DD的新影集 - X檔案

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-05-25T01:01

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DD今年八月要在有線電視台Showtime (HBO最大的競爭對手) 開個新的喜劇影集
他飾演一個作家, 寫了一本很紅的小說被阿湯哥翻拍成電影後
搬到加州, 但生活和事業上都大大的改變, 沉迷在酒精與性愛當中,


如果你覺得SATC和Nip/Tuck的尺度已經受不了的話, 千萬不要看
(未滿18歲的人....如果這裡有的話....我有警告囉 XD)

片場狗仔照: http://justjared.buzznet.com/2007/05/23/david-duchovny-underwear/



雖然說情色與裸女是Showtime的招牌(?), 不過人家也是真的很認真地在製作節目的~
這節目還沒開播, 英國就已經買下版權, 也算很罕見的
希望能成功....畢竟Showtime的節目必須紅到一種程度, 台灣才"有可能"看得到~ >_<

http://tinyurl.com/33ccjh 劇本評論

Before reading the script for Showtime's Californication, I read up on the
potential series. Here is how the network describes this comedy series:

"Following in the footsteps of the successful and highly-acclaimed series
Dexter, Weeds and Brotherhood, Showtime has ordered 12 half-hour episodes of
a stylish new comedy series schedule to premiere in August. [...]
Sophisticated and unique, this comedy centers on novelist Hank Moody ([David]
Duchovny) who struggles to raise his 13-year-old daughter (Madeleine Martin),
while still carrying a torch of his ex-girlfriend Karen ([Natascha]
McElhone). His obsession with truth-telling and self-destructive behavior --
drinks, drugs and relationships -- are both destroying and enriching his

I had also heard that the David Duchovny we grown to love in The X-Files was
in a totally opposite role if we compared Hank Moody to Fox Mulder. With that
info in hand, I started my reading.

After reading the script, I can tell you that none of us will see Duchovny
the same way. Actually, those of us who always see Mulder when he is on
screen may be quite disturbed when watching Californication.


The U.K.'s Channel Five signed a deal for the series Tuesday, a CBS Paramount
spokeswoman confirmed. Numerous terrestrial channels also were known to be
bidding for the David Duchovny-starring series, which is set to air in August
on Showtime.

Five's deal, one of the earliest programming licensing agreements ever seen
at the Los Angeles Screenings, was negotiated by Five controller of
acquisitions Vanessa Brookman and Stephen Tague of CBS Paramount
International Television.

" 'Californication' is a high-quality, sophisticated new comedy drama with
Duchovny stylishly playing the troubled, lovable writer," Brookman said. "I
am delighted that we have secured the rights for Five's family of channels."


Tags: X檔案

All Comments

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2007-05-27T10:14
Showtime 曾經有考慮來台灣,只是因為與系統業者談不攏作罷


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2007-05-21T20:22
最近不知為何,又突然很想念Mulderandamp;Scully, 翻出以前搜集的外國網友製作的music video片段, 看了還是覺得很感動,又覺得x檔案(還有我的青春)已經離我很遠了 冏.. 上網看了看目前dvd售價的情況, 發現目前pchome第1-7季合售8999元 http://shopp ...

Re: 請問一句SCULLY的台詞是哪一集

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2007-05-16T21:24
※ 引述《Dango (半瓶水響叮噹)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《sammiy (把話說開的感覺真好 Y^^Y)》之銘言: : : 沒錯 就是電梯那一幕 : : 而且SCULLY笑的樣子 : : 有種心有靈犀卻又很俏皮的感覺 : : 哎呀 我知道我形容的不太好啦 : : 我等下會去找亞藝有沒有第3季的 : : ...

Re: 請問一句SCULLY的台詞是哪一集

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2007-05-16T21:14
※ 引述《sammiy (把話說開的感覺真好 Y^^Y)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Dango (半瓶水響叮噹)》之銘言: : : 我忘了是那一集 : : 但反正Mulder歷險歸來 : : 詳細記不太清楚了 : : 但是是兩個人在電梯裡的對話 : : Scully說她知道Mulder一定還活著 : : Mul ...

Re: 請問一句SCULLY的台詞是哪一集

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2007-05-16T20:43
※ 引述《Dango (半瓶水響叮噹)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《sammiy (把話說開的感覺真好 Y^^Y)》之銘言: : : 如題 : : 小的我宿舍附近的亞藝二手片打折 : : 買的第六季的夢幻沙漠上下還有神秘三角洲回來看 : : 夢幻沙漠我找到SCLLY那句 : : "要不是你這麼醜的話 我會吻你" ...

Re: 請問一句SCULLY的台詞是哪一集

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-05-16T20:29
※ 引述《sammiy (把話說開的感覺真好 Y^^Y)》之銘言: : 如題 : 小的我宿舍附近的亞藝二手片打折 : 買的第六季的夢幻沙漠上下還有神秘三角洲回來看 : 夢幻沙漠我找到SCLLY那句 : "要不是你這麼醜的話 我會吻你" : 可是我想找的是某集片尾 : MULDER問SCULLY說:你怎麼知道. ...