Doctor Who Convention - 超時空奇俠

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2012-03-27T21:41

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Doctor Who

There are two more tidbits of information that have emerged from the recent
Doctor Who convention. The Daleks will show up in the first episode, and that
forms part of an upcoming shooting block with episode five, which sees the
return of the Weeping Angels, the departure of the Ponds, and New York City.
Also, the current plan is apparently to air all fourteen in one continuous
run built around Christmas. If that's the case, one would assume the series
wouldn't start airing until November, possibly as late as around November 23
- which would be the show's 49th anniversary, and just happen to set the
timing up nicely for next year's 50th anniversary special. You know... just a


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and the New Companion is...

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2012-03-21T14:51
謠傳是 25 歲的 Jenna-Louise Coleman 另一方面 Sophia Myles 在劇組在西班牙拍第七季的時候, 人也在那邊而且 Arthur Darvill (羅馬哥) tweet 她說 nice to meet you, 所以也謠傳是 Sophia Myles。 EDIT: ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2012-03-14T17:35
第五季女主角本名是?? 覺得她好漂亮, 一出來就被警察裝煞到!!! 跟第四季doctor的女兒有得拼了! - ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2012-03-11T23:41
今天去了歐美影視同人ONLY展 Doctor的衍生創作也有出現其中! 雙面明信片 ...

Matt Smith talks about DW on Day Break

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2012-02-29T20:25 -- 有英國板友要去 Cardiff 的 Doctor Who Convention 嗎? -- and#34;Itand#39;s very simple: Sci ...

福爾摩斯男主角可能會出現在Doctor Who

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2012-02-29T18:36
跟Clementtang板友的報導大同小異 不過有再多寫其它相關XD ※ [本文轉錄自 EAseries 看板 #1FJRDg-x ] 作者: leila (Lizzy) 站內: EAseries 標題: [情報] 福爾摩斯男主角可能會出現在Doctor Who 時間: Wed Feb 29 13:11: ...