David Archuleta告別樂壇!!!!! - 美國偶像

By Andrew
at 2011-12-21T00:23
at 2011-12-21T00:23
Table of Contents
小弟在My Kind of Christmas Tour巡回到家鄉Salt Lake City的時候
但....崩潰!!!! 我 不 要沒小弟的日子.....................
I can’t tell you how special it’s been being able to come back here and do
this Christmas tour and sing these songs that just mean a lot to me and to
have all of you here tonight with us. (It's just)There’s no place like
home. I always say that. Looking back through these last four years and all
the support we’ve had and all the amazing experiences we’ve had and I’ve
had, I (just) feel very blessed in my life. While I’m home in front of you
guys here tonight, I would like to make a special announcement that I’ve
chosen to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints. It’s not because someone told me that I was supposed to
do it, not because that I no longer want to do music anymore, but it’s
because it’s the feeling that I felt that I need to do next in my life. It’
s just the same feeling that I’ve always followed, tried to follow, in my
life. It’s the feeling that’s allowed me to have the opportunities I’ve
had, the challenges I’ve had to overcome, and the blessings, too. I’ve
learned to trust that feeling and I’ve learned that I need to answer when it
calls. That is the reason why I know that I need to do this in my life. I
just wanted to thank you guys. I’ll be going the first half of next year. I
just wanted announce that while I was home here in front of you guys because
you mean so much to me. Thank you so much.I'd like to close this evening with
the one last song, This is what I think cultures told us what Christmas is
about and this is why I do what I do with music.And It's a song called "O
Holy night"
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美國偶像全新第十季正式開播 詳情請洽AmericanIdol板 kxhaψ
小弟在My Kind of Christmas Tour巡回到家鄉Salt Lake City的時候
但....崩潰!!!! 我 不 要沒小弟的日子.....................
I can’t tell you how special it’s been being able to come back here and do
this Christmas tour and sing these songs that just mean a lot to me and to
have all of you here tonight with us. (It's just)There’s no place like
home. I always say that. Looking back through these last four years and all
the support we’ve had and all the amazing experiences we’ve had and I’ve
had, I (just) feel very blessed in my life. While I’m home in front of you
guys here tonight, I would like to make a special announcement that I’ve
chosen to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-Day Saints. It’s not because someone told me that I was supposed to
do it, not because that I no longer want to do music anymore, but it’s
because it’s the feeling that I felt that I need to do next in my life. It’
s just the same feeling that I’ve always followed, tried to follow, in my
life. It’s the feeling that’s allowed me to have the opportunities I’ve
had, the challenges I’ve had to overcome, and the blessings, too. I’ve
learned to trust that feeling and I’ve learned that I need to answer when it
calls. That is the reason why I know that I need to do this in my life. I
just wanted to thank you guys. I’ll be going the first half of next year. I
just wanted announce that while I was home here in front of you guys because
you mean so much to me. Thank you so much.I'd like to close this evening with
the one last song, This is what I think cultures told us what Christmas is
about and this is why I do what I do with music.And It's a song called "O
Holy night"
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美國偶像全新第十季正式開播 詳情請洽AmericanIdol板 kxhaψ
All Comments

By James
at 2011-12-24T19:13
at 2011-12-24T19:13

By Hedy
at 2011-12-27T01:25
at 2011-12-27T01:25

By Bennie
at 2011-12-28T22:39
at 2011-12-28T22:39

By Joe
at 2011-12-29T01:15
at 2011-12-29T01:15

By Elvira
at 2012-01-02T08:54
at 2012-01-02T08:54

By Joe
at 2012-01-07T08:50
at 2012-01-07T08:50

By Frederic
at 2012-01-09T09:42
at 2012-01-09T09:42

By Emily
at 2012-01-12T14:35
at 2012-01-12T14:35

By Jacob
at 2012-01-14T12:06
at 2012-01-14T12:06

By James
at 2012-01-16T06:23
at 2012-01-16T06:23

By Lydia
at 2012-01-16T22:38
at 2012-01-16T22:38

By Wallis
at 2012-01-20T14:55
at 2012-01-20T14:55

By Zanna
at 2012-01-23T07:44
at 2012-01-23T07:44

By Damian
at 2012-01-27T19:44
at 2012-01-27T19:44

By Barb Cronin
at 2012-01-29T19:55
at 2012-01-29T19:55

By Sandy
at 2012-01-30T09:54
at 2012-01-30T09:54

By Barb Cronin
at 2012-02-01T18:46
at 2012-02-01T18:46

By Frederic
at 2012-02-02T05:35
at 2012-02-02T05:35

By Edward Lewis
at 2012-02-03T12:47
at 2012-02-03T12:47

By Dora
at 2012-02-07T04:54
at 2012-02-07T04:54

By Charlotte
at 2012-02-07T18:20
at 2012-02-07T18:20

By Ida
at 2012-02-11T15:09
at 2012-02-11T15:09

By Thomas
at 2012-02-16T13:14
at 2012-02-16T13:14

By Quanna
at 2012-02-17T19:59
at 2012-02-17T19:59

By Iris
at 2012-02-22T06:00
at 2012-02-22T06:00

By Xanthe
at 2012-02-23T22:47
at 2012-02-23T22:47

By Barb Cronin
at 2012-02-24T16:42
at 2012-02-24T16:42

By Emma
at 2012-02-29T15:33
at 2012-02-29T15:33

By Elma
at 2012-03-02T15:43
at 2012-03-02T15:43

By Kelly
at 2012-03-06T15:25
at 2012-03-06T15:25

By Joe
at 2012-03-07T19:53
at 2012-03-07T19:53
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