Fantasia overdoesd - 美國偶像

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-08-11T07:42

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Fantasia overdosed after reading affair allegations, manager says

(CNN) -- Fantasia Barrino overdosed on "aspirin and a sleep aid" Monday
night, but her injuries are not life-threatening, her manager said.
The overdose came the same day she read a court complaint from a woman who
alleged that Barrino carried on a year-long affair with her husband,
according to manager Brian Dickens.

Barrino publicly acknowledged the affair in a statement Tuesday issued by
Dickens that said "Fantasia fell in love with Mr. Cook and believed that he
loved her."

"Fantasia is heartbroken and is sorry for any pain she may have caused,"
Dickens said in a written statement to CNN. "Yesterday, she was totally
overwhelmed by the lawsuit and the media attention."

The former "American Idol" winner was hospitalized overnight but was expected
to go home Tuesday, Dickens said.

The police report obtained by CNN said Dickens called 911 to report the
overdose at the singer's home in Charlotte, North Carolina.

In a child custody case filed last week, Paula Cook charged that Barrino and
her husband, Antwaun Cook, became romantically involved last August.

The singer fell in love with Cook based on lies he told her, Dickens said.

"Fantasia believed Mr. Cook when he told her he was not happy in his marriage
and his heart was not in it," Dickens said. "She believed him when he told
her he and Mrs. Cook separated in the late summer of 2009. She believed Mr.
Cook when he told her he lived elsewhere."

Cook even took her to a residence where he claimed he lived apart from his
wife, Dickens said.

※ 編輯: senlin 來自: (08/11 07:43)
POYUANG :這女人真的很衰耶。而且竟然搞上有婦之夫...... 08/11 17:15
ladyluck :他衰事實在太多,我覺得人的一生中有一兩件衰事可能 08/12 00:17
ladyluck :是運氣差,衰事太多的時候自己恐怕也該付點責任 08/12 00:18
POYUANG :推薦范神婆來行天宮拜拜兼改運。:p 08/12 01:15

All Comments

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By Noah
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By Caitlin
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By Frederica
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Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2010-08-17T08:19

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