CSI: The Experience-澳門 - CSI

By Ethan
at 2013-03-26T23:33
at 2013-03-26T23:33
Table of Contents
※ [本文轉錄自 EAseries 看板 #1HKRafAs ]
作者: XiJun (乂丨亅凵几) 看板: EAseries
標題: [情報] CSI: The Experience-澳門
時間: Tue Mar 26 23:05:06 2013
Can you solve the Crime?
3 murders
15 suspects
3 killers
CSI: The Experience – Macao
CSI: The Experience gives visitors the opportunity to play the role of a
crime scene investigator from the hit TV show series – CSI.
Visitors will learn the scientific principles and real investigative
techniques as they try to solve one of the three crime scene mysteries.
With input from investigators from the TV show, along with their real-life
forensic science counterparts, visitors will formulate a hypothesis, validate
their finds based on scientific evidence and try to crack the case.
Date: 1st April ~ 15th June 2013
Venue:Caspian Ballroom, Level 4, Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central
Ticket Price: MOP 120 up
Operation Hours: 11 am to 8 pm daily
作者: XiJun (乂丨亅凵几) 看板: EAseries
標題: [情報] CSI: The Experience-澳門
時間: Tue Mar 26 23:05:06 2013
Can you solve the Crime?
3 murders
15 suspects
3 killers
CSI: The Experience – Macao
CSI: The Experience gives visitors the opportunity to play the role of a
crime scene investigator from the hit TV show series – CSI.
Visitors will learn the scientific principles and real investigative
techniques as they try to solve one of the three crime scene mysteries.
With input from investigators from the TV show, along with their real-life
forensic science counterparts, visitors will formulate a hypothesis, validate
their finds based on scientific evidence and try to crack the case.
Date: 1st April ~ 15th June 2013
Venue:Caspian Ballroom, Level 4, Sheraton Macao Hotel, Cotai Central
Ticket Price: MOP 120 up
Operation Hours: 11 am to 8 pm daily
All Comments

By Margaret
at 2013-03-27T15:56
at 2013-03-27T15:56

By Sarah
at 2013-03-28T03:46
at 2013-03-28T03:46

By Leila
at 2013-03-30T15:17
at 2013-03-30T15:17

By Elvira
at 2013-04-02T09:58
at 2013-04-02T09:58

By Christine
at 2013-04-04T19:09
at 2013-04-04T19:09

By Madame
at 2013-04-07T00:19
at 2013-04-07T00:19

By Ursula
at 2013-04-08T09:25
at 2013-04-08T09:25
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