CSI: LV 1214 雷~~ - CSI

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2012-02-19T00:36

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New Character! 之 防雷頁~~

囧尼: You ever seen anything like that?
Morgan: No. Something isn't normal. It's just wrong.
囧尼: It needs only one thing. (拿出一包醬料)
Morgan: "Habanaro macarasa?" (笑, 接過醬包)
囧尼: It's mercy to kill a Burito like that.

兩個休息中的CSI正準備享用墨西哥捲, 一台車歪歪斜斜的從對街開來發生車禍
囧尼: Hey, stop! (停下其他車) We're cops.(跑去確認駕駛狀況)
Morgan: (打電話請求支援後跟上) ...Paramedics is on the way.
囧尼: He got puls but very weak.
Morgan: (注意到車子冒出火花) We gotta to move.
囧尼: Come'on, guy, I got you.
Morgan: I'll help. I got the legs.
囧尼: Get him back enough to lay him down.
Morgan: Sorry. (檢視傷者身分) Wes Clybon.
囧尼: Wes? Wes, my name is Nick. Hanging there with me, okay?
(注意到Wes腹部的傷) That looks like a gun shut hole to me.
Morgan: I didn't hear a gun shot before the crisis!
囧尼: Neither do I. (傷者喃喃中) What are you trying to say, Wes?
Wes: -dying.
囧尼: Who's dying? Wes, talk to me! Who's dying!

囧尼: Hang in there, Wes. You're in good hands now.
醫生: ... I want type and crossed for blood transfering!!!
囧尼: Hum, I'm a cop guy. I'm gonna take the cloth he's wearing with
me. Okay? (一個護士對囧尼點點頭)
醫生: Now can you back off and let us do the work? Cop guy?
囧尼: Sure. (對護士用嘴型說) Thank you.

DB: Nick.
囧尼: How come you know I am here?
DB: Morgan called. Told me the victim is here.
(看著滿身血的囧尼) You okay?
囧尼: Yeah.
DB: Tell me what happened.
囧尼: The car just crushed in front of us... And here's this thing
that he said there is someone else dying.
DB: Okay. Let's try to figure our who and where. That's more than a
"thank you." I'll get you a bag to get your cloth off.
(囧尼點頭, DB準備離開)
Hey, Nick. Great go. Good luck to the guy.

Morgan: No gun shut.
莎拉: Not this side as well. A lot of blood though.
Morgan: So, shut before entering the car. Man goes through a lot.
莎拉: Considering all his condition, he won't be able to drive long.
One or two miles, no more.

Lauren: Hey, cop guy, right?
囧尼: Nick. I'm Nick Storks. And you're?
Lauren: I'm Lauren. Here's the clothing you want. (遞出衣物包)
Sorry got a little scissoring.
囧尼: Thank you. How's he?
Lauren: Passing the most critical part now. (遞上子彈)
Fortunately this one didn't really do any serious orgam harm.
The other on the The one penatrated needs more careful treat.
(看著囧尼俐落的收拾所有這些東西) You've done this before.
囧尼: More than any one should be.

V大叔: I called but no response. We'll probably need to find where she
works for. That might be only way to track her down.
DB: Elena Perez. (看著報告)
V大叔: One thing is Elena's brother Juan has a quite impressive record.
DB: So, polyantrace.

醫院裡, 醫生在跟囧尼解釋Wes腦部的傷勢
醫生: ...Last in, first out. That area is important for memory. He'll
probably have problems to remeber his pasts for a while...
Dating, where his parents are, what's his last meal...
囧尼: Not even who shut him last night?
醫生: No.
囧尼: How is he?
醫生: Stable. He's awake now. So if you're going to talk to him, do it
囧尼: Appreciate it.

囧尼: How're you doing?
Wes: Good, I guess. Hum, I want to say "thank you." The nurse said you
saved me.
囧尼: You remeber anything from last night?
Wes: No. I'm sorry.
囧尼: Don't apologize to me. You went through a lot.
Do me a favor, Wes. Let me see your hand.
Wes: Yeah, sure.
囧尼: A hell of fights.

囧尼: Mr. Clybon. Do you know where he was last night?
Mr. Clybon: No. Probably with some friends. Wes has a lot of friend.
Mrs. Clybon: Wes just graduated. From SC. He's still exploting his
V大叔: Do you know a Elena Perez. She's the owner of the car.
Mr. Clybon: No.
囧尼: You sure? Could she be your son's girlfriend?
Mr. Clybon: That's not a part of Wes' life he's sharing with us.
Now if you excuse me, we would love to see out son.
囧尼: (看著他們離開) That's not a kind of Mr. Warmth, is it?

亨利: I think I found Elena Perez.
DB: Where?
亨利: They're all over his shirt. In addition to Wes Clybon's DNA,
I found traces of three other people. One is Elena Perez,
another belongs to her brother Juan Perez.
DB: And the last one?
亨利: An unknown female.
DB: So many blood. Wonder what happened right before Wes entering that
亨利: I don't have an answer for what happened. Or how. Or why. All I
got is blood.
DB: Oh boy, wish him luck. Sometimes blood is all you need. (往外走)
亨利: Where are you going?
DB: I need a blood whisper.

DB來到了一個"現場", 兩名CSI正在檢查現場中
CSI A: ...C.O.D. is blunt force
Finn: (地上的"屍體"說話了) Oh! You're killing me, tell me something I
don't know! Your boss paid a lot for this seminar! Think!
Okay, I'll give you a hint. Look at me body. The position of my
of my body.
CSI B: Yeah...?
Finn: Look at my hands! Why am I making angels?
DB: She's trying to reach the cell phone to call 911. But the fact is
that that call never been made. You got the idea?
CSI A: Yes, the assailiant is still in the scene and therefore she's
afraid to call.
DB: How do you think, Jules?
Finn: I said it's close and there is only one person who dares to call
me Jules. (爬起來看著DB) That's a 482. I'll catch you guys up
after lunch (受訓中的CSI們離開)
So, what you want, Russell. The only case we're still speaking
to each other is when your wife is present. And I don't see her
DB: Okay, um... I need a little help. Open case, blood is all we got.
But, oh, it's a great one.
Finn: No. I'm away from that for a long time.
DB: All right. (準備走人) Oh, and before I forget, the assailiant was
still in the scene, but you're not worrying about yourself.
Your movement is trying to motion your daughther to keep hidding.
(打開一邊的衣櫃取出布娃娃, 放入檔案牛皮紙袋)
I know you'll hate me for this, but the fact that you're playing
dead? Kind says her to me. (離開)
Finn抱著布娃娃, 重新打開了衣櫃拿起了紙袋.

囧尼: Lauren. I got your call. What's going on?
Lauren: He's a little walked up. But he refused talking to me.
囧尼: All right, I'll do that.
Wes: ...I remember something.
囧尼: Okay.
Wes: I was in a room.
囧尼: What kind of a room? You've been there before?
Wes: No, I've never been there before, but there was a man with a gun
囧尼: (出示Juan的照片) Was it that dude?
Wes: Yes. I tried to fight this guy off.
囧尼: You're a warrior, he has a gun.
Wes: And there's a girl. I- I took her car.
囧尼: (出示Elena的照片) Is that her?
Wes: Yeah, she- she was there, there is somebody else. Another girl.
She's beautiful.
囧尼: (拿出一個項鍊) We found you keeping this with you. It must be
important. Think it was hers?
Wes: Vicky.
囧尼: Vicky? Her name was Vicky? What happened to her?
Wes: I- I can't remember any more.
囧尼: All right. Relax, you and I will figure this out together. We'll
find out Vicky. We'll find out who did this to you, I promise.

小葛: The bullet pulled from Wes's stomach matches a liquid store
rubbery a few weeks ago. ...The bullet also has tissues of this
unknown female.
莎拉: She was with him during the shut. And the only way for her tissue
to get on that bullet is that she's standing between him and our
shooter. But why didn't she call in if she's injured as well?
小葛: Maybe she can't. Maybe she's still in held by our shooter.
莎拉: Wes must be the lucky one.

Finn: I saw those things in your office.
Must be the Zen living-in-now-minute stuff.
DB: It was a good one.
Finn: I want some ground rules. First, you'll never call me Jules in
front of anyone. It is Finn. Second, we are never going to talk
the past.
DB: Sounds to me you that you're the living-in-now-minute one.
Finn: I am. Any rules from you?
DB: Yeah, I'll hire you as a consultant. Legally, we need to pay you
a consultant fee (遞上信封, Finn打開是張薄薄的紙鈔).
Figure the case is so fancy that you're not in it for money.
Finn: You know me so well.
DB: And you know blood
Finn: All right, I want your best person. I don't want the best DNA
tech. I want the best brain!

Finn: Sanders, correct?
小葛: Greg.
Finn: Finn. So tell me what we got now. You did the scissoring?
小葛: No, we got the clothing from the hospital. We got DNA examined
already. Why?
Finn: I get it that DNA is the king now. But people tend to be less
appreciated that blood spots can tell you more than a test tube.
I want to reconstruct the pattern. Russell said you were the man.
小葛: (開心) He did? I'll do my best.
Finn: (看著被剪爛的衣服) We're totally screwed.
小葛: Well, we're pretty good using camera around. (笑)
Finn: (笑) Do you have a dummy?

DB: Wow, you truly are the blood whisper. Show me.
Finn: All right, the first layer. With Juan Perez. Must be splitted
doring their fight. But I don't think Juan was the only one
involving in the fight. The pattern of Elena's blood suggested
they're struggling with each other as well. Then, the third one,
(在衣服疊上第三張投影片), is the shut split pattern of another
person who standing in front of Wes.
DB: Okay, so that could be Vicky.
Finn: Then that shut goes to Wes's stomach and made the pattern there.
Last one is those around his shoulder.
No better "fight over" like a good shut over head, you know.
DB: Nice job. So this boy wrestles with two assiliants. Got shuts
twice. How did he got out?
Finn: Must be lucky.
DB: Well, that does not buld well to Vicky.

V大叔: I checked Wes Clybon's bank account. I think I got a lot more
then what I burgain.
囧尼: (接過報告) Vicky Sheldon?
報告指出Vicky Sheldon原來是Wes爸爸的秘書, 但是後來因金錢糾葛被辭退了,
V大叔: I went by Vicky Sheldon's place, but she was not there.
I think there might be something of her between him and the dad.
You think it is enough for the guy to get rid of both of them?
囧尼: Father and son over a woman?
I guess everything is possible, hum?
V大叔: You said it yourself, right? This guy isn't Mr. Warmth.
囧尼: No, no, he's not.

DB: Mr. Clybon? I know my colleague talked with you in hospital already,
but I just have a few questions to ask you.
...What about Vicky Sheldon. She worked for you as your personal
assistant before, right?
Mr. Clybon: Yeah, but I don't know what's the connection here.
DB: Vicky was with Wes last night. And they're in a relationship.
Mr. Clybon: News to me.

莎拉則在詢問Mrs. Clybon
莎拉: And how long did you know that they are together.
Mrs. Clybon: Wes told me about a month ago.
莎拉: You approved.
Mrs. Clybon: Honestly, I think she's just using him. With checks drawn
from Jonahson's award. But Wes is an adult already, I
cannot tell him to be or not with whom.
莎拉: You sure it's from your son?
Mrs. Clybon: What are you suggesting?

DB: Mr. Clybon, we found a car parked in front of Vicky's house.
And the car is registered in your name.
Mr. Clybon: So Wes gave the car to her? Wes told me he hit a
DB: That's got a grind of you.
Mr. Clybon: Sure, he has problems. But kid doesn't worth to get a
kill on him. I wish he can take responsibility of his
life. But that's on him, not me.

小哈: Great! You got me a new uniform?
小葛: No. We found those in Vicky Sheldon's house. This one is Vicky's.
And this one, based on the name tag, it belongs to Elena Perez.
小哈: Vicky and Elena work together? So what you think?
小葛: Maybe Vicky got a rough relationship with Wes. Then got Juan and
Elena helped her to rub Wes?

Morgan告訴囧尼跟莎拉說, 依據Wes的手機, Elena的通聯紀錄等等,
她追蹤到了三者之間的交叉位點: Arroyo xxxxx Bussiness Park.

V大叔, 囧尼跟莎拉到了那個地點
v大叔: LVPD! Site manager said this is the only facility that didn't
block out.
莎拉: Got blood. Shoe impression.
囧尼: Yeah.
莎拉: Vicky Sheldon.
囧尼: Body's cold. She's been here for a while.
莎拉: Same story here.
V大叔: Elena Perez?
囧尼: It's hard to tell with these on her face.
What the hell is going on here? Can we answer that now?
V大叔: No, but I know who can.
囧尼: Yeah, the only one who got walked out of here. Juan Perez.
莎拉: He's got a lot to answer about.

囧尼: (看著一塊金屬牌) Fabullous Las Vegas.
莎拉: Not so fabullous for her.
大衛: The temperature said she's here for 18 to 24 hours ago.
羅賓爺爺: Same time for this poor girl. Face bones broke a lot.
DB: Overkill. Rage.
莎拉: Could be brass knuckles, maybe?
囧尼: I probably will be able to answer that. (找到一塊沾血的金屬牌)
莎拉: Nicky, what shoes did Wes wear?
囧尼: Dress shoes, why?
莎拉: (指著腳印) These aren't dress shoes, they look like boots.
莎拉: Tire treads.
囧尼: Hum.
莎拉: (從一邊的欄杆上採證) Got some print. Could be transformed.
囧尼: Looks like we could get some trace here. White and crusty.

小葛: Baking soda?
小哈: Well, if you want unique, I got just it for you. It's used to
polish cars. And, the print fits Austin Healy 100.
Morgan: Could be Juan's car?
小葛: Maybe he was working on it. So we're looking for an Austin Healy
100 that's about to be reprinted. I doubt you'll go to a body
Morgan: I'd go to the best and pimp my right.

V大叔: Juan Perez? Your parole office is looking for you.
Morgan: So do we.
Juan: (垂下手拿下面罩) I guess you found me.
(拿起工作中的粉末管對警方灑嘗試逃脫, 往外跑撞上警車)
V大叔: Oh, Ooh, that's really hurt.

警局裡, Finn正在用一堆假人/紙箱/顏料重建現場, DB出現了
Finn: What took you so long?
DB: We're busy today. So what you got?
Finn向DB解釋了地上的不同顏料潑濺代表不同人的血, 以及pattern的意義.
Finn: Looking at the ones from Wes Clybon and Vicky Sheldon.
DB: Efficient. Expediate.
Finn: But one in the scene is not consistent with that.
DB: The beating of Elena Perez.
Finn: I simulated that. It took 10 to 12 blews to cause the blood to
spread like that. And, if it is from the side where the shooter
is standing, the spread should be here. But it is actually on
other side of her. Maybe somebody wants to help. Young man
pulled the trigger, but I don't think he's the trigger.
See? (抓起DB的領子作勢要揍他)
DB: Wow, wow, wow! Where is my safe word?
Finn: You don't need one since you have a gun! But I don't think he
brought it to the scene. His bloos when he fight with Wes is
here, and here is where he ends up to be.
DB: A rich kid down a ex-con with a gun?
Finn: Why and what leads to that is your job then.
DB: You made a good case.
Finn: Juan Perez's blood makes the case.

DB走進房間裡, V大叔跟Juan坐在那
Juan: You got the gun. You got me.
DB: Yes. My question is, why?
... I think she needed you. Because she's scared for her and her
friend. Her ex called her like insane. And he came for it.

DB轉述了Finn重建的故事, 在Elena打給Juan之後, Wes就到了那兒,
Wes與Vicky起了爭執, Wes舉槍對著Vicky並拿走他送她的項鍊,
Juan趕到了, 與Wes互毆, 被Wes打倒在地, Elena嘗試幫忙, 卻被Wes壓著狂打,
Juan撿了Wes掉落的槍要開槍, Vicky嘗試攔阻被射中, 子彈繼續穿越到Wes
Wes吃痛起身, Juan最後對Wes的頭補了一槍, Wes倒地

DB: How am I doing so far? You were just tried to protect your sister.
You saw Wes beating your sister. You want to stop him.
After the shots, you went to check Elena.
Your sister was already dead. You know Wes is off. So you ran.
(Juan眼眶紅了, V大叔一臉不可置信)
V大叔: Today is your lucky day. There's the pen and there's the paper.
Write it down.
Juan: (開始動手) Yeah, I was always the one makes troubles.
But Elena never complained. Elena worked hard. Elena had faith.
The only time she needs me, someone like me? I failed her. (哭)
How do you know what happaned in that room?
DB: I have a very smart friend. She's your friend, too.

Wes: Cops wouldn't let me leave. I'm not going home. Am I?
Did I hurt Vicky?
囧尼: (嘆氣) Two people dead because of you.
Wes: I remembered something this morning. I loved her.
The person you said who did this... I don't even know him.
囧尼: Neither do I, man.

Finn: It's nicely down.
DB: You did all the work.
Finn: No, not just me. And here's your dollar back. Like you said,
I'm not really in it for money.
DB: Oh, come'on. I mean, you're out of the game now for how long?
You want back?
Finn: I like it when you begging. Here. My expenses for the experiment
I did. It's all in there.
DB: (接過紙袋) Come'on, what you think.
Finn: I don't know. I will think about it. (轉身走)
(回眸) I may call you.
DB: I may answer. (看到紙袋) Oh, hey, one more thing. (指指袋上的名字)
No one called me Diebecken Russell here, it's D.B.!

本集心得: Ha! I like Finn! 他們兩個的化學作用好有趣啊~~ XDD
Blood whisper!!!

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-02-22T04:18
終於有人提到這集了 很喜歡這一集
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2012-02-25T18:18
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2012-02-27T20:17
這集還不錯 雖說我聽到那樣的專家 一直內心吶喊Dexter...XD
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-02-29T06:15
Diebecken有可能是德語,就不知道是不是把Die Becken合在一起
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2012-03-01T05:50
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2012-03-02T06:34
應該是D.B. Russell的本名
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2012-03-04T12:42
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2012-03-05T13:53
這集新的成員超漂亮 之前看一齣美國在俄羅斯拍的片就超喜歡她
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2012-03-07T19:25
不過不喜歡這次的劇情 尤其我一開始就反射性的知道誰是壞人了
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-03-11T08:43
伊莉莎白蘇的演技很搶戲 還蠻看好她的加入
這集George Eads的臉怎麼那麼腫啊 剛吃完聖誕大餐拍的嗎
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2012-03-11T12:33
Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-03-13T10:45
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2012-03-14T03:09
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2012-03-15T23:54
其實Diebenkorn德文的意思是grain thief(偷榖者?XD)
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2012-03-16T20:50
對對對 就是richard說的那部 ^^
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2012-03-20T10:17
原來是德文 不過還是不太懂趣味點 哈!
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2012-03-24T15:32
另外我覺得那是Finn對DB叫她Jules的回馬槍~~ XDD
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2012-03-25T00:16
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2012-03-28T14:57
對呀 我知道是回馬槍 只是兩個人的梗我都聽不懂 哈
當初看的時候一直很困惑趣味點在哪 唉 英文太爛了
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-03-29T18:16
Elisabeth Shue...還記得小時候看她演的功夫小子 美人遲暮呀
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2012-04-02T22:11
對啊對啊 Finn的臉的確看得出年紀 但是演技真的很亮!!!
richard說的那部電影 男主角是方基墨 也是好帥~~~~
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-04-03T17:21
方先生後來在丹佐的"時空線索"電影裡 就腫的我差點
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2012-04-08T06:39
認不出來~~~XDD 女科學家好美~期待Finn接下來的戲份!!!
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-04-10T21:19
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2012-04-12T23:32
We need a blood whisper~ 我馬上尖叫Dexter!!! XDD

NY S08E13, 有雷

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-02-17T01:58
幫忙簡單說一下劇情好了XD 防雷頁 片頭之前 一開始看到鋸樹有點莫名其妙atat 不過最後就會有恍然大悟的感覺,今天的一切案件都是從此開始 片頭之後 霍克跟Mac報告屍體的大致情況 Mac說Sid這禮拜是第三次遲到了 後來Sid出場,看起來好憔悴a ...


Kama avatar
By Kama
at 2012-02-17T00:11
剛剛不小心轉到csi 然後順便看了起來 其實也是第一次看csi 那一集描寫的是有個攝影師被關在拖車裡爆炸身亡 之後又牽扯出他很愛簽賭 爆炸前組頭有來找他(開著白色保時捷) 只有看一點點就趕著出門了 可是不太知道這到底是哪一集? 超想把後面看完的啦!!! 懇請版上先進指點迷津 感激不盡!!! - ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-02-16T21:23
哼哼哼 剛剛打開AXN 發現接在CSI:MIAMI後的居然是CSI:NY 正覺得自己撿到寶 一看,躺在病床上的似乎有點眼熟 在病床旁問他案情的卻是幾個陌生人... 這是檀島XX啊 (QAQ)! 為什麼旁邊的小標是CSI:NY 欺騙我的感情 話說躺在病床上的是真的很眼熟 印象中是某一家裡面的壞律師 幫 ...

SID是不是要走了? (NY有雷)

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2012-02-15T21:05
枕頭專利賣了兩千七百萬..............XD sleep like a corpse. 這是在鋪梗說sid不玩了嗎? 這角色很可愛啊~~~QQ - ...

CSI: LV 105 的葛瑞森情緒好壓抑~

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-02-14T01:51
剛才看完重播,這集葛瑞森負責的案子是兩個年輕人不懂事,參加狂歡買了來路不明的金 生草助興(賣的人說會讓你更High),結果這兩個從來沒有用過金生草的人可能因為藥效 太強而產生幻聽(連小聲音都感覺很吵、很大聲)、幻覺(畏光),其中一個人因為嚴重 幻聽,就失手將他的朋友悶死(這個朋友一直叫,讓他覺得很吵,所 ...