CSI: LV 1217 雷~~ - CSI
![Cara avatar](/img/girl5.jpg)
By Cara
at 2012-03-23T11:20
at 2012-03-23T11:20
Table of Contents
章魚媽超正 之 防雷頁~~
本集重點: 章魚媽!!!
片頭, 一場愛麗絲夢遊仙境的扮裝婚禮
毛毛蟲主婚人: Dearly belove, we're here witnessing Andrew
Kravis (瘋帽商) and Lisa XXX's (愛麗絲) wedding.
It is commended to be honorable for all man...
adcidaly and solemnly. So if any person here has
just up to...
柴俊貓跟白兔鎖了門, 持槍走了進來...
DB: Oh I love unique wedding.
Finn: Not for me.
DB: Really?
Finn: The minute I got the invitation I start worring about
which shoes to wear.
DB: Oh, come on, how can you resist a splendor of a story
telling wedding?
艾禿: Hey, so the robbers took all the gifts, watches, cash,
jewels, etc., from the wedding.
DB: Who called in?
艾禿: Three seperated witness in the wedding, but none of them
get a clear glimpe of the robbers.
DB: Respond time?
艾禿: Within 5 minutes.
Finn: Why are you here?
艾禿: Pardon me?
Finn: You're second undersherriff, you should be in command.
Not in a robbery scene.
艾禿: Well, there are two reasons. One, as the mayor remind me,
there are 300 weddings running around in Vegas daily,
this could harm the economy badly. Secondly, it's not a
robbery only. (三人進入場內接近一張桌子) It's a robbery
homicide. (瘋帽商新郎死在一張桌上)
DB: Good Lord.
Finn: So much for your storytelling wedding.
Finn: One buller hole. I didn't see others.
大衛: Is that a hat?
DB: Yeah. (拿起檢視) No exit wound.
Finn: So the bullet must be inside the body still.
DB: Gun shut residue on the card- on the hat. Saying it's a
close range.
大衛: What kind of person does that in a wedding?
Finn: Well, weddings are not that special nowadays I guess.
大衛: Come'on, you don't like weddings?
Finn: I've had two of them, so- marriage would probably agree
with me.
艾禿: So this is really terrible, hum?
Morgan: You'd be wedding expertise now?
艾禿: You don't have your dream wedding? Your mother will
probably disagree with that.
Morgan: She had her dream wedding and then she had others.
艾禿: Hum, listen, I am wondering if you want to go with me
and grab something to bite?
Morgan: Next week shall be okay. We would see.
Morgan迅速閃人離開, 留下艾禿一臉無奈.
老太太: ...And all the sudden we heared the gun shoot- from a
smiling cat with a white rabbit. They put us to the
front and asked everyone to pull out their wallet,
jewels, watches... They even take out my pounch.
囧尼: I'm sorry. It must be special for you.
老太太: Thank you.
毛毛蟲: The rabbit take the order and the cat pointing gun to
莎拉: You notice anything? Why they shut the groom.
毛毛蟲: Well, I sound some scuffle.
莎拉: What kind of scuffle?
毛毛蟲: I don't have clear view of that. Go ask Alice.
愛麗絲:... Wonderland kind of becoming our theme. The way we
say "I love you." Stupid, I know.
DB: No, no, no. Not at all. I noticed you planned the ceremony
really seriously.
愛麗絲: We- we have a bottle labled "Drink Me." The cake labeled
"Eat Me." And the ring- the ring says "Marry Me." So
when the rabbit came to the ring, I- I just can't let
it go. They start to kick me, and that's when Andrew
came in...
He saw me. Right before the wedding. It's bad luck.
Oh my God- I-
DB: Hey, this is not your fault, okay? It's theirs.
... I'll leave her with you, okay? (離開)
Finn: Mrs. Kravis. Can you show me where you got kicked?
DB: What you got?
Morgan: Everything. Old, new, burrowed, and something blue.
DB: I have no idea what's that as well. Send it to Mandy.
Now, check other things. The rabbit and cat may leave
a paw print.
(接近救護車) Hum, did you guys bring things to calm people
某男: Sure, go ahead, Kyle.
Kyle: Where is she?
DB: In the room right behind the stage.
Mandy: No, Hodges.
小哈: Come'on, just do me a favor!
Mandy: It's not just a favor! I'm lying about being your
Morgan: (抱著證物走進來) Sorry for interuption.
Mandy: Morgan, you didn't interupt anything. He's working on
his mommy issue.
小哈: Well, my mom should be on a flight to Italy with her
boyfriend. And yet it is possible that I might mention
I'm dating someone as well, a companion. As her only son,
she put all her bests to me, and- she decided to pay a
visit. I don't want to disappoint her...
Mandy: Then just tell her the truth!
小哈: I'm desperated. One day and she's out of your life.
Mandy: (翻出那塊寫著"Eat Me."的label給小哈看)
小哈很焦躁的離開了, Morgan若有所思.
DB: C.O.D? Bullet to the brain?
羅賓爺爺: It's not a bullet, though.
DB: Not a bullet?
羅賓爺爺: No. I thought it when I first saw the wound. But
the X-ray doesn't show it. I can't tell you what it
is until I looks at it first-handed myself. Sounding
mad as the hater myself. (動手挖腦袋)
There. It's, in fact, a button.
DB: ...Our victim has a button fired into his brain with 400
mph? Curiouser and curiouser.
Mandy: Charles Dodson. Alan Wildome. And- Lewis Scaron.
(看到莎拉拿著照片皺眉) You know him?
莎拉: Maybe. Can I burrow your marker?
原來Lewis Scaron就是毛毛蟲先生, 有案底.
莎拉: Last time I spoke, you're a caterpillar still, and now...
毛毛蟲: A new day, a new avator.
艾禿: So, Lewis Scaron. We figured out you have some untold
records... anything with an armed robbery?
毛毛蟲: It's not anything like that. It's all the generator's
莎拉: And you never thought to call?
毛毛蟲: ... it takes way too long to deny my calling. Look, I
would do nothing to the wedding.
莎拉: Why?
毛毛蟲: Are you married?
莎拉: Yes, I am.
毛毛蟲: (忽然一臉認真) It's special. Isn't it?
莎拉: (想了想) Yes, it is.
艾禿: (看了看兩個人) Anyway, you want to keep your license?
毛毛蟲: Definitely!
艾禿: Then tell us anything stands in your mind about the
robbery. How you think about them?
毛毛蟲: They locked the door first. Takes their time to
approach and order people... Very practiced.
艾禿: You're sayint those people might know you?
毛毛蟲: No, these guy are pros.
Crystal: So, what's your last wedding like?
Walter: Big affair. Probably costs thoudands of dollers.
It's beautifal and grand, but it lost something.
Crystal: What was it?
Walter: (看著Crystal) Love.
Crystal: Oh...
兩人接吻, 被後面的車子按喇叭催促, 車子滑到公證處
公證人: Dearly beloved. We're honored to join Walter and
Crystal today... Walter, do you promise to love and
protect Crystal for all the rest of your life?
Walter: You bet.
忽然後方的車子衝下兩個蒙面人, 持槍對著新人
蒙面人: Hands up in the air, now!
第二樁案件, DB跟囧尼檢視著錄影紀錄
囧尼: The advice from the caterpiller was spot-on.
DB: Those guys are pros. Notice that? Any longer or other
direction we might get them. They know how to avoid the
camera. These two are starting annoying me.
Crystal: My wallet, my jewels, and my engaged ring!
小葛: And what about Walter?
Crystal: His wallet and watch.
Walter: Not to mention the car!
Crystal: Oh, it's just a car.
Walter: It's customed! Have eveything!
小葛: Did you notice anything about the robbers? Scares?
Crystal: The guy on my side spoke. Deep voice.
小葛: Okay. About the ring, I'm sorry for your loss. Could
you please tell me the approximate value?
Crystal: How can you put a price on love?
Walter: A little over half a million.
小葛: That's a huge love. And anything unusual form the robbers?
Crystal: I think something came from them. It dropped on Walter's
suite's pocket. And stained my dress. Which is not
小葛: Okay. I know technically this is your wedding night. But-
I'll need to ask you take off your clothes and put them
to the bags over there. I'm sorry.
小哈正俯岸工作中, 一個聲音傳來
Aldia: Gotta love a man in uniform! Look at you. Like a real
小哈: Mother! You- you are here earlier!
Aldia: I was coming directly from the airport. The flight is
delayed and I have extra time. I was dying to meet her!
小哈: Hum, actually, there are some restrictions about entering
to this part of the lab.
Mandy: Don't worry. I got a full access badge for her. I'll
leave her to you. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Hodges.
小哈: Hilarious, actually...
Aldia: So, how're you here, David?
小哈: I'm good! Look, lab coats. My own office. It's just that
there is a big case going on and everyone is quite busy
right now, including me.
Aldia: Good, then where is her?
小哈: Mother, I- I think we need to...
Morgan: (衝上前輕啄了一下小哈的臉) Hey, Honey. How're you today?
You must be Mrs. Hodges? I'm Morgan. I'm so excited
finally meeting you. Crazy days you know.
Aldia: Oh, me, too. Call me Aldia please!
Morgan: So- I was wondering if you got trace on the stain of
the victim's dress?
小哈: Oh, oh, yes. It is OOO, XXX and postasium chloride- so
Morgan: Denture cleaner. Why?
小哈: I don't know.
Aldia: You finished each other's sentences. Lovely!
Morgan: I wish I have more time to chat. But- I have to go.
Bye, David. (張開雙手, 小哈愣了一下才知道是要擁抱)
Aldia: Love her.
小哈: Me- me, too. Clearly.
Finn: But you get the same amount of trace every day...
DB: (拿著改造好的槍) Fire the hole!
DB: The button is projected by proxy... So we connect the gun
to the robbers and the two cases.
Finn: And both cases include diusgusted, wedding git.
...More spur of a moment.
DB: What are other connections?
Finn: (想了一下) The ring. Both rings are foced to give away.
守衛: Do you have appointment?
DB: We are on the list.
女店員: Are you two together?
DB: Yes.
小葛: We're the Crime Lab. Do you remember this woman?
女店員: Hard to forget.
小葛: Why? If it's true love, the gap didn't matter.
女店員: Oh, I'm not talking about the age differences.
This is Las Vegas after all!
I'm talking about the ring. It's Conitorflord ring.
DB: What?
女店員: Designed by Conitorflord. ...Non-conflict diamond.
It's one of a kind. Distinct.
DB: And you think it's too high for her?
So what are we looking here?
小葛: Well, I guess that's all.
女店員: One more thing, I don't know if it's relevant.
The woman who bought the ring. She's been here before.
A few times.
Crystal: Yes. I think all of them are mine. Once.
小葛: And at this point, where are they?
Crystal: This one I sold. This one I lost, and you know this
one is stolen. Is getting engagaed a crime now?
小葛: No. But fraud is.
The one you said lost belong to some business man now.
His receiving account is direct to your name.
Crystal: The first time it is just so hurt. I- I can't stay
it at all. It didn't mean anyting anymore.
More a bisomass really. And- economy went bad.
Time is rough, and love.
小葛: Love someone enough to set him up in a robbery?
Crystal: What? No! I would never put Walter in danger.
I love him!
小葛: Really? Based on all those records?
Crystal: I- I admit at first it's not that right.
But then when pulled to the line. Everything became
real. I realized that, well, I really wanted to marry
him. To be married to him
小葛: (沉默了一下) Why should I believe you.
Crystal: I don't know. But you gotta believe in love, right?
小哈: You are the greatest person I ever know.
Morgan: You're welcome. How's your mother now?
小哈: That's why I brought one bad news.
Her boyfriend's flight is delayed, and she's still in
town. she wanted to have dinner with us.
Morgan: Just one dinner? It's not too difficult. Is that the
bad news?
小哈: No. Hum, she also wants your father to join us.
Morgan: (止步) What? No! The last time I has a meal with my
dad I was 14 years ago, when he tried to explain
divorce- over a milkshake.
小哈: Mother made me called him. And he's really excited, and
a little confused as well. Please? You saw her faces when
she sees you. She's- she's happy.
Morgan: Proud.
小哈: Please?
Morgan: All my cases. First trace line. A year.
小哈: Deal.
莎拉: Like Russell said, the rings are hard to sell.
So why did they take them?
Morgan: Maybe they are melting them down?
莎拉: That means we are tracing someone who can melt stolen
gold in Vegas?
莎拉來到一處倉庫現場, 艾禿在那等她
莎拉: ...Cut me some slucks, please.
艾禿: The victim is inside. Gold purred down his throat.
We believe that he's connected to the Wonderland rubbery.
莎拉: How can you be sure?
艾禿: (兩人終於走到死者旁邊, 死者頭上有柴郡貓頭套)
Instinct, I guess?
莎拉: Our robbers have plans. Turning stolen jewelry into
intraceable gold.
DB: God, as if our job isn't hard enough.
艾禿: (找到死者ID) Roll-Royce.
莎拉: He's probably still alive when somebody turning up the
DB: So why the sudden decide to getting rid of him?
莎拉: Maybe the partnership like a rough patch.
DB: Maybe.
羅賓爺爺: He was alive when the gold pouring down his throat.
DB: Gold melts at 4000 degree F. My question is, they took
so much efforts to turn the jewels into intracable gold.
Why would you waste it into your unwanted partner then?
羅賓爺爺: This may answer your question. Iron pydie.
DB: Fool's gold. You know, I still think they're up in some
other things to go that much trouble.
羅賓爺爺: What do you mean?
DB: They're planning other job.
Morgan到了餐廳, 艾禿已經在那了, 兩人一陣沉默
Morgan: I'm sorry you are drag into this. Hodges is a nice guy,
but also a ridiculous human being.
艾禿: It's nice you're trying to help.
You fold your naptin exactly the same way as your mother.
The first time you tried it is when we went to Chosy
Chicken, remember?
Morgan: No, I don't remember, sorry.
艾禿: It's fine. So, how's your mother. Who's the guy? Jerry?
He is good to her?
Morgan: Yes, he treated her like a queen.
艾禿: I'm happy she's happy.
Morgan: (停頓一下) Yeah. I know you are.
Aldia: Hey, that's where Morgan got her look, I see.
Too bad David didn't got the one from me.
小哈: Mom!
Aldia: Maybe we should order Champian? To celebrate.
Morgan: (苦笑) What's the occassion for?
Aldia: David is my old child. Handsome and charming. I'm
really happy for him...
艾禿: I have to admit I do have fantacy to walk Morgan down
the aisle. Someday.
Aldia: So, how did you meet?
Morgan & 小哈: Hum-
Morgan: You go.
小哈: So, I was called to a trail about this man, the Jane-and
-Dickison Killer. And Morgan was assisting the case.
Then I realize this cros-juristational sexual attraction...
Morgan: (打斷) Sorry, I have to go to the restroom.
Aldia: Oh, I'll go with you. (兩人離開)
艾禿: So- David- your mom, is- hum- is-
小哈: She has a boyfriend. They are going to Italy together soon.
莎拉: ...And no one saw the gateway car.
小葛: Maybe they know some shortcuts? Like VIP or some ways?
莎拉: That's a good idea.
DB全力查案, Finn走了進去
Finn: Seriously, how long you stayed here? You ever slept?
You know you really should go home to take some rest.
DB: I can't stop thinking my wife and our wedding. And then
Lisa. Can you imagine that? It should be the most special
day in your life. And- and your soul mate was killing in
front of you. How's that feel?
Finn: I don't know. I never got the chance to marry my soul
mate, remember? So, what you got.
DB: I think the guy is right. The one- hum- caterpiller guy.
Finn: About?
DB: About the practice part. I think I figured out where they
got their pratice. Three years ago, in New York, three
wedding robbery. Then, one years ago, in Chicago, another
three. (展示牆上的簡報)
Finn: And even the patterns are the same!
In New York, it's a three-day serial. Friday, Saturday,
then Sunday. In Chicago? Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
We got our first in Friday, and then another one
DB: There will be another one today.
Finn: There are hundred of wedding going on today.
艾禿: Team A with Finn, tageting on XXX Boulverd. Team B with
DB: Sara and I headed to XXX corner.
艾禿: I'm with Team C. All right, we got one more chance to
get these guy. Or they disappear.
Morgan: Hey, Hodges around?
Mandy: No, his mom just dragged him out. You need to discuss
your cover with him?
Morgan: No, I was just wondering how's the tests on the scene
Mandy: The melting factory? That latex said that it is chatted
skin in a finger.
Morgan: Can you get a print from it?
Mandy: Doing that now. Oh, here's the result.
Morgan: Kyle Harley.
莎拉: Ambulance drivers? That makes sense. That's how the
robbers know all those short-cuts.
Morgan: Mandy identified this Kyle Harley.
莎拉: He was at the first one ambulance of the scene!
(注意到下面的資訊) And he was married, too.
小哈: Mom! This is really too fast!
Aldia: No, you're not going to let Morgan walk away. And your
co-worker Mandy said this is the place.
女店員: What can I do for you?
Aldia: I want to help my son pick up a ring for this lovely
girl he met.
小哈: (看到櫃檯上的溶液) Hum. Denture cleaner. Interesting.
What are you using it for here? It's funny, I was just-
(停頓, 發現事情不對勁)
女店員: (伸手到背後掏槍) You were just what?
小哈: We were leaving, now. (拉他老媽)
Kyle: (出現在他們身後) I'm afraid it is impossible.
Aldia: What happened? David?
小哈: I believe we just found our rubbers. Don't worry, Mom.
They won't shot anyone based on the records.
女店員: (朝被綁在角落的守衛大腿開了一槍) Not anymore.
DB: (查看警衛) You okay?
警衛: Do I look okay? Ouch...
DB: Call the paranoidmed team! Hum, I understand my collegue
was just here? About Four or five minutes ago?
警衛: Crime lab guy and his mom? Yes. They were took away
by the van.
艾禿: (打電話通知所有人) We got a 444 at a Van Armed jewelry.
在廂型車裡, Kyle安撫老婆中
Kyle: We're always fine.
小哈: (聽到救護車裡警力的調動) The radio. That's how you know
where to go.
Aldia: What are you going to take us?
女店員: We're heading to the desert. We'll leave you there.
Next stop. Feiji.
Aldia: How on the earth are we going to be able to get back
from the desert!?
小哈: We are not, Mom.
囧尼: Your dad scramble everyone. We're out-numbered. Hodges
and his mother will be fine.
Morgan: (看著調動, 想起莎拉說的話) The radio! If we can hear
them. So are them. (打電話給艾禿) Hey. I need your
女店員: They're heading to the opposite side of town. Good.
Aldia: David, please, do something!
小哈: I can't!
Aldia: Of course you can!
小哈: No, Mom, you don't understand! I'm a criminist, that's
all, mom. My job is doing all those analyses in the lab!
Is it exciting? No! But is it fulfilling? Yes, it is.
My office is exactly the size you see! And I can't save
us. I'm not the police guru you wanted me to be.
All I have is a love to my lab and that's all.
And guess what? Morgan is not my girlfriend!
(趁著女店員分神撲上去給她注射了一針, 然後搶了槍)
Kyle: What did you do to her!
小哈: Halopinoid. What are you doing?
Kyle: You're not going to kill me! With this speed, we'll all
got killed!
無線電: ... Suspects have been apprehended.
艾禿指揮著警方把犯人押走, 把Aldia扶到一邊
Aldia: Okay. Yeah. Thanks.
小哈: How did you...?
艾禿: Morgan called me. Asked me to switch channel.
艾禿: This is damn-well planned.
DB: Using three days to rub, melt the gold, and wait for a
perfect time to sell while they heading to China or where
ever they go.
Finn: So how's the police procedules?
艾禿: Well, he refused to say anything against her.
DB: Well, he did promise to love and protect.
艾禿: Ironically, she has no problem throwing him down the bus.
Finn: Woman. All right, I'm going to get a jewel.
DB: I don't know you're the type who'll do that to yourself.
Finn: I didn't say they were mine.
小哈: I'm sorry... for the fake. I just wanted you to be proud
of me.
Aldia: Proud? You just save my life. You're excellent with your
job. You're loved by so many. I couldn't be more proud.
And, I have to admit, I'm not totally honest to you.
About my love affair.
小哈: The Italian Count?
Aldia: He wasn't a Count. And- he dumped me weeks ago.
小哈: But the trip?
Aldia: We're going anyway. Not-refundable.
小哈: I- I have a few vacation days saved up, do you want a
companion for the trip?
Aldia: You don't have to.
小哈: (微笑) I want to.
Lisa: You found it.
最後, Lisa在Andrew的葬禮上朗讀
Lisa: The sun was shining on the sea, shining with all his might;
He did his very best to make. The billows smooth and bright-
And this was odd, because it was the middle of the night.
警局, 莎拉收到了一盆植物, 湊上去查看卡片,
卡片寫著:" From: Grissom." 莎拉微笑.
Lisa: The moon was shining sylily, Because she thought the
sun had got no business to be there. After the day was
done- "It's very rude of him," she said, "To come and
spoil the fun."
The sea was wet as the sea could be, the sands were dry
as dry. You could see a cloud because no cloud was in
the sky; No birds were flying overhead- there were no
birds to fly.
警局, DB在翻一本相簿: "Our wedding."
Lisa: The Walrus and the Carpenter. Were walking close at hand.
They wept like anything to see. Such quantities of sand:
"If this were only cleared away," They said, "it would
be grand!"
警局, Morgan拎著一袋食物走過小哈跟Aldia, 走向艾禿,
Morgan揚揚手上的食物, 艾禿一愣, 受寵若驚的口型說"Me?"
Lisa: "If seven maids with seven mops, swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose," the Waltus siad, "That they could get
it clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Carpenter.
And shed a bitter tear... (哽咽)
本集心得: 1) 小哈你真的賺到了!
你娘超正不說, Morgan那微妙的一啄是怎麼回事啊啊啊啊啊啊!
2) 我還以為艾禿跟Morgan在墜機事件後有好一點了?
好吧, 還是很開心看到最後父女倆有要修補的感覺!
3) 主題婚禮看起來很有趣耶! 可惜...(嘆氣)
是說原來DB, 莎拉跟小葛都有那麼一點點浪漫主義? (笑)
嘴巴上說不相信soul mate, 最後也還是安慰了Lisa不是? ^_^
本集重點: 章魚媽!!!
片頭, 一場愛麗絲夢遊仙境的扮裝婚禮
毛毛蟲主婚人: Dearly belove, we're here witnessing Andrew
Kravis (瘋帽商) and Lisa XXX's (愛麗絲) wedding.
It is commended to be honorable for all man...
adcidaly and solemnly. So if any person here has
just up to...
柴俊貓跟白兔鎖了門, 持槍走了進來...
DB: Oh I love unique wedding.
Finn: Not for me.
DB: Really?
Finn: The minute I got the invitation I start worring about
which shoes to wear.
DB: Oh, come on, how can you resist a splendor of a story
telling wedding?
艾禿: Hey, so the robbers took all the gifts, watches, cash,
jewels, etc., from the wedding.
DB: Who called in?
艾禿: Three seperated witness in the wedding, but none of them
get a clear glimpe of the robbers.
DB: Respond time?
艾禿: Within 5 minutes.
Finn: Why are you here?
艾禿: Pardon me?
Finn: You're second undersherriff, you should be in command.
Not in a robbery scene.
艾禿: Well, there are two reasons. One, as the mayor remind me,
there are 300 weddings running around in Vegas daily,
this could harm the economy badly. Secondly, it's not a
robbery only. (三人進入場內接近一張桌子) It's a robbery
homicide. (瘋帽商新郎死在一張桌上)
DB: Good Lord.
Finn: So much for your storytelling wedding.
Finn: One buller hole. I didn't see others.
大衛: Is that a hat?
DB: Yeah. (拿起檢視) No exit wound.
Finn: So the bullet must be inside the body still.
DB: Gun shut residue on the card- on the hat. Saying it's a
close range.
大衛: What kind of person does that in a wedding?
Finn: Well, weddings are not that special nowadays I guess.
大衛: Come'on, you don't like weddings?
Finn: I've had two of them, so- marriage would probably agree
with me.
艾禿: So this is really terrible, hum?
Morgan: You'd be wedding expertise now?
艾禿: You don't have your dream wedding? Your mother will
probably disagree with that.
Morgan: She had her dream wedding and then she had others.
艾禿: Hum, listen, I am wondering if you want to go with me
and grab something to bite?
Morgan: Next week shall be okay. We would see.
Morgan迅速閃人離開, 留下艾禿一臉無奈.
老太太: ...And all the sudden we heared the gun shoot- from a
smiling cat with a white rabbit. They put us to the
front and asked everyone to pull out their wallet,
jewels, watches... They even take out my pounch.
囧尼: I'm sorry. It must be special for you.
老太太: Thank you.
毛毛蟲: The rabbit take the order and the cat pointing gun to
莎拉: You notice anything? Why they shut the groom.
毛毛蟲: Well, I sound some scuffle.
莎拉: What kind of scuffle?
毛毛蟲: I don't have clear view of that. Go ask Alice.
愛麗絲:... Wonderland kind of becoming our theme. The way we
say "I love you." Stupid, I know.
DB: No, no, no. Not at all. I noticed you planned the ceremony
really seriously.
愛麗絲: We- we have a bottle labled "Drink Me." The cake labeled
"Eat Me." And the ring- the ring says "Marry Me." So
when the rabbit came to the ring, I- I just can't let
it go. They start to kick me, and that's when Andrew
came in...
He saw me. Right before the wedding. It's bad luck.
Oh my God- I-
DB: Hey, this is not your fault, okay? It's theirs.
... I'll leave her with you, okay? (離開)
Finn: Mrs. Kravis. Can you show me where you got kicked?
DB: What you got?
Morgan: Everything. Old, new, burrowed, and something blue.
DB: I have no idea what's that as well. Send it to Mandy.
Now, check other things. The rabbit and cat may leave
a paw print.
(接近救護車) Hum, did you guys bring things to calm people
某男: Sure, go ahead, Kyle.
Kyle: Where is she?
DB: In the room right behind the stage.
Mandy: No, Hodges.
小哈: Come'on, just do me a favor!
Mandy: It's not just a favor! I'm lying about being your
Morgan: (抱著證物走進來) Sorry for interuption.
Mandy: Morgan, you didn't interupt anything. He's working on
his mommy issue.
小哈: Well, my mom should be on a flight to Italy with her
boyfriend. And yet it is possible that I might mention
I'm dating someone as well, a companion. As her only son,
she put all her bests to me, and- she decided to pay a
visit. I don't want to disappoint her...
Mandy: Then just tell her the truth!
小哈: I'm desperated. One day and she's out of your life.
Mandy: (翻出那塊寫著"Eat Me."的label給小哈看)
小哈很焦躁的離開了, Morgan若有所思.
DB: C.O.D? Bullet to the brain?
羅賓爺爺: It's not a bullet, though.
DB: Not a bullet?
羅賓爺爺: No. I thought it when I first saw the wound. But
the X-ray doesn't show it. I can't tell you what it
is until I looks at it first-handed myself. Sounding
mad as the hater myself. (動手挖腦袋)
There. It's, in fact, a button.
DB: ...Our victim has a button fired into his brain with 400
mph? Curiouser and curiouser.
Mandy: Charles Dodson. Alan Wildome. And- Lewis Scaron.
(看到莎拉拿著照片皺眉) You know him?
莎拉: Maybe. Can I burrow your marker?
原來Lewis Scaron就是毛毛蟲先生, 有案底.
莎拉: Last time I spoke, you're a caterpillar still, and now...
毛毛蟲: A new day, a new avator.
艾禿: So, Lewis Scaron. We figured out you have some untold
records... anything with an armed robbery?
毛毛蟲: It's not anything like that. It's all the generator's
莎拉: And you never thought to call?
毛毛蟲: ... it takes way too long to deny my calling. Look, I
would do nothing to the wedding.
莎拉: Why?
毛毛蟲: Are you married?
莎拉: Yes, I am.
毛毛蟲: (忽然一臉認真) It's special. Isn't it?
莎拉: (想了想) Yes, it is.
艾禿: (看了看兩個人) Anyway, you want to keep your license?
毛毛蟲: Definitely!
艾禿: Then tell us anything stands in your mind about the
robbery. How you think about them?
毛毛蟲: They locked the door first. Takes their time to
approach and order people... Very practiced.
艾禿: You're sayint those people might know you?
毛毛蟲: No, these guy are pros.
Crystal: So, what's your last wedding like?
Walter: Big affair. Probably costs thoudands of dollers.
It's beautifal and grand, but it lost something.
Crystal: What was it?
Walter: (看著Crystal) Love.
Crystal: Oh...
兩人接吻, 被後面的車子按喇叭催促, 車子滑到公證處
公證人: Dearly beloved. We're honored to join Walter and
Crystal today... Walter, do you promise to love and
protect Crystal for all the rest of your life?
Walter: You bet.
忽然後方的車子衝下兩個蒙面人, 持槍對著新人
蒙面人: Hands up in the air, now!
第二樁案件, DB跟囧尼檢視著錄影紀錄
囧尼: The advice from the caterpiller was spot-on.
DB: Those guys are pros. Notice that? Any longer or other
direction we might get them. They know how to avoid the
camera. These two are starting annoying me.
Crystal: My wallet, my jewels, and my engaged ring!
小葛: And what about Walter?
Crystal: His wallet and watch.
Walter: Not to mention the car!
Crystal: Oh, it's just a car.
Walter: It's customed! Have eveything!
小葛: Did you notice anything about the robbers? Scares?
Crystal: The guy on my side spoke. Deep voice.
小葛: Okay. About the ring, I'm sorry for your loss. Could
you please tell me the approximate value?
Crystal: How can you put a price on love?
Walter: A little over half a million.
小葛: That's a huge love. And anything unusual form the robbers?
Crystal: I think something came from them. It dropped on Walter's
suite's pocket. And stained my dress. Which is not
小葛: Okay. I know technically this is your wedding night. But-
I'll need to ask you take off your clothes and put them
to the bags over there. I'm sorry.
小哈正俯岸工作中, 一個聲音傳來
Aldia: Gotta love a man in uniform! Look at you. Like a real
小哈: Mother! You- you are here earlier!
Aldia: I was coming directly from the airport. The flight is
delayed and I have extra time. I was dying to meet her!
小哈: Hum, actually, there are some restrictions about entering
to this part of the lab.
Mandy: Don't worry. I got a full access badge for her. I'll
leave her to you. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Hodges.
小哈: Hilarious, actually...
Aldia: So, how're you here, David?
小哈: I'm good! Look, lab coats. My own office. It's just that
there is a big case going on and everyone is quite busy
right now, including me.
Aldia: Good, then where is her?
小哈: Mother, I- I think we need to...
Morgan: (衝上前輕啄了一下小哈的臉) Hey, Honey. How're you today?
You must be Mrs. Hodges? I'm Morgan. I'm so excited
finally meeting you. Crazy days you know.
Aldia: Oh, me, too. Call me Aldia please!
Morgan: So- I was wondering if you got trace on the stain of
the victim's dress?
小哈: Oh, oh, yes. It is OOO, XXX and postasium chloride- so
Morgan: Denture cleaner. Why?
小哈: I don't know.
Aldia: You finished each other's sentences. Lovely!
Morgan: I wish I have more time to chat. But- I have to go.
Bye, David. (張開雙手, 小哈愣了一下才知道是要擁抱)
Aldia: Love her.
小哈: Me- me, too. Clearly.
Finn: But you get the same amount of trace every day...
DB: (拿著改造好的槍) Fire the hole!
DB: The button is projected by proxy... So we connect the gun
to the robbers and the two cases.
Finn: And both cases include diusgusted, wedding git.
...More spur of a moment.
DB: What are other connections?
Finn: (想了一下) The ring. Both rings are foced to give away.
守衛: Do you have appointment?
DB: We are on the list.
女店員: Are you two together?
DB: Yes.
小葛: We're the Crime Lab. Do you remember this woman?
女店員: Hard to forget.
小葛: Why? If it's true love, the gap didn't matter.
女店員: Oh, I'm not talking about the age differences.
This is Las Vegas after all!
I'm talking about the ring. It's Conitorflord ring.
DB: What?
女店員: Designed by Conitorflord. ...Non-conflict diamond.
It's one of a kind. Distinct.
DB: And you think it's too high for her?
So what are we looking here?
小葛: Well, I guess that's all.
女店員: One more thing, I don't know if it's relevant.
The woman who bought the ring. She's been here before.
A few times.
Crystal: Yes. I think all of them are mine. Once.
小葛: And at this point, where are they?
Crystal: This one I sold. This one I lost, and you know this
one is stolen. Is getting engagaed a crime now?
小葛: No. But fraud is.
The one you said lost belong to some business man now.
His receiving account is direct to your name.
Crystal: The first time it is just so hurt. I- I can't stay
it at all. It didn't mean anyting anymore.
More a bisomass really. And- economy went bad.
Time is rough, and love.
小葛: Love someone enough to set him up in a robbery?
Crystal: What? No! I would never put Walter in danger.
I love him!
小葛: Really? Based on all those records?
Crystal: I- I admit at first it's not that right.
But then when pulled to the line. Everything became
real. I realized that, well, I really wanted to marry
him. To be married to him
小葛: (沉默了一下) Why should I believe you.
Crystal: I don't know. But you gotta believe in love, right?
小哈: You are the greatest person I ever know.
Morgan: You're welcome. How's your mother now?
小哈: That's why I brought one bad news.
Her boyfriend's flight is delayed, and she's still in
town. she wanted to have dinner with us.
Morgan: Just one dinner? It's not too difficult. Is that the
bad news?
小哈: No. Hum, she also wants your father to join us.
Morgan: (止步) What? No! The last time I has a meal with my
dad I was 14 years ago, when he tried to explain
divorce- over a milkshake.
小哈: Mother made me called him. And he's really excited, and
a little confused as well. Please? You saw her faces when
she sees you. She's- she's happy.
Morgan: Proud.
小哈: Please?
Morgan: All my cases. First trace line. A year.
小哈: Deal.
莎拉: Like Russell said, the rings are hard to sell.
So why did they take them?
Morgan: Maybe they are melting them down?
莎拉: That means we are tracing someone who can melt stolen
gold in Vegas?
莎拉來到一處倉庫現場, 艾禿在那等她
莎拉: ...Cut me some slucks, please.
艾禿: The victim is inside. Gold purred down his throat.
We believe that he's connected to the Wonderland rubbery.
莎拉: How can you be sure?
艾禿: (兩人終於走到死者旁邊, 死者頭上有柴郡貓頭套)
Instinct, I guess?
莎拉: Our robbers have plans. Turning stolen jewelry into
intraceable gold.
DB: God, as if our job isn't hard enough.
艾禿: (找到死者ID) Roll-Royce.
莎拉: He's probably still alive when somebody turning up the
DB: So why the sudden decide to getting rid of him?
莎拉: Maybe the partnership like a rough patch.
DB: Maybe.
羅賓爺爺: He was alive when the gold pouring down his throat.
DB: Gold melts at 4000 degree F. My question is, they took
so much efforts to turn the jewels into intracable gold.
Why would you waste it into your unwanted partner then?
羅賓爺爺: This may answer your question. Iron pydie.
DB: Fool's gold. You know, I still think they're up in some
other things to go that much trouble.
羅賓爺爺: What do you mean?
DB: They're planning other job.
Morgan到了餐廳, 艾禿已經在那了, 兩人一陣沉默
Morgan: I'm sorry you are drag into this. Hodges is a nice guy,
but also a ridiculous human being.
艾禿: It's nice you're trying to help.
You fold your naptin exactly the same way as your mother.
The first time you tried it is when we went to Chosy
Chicken, remember?
Morgan: No, I don't remember, sorry.
艾禿: It's fine. So, how's your mother. Who's the guy? Jerry?
He is good to her?
Morgan: Yes, he treated her like a queen.
艾禿: I'm happy she's happy.
Morgan: (停頓一下) Yeah. I know you are.
Aldia: Hey, that's where Morgan got her look, I see.
Too bad David didn't got the one from me.
小哈: Mom!
Aldia: Maybe we should order Champian? To celebrate.
Morgan: (苦笑) What's the occassion for?
Aldia: David is my old child. Handsome and charming. I'm
really happy for him...
艾禿: I have to admit I do have fantacy to walk Morgan down
the aisle. Someday.
Aldia: So, how did you meet?
Morgan & 小哈: Hum-
Morgan: You go.
小哈: So, I was called to a trail about this man, the Jane-and
-Dickison Killer. And Morgan was assisting the case.
Then I realize this cros-juristational sexual attraction...
Morgan: (打斷) Sorry, I have to go to the restroom.
Aldia: Oh, I'll go with you. (兩人離開)
艾禿: So- David- your mom, is- hum- is-
小哈: She has a boyfriend. They are going to Italy together soon.
莎拉: ...And no one saw the gateway car.
小葛: Maybe they know some shortcuts? Like VIP or some ways?
莎拉: That's a good idea.
DB全力查案, Finn走了進去
Finn: Seriously, how long you stayed here? You ever slept?
You know you really should go home to take some rest.
DB: I can't stop thinking my wife and our wedding. And then
Lisa. Can you imagine that? It should be the most special
day in your life. And- and your soul mate was killing in
front of you. How's that feel?
Finn: I don't know. I never got the chance to marry my soul
mate, remember? So, what you got.
DB: I think the guy is right. The one- hum- caterpiller guy.
Finn: About?
DB: About the practice part. I think I figured out where they
got their pratice. Three years ago, in New York, three
wedding robbery. Then, one years ago, in Chicago, another
three. (展示牆上的簡報)
Finn: And even the patterns are the same!
In New York, it's a three-day serial. Friday, Saturday,
then Sunday. In Chicago? Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
We got our first in Friday, and then another one
DB: There will be another one today.
Finn: There are hundred of wedding going on today.
艾禿: Team A with Finn, tageting on XXX Boulverd. Team B with
DB: Sara and I headed to XXX corner.
艾禿: I'm with Team C. All right, we got one more chance to
get these guy. Or they disappear.
Morgan: Hey, Hodges around?
Mandy: No, his mom just dragged him out. You need to discuss
your cover with him?
Morgan: No, I was just wondering how's the tests on the scene
Mandy: The melting factory? That latex said that it is chatted
skin in a finger.
Morgan: Can you get a print from it?
Mandy: Doing that now. Oh, here's the result.
Morgan: Kyle Harley.
莎拉: Ambulance drivers? That makes sense. That's how the
robbers know all those short-cuts.
Morgan: Mandy identified this Kyle Harley.
莎拉: He was at the first one ambulance of the scene!
(注意到下面的資訊) And he was married, too.
小哈: Mom! This is really too fast!
Aldia: No, you're not going to let Morgan walk away. And your
co-worker Mandy said this is the place.
女店員: What can I do for you?
Aldia: I want to help my son pick up a ring for this lovely
girl he met.
小哈: (看到櫃檯上的溶液) Hum. Denture cleaner. Interesting.
What are you using it for here? It's funny, I was just-
(停頓, 發現事情不對勁)
女店員: (伸手到背後掏槍) You were just what?
小哈: We were leaving, now. (拉他老媽)
Kyle: (出現在他們身後) I'm afraid it is impossible.
Aldia: What happened? David?
小哈: I believe we just found our rubbers. Don't worry, Mom.
They won't shot anyone based on the records.
女店員: (朝被綁在角落的守衛大腿開了一槍) Not anymore.
DB: (查看警衛) You okay?
警衛: Do I look okay? Ouch...
DB: Call the paranoidmed team! Hum, I understand my collegue
was just here? About Four or five minutes ago?
警衛: Crime lab guy and his mom? Yes. They were took away
by the van.
艾禿: (打電話通知所有人) We got a 444 at a Van Armed jewelry.
在廂型車裡, Kyle安撫老婆中
Kyle: We're always fine.
小哈: (聽到救護車裡警力的調動) The radio. That's how you know
where to go.
Aldia: What are you going to take us?
女店員: We're heading to the desert. We'll leave you there.
Next stop. Feiji.
Aldia: How on the earth are we going to be able to get back
from the desert!?
小哈: We are not, Mom.
囧尼: Your dad scramble everyone. We're out-numbered. Hodges
and his mother will be fine.
Morgan: (看著調動, 想起莎拉說的話) The radio! If we can hear
them. So are them. (打電話給艾禿) Hey. I need your
女店員: They're heading to the opposite side of town. Good.
Aldia: David, please, do something!
小哈: I can't!
Aldia: Of course you can!
小哈: No, Mom, you don't understand! I'm a criminist, that's
all, mom. My job is doing all those analyses in the lab!
Is it exciting? No! But is it fulfilling? Yes, it is.
My office is exactly the size you see! And I can't save
us. I'm not the police guru you wanted me to be.
All I have is a love to my lab and that's all.
And guess what? Morgan is not my girlfriend!
(趁著女店員分神撲上去給她注射了一針, 然後搶了槍)
Kyle: What did you do to her!
小哈: Halopinoid. What are you doing?
Kyle: You're not going to kill me! With this speed, we'll all
got killed!
無線電: ... Suspects have been apprehended.
艾禿指揮著警方把犯人押走, 把Aldia扶到一邊
Aldia: Okay. Yeah. Thanks.
小哈: How did you...?
艾禿: Morgan called me. Asked me to switch channel.
艾禿: This is damn-well planned.
DB: Using three days to rub, melt the gold, and wait for a
perfect time to sell while they heading to China or where
ever they go.
Finn: So how's the police procedules?
艾禿: Well, he refused to say anything against her.
DB: Well, he did promise to love and protect.
艾禿: Ironically, she has no problem throwing him down the bus.
Finn: Woman. All right, I'm going to get a jewel.
DB: I don't know you're the type who'll do that to yourself.
Finn: I didn't say they were mine.
小哈: I'm sorry... for the fake. I just wanted you to be proud
of me.
Aldia: Proud? You just save my life. You're excellent with your
job. You're loved by so many. I couldn't be more proud.
And, I have to admit, I'm not totally honest to you.
About my love affair.
小哈: The Italian Count?
Aldia: He wasn't a Count. And- he dumped me weeks ago.
小哈: But the trip?
Aldia: We're going anyway. Not-refundable.
小哈: I- I have a few vacation days saved up, do you want a
companion for the trip?
Aldia: You don't have to.
小哈: (微笑) I want to.
Lisa: You found it.
最後, Lisa在Andrew的葬禮上朗讀
Lisa: The sun was shining on the sea, shining with all his might;
He did his very best to make. The billows smooth and bright-
And this was odd, because it was the middle of the night.
警局, 莎拉收到了一盆植物, 湊上去查看卡片,
卡片寫著:" From: Grissom." 莎拉微笑.
Lisa: The moon was shining sylily, Because she thought the
sun had got no business to be there. After the day was
done- "It's very rude of him," she said, "To come and
spoil the fun."
The sea was wet as the sea could be, the sands were dry
as dry. You could see a cloud because no cloud was in
the sky; No birds were flying overhead- there were no
birds to fly.
警局, DB在翻一本相簿: "Our wedding."
Lisa: The Walrus and the Carpenter. Were walking close at hand.
They wept like anything to see. Such quantities of sand:
"If this were only cleared away," They said, "it would
be grand!"
警局, Morgan拎著一袋食物走過小哈跟Aldia, 走向艾禿,
Morgan揚揚手上的食物, 艾禿一愣, 受寵若驚的口型說"Me?"
Lisa: "If seven maids with seven mops, swept it for half a year,
Do you suppose," the Waltus siad, "That they could get
it clear?"
"I doubt it," said the Carpenter.
And shed a bitter tear... (哽咽)
本集心得: 1) 小哈你真的賺到了!
你娘超正不說, Morgan那微妙的一啄是怎麼回事啊啊啊啊啊啊!
2) 我還以為艾禿跟Morgan在墜機事件後有好一點了?
好吧, 還是很開心看到最後父女倆有要修補的感覺!
3) 主題婚禮看起來很有趣耶! 可惜...(嘆氣)
是說原來DB, 莎拉跟小葛都有那麼一點點浪漫主義? (笑)
嘴巴上說不相信soul mate, 最後也還是安慰了Lisa不是? ^_^
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