Fan, Hopes Dying Wish Will Come True - 星際大戰

By Steve
at 2015-11-11T06:35
at 2015-11-11T06:35
Table of Contents
Ashley Fleetwood 和 Daniel Fleetwood
14 小時前 · 編輯紀錄 ·
Daniel put up an amazing fight to the very end.
He is now one with God and with the force.
He passed in his sleep and in peace.
He will always be my idol and my hero.
Please hug uncle Marc for me and give Lucy lots of kisses.
Rest in peace my love. This was the last selfie we ever took together.
癌末「星戰」迷夢想成真 含笑與世長辭
法新社和美國國家廣播公司新聞網(NBC News)報導,佛利特伍的妻子艾希莉
(Ashley Fleetwood)今天凌晨在臉書上貼文說:「丹尼爾(佛利特伍)驚人
※ 引述《owenkuo (Chewie, we're home)》之銘言:
: Daniel Fleetwood, Terminally Ill 'Star Wars' Fan,
: Hopes Dying Wish Will Come True.
: ( )
: A man whose lungs are 90 percent covered in tumors has one dying wish.
: He wants see the next installment of "Star Wars" before cancer claims
: his life.
: Daniel Fleetwood, 32, of Spring, Texas, was diagnosed with spindle cell
: sarcoma, a rare connective tissue cancer, two years ago. The disease
: spread — and on Sept. 2, his oncologist gave him one to two months
: to live, his wife, Ashley Fleetwood, told NBC News.
: (全文請參見連接)
: 怕撐不到上映 癌末男盼先睹星際大戰7
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
: 願原力與Daniel Fleetwood同在 :)
Ashley Fleetwood 和 Daniel Fleetwood
14 小時前 · 編輯紀錄 ·
Daniel put up an amazing fight to the very end.
He is now one with God and with the force.
He passed in his sleep and in peace.
He will always be my idol and my hero.
Please hug uncle Marc for me and give Lucy lots of kisses.
Rest in peace my love. This was the last selfie we ever took together.
癌末「星戰」迷夢想成真 含笑與世長辭
法新社和美國國家廣播公司新聞網(NBC News)報導,佛利特伍的妻子艾希莉
(Ashley Fleetwood)今天凌晨在臉書上貼文說:「丹尼爾(佛利特伍)驚人
※ 引述《owenkuo (Chewie, we're home)》之銘言:
: Daniel Fleetwood, Terminally Ill 'Star Wars' Fan,
: Hopes Dying Wish Will Come True.
: ( )
: A man whose lungs are 90 percent covered in tumors has one dying wish.
: He wants see the next installment of "Star Wars" before cancer claims
: his life.
: Daniel Fleetwood, 32, of Spring, Texas, was diagnosed with spindle cell
: sarcoma, a rare connective tissue cancer, two years ago. The disease
: spread — and on Sept. 2, his oncologist gave him one to two months
: to live, his wife, Ashley Fleetwood, told NBC News.
: (全文請參見連接)
: 怕撐不到上映 癌末男盼先睹星際大戰7
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
: 願原力與Daniel Fleetwood同在 :)
All Comments

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