CSI 1307 雷~~ - CSI

By Cara
at 2012-11-18T06:12
at 2012-11-18T06:12
Table of Contents
1307 "Fallen Aangels"
警方在墓園裡發現了一名死者Reverend Rick Renken,
(看到Warrick Brown時,囧尼跟布拔的臉色都不好看,DB則是搞不清楚狀況。)
布拔跟囧尼於是首先懷疑/找上的是該地區的幫派老大Aaron Voss,
(Aaron: Say a pray in front of Warrick for me.)
囧尼: Eli? You're all grown now! Just like your dad. You remember me?
I'm Nick. Your father's friends.
Eli: My dad has friends?
囧尼: Yes! Actually, a lot of them.
Tina: (開門) Eli! Come inside!
What are you doing here? I told you before, Nick. I don't want to see
you in front of my door! Leave! Or I'll call the cops!
莎菈: We tried to help. We called. I came here and ran the bell.
But Tina... Tina never answered. It's a hard time.
兩人發現一罐註明給Cliff Paul的藥物,
Finn: (翻開一個蓋著的盤子,腐敗的食物跟蟑螂露了出來)
A little boy should not living in this house!
... No wonder she's trying to keep you guys out of her house!
Tina: You think I don't know that? Hu,? McKeen, the man killed my husband?
You CSIs let him killing other people!
布拔前往Cliff Paul的住處,卻發現他已經跳出窗外氣絕身亡多時。
但指紋系統卻把他們帶向了最不可思議的人 - 小華。
Eli: I know him. I don't like him. He always made Mom upset.
That's when I hide under my bed.
But Mom promised me yesterday that he will never come again.
Tina: I told him I will let everyone in the church know what he did!
He told me that he'll take care everything. Everything will be fine.
布拔: Then someone makes it not fine for him.
Tina: My husband is died because of this job, and now you are accusing me
囧尼: Tina, we're trying to help! Where is Warrick's stuff?
Tina: After the job killed my husband, I gave all the damn CSI things away!
布拔: Whom you give to?
Tina: Some boy in our neighbor.
布拔: Can we still find him?
囧尼: LVPD.
James: I think you released the crime scene.
囧尼: We did. Are you James? (男孩轉頭,囧尼認出就是那天在Tina家門前的人)
James: ...Warrick told me everything.
囧尼: Evrything?
James: Reveran Rick and Cliff Paul.Warrick will want them gone.
而小華一直都很照顧James,對James來說是像父親的形象一樣的role model。
James說他覺得自己受到宇宙的保護,提到一名Ben Drayton,
Ben Drayton是James的霸凌者,還搶走了James的鞋子,
Tina: They told me I may not get Eli back for months! You have to help me.
You know me, Sara!
莎菈: I think I do. But- You know what, I understand that. But there is really
nothing I can do.
Tina: So is it all? I refused to let CSI in and my life is all ripped?
莎菈: You refused to let us in not just this once! You refused us for years!
And we are trying to help you! I- I'm sorry I have to get back to work.
Tina: You don't understand! If- if I let you in I will be dead now!
莎菈: (轉身)
Tina: After Warrick's death, Eli is all what means to me. I have to drag myself
up because of him. That is how I survive! If I let you in, Eli won't need
me anymore. I- I cannot let it happen.
莎菈: Eli will aleays need you, Tina. But you need to find your way back first.
CSI調查發現Ben Drayton已成為失蹤人口,
Finn跟囧尼在廢棄車廠裡發現被棄屍多年早已風乾的Ben Drayton,頭部中槍死亡。
Finn: James Newman thinks the universe keeps his wishes.
But it's someone who set it free.
另外,Aaron Voss被人襲擊中槍。
小葛: Russell? There is only one name associated with the industry...
DB: I'll get Henry run the faternity.
DB前往莎菈在處理的Aaron Voss駕車,
經比對後發現Aaron的後車箱墊跟包裹Ben Drayton屍體的布料是一樣的,
莎菈: Aaron Voss killed Ben Drayton? Why Warrick's grave then?
DB: Maybe it's a warning. To warn others who wants to mess us with Tina.
To stay away from Warrick's family.
DB: ... We know you killed Peteran Rick, Cliff Paul and Ben Drayton.
We know you're the father of James. We know you're using Warrick's name to
send money to him. The guy who is the real man in your son's life.
Not some gangster like you...
Aaron: Warrick always wants to be the hero...
I am different. I came back to Aaron Voss or something like that.
But I have to take care of my son...
James: Warrick is like my father. I mean, seriously.
I- I don't know what to do with that.
囧尼: You don't have to do anything. Voss didn't mean anything for you.
You are a good man, James. Like Warrick.
James: Sometimes I feel like he is talking to me still.
I know it's crazy.
囧尼: No, it's not. I felt like that, too. He's a good friend to have, man.
莎菈: ... they called. The house is going to stay yours.
Tina: About what you said. Finding my way back... I'm in. Meetings,
counsellings, whatever it takes. I just want you to know that, Sara.
莎菈: (微笑) The child department said it will take a couple of days but
they'll talk to you about what comes later.
Tina: You- you could call me, Sara. You have my number and I promise I'll
answer you now.
莎菈: Right. But I want you to meet someone first now.
Tina: What?
(1) 小華我好想你啊小華~~~~~~ TAT
(2) 要接受自己需要幫助真的是一件很困難的事。
1307 "Fallen Aangels"
警方在墓園裡發現了一名死者Reverend Rick Renken,
(看到Warrick Brown時,囧尼跟布拔的臉色都不好看,DB則是搞不清楚狀況。)
布拔跟囧尼於是首先懷疑/找上的是該地區的幫派老大Aaron Voss,
(Aaron: Say a pray in front of Warrick for me.)
囧尼: Eli? You're all grown now! Just like your dad. You remember me?
I'm Nick. Your father's friends.
Eli: My dad has friends?
囧尼: Yes! Actually, a lot of them.
Tina: (開門) Eli! Come inside!
What are you doing here? I told you before, Nick. I don't want to see
you in front of my door! Leave! Or I'll call the cops!
莎菈: We tried to help. We called. I came here and ran the bell.
But Tina... Tina never answered. It's a hard time.
兩人發現一罐註明給Cliff Paul的藥物,
Finn: (翻開一個蓋著的盤子,腐敗的食物跟蟑螂露了出來)
A little boy should not living in this house!
... No wonder she's trying to keep you guys out of her house!
Tina: You think I don't know that? Hu,? McKeen, the man killed my husband?
You CSIs let him killing other people!
布拔前往Cliff Paul的住處,卻發現他已經跳出窗外氣絕身亡多時。
但指紋系統卻把他們帶向了最不可思議的人 - 小華。
Eli: I know him. I don't like him. He always made Mom upset.
That's when I hide under my bed.
But Mom promised me yesterday that he will never come again.
Tina: I told him I will let everyone in the church know what he did!
He told me that he'll take care everything. Everything will be fine.
布拔: Then someone makes it not fine for him.
Tina: My husband is died because of this job, and now you are accusing me
囧尼: Tina, we're trying to help! Where is Warrick's stuff?
Tina: After the job killed my husband, I gave all the damn CSI things away!
布拔: Whom you give to?
Tina: Some boy in our neighbor.
布拔: Can we still find him?
囧尼: LVPD.
James: I think you released the crime scene.
囧尼: We did. Are you James? (男孩轉頭,囧尼認出就是那天在Tina家門前的人)
James: ...Warrick told me everything.
囧尼: Evrything?
James: Reveran Rick and Cliff Paul.Warrick will want them gone.
而小華一直都很照顧James,對James來說是像父親的形象一樣的role model。
James說他覺得自己受到宇宙的保護,提到一名Ben Drayton,
Ben Drayton是James的霸凌者,還搶走了James的鞋子,
Tina: They told me I may not get Eli back for months! You have to help me.
You know me, Sara!
莎菈: I think I do. But- You know what, I understand that. But there is really
nothing I can do.
Tina: So is it all? I refused to let CSI in and my life is all ripped?
莎菈: You refused to let us in not just this once! You refused us for years!
And we are trying to help you! I- I'm sorry I have to get back to work.
Tina: You don't understand! If- if I let you in I will be dead now!
莎菈: (轉身)
Tina: After Warrick's death, Eli is all what means to me. I have to drag myself
up because of him. That is how I survive! If I let you in, Eli won't need
me anymore. I- I cannot let it happen.
莎菈: Eli will aleays need you, Tina. But you need to find your way back first.
CSI調查發現Ben Drayton已成為失蹤人口,
Finn跟囧尼在廢棄車廠裡發現被棄屍多年早已風乾的Ben Drayton,頭部中槍死亡。
Finn: James Newman thinks the universe keeps his wishes.
But it's someone who set it free.
另外,Aaron Voss被人襲擊中槍。
小葛: Russell? There is only one name associated with the industry...
DB: I'll get Henry run the faternity.
DB前往莎菈在處理的Aaron Voss駕車,
經比對後發現Aaron的後車箱墊跟包裹Ben Drayton屍體的布料是一樣的,
莎菈: Aaron Voss killed Ben Drayton? Why Warrick's grave then?
DB: Maybe it's a warning. To warn others who wants to mess us with Tina.
To stay away from Warrick's family.
DB: ... We know you killed Peteran Rick, Cliff Paul and Ben Drayton.
We know you're the father of James. We know you're using Warrick's name to
send money to him. The guy who is the real man in your son's life.
Not some gangster like you...
Aaron: Warrick always wants to be the hero...
I am different. I came back to Aaron Voss or something like that.
But I have to take care of my son...
James: Warrick is like my father. I mean, seriously.
I- I don't know what to do with that.
囧尼: You don't have to do anything. Voss didn't mean anything for you.
You are a good man, James. Like Warrick.
James: Sometimes I feel like he is talking to me still.
I know it's crazy.
囧尼: No, it's not. I felt like that, too. He's a good friend to have, man.
莎菈: ... they called. The house is going to stay yours.
Tina: About what you said. Finding my way back... I'm in. Meetings,
counsellings, whatever it takes. I just want you to know that, Sara.
莎菈: (微笑) The child department said it will take a couple of days but
they'll talk to you about what comes later.
Tina: You- you could call me, Sara. You have my number and I promise I'll
answer you now.
莎菈: Right. But I want you to meet someone first now.
Tina: What?
(1) 小華我好想你啊小華~~~~~~ TAT
(2) 要接受自己需要幫助真的是一件很困難的事。
All Comments

By Daph Bay
at 2012-11-22T20:16
at 2012-11-22T20:16

By Linda
at 2012-11-27T04:42
at 2012-11-27T04:42

By Mason
at 2012-11-28T04:00
at 2012-11-28T04:00

By Joe
at 2012-12-02T05:40
at 2012-12-02T05:40

By Sarah
at 2012-12-03T14:28
at 2012-12-03T14:28

By Iris
at 2012-12-06T08:37
at 2012-12-06T08:37

By Eartha
at 2012-12-08T12:43
at 2012-12-08T12:43

By Joseph
at 2012-12-13T07:35
at 2012-12-13T07:35

By Mia
at 2012-12-14T12:39
at 2012-12-14T12:39

By Una
at 2012-12-15T08:20
at 2012-12-15T08:20

By Puput
at 2012-12-18T12:04
at 2012-12-18T12:04

By Jessica
at 2012-12-19T21:46
at 2012-12-19T21:46

By Brianna
at 2012-12-20T21:23
at 2012-12-20T21:23
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