CSI: LV 1219 雷~~ - CSI
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By Ursula
at 2012-04-08T00:53
at 2012-04-08T00:53
Table of Contents
本集重點: Miracle or not?
片頭, 賭場裡的眾多活動,
一名穿著條紋襯衫的男子似乎在找人, 而離開了他坐著的機器,
男子無奈離開, 忽然兩聲槍響, 男子倒地...
布拔: We locked down the casino. Nothing goes out, nothing comes
囧尼: You called this locked down?
布拔: (看著依然沉浸的眾人) Yeah, it's more like locked-in.
Nothing can get those people out from the mechine in the
hope to get their money back.
囧尼: Anyway, somewhere is our suspect.
布拔: Yeah, Archie is in the survillance room now searching for
the one fits the description.
囧尼: (透過無線電) Browh hair, orange shirt. You got one, Archie?
阿奇: Looks like he's heading east toward the arcade game room.
布拔: Okay. Move! Move!
布拔跟囧尼循線前往後, 囧尼看到一抹橘色
囧尼: (上前) Hey! (結果轉過來的人是金髮女子) Oh! I'm sorry.
We lost him.
布拔: Archie, are you sure that computer is working? We only got
a woman in an orange shirt.
阿奇: I don't get that! Hold a second, I got a match. He's
heading to the parking lot.
囧尼: I think Sara is there. (無線電) Sara, are you in the parking
莎拉: Yeah, I just arrived. Why?
囧尼: Archie said the suspect is heading there. Brass is sending
Mitchel down. Sara, stay tight. Wait for backup.
莎拉: Copy that.
莎拉拔出槍接近轉角, 結果跟她面對面的是Mitchel
Mitchel: You see him?
莎拉: No.
阿奇: I lost him again. Wait, wait, I got him. Heading to the
布拔: Are you sure about that?
阿奇: 100% sure.
阿奇: (快抓狂了) He just disappeared!
囧尼: How could a guy disappeared in a locked-doen casino!?
布拔: Great. We'll have to go room to room.
囧尼: We have cameras out there, so how did he get away?
Finn負責詢問帶呼吸器的女子, 畢竟她是目擊證人.
Finn: I know it's not illegal to smoke inside casinos in Vegas,
but- you think it's a good idea to smoke with the oxygen-?
女子: Like you said, it's not illegal. Life is short, you'll miss
those things anyway.
Finn: Right. So could you tell me what you saw?
女子: Sure, the guy is right there, with a gun with him. I heard
two shots and looked up... His nose is bleeding.
The guy took off right away. You guys got him already?
Finn: We're working on that. We might need to ask you to repeat
your description, so don't go far, okay?
女子: Don't worry about me, honey. I just hit the jack plot. I'm
not going anywhere yet!
DB: (查看死者證件)Dannies Keils. A doctor. (看到一張合照)
- And he has a family. I'll have Sara check the hotel.
大衛: One shut on the chest.
Finn: Our witness said that she heard two shots.
DB: So there is another bullet.
大衛表示死者手上有防衛性傷口, 表示死者可能打了槍手一拳
Finn: And the witness did say that his nose is bleeding. Ah,
that would expllain the blood right there. So- our killer
tried to rob our victim. Here. (只是DB站到死者的位置)
"Give me your money", got a punch on your face, and than
rise the gun- Yeah, our second bullet! (在一臺賭博機器上)
Should we get the machine back to the lab and then
process that?
DB: Good work to dry out my mouth. I'll let the casino know.
Nice job.
囧尼: LVPD, open up!
房內女子Shelly: LVPD? Oh, that's hilarious.
Shelly開門, 穿著的非常清涼, 囧尼愣住了
囧尼: Oh, um- how're you doing? (Morgan白他一眼咳嗽)
We would love to know if you ever seen this man. (出示照片)
Shelly: That's him I've been waiting for hours!
Shelly: We met at the bar. He was cute. So...
Morgan: (探頭看垃圾桶) Did he use protection?
Shelly: Yes, why?
Morgan: (檢出保險套, 對囧尼說) DNA. Maybe a print.
囧尼: How much you know about him?
Shelly: He's kind of cute. Foreign identity you know. Hey, why
are you taking my sheet?
Morgan: Activity on that can help us identify the guy.
Shelly: Oh my God. I hope you don't think I am a slut!
囧尼: No, no, no. Of course not. What else can you tell us about
the encounter?
Shelly: ...I kind of make a video.
囧尼: We- kind of need to watch it.
布拔跟莎拉來到Dr. Keils的房間,
走進去後發現的是正在打電動的小男生, 小男生被嚇到...
布拔: It's okay, son. What's your name?
Avery: Avery Keils.
布拔: Okay, Avery, where is your mom?
Avery: She died last year. Where is my dad?
Avery: What happened?
布拔: Somebody robbed your dad, Avery.
Avery: ...I begged him last week to see Kenye. It's why we're
here. I told him to be careful not carrying to the money
布拔: What money?
Avery: The slut machine. He won that a few nights ago, and people
knew that.
布拔: Did those people followed your dad around?
Avery: No. I mean- I don't know. He bought those sneakers for me.
He always buy me things.
莎拉: Do you have any relatives in town, Avery?
Avery: I have a cousin in Wesconsin. I never met him though.
-What's gonna happened to me?
布拔: You'll be okay. We'll keep you safe. This officer here will
stay with you, all right?
Avery點頭, 布拔離開.
莎拉: I'm gonna come back and check in on you, all right?
I promise.
DB去找羅賓爺爺, 羅賓爺爺已完成驗屍並取出了子彈
羅賓爺爺: (拿起子彈) I didn't find any core. I found this.
DB: Hourglass shape. Weired.
Finn: Hey, I just got out the bullet.
DB: No core, right?
Finn: I hate when you do that!
DB: Did you see some red thing along with it?
Finn: Yeah, what's that exactly?
DB: I got a feeling that's what you'll need to know.
Morgan: Did you see the guy?
男子: (雙手抱胸) Never seen him before.
Morgan: Do you mind if we come in and take a look?
男子: Yeah, I do mind. (想關門)
囧尼: All right, you know what? This is hotel property. Step
囧尼: Who's your roommate?
男子: He's a friend back home.
Morgan: (查看兩人證件) Lee Jacob. And- (拿起ID問囧尼) Hey,
familiar? (ID照片跟嫌犯一模一樣)
囧尼: I need your back up here, Paul! Search him for weapon.
Morgan: We're looking for your friend Jordan Bretson.
Lee: He took off.
但是Lee眼神飄向衣櫃, Morgan跟囧尼心照不宣, Morgan靠近衣櫃...
Lee: Hey, I know my right! Step in the room is one thing, but
if you open that closet...
囧尼: You have a lawyer?
Lee: No.
囧尼: Well, you'll need a good one to serve. It took 15 to 20.
Morgan持槍打開衣櫃, 裡面果然是Jordan.
Jordan: He hits me first!
Jordan: The guy hits me first! I don't know him at all.
囧尼: Yeah? So you shoot him?
Jordan: What are you talking about?
囧尼: Come'on, your girlfriend Shelly confirmed you are not with
her this morning.
Jordan: I know no one named Shelly.
囧尼: Really? Let me show you something.
Shelly: No, talk to the camera. "This is not a one-night-stand."
男子: This is not a one-night-stand.
Shelly: Then, "I promise to take Shelly to dinner tomorrow night."
男子: I promise to take...
Jordan: Chick's smoking, but that's not me.
囧尼: Come'on. Now, why did you shoot him?
Jordan: I shoot nobody. I hit him because he hits me first!
囧尼: What are you talking about?
Jordan: Aren't you talking about the fight at the bar?
囧尼: Where were you last night?
Jordan: I won a trip to Vegas, so I came with Lee last night.
Then I went out for a drink to have fun alone.
囧尼: Where were you this morning?
Jordan: I went to XXX.
囧尼: Anyone who can confirm your words?
Jordan: No.
囧尼: Just like you're alone last night... not with Shelly.
Jordan: Look, I'm telling you that is not me!
Morgan: Hey, Archie. How are you going?
阿奇: (眼睛快脫窗了) I'm gonna gone crazy.
Morgan: Well, you got him with Shelly on the bar?
阿奇: Yeah. Here it is.
Morgan: Great, gotcha.
阿奇: Well, gotcha a problem. This is the one with Shelly at
the bar. And- here is Jordan with his friend in the lobby.
How could one guy in two places at a same time?
Morgan: He can't.
DB: (電話中) I'm sorry I missed the breakfast. They'll understand.
(Mandy跟亨利走進來) Wait a second. My parent-in-laws are in
town. (回到電話) How about this? We'll take them to dinner
on the way to the airport. (掛電話) I love my low-parents.
But, oh, God. Hoseguest and fish in three days- well, they'll
have to go. So what you got?
Mandy: The guy left on Shelly's bed? He's our shooter.
亨利: But the print does not match with Jordan Breston. Want to
know Mandy's theory?
Mandy: Identical twins.
亨利: Ha.
DB: It should be easy. Just check the birth certification.
Morgan: (走進來) I already checked that. Guy's an only kid.
Doppledanger, identical twins, whatever.
We got the recieve of the bar anyway.
Xavier Marks. Tucson address.
囧尼: Talking about double entry.
女子A: You can join us. You're kind of cute.
莎拉: You shared everything with your sister?
女子B: Yeah, is that a problem?
Xavier: I'm the only child... A Virgo? No, I'm a German.
莎拉: So why are you in Vegas?
Xavier: I won a free trip on net. So why not?
莎拉: All right. (出示Dr. Keils的照片)
Xavier: Who is he?
莎拉: He's the guy you shot this morning.
Xavier: I think you saw what I'm doing this morning.
莎拉: Whole morning?
Xavier: Twins are the dream of men. One point I stepped out.
For smoke. That's all. Another point to pick up the
food tray: Strawberry and caramel...
You should check the room service.
莎拉, 囧尼, DB跟Finn討論案情
DB: How do you explian the birthday identitfy?
莎拉: I don't know. But it could be facked. And look at their
stories. It's just the same! Some lucky trip they won from
the Interner. It's a scam! It's a perfect crime!
DB: Anyway, we have our suspects. We only need to be able to
identify them, even if they're identical twins.
Finn: There is one way. Antibody profiling.
亨利: Antibody profiling. I've never done that. But I do know
the theories. It's like DNA, right?
Finn: Sort of. Even identical twins will have to develope their
own antibody profile to deal with the environments they
encountered. So let's see if the antibody profile can tell
us which one of the twins left the blood on the casino
亨利: Which is our killer.
DB: You got the result?
亨利: Um, actually we found more than what we're bargaining for.
The antibody profile of the blood didn't match either our
suspect. Both Jordan and Xavier are off the hook
DB: (傻眼) So what you say? There is a third we're looking for?
亨利: Look at the bright side. At least we still know who we are
looking for.
DB, Finn跟Morgan
Morgan: So, we're talking about identical triplets?
DB: You know, it reminds me a movie, one by Gregory XXX.
What's that? The- the-
Finn: The XXXXX? That movie is about cloning, Hitler, Right?
DB: Right. What I want to say is that we know our suspects.
But we know nothing about our victim. He's a doctor, right?
Maybe he has something to do with them? Where he did his
intern? We need those information.
Morgan: And then? Our suspects may plan a murder together. They
can hide behind their faces.
Finn: But we know where to find them.
DB: Diamond Dust Casino. And, like Henry said, at least we know
who we're looking for.
Morgan: (查看簡訊) Hum, Jordan's Lawyer just walked in. It's his
媽媽: I understand you are accusing my son murdered someone.
布拔: Or at least partner with someone. Well, partners.
(出示照片) Seeing double? Because we are.
莎拉: (出示Dr. Keils照片) Do you recognize this man.
媽媽: No. I have no idea who he is.
莎拉: I got it, it has to be like, 25 year ago? It must be very
hard to want to concieve a child so much- and then all of
a sudden, a miracle happenes.
媽媽: (沉默半晌) It was a miracle. The doctor told me there were
mutiples. But I told them that I could care only one son.
It is the hardest decision ever.
莎拉: So you tell the clinic to dispose the other embryos.
媽媽: A mother knows her some. I would know Jordan anywhere.
But this man (指指Xavier的照片), I don't.
I want to see my son.
布拔, 莎拉跟Morgan看著母子相會
布拔: Ma Carker here. (敘述案子)
Morgan: Wow, You're like a world book of crime.
布拔: No, I'm like a depressing story book.
We still have no connection between the doctor and the
莎拉: Unless we catch the shooter.
Finn: The bullet is originally usea for air marshals. The coat
covered the bullet is our red residue.
DB: That explains Dr. Kiel's marcerated liver.
Finn: Well, at least we know it's a marchals gun now.
Morgan: Hey, I think I got some. You know, since they created
the same won-vication story. I was thinking that maybe
they created a web site for it. And they did!
Via Sunnew Travel. Based on that information I tracked
to this familiar looking man.
莎拉: (看檔案) Kevin Chains.
Morgan: Check the birth date.
莎拉: November XXX.
Morgan: Makes him a youngest, and, a crime record. Based by the
Diamond Dust Casino, he's not check out yet. Room 2211.
莎拉, 囧尼跟布拔回到旅館, 結果發現Kevin死在椅子上
莎拉: (上前查看) He's been dead for a while.
囧尼: (發現槍一把) Smith & Wesson .38, just like murder weapon.
兩人發現電腦, 打開是一段錄影...
Kevin: ...If you're not playing God, I will not even exist.
This whole thing is my idea.
I thought that killing Dr. Keil will be my answer.
But this- this is my answer. (吞藥, 拿起一瓶酒灌下去)
莎拉: You think this is our answer?
囧尼: We've been chasing the wrong guy for all the time.
Why should this one be the right one?
羅賓爺爺: C.O.D. is massive overdose. However, I'm not sure the
video catches the whole story. Check his throat here.
Look at the tracheia part.
DB: Looks like a bottle shape.
羅賓爺爺: Yes, say a bottle of scottch shoven down his throat.
DB: So someone forced him drinking a bottle of wine mixed with
alprazolem. And fake the video. When did he died?
羅賓爺爺: XXXX.
DB: About an hour after the shoot of Dr. Keils. And we're still
chasing our trail. He may shoot Dr. Keils, but he didn't do
that alone. We have their antibodies. I'll get Henry on that.
Morgan: The "trip" is booked on vacation of Dr. Keils and
his son at the same time.
囧尼: Some kind of weired family reunion. We know Jordan's
mother asked the clinic to dispose the embryos.
Morgan: But, obviously Dr. Kiels didn't follow it.
DB: He makes a great target to black mail.
Morgan: Black mail went bad.
DB: Okay, so the one killed Kevin is his siblings. Which one?
亨利: Um, look at page two.
DB: (翻頁) You've got be kidding me!
莎拉: Quardripets!?
Morgan: Yeah. Do you think it could be Dr. Keils arrange the
reunion since he's the only one knows their existence?
莎拉: If Keil arranged the reunion, he gotta have met them.
Morgan: So?
莎拉: So maybe we have a witness.
Avery: The police told me that you guys caught the guy who killed
my dad.
莎拉: We did. Avery, you said that you asked your dad to bring
you here to see your Kenya, right? Did he have met someone
Avery: I knew someone came look for him.
莎拉: Did you get a chance to know them?
Avery: No. The one came knocked our door. He gave a coupon to
the Arcade room and Dad sent me to play. I did come back
a little earlier. It is weired. Thay all looks alike.
I asked my dad. He helps deliver them as babies.
莎拉: Okay. We were able to contact your cousin in Wisconsin.
Avery: I don't want to go to Wisconsin!
莎拉: I'm sorry- You know, um. I can really take some ice creams.
I know a great place downstairs. Did you want some ice
Avery: Sure.
阿奇: Yeah, man, I'm tired. I- Wait! Got a hit!
莎拉: How is it?
Avery: Good. That's yours?
莎拉: Good. (此時囧尼打電話來)
囧尼: Sara, we identify the forth suspect in the casino.
莎拉: Okay. Where is he?
囧尼: Sitting right behind you, eating the ice cream.
莎拉: (愣住) Are you sure?
囧尼: The face-idntification system said so. I'm sure.
掛了電話, 莎拉回頭
莎拉: You all done?
Avery: Yeah. (準備丟掉冰淇淋紙杯)
莎拉: No. I'll take that.
Avery: (不自在) Can we go now?
莎拉: Yeah.
莎拉: We thought it was your dad arranging the reunion. But we
found your ISP.
布拔: It's not your dad buying you the shoes, right?
Avery: I told you my dad like to buy me stuffs.
布拔: Oh yeah? Then how about the 150,000 scheduled from his
account splied to Jordan and Xavier? Poor Kevin got
stiffen. So much about brotherly love.
Kevin: I deserve more! I'm the one who take the risk! I'm the
one who pull the trigger!
Avery: Well, (看一眼Jordan跟Xavier) how do you guys feel like
the 150,000 go to two ways?
Avery: That's what you think happening in the room, but you don't
know what exactly happened.
莎拉: We do know. You planned it well. But you missed something.
It's called antibody profiling. It pointed you are the one
who drugged and killed Kevin. What we don't know is why.
Avery: You wouldn't understand.
莎拉: Try me.
Avery: It's in my mother's funeral. My cousins are talking about
how much she wanted a child, how she has to go through all
the painful processes, and how she even eventually need to
beg to have someone's unwanted embryos to put into her body.
I confronted my dad. It is true. All from an embryo.
Given it life. Me. I was his final miracle.
But what miracle? It's a lie! No one wants me really!
My father is always so distant, so cold. Now I know why.
My mother is the only one who really loves me.
And she's even not my real mother!
That day she was taken away from me, I blame him.
布拔: So you planned all these. I'm not sure if the jury will
agree with you.
Avery: I'm only 12 years old. What jury gonna put me away?
布拔: Don't be so sure. Last year an 11 year old boy got put to
life expends without breaks releasing.
You got yourself into this.
莎拉: You created a perfect crime. Only it's perfect for Jordan
and Xavier. The evidence we got only pointed to Kevin as
the shooter who killed your dad.
布拔: And you killed Kevin. You know what you can do? Give up
the twins.
Avery: -No, I'll take my chances. Like you said, they're my
brothers. They're my only real famly.
本集心得: 1) 原來想說莎拉越來越有母性光輝啥時要給大家一隻小企鵝的,
結果...... TAT
2) 話說本集讓我想到海灘那個sperm donator的case...
科技加人性似乎不總是能有最佳解? Orz
本集重點: Miracle or not?
片頭, 賭場裡的眾多活動,
一名穿著條紋襯衫的男子似乎在找人, 而離開了他坐著的機器,
男子無奈離開, 忽然兩聲槍響, 男子倒地...
布拔: We locked down the casino. Nothing goes out, nothing comes
囧尼: You called this locked down?
布拔: (看著依然沉浸的眾人) Yeah, it's more like locked-in.
Nothing can get those people out from the mechine in the
hope to get their money back.
囧尼: Anyway, somewhere is our suspect.
布拔: Yeah, Archie is in the survillance room now searching for
the one fits the description.
囧尼: (透過無線電) Browh hair, orange shirt. You got one, Archie?
阿奇: Looks like he's heading east toward the arcade game room.
布拔: Okay. Move! Move!
布拔跟囧尼循線前往後, 囧尼看到一抹橘色
囧尼: (上前) Hey! (結果轉過來的人是金髮女子) Oh! I'm sorry.
We lost him.
布拔: Archie, are you sure that computer is working? We only got
a woman in an orange shirt.
阿奇: I don't get that! Hold a second, I got a match. He's
heading to the parking lot.
囧尼: I think Sara is there. (無線電) Sara, are you in the parking
莎拉: Yeah, I just arrived. Why?
囧尼: Archie said the suspect is heading there. Brass is sending
Mitchel down. Sara, stay tight. Wait for backup.
莎拉: Copy that.
莎拉拔出槍接近轉角, 結果跟她面對面的是Mitchel
Mitchel: You see him?
莎拉: No.
阿奇: I lost him again. Wait, wait, I got him. Heading to the
布拔: Are you sure about that?
阿奇: 100% sure.
阿奇: (快抓狂了) He just disappeared!
囧尼: How could a guy disappeared in a locked-doen casino!?
布拔: Great. We'll have to go room to room.
囧尼: We have cameras out there, so how did he get away?
Finn負責詢問帶呼吸器的女子, 畢竟她是目擊證人.
Finn: I know it's not illegal to smoke inside casinos in Vegas,
but- you think it's a good idea to smoke with the oxygen-?
女子: Like you said, it's not illegal. Life is short, you'll miss
those things anyway.
Finn: Right. So could you tell me what you saw?
女子: Sure, the guy is right there, with a gun with him. I heard
two shots and looked up... His nose is bleeding.
The guy took off right away. You guys got him already?
Finn: We're working on that. We might need to ask you to repeat
your description, so don't go far, okay?
女子: Don't worry about me, honey. I just hit the jack plot. I'm
not going anywhere yet!
DB: (查看死者證件)Dannies Keils. A doctor. (看到一張合照)
- And he has a family. I'll have Sara check the hotel.
大衛: One shut on the chest.
Finn: Our witness said that she heard two shots.
DB: So there is another bullet.
大衛表示死者手上有防衛性傷口, 表示死者可能打了槍手一拳
Finn: And the witness did say that his nose is bleeding. Ah,
that would expllain the blood right there. So- our killer
tried to rob our victim. Here. (只是DB站到死者的位置)
"Give me your money", got a punch on your face, and than
rise the gun- Yeah, our second bullet! (在一臺賭博機器上)
Should we get the machine back to the lab and then
process that?
DB: Good work to dry out my mouth. I'll let the casino know.
Nice job.
囧尼: LVPD, open up!
房內女子Shelly: LVPD? Oh, that's hilarious.
Shelly開門, 穿著的非常清涼, 囧尼愣住了
囧尼: Oh, um- how're you doing? (Morgan白他一眼咳嗽)
We would love to know if you ever seen this man. (出示照片)
Shelly: That's him I've been waiting for hours!
Shelly: We met at the bar. He was cute. So...
Morgan: (探頭看垃圾桶) Did he use protection?
Shelly: Yes, why?
Morgan: (檢出保險套, 對囧尼說) DNA. Maybe a print.
囧尼: How much you know about him?
Shelly: He's kind of cute. Foreign identity you know. Hey, why
are you taking my sheet?
Morgan: Activity on that can help us identify the guy.
Shelly: Oh my God. I hope you don't think I am a slut!
囧尼: No, no, no. Of course not. What else can you tell us about
the encounter?
Shelly: ...I kind of make a video.
囧尼: We- kind of need to watch it.
布拔跟莎拉來到Dr. Keils的房間,
走進去後發現的是正在打電動的小男生, 小男生被嚇到...
布拔: It's okay, son. What's your name?
Avery: Avery Keils.
布拔: Okay, Avery, where is your mom?
Avery: She died last year. Where is my dad?
Avery: What happened?
布拔: Somebody robbed your dad, Avery.
Avery: ...I begged him last week to see Kenye. It's why we're
here. I told him to be careful not carrying to the money
布拔: What money?
Avery: The slut machine. He won that a few nights ago, and people
knew that.
布拔: Did those people followed your dad around?
Avery: No. I mean- I don't know. He bought those sneakers for me.
He always buy me things.
莎拉: Do you have any relatives in town, Avery?
Avery: I have a cousin in Wesconsin. I never met him though.
-What's gonna happened to me?
布拔: You'll be okay. We'll keep you safe. This officer here will
stay with you, all right?
Avery點頭, 布拔離開.
莎拉: I'm gonna come back and check in on you, all right?
I promise.
DB去找羅賓爺爺, 羅賓爺爺已完成驗屍並取出了子彈
羅賓爺爺: (拿起子彈) I didn't find any core. I found this.
DB: Hourglass shape. Weired.
Finn: Hey, I just got out the bullet.
DB: No core, right?
Finn: I hate when you do that!
DB: Did you see some red thing along with it?
Finn: Yeah, what's that exactly?
DB: I got a feeling that's what you'll need to know.
Morgan: Did you see the guy?
男子: (雙手抱胸) Never seen him before.
Morgan: Do you mind if we come in and take a look?
男子: Yeah, I do mind. (想關門)
囧尼: All right, you know what? This is hotel property. Step
囧尼: Who's your roommate?
男子: He's a friend back home.
Morgan: (查看兩人證件) Lee Jacob. And- (拿起ID問囧尼) Hey,
familiar? (ID照片跟嫌犯一模一樣)
囧尼: I need your back up here, Paul! Search him for weapon.
Morgan: We're looking for your friend Jordan Bretson.
Lee: He took off.
但是Lee眼神飄向衣櫃, Morgan跟囧尼心照不宣, Morgan靠近衣櫃...
Lee: Hey, I know my right! Step in the room is one thing, but
if you open that closet...
囧尼: You have a lawyer?
Lee: No.
囧尼: Well, you'll need a good one to serve. It took 15 to 20.
Morgan持槍打開衣櫃, 裡面果然是Jordan.
Jordan: He hits me first!
Jordan: The guy hits me first! I don't know him at all.
囧尼: Yeah? So you shoot him?
Jordan: What are you talking about?
囧尼: Come'on, your girlfriend Shelly confirmed you are not with
her this morning.
Jordan: I know no one named Shelly.
囧尼: Really? Let me show you something.
Shelly: No, talk to the camera. "This is not a one-night-stand."
男子: This is not a one-night-stand.
Shelly: Then, "I promise to take Shelly to dinner tomorrow night."
男子: I promise to take...
Jordan: Chick's smoking, but that's not me.
囧尼: Come'on. Now, why did you shoot him?
Jordan: I shoot nobody. I hit him because he hits me first!
囧尼: What are you talking about?
Jordan: Aren't you talking about the fight at the bar?
囧尼: Where were you last night?
Jordan: I won a trip to Vegas, so I came with Lee last night.
Then I went out for a drink to have fun alone.
囧尼: Where were you this morning?
Jordan: I went to XXX.
囧尼: Anyone who can confirm your words?
Jordan: No.
囧尼: Just like you're alone last night... not with Shelly.
Jordan: Look, I'm telling you that is not me!
Morgan: Hey, Archie. How are you going?
阿奇: (眼睛快脫窗了) I'm gonna gone crazy.
Morgan: Well, you got him with Shelly on the bar?
阿奇: Yeah. Here it is.
Morgan: Great, gotcha.
阿奇: Well, gotcha a problem. This is the one with Shelly at
the bar. And- here is Jordan with his friend in the lobby.
How could one guy in two places at a same time?
Morgan: He can't.
DB: (電話中) I'm sorry I missed the breakfast. They'll understand.
(Mandy跟亨利走進來) Wait a second. My parent-in-laws are in
town. (回到電話) How about this? We'll take them to dinner
on the way to the airport. (掛電話) I love my low-parents.
But, oh, God. Hoseguest and fish in three days- well, they'll
have to go. So what you got?
Mandy: The guy left on Shelly's bed? He's our shooter.
亨利: But the print does not match with Jordan Breston. Want to
know Mandy's theory?
Mandy: Identical twins.
亨利: Ha.
DB: It should be easy. Just check the birth certification.
Morgan: (走進來) I already checked that. Guy's an only kid.
Doppledanger, identical twins, whatever.
We got the recieve of the bar anyway.
Xavier Marks. Tucson address.
囧尼: Talking about double entry.
女子A: You can join us. You're kind of cute.
莎拉: You shared everything with your sister?
女子B: Yeah, is that a problem?
Xavier: I'm the only child... A Virgo? No, I'm a German.
莎拉: So why are you in Vegas?
Xavier: I won a free trip on net. So why not?
莎拉: All right. (出示Dr. Keils的照片)
Xavier: Who is he?
莎拉: He's the guy you shot this morning.
Xavier: I think you saw what I'm doing this morning.
莎拉: Whole morning?
Xavier: Twins are the dream of men. One point I stepped out.
For smoke. That's all. Another point to pick up the
food tray: Strawberry and caramel...
You should check the room service.
莎拉, 囧尼, DB跟Finn討論案情
DB: How do you explian the birthday identitfy?
莎拉: I don't know. But it could be facked. And look at their
stories. It's just the same! Some lucky trip they won from
the Interner. It's a scam! It's a perfect crime!
DB: Anyway, we have our suspects. We only need to be able to
identify them, even if they're identical twins.
Finn: There is one way. Antibody profiling.
亨利: Antibody profiling. I've never done that. But I do know
the theories. It's like DNA, right?
Finn: Sort of. Even identical twins will have to develope their
own antibody profile to deal with the environments they
encountered. So let's see if the antibody profile can tell
us which one of the twins left the blood on the casino
亨利: Which is our killer.
DB: You got the result?
亨利: Um, actually we found more than what we're bargaining for.
The antibody profile of the blood didn't match either our
suspect. Both Jordan and Xavier are off the hook
DB: (傻眼) So what you say? There is a third we're looking for?
亨利: Look at the bright side. At least we still know who we are
looking for.
DB, Finn跟Morgan
Morgan: So, we're talking about identical triplets?
DB: You know, it reminds me a movie, one by Gregory XXX.
What's that? The- the-
Finn: The XXXXX? That movie is about cloning, Hitler, Right?
DB: Right. What I want to say is that we know our suspects.
But we know nothing about our victim. He's a doctor, right?
Maybe he has something to do with them? Where he did his
intern? We need those information.
Morgan: And then? Our suspects may plan a murder together. They
can hide behind their faces.
Finn: But we know where to find them.
DB: Diamond Dust Casino. And, like Henry said, at least we know
who we're looking for.
Morgan: (查看簡訊) Hum, Jordan's Lawyer just walked in. It's his
媽媽: I understand you are accusing my son murdered someone.
布拔: Or at least partner with someone. Well, partners.
(出示照片) Seeing double? Because we are.
莎拉: (出示Dr. Keils照片) Do you recognize this man.
媽媽: No. I have no idea who he is.
莎拉: I got it, it has to be like, 25 year ago? It must be very
hard to want to concieve a child so much- and then all of
a sudden, a miracle happenes.
媽媽: (沉默半晌) It was a miracle. The doctor told me there were
mutiples. But I told them that I could care only one son.
It is the hardest decision ever.
莎拉: So you tell the clinic to dispose the other embryos.
媽媽: A mother knows her some. I would know Jordan anywhere.
But this man (指指Xavier的照片), I don't.
I want to see my son.
布拔, 莎拉跟Morgan看著母子相會
布拔: Ma Carker here. (敘述案子)
Morgan: Wow, You're like a world book of crime.
布拔: No, I'm like a depressing story book.
We still have no connection between the doctor and the
莎拉: Unless we catch the shooter.
Finn: The bullet is originally usea for air marshals. The coat
covered the bullet is our red residue.
DB: That explains Dr. Kiel's marcerated liver.
Finn: Well, at least we know it's a marchals gun now.
Morgan: Hey, I think I got some. You know, since they created
the same won-vication story. I was thinking that maybe
they created a web site for it. And they did!
Via Sunnew Travel. Based on that information I tracked
to this familiar looking man.
莎拉: (看檔案) Kevin Chains.
Morgan: Check the birth date.
莎拉: November XXX.
Morgan: Makes him a youngest, and, a crime record. Based by the
Diamond Dust Casino, he's not check out yet. Room 2211.
莎拉, 囧尼跟布拔回到旅館, 結果發現Kevin死在椅子上
莎拉: (上前查看) He's been dead for a while.
囧尼: (發現槍一把) Smith & Wesson .38, just like murder weapon.
兩人發現電腦, 打開是一段錄影...
Kevin: ...If you're not playing God, I will not even exist.
This whole thing is my idea.
I thought that killing Dr. Keil will be my answer.
But this- this is my answer. (吞藥, 拿起一瓶酒灌下去)
莎拉: You think this is our answer?
囧尼: We've been chasing the wrong guy for all the time.
Why should this one be the right one?
羅賓爺爺: C.O.D. is massive overdose. However, I'm not sure the
video catches the whole story. Check his throat here.
Look at the tracheia part.
DB: Looks like a bottle shape.
羅賓爺爺: Yes, say a bottle of scottch shoven down his throat.
DB: So someone forced him drinking a bottle of wine mixed with
alprazolem. And fake the video. When did he died?
羅賓爺爺: XXXX.
DB: About an hour after the shoot of Dr. Keils. And we're still
chasing our trail. He may shoot Dr. Keils, but he didn't do
that alone. We have their antibodies. I'll get Henry on that.
Morgan: The "trip" is booked on vacation of Dr. Keils and
his son at the same time.
囧尼: Some kind of weired family reunion. We know Jordan's
mother asked the clinic to dispose the embryos.
Morgan: But, obviously Dr. Kiels didn't follow it.
DB: He makes a great target to black mail.
Morgan: Black mail went bad.
DB: Okay, so the one killed Kevin is his siblings. Which one?
亨利: Um, look at page two.
DB: (翻頁) You've got be kidding me!
莎拉: Quardripets!?
Morgan: Yeah. Do you think it could be Dr. Keils arrange the
reunion since he's the only one knows their existence?
莎拉: If Keil arranged the reunion, he gotta have met them.
Morgan: So?
莎拉: So maybe we have a witness.
Avery: The police told me that you guys caught the guy who killed
my dad.
莎拉: We did. Avery, you said that you asked your dad to bring
you here to see your Kenya, right? Did he have met someone
Avery: I knew someone came look for him.
莎拉: Did you get a chance to know them?
Avery: No. The one came knocked our door. He gave a coupon to
the Arcade room and Dad sent me to play. I did come back
a little earlier. It is weired. Thay all looks alike.
I asked my dad. He helps deliver them as babies.
莎拉: Okay. We were able to contact your cousin in Wisconsin.
Avery: I don't want to go to Wisconsin!
莎拉: I'm sorry- You know, um. I can really take some ice creams.
I know a great place downstairs. Did you want some ice
Avery: Sure.
阿奇: Yeah, man, I'm tired. I- Wait! Got a hit!
莎拉: How is it?
Avery: Good. That's yours?
莎拉: Good. (此時囧尼打電話來)
囧尼: Sara, we identify the forth suspect in the casino.
莎拉: Okay. Where is he?
囧尼: Sitting right behind you, eating the ice cream.
莎拉: (愣住) Are you sure?
囧尼: The face-idntification system said so. I'm sure.
掛了電話, 莎拉回頭
莎拉: You all done?
Avery: Yeah. (準備丟掉冰淇淋紙杯)
莎拉: No. I'll take that.
Avery: (不自在) Can we go now?
莎拉: Yeah.
莎拉: We thought it was your dad arranging the reunion. But we
found your ISP.
布拔: It's not your dad buying you the shoes, right?
Avery: I told you my dad like to buy me stuffs.
布拔: Oh yeah? Then how about the 150,000 scheduled from his
account splied to Jordan and Xavier? Poor Kevin got
stiffen. So much about brotherly love.
Kevin: I deserve more! I'm the one who take the risk! I'm the
one who pull the trigger!
Avery: Well, (看一眼Jordan跟Xavier) how do you guys feel like
the 150,000 go to two ways?
Avery: That's what you think happening in the room, but you don't
know what exactly happened.
莎拉: We do know. You planned it well. But you missed something.
It's called antibody profiling. It pointed you are the one
who drugged and killed Kevin. What we don't know is why.
Avery: You wouldn't understand.
莎拉: Try me.
Avery: It's in my mother's funeral. My cousins are talking about
how much she wanted a child, how she has to go through all
the painful processes, and how she even eventually need to
beg to have someone's unwanted embryos to put into her body.
I confronted my dad. It is true. All from an embryo.
Given it life. Me. I was his final miracle.
But what miracle? It's a lie! No one wants me really!
My father is always so distant, so cold. Now I know why.
My mother is the only one who really loves me.
And she's even not my real mother!
That day she was taken away from me, I blame him.
布拔: So you planned all these. I'm not sure if the jury will
agree with you.
Avery: I'm only 12 years old. What jury gonna put me away?
布拔: Don't be so sure. Last year an 11 year old boy got put to
life expends without breaks releasing.
You got yourself into this.
莎拉: You created a perfect crime. Only it's perfect for Jordan
and Xavier. The evidence we got only pointed to Kevin as
the shooter who killed your dad.
布拔: And you killed Kevin. You know what you can do? Give up
the twins.
Avery: -No, I'll take my chances. Like you said, they're my
brothers. They're my only real famly.
本集心得: 1) 原來想說莎拉越來越有母性光輝啥時要給大家一隻小企鵝的,
結果...... TAT
2) 話說本集讓我想到海灘那個sperm donator的case...
科技加人性似乎不總是能有最佳解? Orz
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