CSI: LV 1211 雷~~ - CSI

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2012-01-20T06:45

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詳細版雷文來了~~ 之 防雷頁

本集重點: 阿編我恨你


鏡頭帶到某律師辦公室, 一名女性客戶在外頭等著,
律師: You dispose a body, I dispose a case! (掛電話)
亞裔女助理: You still have one waiting.
律師: What is that this time? Ugly divorce?...
亞裔女助理: I'll let you be surprised.
非裔女助理: I think we're okay on the water. (男子繼續走)
Excuse me? Did you hear what I said? We don't need
any water.
下一秒, 非裔女助理被之前的那種caliber擊斃, 開槍的是等著的女子.
女子跟男子進入辦公室裡, 先對著亞裔女助理開槍,
辦公室裡不見律師先生的蹤影, 女子看著一扇緊閉的門冷笑, 然後掃射.
最後, 還沒死的亞裔女助理掙扎著想要爬到出口的方向,
男子: (撥電話) The office is closed. (開槍殺害亞裔女助理)

下一個鏡頭, 三具白骨並列的現場, 囧尼跟DB抵達.
DB: Who called this in?
員警: A couple of campers. Ther, well, moved in...
囧尼: I don't blame them for that. Who'll think a camping trip
ends up talking to us? (看向白骨)
Based on the pelvic bones, one male, two female.
DB: If I want to kill three people. I'd want a little bit more
囧尼: Yeah, this is close to road. (夾起屍體上的蟲)
Dermestes maculatus. Hide beetles. Depends on the weather,
they usually appear on the body 5-11 days post-mortal.
DB: Didn't those bugs have a code?
囧尼: Yeah, they like rain... Besides, the body shouldn't be so
decomposed. Something is not right here. Bugs don't lie.

羅賓爺爺: DB, you may want to see this.
大衛: (從第一具女屍上撿出子彈) Bullet is copper-washed.
0.22 maybe?
羅賓爺爺: I pulled the spiral bullet piece also.
DB: That's definitely not a 0.22.
大衛: You know, a lot of people thought anatomy is gross. Let me
tell you that anatomy is everything but gross. Do you
understand me? Ha! (沒人理他)
Okay, I have a body to wash.
羅賓爺爺: (走向男屍) Very nice tooth. Apparantly someone who's
rich or lived in high society rank. (拔下假牙)
I'll sending this to Henry for pulp concensus. DNA
pulled may give us an ID.

亨利: The DNA reavels our victims.
Amelia Grase (非裔女助理照片)...
Julie Blash (亞裔女助理照片)...
And Malcain Turner, 68. Hey, Catherine, doesn't he work
for your dad?
凱姐: (臉色大變) When did you think it happened?
DB: Maybe a week or so. Why? Something wrong?
凱姐: (往外走) I hope not. (邊走邊打電話)
Come'on, Laura, pick up! I'm scared!

凱姐: Laura, why are you here?
Laura: ... I heard something. I'm scared.
凱姐: Malcain is Sam's guy.
Laura: (幾天之後) I talked to the lawyer, he's arranging the
divorce and the meeting to the FBI.
凱姐: You have a place to stay?
Laura: Yeah, I'll stay at a condo in Vegas. Here. (遞鑰匙)
I want you to have a key. Just in case.

布拔: And you think it's all associated?
凱姐: I sent her to Malcain. Now three people are dead, and
Laura is missing! And I think I know who's responsible.
布拔: Well, we're going to figure out what if you're right or
not. (兩人看著Marc Gabriel走進警局)

布拔: Mr. Gabriel. When's the last time you see your wife?
Gabriel: After the meeting in the lawyer's office. Since she
talked to the man you sent her to. (看著凱姐)
You said my wife is missing. No one is more concerned
than me.
布拔: ...Her voice mail box is full of concerned messages.
And the lawyer? His office is taking decoded.
Gabriel: I came here because you told me my wife is missing.
I came here to cooperate. But I see this is the same
situation as last time. You'll need to talk to my

凱姐: Son of a bitch killed her!
DB: Even though I don't like the man as much as you, we still do
not have evidence.
凱姐: I sent her there becase of him. Laura has information.
DB: Did she mentioned what it is?
凱姐: She dared not to day. But I'm sure that got her killed.

囧尼: So I've heard they got Gabriel in, how's that?
小葛: They lawyered up. So what are you looking at?
囧尼: Those beetles. The region on the bodies?
We really shouldn't find any bettles there at all.
Beside, I really don't think they can stay there for a
小葛: Well, how about from 8:00 pm last night? According to the
sylvillence, Malcain is in his office yesterday.
囧尼: But the body was totally decomposed... (看向小葛)
Have you eat lunch yet?

小葛: Well, I hope they like extra crispy.
囧尼: Well, they're more smart than we are.
(把炸雞丟給蟲) Bon appetite.
囧尼: What are you doing? You know we cannot eat here.
小葛: Well, I won't tell Russell is you don't.
囧尼: Sounds like a deal. (兩人開始吃炸雞配蟲實境秀)

莎拉: ...They just vanished?
V大叔: The cleaning guy has already finished his job.
Morgan: I gotta get these guys clean my house.
莎拉: So how much we know about the cleaning guy?
V大叔: That the same guy is cleaning this place every night for
the past 7 years.

實驗室裡, 蟲蟲已經消滅了炸雞...
囧尼: They picked it and cleaned it within half an hour!
小葛: That explains why the decomp is not consistant the T.D.D.
囧尼: They're so fast. Super beetles...
Freaks of nature? That's definitely a entomology mystery.
(夾起一隻蟲) Where did you come from, little beasts?

莎拉跟Morgan檢查了現場, Morgan找到了兩名女助理遭到槍殺的地點,
莎拉: This is definitely our primary scene.
Morgan: Yeah. Do you smell what I didn't smell?
莎拉: No. No bleach. They use ethanol to destroy DNA.
Morgan: They're smart. All are done whithin 45 minutes!
莎拉: That says they're professional.
Morgan: Who are those guys?

Morgan: You wonder how bodies get out the building?
So boulgry the deliver guys...
And at 8:47. The same three guys
DB: What's the name on the truck?
Morgan: Jordan's office supply. I checkedn, not registered at
DB: Every squid team needs a squid leader. Walk these guy back.
Ah, there... When was the last time you saw anyone wear a
raincoat in Vegas?
Morgan: Wait! I saw him before. (調閱電梯的錄影帶) He went in
at 8:30, and then went of on 8:45. After the murders.
DB: Pull his face on the crop.

囧尼: Rest in peace. Little man.
囧尼: (去找凱姐) I'm not sure I can use your help. But...
I checked those beetles. They have the biggest appetite
I ever saw. That explains the decompsing speed of the
body. And... (出示一張照片)
凱姐:What am I looking at?
囧尼: That's the beetle's equipment, but it has no function.
This may sound crazy. But I think someone is bioengineering
the bug. So they do their job, and then disappear.
凱姐: (像被雷打到) No, no, this all make sense. Mark Gabriel.
Crensus, the company. All kind of weapons and other stuffs!
(收訊息) The buller that Sarah pulled out in the office is
5.7 by 28.
囧尼: 5.7 by 28? Sounds like the caliber that killed those people
a few weeks ago!
凱姐: Sounds like that to me, too.
囧尼: But I thought they are all recycled!
凱姐: Yes, just like what Mark Gabriel said. (撥電話)
囧尼: So who're you calling now.
凱姐: The FBI.

Det. Specan: We cannot accuse them based on some bugs!
凱姐: Laura Gabriel is coming to you guys with something! What's
布拔: (走進DB辦公室) No one thinks about notifying me before
calling in the FBI in my place?
DB: It's my bad. I called them. I should give you a head-up.
You remember Detective Specan and McQuird?
布拔: You can continue your head-up now.
Det. Specan: ...Full disclosure.
凱姐: (翻白眼) That will be refreshing.
Det. Specan: We are investigating Mark Gabriel for several years
DB: Why is that? Last time you said you just have suspections.
Det. Specan: We believe Mark Gabriel is involved in international
weapons for domestic market.
DB: (出示監視器照片) You know those peple?
Det. Specan: Yeah. I mean, the guy in the raincoat is one we're
trying to track.
DB: (出示白骨照片) He made three.

凱姐整理資料中, Det. McQuird靠近.
Det. McQauird: I'm sorry about your friend. Listen, I- I think
about to call-
凱姐: (打斷) It's probably better that you didn't.
Det. McQuird: Hey, maybe we could-
凱姐: (再打斷) We have works to do.
Det. McQuird: Yes, you're right. (離開)

V大叔: Hey, who is that?
凱姐: Jim McQuird, a FBI. For the case.
V大叔: Maybe she's tried to get off. (看著還是眉頭深皺的凱姐)
You all right?
凱姐: I will be. When we get Gabriel.

凱姐走進辦公室, 驚訝的看到她老媽在那兒.
凱姐: Mom. Why are you here?
凱姐媽: I talked to the front table and they said I can wait
here, and-
凱姐: Mom. It's okay. I just want to know what brought you here.
凱姐媽: ...This came in my mail, but the card is meant for you.
凱姐: (拆開卡片, 是生日卡, 看向署名) David Campbell?
凱姐媽: It's Laura's dad, but he's dead a long time ago. I- I
don't understand.
凱姐: Whoever touched the card, Mom? (掏手套)
凱姐媽: Me. The postman. And you now.
Catherine, what is going on? Did anything happened to
凱姐: I'm going to have someone escort you home.

莎拉: ...She wanted make sure you got it. You two are close?
凱姐: At one time, yeah. When I was a kid, Laura's house is like
my second home. Sam is friend with her dad, and-
莎拉: Catherine, is this card meat to be a music one?
凱姐: Well, I just assume it doesn't working.
莎拉: (割開看起來像是發聲器的部分) No wonder it doesn't work.
This is a memory card.

凱姐帶著memory card去給阿奇.
阿奇: Those are all family photos...
凱姐: Why would Laura go through so many troubles just to send
me those pictures.
阿奇: I don't know. Seems like she had been to a lot of places.
凱姐: Show me.
阿奇: (一一掃過, 對某張做評論) Some kind of weird self-potrait.
凱姐: Enlarge that. (仔細看) I know that house!
I've been there when I was a kid. That's Laura's cousin's

警方殺到現場, V警探帶著凱姐跟莎拉進去.
莎拉: Copper in the air.
三人靠近廚房, 看見倒在地上的一男一女.
莎拉: Is it Laura?
凱姐: (臉色發白) It's Laura's cousin Helen, and her husband.
V大叔: Where is Laura?
凱姐: (看著地板上的痕跡, 想起什麼) When we were kids, we played
here. Laura's grandpa doesn't trust bank. So he build up
this house to make sure that he would never need a bank
in his life. (撬開地板上的某塊木條, 往裡頭看)
(Laura藏在那個夾藏之間抬頭驚恐的看向凱姐) Laura!

大家回到屋外, 莎拉打電話向DB報告.
莎拉: Yeah, we found her. She's scared. Catherine is with her
now. The place is a mess. Maybe they got interrupted.
Laura: It happens so fast. Helen pushed me to hide.
They had Derrick. Helen is screaming.
...She wouldn't tell them. (哭出來)
They beat her but she wouldn't tell them anything.
The they left, I heard the footsteps. And the footsteps
came again, sounds like they're back.
I was sure that they will find me, but it was you.
凱姐: Laura... What did you know makes Mark so worried?
Laura: I heard something. They was talking about cleaning the
office of Stenly Merrill.
Stenly Merrill s a Military. He was murdered but no one
know who did that. But when I heard what Mark said...
You got my card?
凱姐: Yes, that's how I find you. A lot of photos.
Laura: More than that. That one was in his pocket, I took it.
I know Mark. There has to be something more.

小哈: All those vacation photos? Well, reminding me that my
mother went to XXX with her new boyfriend last Christmas
阿奇: (完全沒認真聽) Your mother got a new boyfriend?
小哈: You don't know what you're talking about.
阿奇: No, I'm not. I am trying to figure out what's wrong with
those phtos. Their signals are somewhat not right.
小哈: (看著一張釣到大魚的照片) Hey, did you check the noise
level of the background?
阿奇: No, why?
小哈: Well, I'm not the expertise here. But the fish... isn't
seeing his shadow.
阿奇: (馬上在電腦上敲敲打打) The fish has been photoshoped.
Numbers? Could it be code?

DB跟Det. Specan與Mark Gabriel的律師面對面中
律師: My client cannot be here. He sends his regrets.
DB: Sure he does. Well, we did... some fishing expedition.
It turns out to be numbers. At first we thought those are
some kind of codes. But they're actually the dates of
transition. The actual dates of transition.
Det. Specan: We checked your clients situation. Those date.
Money sent to a bank in Switzerland.
律師: I don't know what you're talking about.
DB: Oh, come'on, sooner or later someone will need to talk.
And my experience told me that sooner will be a lot better
for you.
律師: All right, I only know the parts about Ceresus.
DB: All right, you know them? (出示殺手們的照片)
律師: These men, no. This man, unfortunately, yes. He's a
constractor who worked for Ceresus. But I don't know what
his specialty is.
DB: Well, sounds to me that someone left you to hanging the bag.
律師: Or leaving the space to negotiate.
DB跟Det. Specan對看一眼.

凱姐: Here's a good news. Someone knows will stand to our side
as well. So you're not alone.
Laura: Who?
凱姐: Well, I can't say. But I can say you're gonna to get
through this.
此時外邊Mark Gabriel嘗試進入病房,
被守在外面的Det. McQuird攔住了, 凱姐看到衝了出去
凱姐: Get him out of here!
Gabriel: I just want to see my wife!
凱姐: She's under our protection now!
Gabriel: Oh yeah? And you're just gonna bury me here?
凱姐: Oh, if I'm gonna bury you, I'll put you in a ground that
no one can find you!
Gabriel: Really? Is it a threat?

凱姐跟Det. McQuird在外頭看著Gabriel離開
凱姐: She'll be fine, right?
Det. McQuird: I'd love to say it will go with time, but I'd lied.
You never go past your past.
凱姐: I'm never going to see her again... What about you?
Det. McQuird: (穿上防彈衣) Well, it's your call.
Don't worry. I'll be here with her all time.
凱姐看著Laura被套上防彈衣, 然後轉身離開.

Morgan: We now know the man in raincoat once served under Army
Special Forces.
莎拉: Now is a soldier for hire.
DB: Probably being hired to kill Stanley Meriell.
Morgan: Right, if we catch them, we may be able to get them
flipped to Gabriel.
凱姐看著幾個殺手的照片, 注意到一開始在Malcain辦公室的女子
凱姐: Could you pull the picture?
(看著照片臉色大變, 想起她離開醫院前看到的那五名FBI探員)
I've seen her.
DB: Where?
凱姐: In the hospital. She's on the FBI transport detail.

凱姐打電話給布拔, DB在與FBI聯繫.
DB: No! Catherine identified her! Listen...
凱姐: Are you sure? (DB停了下來, 凱姐看向他) LVPD found them.

DB跟凱姐到了現場, V大叔跟他們解釋情況,
FBI的車隊遭到攻擊, 兩台車都翻了...
凱姐: ...And the car of Laura Gabriel and Agent McQuird?
V大叔: Driver hit first and then Laura Gabriel.
And they torched the car.
Det. Specan: Hey, the scene is handled by FBI now.
凱姐不管他, 一逕走到車旁, 看到已經燒成焦屍的Laura和McQuird.
Det. Specan還在跟DB溝通中,
凱姐已經走回來了, 眼睛裡含著淚對Det. Sepan發飆.
凱姐: How could you let that happened!? How could you let an
assassin sneak into your FBI team and get four FBI along
with Agent McQuir and Laura killed!
Det. Specan: This is really not the time...
DB: Catherine, just let them do their job.
凱姐: This is our crime scene! You should get on the phone and
get all of our people down here to process!
DB: Catherine, I'm gonna say the advice someone once told me.
Walk. Away. Walk away. Right now.
凱姐: Right now?
DB: Yes, go to your office, leave a note on your desk, and go
凱姐: Just like that?
DB: Yes, just like that.
DB: Don't let her drive herself! (V大叔跟了過去)

之後, DB回到了局裡, 開了電腦,
看到凱姐寄給大家的辭職/告別信, DB一陣無奈...

V大叔: Do you want me to come in?
凱姐: It's probably not a good idea.
V大叔: Well, if you need anything, call me, okay?
凱姐: Thanks. (下車, 又靠回窗邊) You deserve more, Lou.

凱姐進了屋裡, 解下槍放在桌邊, 看著自己的信件...
忽然一顆子彈打碎了一個相框, 凱姐趴下, 一陣掃射,
凱姐爬到放槍的盒子邊, 發現沒有槍, 才想到槍在桌上,
凱姐拉掉檯燈, 讓屋裡變暗, 利用這瞬間站起跑到桌邊拿起槍還?~~
之後凱姐往屋外跑, 看到一台車向她開來,
凱姐原來已經準備好要開槍了, 車近了卻有人對她大喊 Get in!
原來是DB, 而此時殺手們也追過來了.

DB: Hurry up! Cone'on! Come'on! Go, go, go!!!
DB: (問倒在後座的凱姐) You okay?
凱姐: I'll live.
DB: Whoa! Aah!
凱姐: Ooh... (拉開外套, 顯露出腹側中彈在流血...)

To be continued...

本集心得: 放心, 我相信凱姐要走不是以領便當的方式,
二來是還有一集才會完成告別, CBS打廣告打很久了, 不會那麼簡單的啦~(煙)
是有必要這樣對女王嗎? 有過曖昧的幾位春天都沒好下場的!
然後這次還順便對V大叔發了"你值得更好"卡, @#$%^&*
企鵝你們都給他們幸福了, 女王不能比照辦理嗎啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2012-01-21T11:34
超有怨念的,明明FBI熟男叔好帥喔 Q__Q
不過還是有笑點啦 小葛跟老囧竟然跟蟲蟲一起吃炸雞 Q_Q
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-01-25T09:21
吃炸雞配蟲蟲, 好搭配, 不配嗎? ^.<~
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2012-01-27T14:07
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-01-29T12:13
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2012-01-31T00:00
John avatar
By John
at 2012-02-04T15:18
要怎麼客串,像老何老婆那樣嗎,可是要出現在誰夢裡 XDDD
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2012-02-05T14:38
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2012-02-08T16:54
也不太喜歡太海灘店的劇情走向也 女王 嗚
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-02-12T13:50
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2012-02-17T01:55
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2012-02-19T08:54
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2012-02-23T22:41
我以為是兩槍耶>_< 凱姐應該不會輕易領便當吧oh no
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2012-02-27T03:41
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-02-29T10:08
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-03-04T01:18
我看到也是一槍...為什跟凱姐曖昧的人都沒結果阿= ='''


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2012-01-19T15:06
上一篇太可怕所以來一篇比較輕鬆的XD http://www.tvguide.com/News/CSINY-Megan-Dodds-1041954.aspx 她不是在英劇MI-5裡的CIA? - ...

CSI S12E11 超大雷...

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2012-01-19T14:47
(有雷的簡短心得...不想踩雷的請快閃) (以下有雷) 這話延續本季魔王Mark Gabriel的主線劇情. 基本上就是Mark Gabri ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-01-19T11:46
我是最近迷上海灘店的新人 想請問一下各位版友~ 我在介紹何公的相關文章看到一句話 是小羊排說何公的路很難走, 但她陪著他走 (類似這樣) 這句話是出自哪季哪集呢?^^and#34; - ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-01-17T23:13
想請問各位厲害的版友~ 我昨天才開始看LV,所以不是很瞭解一些人物間的事... 請問這位"哈斯可"是誰押? 跟雷是好友? 昨天看時雷有說他進醫學院是為了不傷人,那他以前到底做了什麼atat? 不好意思如果問題太淺請各位見諒... 謝謝各位! -- Sent from my iPhone - ...

LV 2x06 Alter Boys

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2012-01-17T15:20
好想看這一集啊 最近看了電影MI4 就突然很想看這集CSI (奇怪的邏輯!!) 我以前也是本店忠實影迷 我可能看過吧!!但對早期的沒印象了 請問哪邊可以看到這一集嗎???? ※ 引述《bluewinds (wind BLUEs)》之銘言: : Alter Boys.. : 哥哥殺了人 卻讓弟弟來頂 ...