Chris Tucker 證實會有Rush Hour 4 - 電影

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-02-22T15:46

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Late last year while visiting the The Cruz Show, actor and stuntman Jackie
Chan confirmed that Rush Hour 4 was in the works, however only Chris Tucker
was left to approve the next chapter.

Now Tucker has confirmed the project himself during an appearance on ESPN’s
podcast The Plug. During the show Tucker was asked if he and Jackie Chan
would ever team up again, more specifically for the Rush Hour franchise, to
which Tucker replied, “It’s happening. This is gonna be the rush of all
rushes.” Tucker continued, “Jackie is ready and we want to do this so that
people don’t ever forget it.”

Chan himself stated last year, “For the last seven years, we’ve been
turn[ing] down, turn[ing] down the script. But yesterday, we agreed.” At the
time, Chan said Tucker was still undecided. Keep it locked here for more
details when they surface. Though the month has almost come to an end, check
out the best films and TV shows for February.


去年成龍在The Cruz Show受訪時表示,Rush Hour 4只等Chris Tucker點頭而已。

而日前在ESPN的The Plug節目中,Chris Tucker證實會有第四集:「我們希望人們不會忘記這個系列」


LEE!!!! CARTER!!!! LEE!!!! CARTER!!!!


Tags: 電影

All Comments

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2018-02-27T05:02
別吧 成龍現在的動作戲只有虛而已
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-03-01T21:15
印象中第三集和第一集的票房差不多 可是因為第三集
製作成本是第一集的四倍 所以第三集賠錢收場
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2018-03-06T04:34
OK阿 英倫對決直接演個老人味道還蠻對的
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2018-03-06T08:53
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-03-07T23:56
Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2018-03-11T18:32
William avatar
By William
at 2018-03-15T12:08
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2018-03-18T03:35
陳港生 真的不行了
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-03-22T12:25
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2018-03-24T16:59
的名號的 結果沒幾年又多幾部


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2018-02-22T15:37
看過角頭1看到在發呆,轉場之後就是一跟新氣氛,完全沒有電影該有的整體調性 最中肯評論就是把偶像劇當電影在拍了吧 毫無記憶點的糞片 角頭2大家都說讚,光是導演本身故事就精彩了 但是為什麼這樣的好片要接在糞片角頭之後呢? 有沒有故事? 我承認卡在角頭1的陰影上,我遲遲不願意去看角頭2 - ...


Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2018-02-22T15:23
漫威拍那麼多超級英雄了 超強:索爾、浩克、奇異博士、幻視(混分仔) 強:鋼鐵人、女巫(目前看來沒超強)、蜘蛛人 中:美國隊長、黑豹、酷寒戰士、星際異攻隊、蟻人 弱:鷹眼、黑寡婦、獵鷹 請問這組合在漫畫版的復仇者聯盟中算強嗎? - ...

Black Panther:與美國歷史的交織, Malco

Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2018-02-22T15:08
Black Panther 以一般的角度來看的話,可能真的會覺得劇情很普通。就是一個王子應該 要繼位,但是卻被外來的人奪位。王子又順利把王位奪回,繼承王位的故事。但是這部片 其實跟美國的歷史息息相關。 講到Black Panther,就會去聯想到跟它有同樣名字的美國黑豹黨, Black Panther Pa ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2018-02-22T14:43
我本身非常喜歡本格派動作片、武打片,當然對一般的血腥鏡頭很ok 畢竟真實系的動作場面,一定會噴一堆血,有時候少一兩根手指也是有可能的 全面突襲系列或是導火線之類的,我完全沒有問題,惡女跟原罪犯之類的也很ok 但是我不喜歡太過於惡意的血腥場面,比方說虐殺啦等等 爬了文對角頭2的劇情都有個大概,不過聽說火 ...

BPM or 抓狂美術館

James avatar
By James
at 2018-02-22T14:36
因為最近有點忙,兩部都蠻想看但只有時間看一部 我對於電影類型沒有特別偏好,之前看過預告,抓狂美術館其實在上映之前就是我蠻期待 、很想看的片,但看到板上很多BPM的好評之後又覺得好像BPM不錯(其實兩部都普遍是好 評)。 於是兩部都想看的我現在有點選擇障礙XD,想請問有沒有看過的版友,比較推哪一部的? - ...