Danny Elfman的DC宇宙他保證讓超人很黑暗 - 電影配樂

By Belly
at 2017-09-29T17:45
at 2017-09-29T17:45
Table of Contents
Danny Elfman的DC宇宙他保證讓超人很黑暗
Danny Elfman的訪問提到重返DC宇宙,1.他會重啟他的蝙蝠俠主題,
2.延續Hans Zimmer的Wonder Woman ,以及John Williams的超人主題,
It was great. It was like I never left because I’m using the same thematic ma
terial that I used back then. It never actually went away [Laughs.] It just wa
s great fun.
There are a few little fan moments. I instated a moment of the Wonder Woman th
eme that Hans Zimmer did for Batman Vs. Superman, but I also had two minutes w
here I had the pleasure of saying, “Let’s do John Williams’ Superman.” and
that for me was heaven, because now I have a melody to twist, and I’m using
it in an actually very dark way, in a dark moment. It’s the kind of thing tha
t some fans will notice. Some won’t. It’s a moment where we’re really not s
ure whose side he’s on.
The people at DC are starting to understand we’ve got these iconic bits from
our past and that’s part of us, that’s part of our heritage -- we shouldn’t
run away from that. Contemporary thinking is, every time they reboot somethin
g, you have to start completely from scratch -- which, of course, audiences wi
ll tell us again and again, is bullshit. Because the single-most surviving and
loved theme in the world is Star Wars, which they had the good sense to not d
ump for the reboots. And every time it comes back, the audience goes crazy.
Danny Elfman的DC宇宙他保證讓超人很黑暗
Danny Elfman的訪問提到重返DC宇宙,1.他會重啟他的蝙蝠俠主題,
2.延續Hans Zimmer的Wonder Woman ,以及John Williams的超人主題,
It was great. It was like I never left because I’m using the same thematic ma
terial that I used back then. It never actually went away [Laughs.] It just wa
s great fun.
There are a few little fan moments. I instated a moment of the Wonder Woman th
eme that Hans Zimmer did for Batman Vs. Superman, but I also had two minutes w
here I had the pleasure of saying, “Let’s do John Williams’ Superman.” and
that for me was heaven, because now I have a melody to twist, and I’m using
it in an actually very dark way, in a dark moment. It’s the kind of thing tha
t some fans will notice. Some won’t. It’s a moment where we’re really not s
ure whose side he’s on.
The people at DC are starting to understand we’ve got these iconic bits from
our past and that’s part of us, that’s part of our heritage -- we shouldn’t
run away from that. Contemporary thinking is, every time they reboot somethin
g, you have to start completely from scratch -- which, of course, audiences wi
ll tell us again and again, is bullshit. Because the single-most surviving and
loved theme in the world is Star Wars, which they had the good sense to not d
ump for the reboots. And every time it comes back, the audience goes crazy.
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