CSI: LV 1210 雷~~ - CSI

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By Hedda
at 2011-12-17T12:07

Table of Contents

我的電腦大當機花了一天才救回來啦! ~> <~ 之 防雷頁

本集重點: 羅賓爺爺抱抱, 布拔拍拍~~

警察A: 911, what is your emergency? No, ma'am, we want remove a rat
from your pool (警察B偷笑) Even it's a size of a dog.
911, what is your emergency?
女子: There is a man dead on my bed.
警察A: How do you know he is dead?
女子: I- I performed CPR. He has no breathing. No heart beating.
警察A: I got your trail in XXX Handerson, is it correct?
女子: Yes.
警察A: I'll send officers on their way. And I'll call the cornor.
鏡頭掃到床頭櫃, 上面都是羅賓爺爺跟女子合照的照片.
女子: Don't worry about the cornor. I'll call him myself.

小葛: (看著臥室裡的燭光與音樂) We have to keep Doc out of here. This will
tear his heart apart.
布拔: Have been there before.
小葛: But once again, it can be different from it looks like.
布拔: Cheating wife and dead lover. You see anything I don't?
小葛: The scene hasn't been processed yet.

法醫室裡, 羅賓爺爺正在洗手, 他的手機響著, DB走了進來.
DB: Hey, Doc.
羅賓爺爺: Hey, DB.
DB: We got a crime scene.
羅賓爺爺: And you're delivering a personal invitation?
DB: Your wife is fine.
羅賓爺爺: What are you talking about?
DB: The crime scene is at your house, Doc.

布拔: So you're with Dan Traxyln. Doing some research, huh?
Judy: That is correct.
布拔: What kind of research requires you taking off your clothes and
jumping to the bed?
Judy: I am not appreciate the direction you're going, Jim.
布拔: Can you explain why a man got naked and dead on your bed?
Jody: No, I can't. I got a call. Our grandson got a cold that almost
drives my daughther crazy. We must talk about 20 minutes.
布拔: Where is Traxyln around this time?
Judy: In the livingroom. But when I came back, he's gone. Dan's not the
type of person who just up and leave. So I called his cell phone.
I- I don't know. Maybe he got the wrong idea about us? Because of
the wine? Because I hugged him?
布拔: Judy, if you have an affair, just cut it off. It won't get more
worse than this.

樓上臥室裡, 大衛抵達現場.
大衛: This is terrifying, I-
小葛: David, just try to focus on this, okay?
大衛: Okay.
小葛: You mind if I swab his face?
大衛: No, go ahead. (看到照片們) You know they just celebrate their 25
anniversary on October?
小葛: (看看臉色發白的大衛) Want to talk about how he died?
大衛: Yeah (靠近屍體).
小葛: Dan Traxyln. 45. (看著證件)
大衛: He's not her type.
小葛: What's her type?
大衛: (失控) Doc! Doc Robbin is her type! 95 degree. He didn't die long
ago. Just a few hours maybe. There is no injury. I got blood in
his mouth though.
小葛: You don't see blood in heart attacks.

外頭, 羅賓爺爺趕回家了.
Judy: Thanks God you're here- (準備上前)
布拔: (攔人) No, no, wait. Stay back. (面對羅賓爺爺把爺爺擋在封鎖線外)
Al, I'm sorry, I have to ask you stay back and let us do our job.
羅賓爺爺: I just need to talk to my wife, Jim.
布拔: I'm sorry. I cannot let that happen.
DB: Let me speak to him. (對羅賓爺爺說) I'll fill you in, okay?

DB走進去, 布拔開始報告.
布拔: All right, no trace of force entry. Neighbors didn't sound or see
anything. Victim's car is parked several blocks away, and it had
been ticketed before.
DB: So what did you think? An affair?
布拔: Yeah, yeah, apparantly. She wouldn't come clean just because she
knows all of us.
DB: (看著走出來的小葛) What did you get there, Greg?
小葛: There is a body inside the house.
布拔: Like we haven't found one yet.
DB: All right, let's treat this smartly as a homicide, okay?
布拔: I'll need to bring Judy back to the office.
DB: Okay, let's process the scene first.
布拔: Here's a smart hint: She said she was on the phone when whatever
happened happaned. You might want to check that out.

DB: Mrs. Robbins? I'm D. B. Russell. I'm so sorry, hum, given this
circumstance. (想握手但想起自己才戴了手套)
Judy: I understand.
DB: So may I check your phone?
Judy: Sure.
DB: Wow, that's a long one. Who's Pan?
Judy: Yeah, I know. Pan is our daughther.
DB: Where did you take it?
Judy: Right there outside that door.
DB: Okay, thank you.

DB往Judy說的方向走, 邊接電話.
DB: Hey, Darling. No, no, I am not at a scence. Yeah, I can talk.
Actually, I can talk about 20 minutes. (接近一張桌子跟一盆花)
Wish you were here to see this. Their Garnia works so much better
than ours. (注意到桌上的枯枝) Hold on a second-

大衛準備離開了, 先跟還被擋在外面的羅賓爺爺確認.
羅賓爺爺: I called Sylvia Salon. She will do the post.
大衛: Okay, I- I will stay with the body.
羅賓爺爺: Good. Don't want anyone question how we handle this.
大衛忍不住抱住羅賓爺爺, 羅賓爺爺安撫的拍拍他, Judy在封鎖圈內看著.
Morgan: Mrs. Robbins? I'm CSI Bordin. I'm here to process you.

樓上的房間, 小葛還忙著蒐證, 一轉頭卻看到羅賓爺爺出現在臥室門口.
小葛: Doc! You shouldn't be here!
羅賓爺爺: Morgan is processing Judy. Greg, can you do me a favor?
Brought something from the top of the drawer there?
小葛: (看一眼羅賓爺爺說的方向卻沒動) Doc, I would love to help if it is
really necessary. But you really shouldn't be here.
羅賓爺爺: Can you do me a favor, Greg? Run this as a colleague of Dr.
Robbins. Not Judy Robbins's husband.
小葛: (嘆氣妥協了) The victim is white, male, 45-year old. He was found
on this side of the bed. There is no force trauma. LS indicates
羅賓爺爺: ... That's Judy's side of the bed.
小葛: Excuse me?
羅賓爺爺: That's Judy's side of the bed! All 25 years, we never switch
sides! Never. Ever.
小葛: I think you should go now. Doc.

樓下, Morgan正在進行採證中
Morgan: Could you please show me your hands? (Judy伸出手, 手顫抖著)
Hey, hey, listen to me. Evidence can work both ways, okay?
They prove the guilty, and they prove the innocience.
Judy: You know, Jim Brass, he doesn't trust a word I said. If I have an
affair? I won't have it here. Not in this house. Not on that bed.
Every marriage has its own problems. But the bed secret? If you
cross the line. There is no way going back.
Morgan開始檢查手指, DB跑了進來.
DB: Her fingers are green, right?
Morgan: How do you know that!!?
DB: You were picking on the Garnia when you were on the phobe with your
daughther, right? There is a pile of dead leaves there now.
Judy: The best way to keep Garnia blooming.
DB: And that can give us a way to identify the time frame. (對Morgan說)
You know what to do, right?
Morgan: The cholorophyll test!

布拔: How's your relationship with Judy?
羅賓爺爺: Solid.
布拔: Do you know the victim? Dan Traxyln?
羅賓爺爺: No.
布拔: Well, your wife knows.
羅賓爺爺: Judy friends a lot of people.
布拔: We found an ATM recieve in the house. That's a lot.
羅賓爺爺: Judy has girl's night out every Tuesday.
布拔: Expect yesterday. She stayed in.
羅賓爺爺: Are you investigating the case or my wife?
布拔: They moved from the living room to the bedroom!
羅賓爺爺: I do not believe that is what happened.
布拔: Look, you're not the only one being blindsided, Al. My ex-wife
blindsided me nearly a year. Me! Over a year!
羅賓爺爺: I appreciate your scope. But that is your marriage. Not mine.
布拔: Al, this is an information I don't want to but have to say: Judy's
nights out? Is Traxyln's idea. You have to be prepared. Things
will only go worse.
羅賓爺爺: No, you have to be prepared that you are wrong. Your past is
clouding your judgement. And I expect more than that from you,

羅賓爺爺回到法醫室, DB跟Dr. Slon在那兒
羅賓爺爺: Dr. Slon, how's it?
Sylvia: No injury. No force trauma. No broken bones. Heart tissue shows
no CKS.
DB: No heart attack.
Sylvia: I already collected blood samples to the lab.
羅賓爺爺: How about the penis swab?
Sylvia: I already send that to the DNA.
羅賓爺爺: Anything represent?
Sylvia: (嘆氣) Only this.
羅賓爺爺: (趨前看到死者的唇下是裂開的) ...explains the blood in his
DB: Man is smothered.
Sylvia: This is a homicide. I'm sorry, Al.

小哈: Smothering is passive. All female feeling aroung that.
小葛: Could you just process the bathroom?
小哈: You know, if it is other people, I'll totally buy the cheating
wife thing. But this is Doc! He's a great man. Nothing slows him
down. He has such a great outlooking life. (看到浴室裡的扶助用具)
He comes home everyday and removes his leg. (打開藥櫃)
XXXXX(藥品名), really? Why would Judy do this to him?
小葛: Do Dr. Robbins have a cat? A gray tebby maybe?
小哈: Yeah. His name is Cinder. You know I remembered that because my
stepmother owns a cat named exactly like that and ironically got
itself in fire somehow.
小葛: My stepmother is allergic to cat. What you got?
小哈: A box of condom that out of Dr. Robbins's reach. Looks like Judy
still care enough to not getting him diseases when she's screwing
him around.
小葛: Hodges, you really need switch to the neutral zone.

Morgan在客廳採證, 發現地毯上奇怪的印子.
小葛: (搖著貓食走進來) Cinder? Hey, did you see the cat? I think I scared
Morgan: Yeah, he just ran into another room.
小葛: What you got here.
Morgan: Just this mark on the rug that does not fit to anything in this
小葛: Well, a table maybe? Or a lamp?
Morgan: But then it would get into the way to the sofa.
小葛: No matter what it is, it isn't there anymore.

警局裡, 布拔正在詢問Judy.
布拔: Tell me more about Daniel Traxyln.
Judy: He was a genealogist. I found him on-line when I was trying to get
someone do Al's family tree.
布拔: And when the affair begins?
Judy: There is no affair!
布拔: Judy, you're not here because of an affair, even though I don't
think you will care. You're here because of a homicide!
Judy: I did not cheat on my husband. And I did not kill Dan!

Morgan回到局裡, 看到等在偵訊室外的羅賓爺爺, 拍了拍羅賓爺爺的手.
Morgan: Doc, I have a question. We found this mark on your rug. Do you
know anything can produce that?
羅賓爺爺: No.
布拔: (從裡面走了出來) No matter who you're pretended. This isn't the
end yet, Judy! (看到羅賓爺爺) No, Al, I cannot let you see her
before I confirm your alibi.
Morgan: Uh, captain, I have a question to ask Mrs. Robbins. Is it cool
for you?
布拔: As long as you don't pass notes for your new best friend.

Morgan: Mrs. Robbins, did Dan bring anything with him?
Judy: Yes, a briefcase. (比畫出大小)
Morgan: Well, we didn't find one in your house.
Judy: He definitely brought one with him.
Morgan: Okay. Is there anyone except you and Mr. Traxyln in the house?
Judy: Yes. (很認真的看著Morgan) Whoever killed him.

小葛: Hey, Catherine, you were married before. Is it odd to find a dead
man on Judy's side of the bed?
凱姐: Well, you choose your side early in the relationship. You seldom
change that. Unless you want to twist it with some extracurriculum.
(看看小葛) Did you find semen?
小葛: (點頭) And one more thing, we thought that Dan Traxyln brounght
a briefcase with him, only that Morgan and I cannot find one in
the house.
凱姐: Did Judy have time to ditch it?
小葛: I can't see how she achieve that. She was on the phone with her
daughther about 20 minutes. Then she called Traxyln and 911
immediately after that. Besides, if she has time, why not get rid
of the candles or turned off Marvin Guy?
凱姐: Marvin Guy? Sexual Healing?
小葛: Whatelse will you play from Marvin Guy? All right, I guess we need
to find the briefcase.
凱姐: You need to learn more about the genealogist.

於是小葛跑去找Dan Traxyln的合作夥伴Donna Hoppe
Donna: (講解田野調查中) Always get the permission from church or the
cemetary managers first.
學生: Won't it hurt the grave stone?
Donna: Yes, it is. That's why we use xxx papers and light, even strokes.
Okay, have fun around.
小葛: Donna Hoppe?
Donna: Yes?
小葛: Your secretory told me that you'll be here. I'm Greg Sanders. I
worked for the Vegas crime lab.
Donna: Sanders? That's Americanized, right?
小葛: Um? Yes, sort of. It's modified from Sanderson. My father's side
is from XXX, Norway.
Donna: And your mother's side?
小葛: (笑) Hoejons. From Oslo.
Donna: Aw, how many of them were named "Olof"?
小葛: (笑) My grandfather is Olof Hoejon the 8th.
Donna: (大笑) You, should hyphenated. Hoejon is way much an interesting
name than Sanders. However, if you want to learn the class, you
really should come to my seminar earlier.
小葛: Hum, actually, I'm here for another business. Mrs. Hoppe, I'm
sorry to tell you that your business partner Dan Traxyln was
murdered last night.
Donna: (神色大變) Oh my God. How?
小葛: We're still investigating it. Do you know if he has any enemy?
Is there anyone wants to hurt him or your business?
Donna: No. Dan is a prince. Everybody loves him. His only flaw is that
sometimes he gets too close with the client.
小葛: Is it normal for you to meet a client at night?
Donna: Yes, we- we try to accompliance their schedule. If they have
works, we will meet them after their job is done.
小葛: Does Dan usually bring a brief case with him?
Donna: Yes. It's his second office.
小葛: What's inside?
Donna: Documents of the clients, his notes...
小葛: Do you have a client list?
Donna: Hum, yeah. (掏出一張紙) Here, with name and the numbers.
小葛: Thank you very much. Here is a Judy Robbins. Do you know her?
Donna: No. I think he finished the case already. (哭出來) Excuse me.

羅賓爺爺: Thanks for not asking me how am I doing. David is asking every
5 minutes.
凱姐: He is concerned. As all we are.
羅賓爺爺: I want to know how you think.
凱姐: (嘆氣) It's hard enough to see someone you love in trouble. It's
harder to think about the betrayl.
羅賓爺爺: You don't think about that when you have an affair.
凱姐: Judy had an affair before?
羅賓爺爺: No, not her. It's me. Everyone assumes that I can't- I want to
prove I can. Almost destroy Judy and our marriage.
凱姐: When I was married to Eddie. He would hurt me, and then I would
hurt him back. You think this is what happened now?
羅賓爺爺: (手機響了) Sorry, Cath. I have to pick up this.
凱姐: Sure. (收拾東西慢慢離開)
羅賓爺爺: Hey. Thank you for responding back so fast. I- I got your
number from a colleague. My wife needs a criminal defend
attorney. It's a murder.

小葛: Hey, Russell wants updates.
亨利: You know, for a guy seems so laying back, Russel is kind of
小葛: Oh, come'on, scary? A little odd, maybe. But as long as you
finished your job as soon as possible-
亨利: Did he ever yell out your name?
小葛: Oh. I prefer to think it as a respectful shout. (亨利偏頭)
Anyway, DNA report?
亨利: Coming. (印表機吐出一張紙)
小葛: So the semen and others matched to Dr. Robbin and Judy.
亨利: I didn't find any semen from our victim. But, I do find his siliva.
小葛: From a pillow?
亨利: And the potential murder weapon. I also recovered a touch of
DNA from the pillow. It's male. And it didn't match Dr. Robbins.
小葛: So the killer didn't wear a glove. Any hit in CODIS?
亨利: I'm running it right now. (結果出現, no match) Oh, I'll give you
everything if you go tell Russell. (對小葛笑, 小葛挑眉)

DB: So the DNA is a dead end?
亨利: Um, not necessarily. We can expand the search from an individual to
a family. Like a DNA family tree. If the person has a family member
in the CODIS, we can get a partial match. The only problem is, I
can't push the button of the search.
DB: You need the approval of the sheriff. All right, why don't you go
preparing while I talk to the sheriff? (拿電話) Is there anything
亨利: Nope. (逃走)

Morgan在跟Dan Traxyln的一名客戶對談
Carla: I can't believe someone will hurt that kind man.
Morgan: Mrs. Smith. You're on the client list. Do you hire him?
Carla: Yes, see, I am going to be married. My father is dead, so are his
fellows. My mother is not close to her family. But, I think, if
I can find her father, my grandfather, maybe he will be willing
to walk me down the aisle. Dan said if he's alive, he could find
Morgan: Did him?
Carla: I don't know. We were supposed to meet again today.
Morgan: Did Dan ever behave inappropriately toward you?
Carla: No, the man is a monk. He lived in the past. "Feast on history,"
that's his word. Every other people said the same thing about
him. I talked to some other clients before I hired him.
Morgan: Did you talk to Judy Robbins as well.
Carla: Yeah. No bad words for him. You know, I'm really counting on him
to find my grandfather.
Morgan: What's his name?
Carla: Samuel Francis Duggan. Isn't it a beautiful name?
Morgan: Yes, it is.

Judy: Al! (抱住等著的羅賓爺爺) I- I just want to go home.
羅賓爺爺: Mr. Handerson will drive you home.
Judy: What? Al, we need to talk. I can explain everything, I-
羅賓爺爺: (打斷) Judy. I want to believe in you, in us. And if we talk,
and if I am not convinced, everything will just be gone. I'm
not ready for that yet.
Judy: Okay. All right. When you're ready. Be home.

小哈: (唱) And here is to you, Mrs. Robbins~~
小葛: It is not funny and I am kind of busy. So if you get any results
for me, just cough it out!
小哈: (咳了兩聲) The XXX recovered from the victim's face belongs to
小葛: Well, she did say that she gave him a CPR.
小哈: I bet she gave him more than that. (小葛瞪他) I'm just saying
that if I'm playing Sexual Healing, I'll call it a foreplay.
小葛: Right, but playing with yourself doesn't count.
小哈: And, I found XXXXX(藥品名) from the cat litter.
小葛: Why would a cat needs XXXXX?
小哈: It is commonly used in human to treat thyloid problems. More
than that, when I put the sample under the light, it glows like
a gem (表演給小葛看).
小葛: The cat urine is radioactive?
小哈: Yap. It is used to treat thyloid cancer in cats and it has a half
life cycle of 8 days. I'm thinking that it belongs to the secret
小葛: There is no way. I check Traxyln's office, his house, and there
is no trace of a cat.
小哈: Well, there is always the unknown accompliance theory.
小葛: Or, Judy is right. There is a third person in the house the night.
小哈: Either way, you're looking for a very sick cat. Chemotheropy
is expensice and only veterinarian specialist can perform it.
小葛: All right, give me the list of the vet and the name of the cats
they treated within the past 8 days.
小哈: (微笑) I can't without a warrant. There is a vet-pet privilage.
小葛: Seriously?
小哈: Yes, you can only get a b-line without a warrant!

亨利: So our killer has a first degree relative in CODIS: Jimmy Duggan.
DB: First degree means father-son or brothers. And Morgan mentioned
that a Carla Smith is looking for her grandfather Smuel Francis
Duggan under Traxyln's help.
亨利: So maybe Traxyln came across Sam, and Sam came across Traxyln.
DB: So we need to find Sam. Maybe Jimmy knows where Sam is.
亨利: Well, that, with an extra credit, I can tell you where Jimmy is.
The same place for the past 13 years.
DB: That's almost too easy.

Jimmy: No matter what you want, I didn't do that.
DB: (笑) Actually, I want to ask you about your family, especially your
Jimmy: My old man left me when I was 13. Never coming back. He divorced
with the crazy bitch, my mother. She is always high and speaking
craps out of me.
DB: That must be tough.
Jimmy: Yeah, you won't see me cry. But when my old man left, I did cried
once. I was just 13. No wonder I am in the big house now, huh?
DB: You have any brothers?
Jimmy: No, a sister, Jasmine. She prefer to think I was dead already.
Maybe some steps I don't know, though.
DB: No, we're talking about full blood relatives here. You have a son?
Jimmy: No. What did the bastard do?
DB: Maybe nothing. Maybe murder.
Jimmy: Oh right, we can be cell mates then.
DB: (笑) Hey, Jimmy, do you think your mother will know where Sam is?
Jimmy: I doubt that. If she's sober, you can ask her yourself. She
lives in Primm.

小葛: I checked all our database and all I get is Samuel Duggan's date
of Birth.
Donna: ... your database is usually incomplete. The man could be moved
out of states, or could be dead. But if it is the case, Dan will
figure that out and notify his client already. So, let's try to
find out Samuel Francis Duggan by doing this Smith-Duggan family
tree (攤開一本大書). Now, tell me what you know, Hoejon-Sanders.
小葛: Well, Samuel Francis Duggan married Eunice Carter in 1956, right
after the high school. They have Jimmy in 58. And then Jasmine
in 67. Then they got divorced in 1971. Jasmine married to Alex
Smith in 88. And they have Carla in 1990.
Donna: Oh, she's the one who wants to find her grandpa walking her
down the aisle, huh? All right, now we know the last document
grandpa Duggan signed is a divorce agreement. All we need to do
is to find that!
Donna: Sit down, Hoejon-Sanders. I have a story to tell you.
小葛: The divorce agreement!
Donna: That is the interesting part. Usually in Nevada, the divorce
certification will be send out within six months after the
agreement. Check the date here.
小葛: It's nine months later, why is that?
Donna: That's because, Eunice Duggan was pregnant.
The judge won't send out the certification if the woman is
pregnant. They will want to keep it after the baby was born in
case of any custody issues.
小葛: So Jimmy could have a brother he didn't even know.
Donna: That's the more interesting part! There is no mention of the
baby in the agreement or certification. No birth certification
is given out to a Duggan. I even checked Eunice's given name
Carter. Nothing.
小葛: So what does it lead us to?
小葛: A baby is found in the Dessert Palm Hospital yesterday. In order
to honor the St. Patrick's Day, nurses named him Baby Patrick.
Baby Patrick is put to St. Martin Orphan for adaption.
Donna: Mar 17th 1971. The date is a match.
小葛: This is not very scientific.
Donna: This is not science. This is genealogy. Trust your guts.
小葛: My guts is telling me how we find Baby Patrick?
Donna: Have faith, my son. Have faith.

回到局裡, 小葛邊走邊跟DB報告.
小葛: I dig really deep to the genealogy thing, you know. When Norway
is trying to be independent from Swiden. My great great grandpa,
Olof Hoejon, was one of those people who stand against the Swidish
government and helped to make the nation's claim.
DB: That's really nice. But tell me more about the Baby Patrick.
小葛: Well, St. Martin Orphan doesn't exist anymore, but Donna managed
tracing down a nurse. Baby Patrick was adapted to a O'Tool family.
And apparantly there aren't too many O'Tool in Vegas.
DB: What do we know about this Patrick O'Tool?
小葛: Well, he's local. Hodges is on his apartment now.
Morgan: (從辦公室探出頭來) Wait till I told you about Eunice Carter.

三人進入辦公室中看著大幅的family tree(貼有照片)
Morgan: Usually I tried to be neutral. But this woman, she shouldn't
be allowed to have kids ever. All the time I was there, she
didn't even come sober once.
DB: All right, so Eunice is the wife of Sam, and the mother of Jimmy.
小葛: And potentially, the birth mother of Patrick, who abandomed him
on the stairs of the Desert Palm Hospital 40 years ago.
Morgan: We don't have DNA back then, but Henry is dealing with the
samples noe.
小哈: (走進來) The landlord didn't let me in Patrick's apartment. But
he did give me an interesting information: Patrick has a cat. A
very sick cat.

Patrick: Hey! Where are you bring him to? You guys pretended to be my
vets and told me that Chander needs an emergent surgery just
to lure me? For what?
布拔: If I were you, I'll worry more about the DNA samples we just
sent to the lab.
Patrick: Chander needs his med.
布拔: He'll make sure he got all his needs, okay? Now, we got cats out,
can we talk? Did you ever meet with Daniel Traxyln?
Patrick: No.
布拔: Show me your shoes.
Patrick舉起腳, 小哈上前掃描.
小哈: Looks like someone steps in it. Yap, radioactive litters.
布拔: You brought that to Judy Robbins's house.
Patrick: Whe the hell is her?
布拔: She is the owner of the house where you killed Dan Traxyln.
Evidence will show us that. But I want to hear from you.

小葛: What the hell was wrong with you!
亨利: I screwed the DNA.
小葛: Well, if you screwed the DNA, you can kiss goodbye to your career.
亨利: I know! Look!
小葛: Well, the file seems fine to me.
亨利: Look at the reference!
小葛: Oh- I- I'm not if you screwed anything. But someone did. We need
to run a kin test to justify that. (穿實驗袍) I'm not going to
do this alone. Go get the reagent!
小葛: Okay, there is low diversity. Eunice, Patrick and Jimmy are related.
Just not in a way we thought they are.

另外, Morgan找到失蹤的手提箱了.
DB: What you got for me? The missing briefcase?
Morgan: Yes. We discovered that from Patrick's car.
DB: What's inside?
Morgan: Documents, files, numbers of his clients. And a notebook with
all detailed information. According to his log, he did meet
Patrick. Several time. So maybe he wants to invite him to the
DB: I still do not see the connection of it to the murder.
Morgan: Neither do I. Greg is working on that aspect.
DB: Great. Greg! (往外大吼) Good job. (對Morgan說)
小葛: (跑過來) You know we do have the intercom system. And, I do get
the motive. I know why Patrick killed Traxyln.

布拔: This DNA report said that your DNA is found on the pillow killed
Dan Traxyln.
小葛: And this report said that there is a secret inside the Duggan
Patrick: Screw you!
布拔: ... you're an orphan. It must be hard to forget. You probably
already convinced yourself that you do not have a family.
小葛: Until Dan Traxyln showed up. You suddenly realized that you are
probably not alone. Then your curiosity got your best.
布拔: You followed him to Eunice, your mother. And she told you who
your father is there.

Eunice: You! You're the son of the monster! I didn't want you back
then, and I surely as hell that I don't want you now!

Patrick: What you want me to say? My mother had sex with her own son!
布拔: When Jimmy was 13. That's rape. What did you do in the house
Patrick: I left the bitch. I went to the man's office to chew his face.
I saw him left, so I followed him.

Dan: Patrick!
Patrick: Get up! (掏槍) Follow me! To the bedroom! (兩人進入臥室)
Nice place, the woman is your lover?
Dan: No! She's just a client!
Patrick: Take off your clothes! Now! Or I'll kill her! (Dan照做)
To the bed! To the bed! (然後用枕頭悶死了Dan)

小葛: Why release your anger to Dan Traxyln?
Patrick: Everyone screwed everyone's life. I know you cops will think
it as a sexual thing. My mother is a whore. My father is my
brother. I don't need to know that! I don't want to know
how screwed my family is! But he showed up all excited talking
about family reunion and happy endings!
小葛: Well, if this can make you feel better, Traxyln didn't know the
Patrick: I don't care!
布拔: Wrap him up.
Patrick: That's it? (員警帶走中) He should really just leave it.

小葛: Donna! What brings you here?
Donna: I found grandpa Sam. He agreed to meet with Carla.
小葛: Great! So after all, she still can get someone walk her down
the aisle.
Donna: (笑) Hoejon-Sanders. You're a truly romantic. That's very
小葛: We caught the man who killed Dan.
Donna: I heard. Thank you for that. It is easy to get too close to our
clients. But Dan always has their interests in mind. (看看小葛)
You know, in 1990s, there is one Alex XXX Hoejon owned a great
mine in Minnesota. Legend says that because of his fourtune and
his extrem ego, he owned a name as "cake-eaters." Which is used
then in mine managers and representers.
小葛: (笑) Alex is my great uncle and his ego is quite famous inside
the family as well- actually, that's why my family ended up in
Donna: Oh.
小葛: If I want to know more stories about my family, is it okay for
me to call you?
Donna: Sure. But let's just focus on the Hoejons. And remember,

布拔: Hey, I am glad I catch you up here. Everything Judy said was
confirmed. I- I want to apologize.
羅賓爺爺: That is appreciated, Jim.
布拔: Well, I guess I am punishing her for what my ex-wife did to me.
But that is my marriage, not yours. You're right, I let my past
clouded my judgement. I'm sorry.
羅賓爺爺: And what's that? (看著布拔手上的紙筒)
布拔: Oh, we found this inside Dan Traxyln's briefcase. It has your
name on it. I'll let Judy tell you what's in side. (拍拍羅賓爺爺)
Go home, buddy. Go back to your wife.

羅賓爺爺: Hey.
Judy: Hey. I begin to think that you may sleep in the office.
羅賓爺爺: I am sorry for doubting you.
Judy: (抱住羅賓爺爺) And I'm sorry for keeping secrets. I- I want it
to be a surprise.
羅賓爺爺: You did it.
Judy: And I love you. Never doubt that.
羅賓爺爺: I won't.
Judy: (帶著他坐下) Here. Open it.
羅賓爺爺: (打開紙捲, 是他們的family tree) Whoa!
Judy: Yeah. And look here.
羅賓爺爺: (看著往上追蹤的分支) I'm related to Bill Buffalo Coddy? Cool!

本集心得: 1) 媽啊大家的互動都好好看喔~~(感動)
2) Patrick很雖, 但是亂出氣是不對的. Dan也很雖, 該說太宅也會出問題?
Judy秀秀, 布拔也不是故意的啦, 他想挺他兄弟嘛...(抓頭)
其實我覺得章魚哈說的話比較欠扁, 只是他都沒有在當事人面前說就是了~
3) 族譜學好好玩, 小葛你們家族會不會太奇妙了一點? XD

然後前幾則有消息說NY今年的冬季假期後回歸會很久..... (無聲的尖叫中)

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-12-19T08:12
這集好看 這才是CSI
Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2011-12-23T06:32
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-12-26T08:29
裡面有演the defenders裡面Zoey的Tanya Fischer客串 > <
George avatar
By George
at 2011-12-27T10:44
族譜學真的好妙! 這集對爺爺的敬仰又升等了 <(_ _)>
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-12-30T02:50
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-12-30T18:23
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2012-01-01T00:14
不只冏尼 莎拉也沒出現吧?! XDDD
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2012-01-02T05:27
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2012-01-04T08:24

NY S8冬休後的回歸日期...

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-12-16T09:01
http://www.tvline.com/2011/12/cbs-2012-midseason-schedule-gifted-man-csi-ny/ 3/30/2012 O_O||||||| (狂汗) Mac小組被坐6個禮拜的冷板凳 O_O||| 而NY本來的時段將給A Gifted Man (因 ...

CSI:LV 305 結尾疑問(雷)

Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2011-12-15T18:03
這問題我查過本版有人問過了 不過推文沒有答案 所以我還是想問問 就是最後葛瑞森在魔術師上警車之前特別檢查了他的嘴巴 但沒問題後葛瑞森又露出一副似笑非笑 一臉讓人猜不透的表情 之後魔術師在上警車後 鏡頭特寫他舌頭有一把鑰匙 按照葛瑞森的性格 那把鑰匙應該不是他給的吧?! 但如果不是葛瑞森給的 那為 ...


Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2011-12-15T00:24
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FUm2pszOtUandamp;feature=related H從以前就是這樣演欸 感覺就像海灘店裡H這個警探去拍電影一樣XDDD 這部片裡面有好多熟悉的臉 尤其是尼可 -- - ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2011-12-14T21:07
邁阿密第五季中 艾瑞克好心救了一個被家暴的女生 可是其實他們是專門詐騙好心路人 對方居然提出高額求償 艾瑞克後來和解了 但對方卻因為沒收到錢又來搗蛋 讓艾瑞克差點只能去坐櫃台 請問,後來那個討人厭的女生有沒有什麼報應? 另外,到底為什麼艾瑞克要和解呢? 他說他是因為怕自己和老何在巴西的事被掀 ...

CSI:Miami S9x17

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2011-12-12T21:55
太變態啦,人獵人耶! 真是超Suck! 老何:給你15秒,RUN,14秒…13秒(砰),還不跑,12秒,要是我是你就會跑,11秒, 兇手:(嚇得屁滾尿流) 老何:那些被你殺的人至少是帶著尊嚴而死的,看看你(不屑)! - ...