given us all this huge platform, and good things are happen. Don’t rule me
out! I will be back, you have to stay tuned!”
R: 这集的最后实在是箭拨弩张厚!(应该是指公主不跟其他人拥抱就走的事情)你现在
B: 现在我能够松一口气啦!现在跳出来看,我能够接受(被淘汰的事实)了。ANTM给我
All Comments

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at 2015-10-28T01:16
at 2015-10-28T01:16

By Callum
at 2015-10-30T02:53
at 2015-10-30T02:53

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at 2015-11-02T09:16
at 2015-11-02T09:16

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at 2015-11-06T18:31
at 2015-11-06T18:31
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