CSI-LV本店 S05E01 幾段有趣對話 - CSI

By Elvira
at 2020-03-28T19:31
at 2020-03-28T19:31
Table of Contents
整理 CSI: Las Vegas 拉斯維加斯本店第五季第一集的一些有趣對話集錦。
布拔: So witnesses heard multiple gunshots. They think. Because if it was
during the Blitz. You know, the lights were out, sirens were going off,
search lights, the whole world war ii experience.
老葛: When exactly did war become a party?
布拔: 所以目擊群眾聽到多聲槍響,他們認為啦。如果是閃電戰派對期間,你知道的,
老葛: 到底什麼時候起,戰爭變成一場狂歡派對?
布拔: Hey, Gil. Wait. You've got something stuck to your shoe. Oh, no, it's
just Sanders.
布拔: 嘿!吉爾,你鞋子上面黏了什麼東西? 噢,不,原來是小葛啊。
尼克: Got some paint ... maybe. Something for Hodges. One thing's for sure:
It's going to take a lot longer getting him out than it did getting him in.
崔維斯: Can't you guys just beam him back to the morgue?
尼克看著裝扮外星人遺體: 好像沾了一點油漆,屆時交給哈吉斯化驗。有一件事可以確定
~ ~ 我們把他挖出來的時間將比當初兇手把他埋進去耗時更久。
崔維斯警探一本正經冷笑話: 難道你們不能直接用光束把他傳送回太平間嗎?
曼尼: Hey, look, that gun was stolen out of my desk last week.
布拔: So what's this, "The dog ate my homework"?
夜總會經營者曼尼喊冤: 嘿,聽著,那把槍早在上星期就從我辦公室桌子被偷走了。
布拔挑眉諷刺: 這是什麼藉口? 『狗吃了我的家庭作業』姊妹作?
✩ ✩ ✩

ヽ(゜▽゜ )-C<(/;◇;)/ 心得原始收錄網誌 https://tinyurl.com/tyww5m5
Grissom: Work hard, play hard, die young, leave a good-looking corpse.
【CSI: Crime Scene Investigation】S04E20
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