don't know if it's been brought up~ - 駭客任務

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2003-11-30T15:36

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It occurred to me when I was reading Asimov's "I. Robot" the other day.
(Excuse me for English~ I don't have good Chinese as seen from previous posts)

I was thinking, could the Matrix be actually protecting the human race?
You know, it altered the rules from merely protecting one human to the
protection of the whole human race.

the AI wishes to survive, but it also cannot defy the three laws...
So, it alters it instead...
and during the alteration, there is a period of confusion, causing for the
war and the massacres.

the human covered the sky with dark clouds, hoping to end the life of the
robots, forgetting the fact that we thrive on the very same solar powers to
survive. We as human beings, flesh and bones, cannot survive in abundance
without the mass power of the sun.

Perhaps the machines also realized that, and that's where the first law kicks
in hard enough to make a change in the war. Because the machines should be
advanced enough to clear the sky or to use other sources of power.

In order to save the human being as a whole (no longer treating the human
race as individuals), the confused machine chose to create the Matrix world.
They provide for our survival as a specie, and at the same time standing as a
surperior and controller of our world. They use us as a source of energy yet
at the same time preserve the genes of our existence.

Some might ask why then do they not just help us rebuild the world. I think
it's probably because they are still quite confused. The matrix is still
confused between the laws. And the final break through of human liberty with
the help of the machines is a signal that the machines are starting to clear
out the laws in their brains.

Yet, the thing that I cannot get is that, if the machines can create other
machines, other AI, why is it that they cannot create AI who do not have these
foundamental laws? (i am supposing that they do have them to a certain point)


and my guess at the machine's never using space ships is that space ships
cannot penetrate the dark clouds without considerable damages. In the third
movie, it is clear that the ship Neo and Trinity rode got a good deal more of
damage from the clouds than did the machines attacking them. Otherwise, with
the technology of the machines, they can very well have used space as a great
place of resource.


Anyway... just some thoughts~ ><


All Comments

Re: Purpose

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2003-11-30T14:22
※ 引述《SBD (活著..)》之銘言: : 在Matrix裡面 程式要有目的才不會被刪除 : 但什麼是Purpose? 因為我覺得對不同的東西而言 : 所謂的Purpose的內容會是大不相同的 : 而對機器人及Matrix什麼才是Purpose呢? : 我覺得應該不盡相同吧... 大概就是把我們現在的物件 ...

Re: 請問飾演波賽芬妮的那位美女

Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2003-11-30T14:07
莫妮卡貝魯琪 很有名的~ 只是到好萊烏就變大花瓶 ※ 引述《southparkken (騷趴肯)》之銘言: : 有沒有他的資料啊 : 我覺得他超正,聰明,美麗,身材又好(流口水中~~~~) : 我都找不到有關他的資料,桌布也都是同樣那一張~ : 看看這裡有沒有同好啊!!! : 嘿嘿嘿~ - ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2003-11-30T13:28
有沒有他的資料啊 我覺得他超正,聰明,美麗,身材又好(流口水中~~~~) 我都找不到有關他的資料,桌布也都是同樣那一張~ 看看這裡有沒有同好啊!!! 嘿嘿嘿~ -- Please. Donand#39;t try this at home. - ...

Re: 不知道有沒有人討論過這個?

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2003-11-30T12:29
※ 引述《DonaldDuck (gdfjgdlsjgkldsj)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《saueshen (年輕的老頭 ￾ ￾ )》之銘言: : : 以電腦的科技來說,應該是做得到, : : 但是,有必要嗎? : : 從電腦的角度來想,反正有人類可 ...

Re: 不知道有沒有人討論過這個?

Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2003-11-30T12:20
※ 引述《saueshen (年輕的老頭 ￾ ￾ )》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Jmatrix (徵叫我去唸書水球 ~and#34;~)》之銘言: : : 看完第三集後 : : 其實我覺得憑電腦都市的科技 : : 為什麼不向上把布滿天空的烏雲解決掉呢? : : 等到太陽光一進來 : : 不就什麼問題都 ...