CSI: LV 1216 雷~~ - CSI

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2012-03-18T00:00

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珊珊來遲 之 防雷頁~~

本集重點 CSI: Unplugged

片頭, 一個小男生正被保母哄上床睡覺
保母: What do you see in the sky? Harper?
Harper: Planets. The red one is Mars. And the smallest one is Pluto.
保母: Oh, my little astronametor, time to go to the bed.

布拔: (對著抵達現場的DB跟Finn) Okay, we have a reported kidnapping.
Harper Riordian. Five years old. His nanny, Shelby Brown, is
also missing.
DB: Who report the missing.
布拔: His dad. A "T.C. Riordian." He said that the kid was still there
when he went to bed.
Finn: What time is that?
布拔: Around 10:00. He then woke up around 11:30 and realized his son
is missing.
Finn: Half past the midnight. Clock is ticking.

三人走入室內, 看到TC正在接受詢問, 西裝筆挺...
Finn: Is that what you dress for bed?
布拔: I dress a little informaly.
DB: Where is the boy's room?

DB: Okay, blood.
Finn: I got a lot of blood. Blood is sticky. Consistent with Dad's
timeline. I got a print- in blood. Looks not a five years old to
DB: Our kidnapper maybe.
Finn: (打電話) Morgan, yeah, I'm sending you a print. I want you to run
Morgan: I'm on it.
DB: (對著掛電話的Finn說) Look.
Finn: Blood on the ceiling?
DB: (指著天花板的星球掛飾) No, Saturn is missing.
Finn: Metal particle. Could be left by the kidnapper. I'll bring it back
to lab.
DB: Why don't you have Hodges to pick it up? I need you here.

小哈去拿了證物回到警局停車場, 亨利正準備關上電梯門
小哈: Hold the door! Hold! (衝進去站定)
What part of "hold the door" you don't understand?
亨利: (翻白眼) I understand all of it.

Morgan正準備要跑CODIS, 實驗室卻瞬間全黑了.

布拔: A storm blew out the power generator of town.
DB: When would the power be back?
布拔: Could be a while.
Finn: Oh, this doesn't look good. You know the rule. If the kid is not
found within 3 hours, he is dead.
DB: That's not going to happen. We'll find the kid in the dark.
(打電話) Morgan, check the back-up generator stored in the east side
room. I also need a freezer for storing samples. Get someone send
them over here, clear?
Morgan: Yeah. The back-up generater, freezer, and guns.
DB: You have identified the print?
Morgan: No. I was about to run the CODIS and then the electric turned
DB: You might need to go back in high school. Remeber the old chemistry
class? Get your head! Get your hand! We got a missing boy and nanny
in the wind. We don't have time.

下一通電話是打給小哈, 小哈跟亨利一起被困在電梯裡了...
DB: What's the sound?
小哈: It sounds like we are trying to get out of the elevator.
DB: Who is "we"?
小哈: We means Henry and I.
DB: I'll have Morgan contacting the techniques.
小哈: Yeah. She might dial the phone faster than us. (對亨利說) Can't
you stop that?
DB: What are you guys? In highschool?

莎拉: ...And a white residue here.
囧尼: So- our kidnapper attacked the nanny and then take out the boy?
莎拉: Look, the blood pattern here... something is here before. Maybe
a rug?
囧尼: Maybe somebody take the rug with somebody was in it.
莎拉: We aren't sure
囧尼: We go old school.
莎拉: See, that's fine here. I'll call Greg.

客廳裡, DB跟Finn搜查中
Finn: No sign of breaking. Looks like an inside job. Spines says so.
DB: Riordian? May we ask some questions? Did you hear anything?
TC: No...
Finn: This is a very big house. You have a lot of people running around?
TC: Yes. And I trust all of them.
DB: Where is your wife?
TC: My wife- my wife passed away five years ago.
Finn: Where are you tonight?
TC: In a dan. I went to bed earlier than usual.
Finn: In a tux?
TC: I planned to see someone, but then I dropped the plan. Why?
Finn: Nothing. You didn't hear anything?
TC: I just woke up.
DB: We need to collect your prints, Mr. Riordian.
TC: Why?
DB: It's just a standard procedure. To exclude your print from the
Finn: I also need a tube of your blood.
TC: Why?
Finn: What is your son's blood type.
TC: I- I don't know.
DB: It's fine. Did your son ever cut himself recently? Bandages or
something like that left?
TC: He got a cut on his chin recently. The band-aid is probably in one
of the trash can still.
Finn: Why did he had a cut on his chin then?
TC: He fell.

小葛: So how's Henry and Hodges so far?
Morgan: Hodges is there?
小葛: Just focus on Henry. Never mind. So I've heard you need to do the
ABO blood typing. You want me help?
Morgan: Sure. You should know all those old things are new.

Morgan: I got clumping. You?
小葛: Yeah. And the boy's blood type is O.
Morgan: (皺眉) You sure about it?
小葛: Yeah. Why?

DB站在屋外, Finn走出來找他.
Finn: What are you doing here?
DB: My cell-phone is communicating a charge.
Finn: You know, this won't be the first time parents trying to cover up
abuse by reporting a terrible kidnapping.
DB: Yeah, let's not go too far before any evidence. ...I have a feeling
this case is not going to follow the rule.

莎拉: Yeah the rain may wash all out. Not blood, but check it out-
11:00 direction.
囧尼: (上前查看) Saturn.
莎拉: The one in the boy's room I suppose.
囧尼: It's awfully convinient. Hey, Sara? (注意到草叢裡的一團物體)
We may likely find the boy already. (嘆口氣上前)
Whoa. (是那地毯沒錯, 裡面包著Shelby的屍體...)
莎拉: It's Harper's nanny.
囧尼: Got a knife right here. And something else. "We have Harper."

羅賓爺爺: I cannot say more till the light turned back. Anyway, two
sharp force injuries in chest. All from double-edges weapon.
莎拉: Things just keep going stranger.
大衛: Someone asking for light? (推著一台東西出現)
羅賓爺爺: Yes, but the thing looks like something to facilitate
Frenkestein's experiment!
大衛: Actually it monoslute thing for white lightening. Behold.
(啟動那台機器) Not bad, huh? In college, I found R&B and this
thing really promote some moods. And a splash of lemonade.
莎拉: Okay, so the kidnapper killed the nanny and then carry both of
them out the room?

小葛: How's the test of the white residue?
Morgan: Got zip. Zero. Nada.
小葛: You could have done it in other ways.
Morgan: Like DB said? In high school chemistry class? Used head in hand.
小葛: We need a crystal test.
Morgan: Without the electricity? How?
小葛: You go ancient.
Morgan: The scope? Back to middle school.
小葛: Go ancient.

小哈: Hum, we're still trapped in the metal box.
DB: Morgan said that the techniques won't be there for another 2 to 3
hours since they're dealing other problems in the Pelamo.
Find a way to get the evidence out!
亨利: What are we supposed to do about that?
DB: I don't know, Henry. Figuring something out! (掛電話)
小哈: Thanks for asking such stupid question.
亨利: ... Did you want to go to a bathroom as bad as I am?

Morgan: The white residue? It's Ketamine.
小葛: Right... the blood type on the blade, is AB, which fits with
Shelby. But the type on the handle? It's A. Suggests that the
father is holding the knife.

DB: You meantioned that your wife passed away several years ago.
布拔: You neglected to mention how. She was drowning in your pool.
You know if your son is alive, are we?
This kidnapping thing is just a hoax.
TC: Like what I said about my wife's death. I'm innicient.
DB: You hide a lot of information. Like who Harper's real mother is.
We tested the blood types. Shelby is Harper's birth mother.
布拔: Shelby ends up in your backyard. You ever seen this knife?
TC: Yes, it's mine.
DB: We found your blood there. On the handle.
TC: That's my blood. But I didn't murder Shelby.
I was making a offer to a death. And it's part of the ritual.
布拔: A seanice. Okay. I'm done here. (離開)
DB: Okay, who else in the seanice?
TC: Shelby, my mother-in-law and our medium.
It's not a story. It's a truth. I loved my wife. I broght people
who are close to her to- make a contace.
I'm not a murder. I'm a father. I need you to find my son.

莎拉: So we got the drug bottle in TC's bath room. But we're not sure
if it's used for the boy's missing.
囧尼: That's if he's missing at all. Brass seems to think all the
kidnapping thing and the seanice is a hoax.
Man, computer really spoiled me. I remember doing those by eye.
莎拉: Me, too.
囧尼: Got a tented arch here. That's pretty cool.
莎拉: I got one here. It's unique.
囧尼: It's good for us. But not good for T.C. probably.
(開始比對TC的指紋) No tented arches.

DB, Finn跟布拔討論進展
Finn: We got drugs. I'm not saying that he's not having a helper.
But he could be the one really.
布拔: What? (看著DB) Don't tell me you buy the sineace thing!
DB: Yeah, it's far beyond. I know that. But if he's telling the truth,
there's a shut to find the boy here. Alive.
Finn: We all know how this gonna to end.
布拔: Hey, D.B., are you thinking you're a dad here, or a CSI?
員警: (出現在門口) The kidnapper just called.

布拔跟DB監聽TC答覆綁架者的電話, DB在一旁下指導棋
TC: I need to know how my son does.
綁匪: Who's asking? You or the cop?
TC: Me. Not the cop.
Harper: Daddy?
TC: Harper.
Harper: I'm scared.
TC: I- (DB遞紙條) Tell me something. Who is living on the moon?
Harper: The lady in white.
TC: That's right. (電話被綁匪拿走了)
綁匪: About the ramson. All the jewels and the safe. 8 am. (掛電話)
布拔: 8 am.
DB: That gave us 4 hours.

布拔: Two million dollars-worh jewels? You couldn't think a safer place
to keep them?
TC: They belong to my wife. I like to keep her things near. There are
some nights...
DB: All right, who else knows about the jewels?
TC: My mother-in-law, Patricia.

Patricia: Did you find them?
DB: Them?
Patricia: Well, I just assume- there will be more than one person.
DB: So, you seem to be close to your son-in-law?
Patricia: Yes, why do you ask?
DB: I was just surprised that a women will be close alleged killer of
her daughther. After all You actually brought the accuse once.
Patricia: ... because I came to understand that TC is not the killer.
DB: How can you be sure with that?
Patricia: My daughther, Natalie, told me. Through Karen.
DB: You managed to contact with Natalie? You ever mentioned those jewels
with Karen? I mean Natalie?
Patricia: Yes, on several occassions. Grief put my husband into tomb.
Were if not Karen, I might have joined him.

Karen: ...I sense disturbance in your chakara.
布拔: Drop that. Just tell me what happened that night.
Karen: After the communication, TC is troubled?
布拔: Why? Natalie refused to talk to him?
Karen: Oh, no, I doubt that.

Karen: Natalie wants to speak.
TC: What is that? My dear.
Karen/ Natalie: My love, you have betrayed me again.
You must let me go. This is not an act of love.
It's an act of selfishness.

Karen: I felt her presence of her now.
布拔: Say hi. Let's back to what happened then.
Karen: TC got dipressed and then left. Natalie just want TC to find
peace. I'm afraid her words just did the opposite.

鏡頭轉到電梯受困二人組, 亨利還在扒門中
亨利: It's moving!
小哈: Yeah!
亨利: What are you doing?
小哈: Calling D. B. No more stupid questions, okay? We're CSIs!
We came with answers!
亨利: How?
小哈: I have my kit. If we can identify the material and it will tell
us where it came from. If we're right, we may save the boy's life.

囧尼: There. The red hat. That bastard has been here for all time.
What are they doing? (皺眉看著兩人接近一台廂型車)
You think the boy is in there?
布拔: I don't know, I don't like it. (通知潛伏的員警們出沒)
Do not engage.
囧尼: (靠近車, 結果不對勁) What happened to the rear window?
布拔: Stop the van. Block out the front entrance.
(接近被攔住的車) Step away from the van.
布拔: (臉色鐵青的) Van's clear.
囧尼: Where is the man?
TC: I- I don't know. He asked me to put on the hat and drive the can.
He said I'll find Harper there. No cops. No suprises.
You people just got my son killed!

結果警方後來找到紅帽男子時, 對方已經死了
囧尼: Same jacket. Same face. The Red Hat. (翻出珠寶)
Looks like somebody forgot the paid.
布拔: Not good for the kid.

囧尼: Address of the kidnapper gave is all fake.
We checked his apartment, no boy inside as well as outside.
The red hat's name is Traver Raimond.
DB: Trevor Raimond is not in T. C.'s list.
囧尼: We've got the jewels back though.
DB: How's that helps us right now?
囧尼: There is something missing. Take a look.
DB: Oh, yeah, the ring. The ring is the only thing belonged to Natalie.

DB: Harper's blood type is O. Shelby is AB.
She may give birth to Harper, but she's not his biological mother.
TC: What happened between my wife, Shelby and I is nothing abour
Harper's missing.
DB: Oh, yeah? 2 million dollars jewels. The only thing being took away
is the ring. A simple wedding thing. Your wife's ring. Why?
You can keep your secrent. Or you can open up.
TC: ...That ring is the reason why Natalie is dead.
We had a fight. Natalie took off the ring and throw it to the pool
Then we fixed it. She went to get the ring back, and-
I didn't even hear her. It was an accident.
DB: But the world blamed you.
TC: The world is right. She was drunk. I shouldn't let her go alone...
DB: You gonna make your son pay for your sin?
TC: Whoever took Harper- you think he or she wants my suffer?

Finn: My thought, Natalie's mother. I would never forgive the man who
let my sweet daughther die.
DB: We don't have evidence.
Finn: Okay, she was there that night. And she knows the jewels.
DB: But then why take Harper?
Finn: He was her daughther's son. Her grandson. Who should be living
with her, not the murder.
Morgan: Hey, we got something. Looks like Trevor is contact by someone.
DB: Who is it?
Morgan: Natalie Riordian.
DB: Oh, that's just great.

電梯二人組的化驗實驗成功了, 剛剛好電力也修復了~~
DB: (站在電梯門口看著小哈跟亨利) So?
小哈: We got it.

小哈他們驗出的金屬主要用於mag wheels
Morgan等追蹤到寄送金錢給Trevor Raimond的帳戶
DB: A line of our ghost. She is Karen Chvera.
布拔: Our ghost is the ghost whisper.

員警: Clear. No lady. No kid.
布拔: (從後面房間走來) Come here. You gotta see this.
囧尼: (跟過去) Whoa.
莎拉: (進來看著Karen滿牆的貼報, 都是TC跟Natalie) That is a crazy wall.
A bit of obsession. Don't you think?
囧尼: Yeah, she had Natalie in her totally.
(撿起一張紙) Harper and I will be together.
You gave your love to someone else again.
For now, you will feel my pain.
莎拉: Problem is, Karen think T.C. is having an affair with
囧尼: And then she took her kid. (搖頭)
Wait, did you hear that? (靠近一面牆)
That hutch blocks the door! Let's move it! (兩人七手八腳)
莎拉: There he is! Here, you're fine. You're fine now.
囧尼: (打電話通知布拔) We found Harper. No sign of Karen.
布拔: (站在游泳池邊看著泳池裡的女屍) I got eyes on her now.
I guess she felt that she has to join Natalie.
Let's bring the boy home.

亨利: It's good to have all "is" back, right?
Morgan: It's good to have all pay off.
小葛: (在顯微鏡櫥窗前遇到Morgan) You sure about it?
You never know when it will come handy again.
Morgan: Why go old school?
小葛: When you want to go ancient.

Finn: Glad none of the rules applied.
DB: Yeah.
Finn: How you do that?
DB: What do you mean?
Finn: Never lose faith.
DB: Sometimes I just hide better than others.

本集心得: 1) 小葛跟Morgan的互動真是看得我心花朵朵開啊~~ >///<
2) 電梯二人組其實滿好笑的, 小哈最後的We got it跩的勒~~
3) 案件... 我只能說靈媒做到這樣有誇張...
把拔滿帥的, 可惜從頭到尾都只有哭哭戲給他發揮(攤手)

Tags: CSI

All Comments

Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2012-03-20T05:13
"We're CSIs!"這句話超帥的>\\\\<
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-03-23T00:48
靈媒的行為真的滿誇張的... 最後父子相擁以為來到Miami

Miami S09-01

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2012-03-15T20:58
雖然S0901本版之前已經PO過了, 也預料到傑西會say goodbye, 但今天看到完整版(AXN)的第一集, 還是忍不住流下淚呀!! 傑西,你怎麼可以就這樣say goodbye了呢???? 哭哭! - ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2012-03-15T17:16
如標題 因為因緣際會, 板主可能可以跟AXN-Taiwan的行銷談CSI 本店S12合作提案, 各位迷弟迷妹 大家覺得敝板可以跟axn合作什麼咧 以下開放推文提案喔 ^__^; - ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2012-03-15T09:22
這份名單裡面跟本版相關的是.... CSI本店確定拿到S13的續約無誤 看來DB的出現真的挽救了本店 但是... CBS揮刀砍掉了NY分店跟MIA分店 只能說光就收視來看,前者真的不是很意外(況且被丟到周五,但跟BB一比就看出高下) 但是後者...略有點小意外,因為基本上似乎還可以吧???但還是逃不掉 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2012-03-14T05:52
小弟最近正在看第四季, 如標題所說,觀看DVD時, 會出現兩人一組的旁白,一搭一唱, 通常是討論劇情,聲音持續整集作品, 沒辦法聽清楚角色的聲音. 想請問這個應該是不正常的吧? - ...

CSI Miami S10x16 [雷]

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2012-03-13T22:29
防 雷 頁 ~~ 本集片頭 Kirk Armstrong 被埋在沙灘 從沙堆中爬出 胃部流血 口喊Chelsea 掙扎走到大馬路 求救成功 CSI來到現場 挖出了Chelsea Chelsea 19歲 喉部被切開 眼珠被挖掉 ...