GA的音樂 - 歐美

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2007-02-26T19:20

Table of Contents

不知道有沒有OP 不過看到就PO一下囉 XD
1st Season Grey's Anatomy[All the track of episodes]
Episode 1: A Hard Day's Night

01 "Portions for Foxes" - Rilo Kiley
02 "Super Cool" - Bang Sugar Bang
03 "They" - Jem
04 "Dance" - O.A.O.T.S.
05 "Ready to Rise" - Vaughan Penn
06 "Life Is Short" - Butterfly Boucher
07 "Into the Fire" - Thirteen Senses

Episode 2: The First Cut Is The Deepest

08 "You Wouldn't Like Me" - Tegan and Sara
09 "Sister Kate" - The Ditty Bops
10 "Live and Learn" - The Cardigans
11 "Wait" - Get Set Go
12 "Somewhere Only We Know" - Keane

Episode 3: Winning a Battle, Losing the War

13 "There's a Girl" - The Ditty Bops
14 "I Won't Be Left" - Tegan and Sara
15 "Wishful Thinking" - The Ditty Bops
16 "You Are My Joy" - Reindeer Section
17 "Fools Like Me" - Lisa Loeb

Episode 4: No Man's Land

18 "Could Be Anything" - The Eames Era
19 "Let Myself Fall" - Rosie Thomas
20 "Break Your Heart" - Get Set Go
21 "Truth" - Vaughan Penn
22 "Sunday" - Sia Furler
23 "Where Does the Good Go" - Tegan and Sara

Episode 5: Shake Your Groove Thing

24 "Wake Up" - The Ditty Bops
25 "Tiger, My Friend" - PSAPP
26 "Money Girl" - Dee
27 "Evil" - Interpol
28 "The Edge of the Ocean" - Ivy
29 "Sparkle Me" - The Buffseeds

Episode 6: If Tomorrow Never Comes

30 "Save Me" - Jem
31 "Chapter" - PSAPP
32 "Walk or Ride" - Ditty Bops
33 "Never Leave Your Heart Alone" - Butterfly Boucher

Episode 7: The Self-Destruct Button

34 "Wish I" - Jem
35 "Downtown" - Tegan and Sara
36 "Suitcase" - Joe Purdy
37 "Hummingbird" - Wilco

Episode 8: Save Me

38 "Fix You Up" - Tegan and Sara
39 "No Illusions" - 78 Saab
40 "I Love the Rain the Most" - Joe Purdy
41 "Rapture" - Laura Veirs
42 "Feels Like" - Masha Qrella
43 "David" - Nellie McKay

Episode 9: Who's Zoomin' Who?

44 "Big as the Sky" - A.M. Sixty
45 "End of the World Party" - Medeski, Martin & Wood
46 "The Dog Song" - Nellie McKay
47 "Naked as We Came" - Iron & Wine
48 "Whatever Gets You Through Today" - The Radio

到哪找 喜歡英搖 喜歡足球 喜歡看電影的女生阿

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-03-01T23:43
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2007-03-02T09:27
推 好聽 ga的音樂
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2007-03-02T16:38
下載不行 可以的居然要21個小時..(暈) 感謝分享
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2007-03-03T15:15
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-03-06T18:54
download 不下來耶?! 3% 左右就說下載完成, 不知該如何繼
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2007-03-07T23:48
續說. ps.我是用 firefox
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2007-03-09T17:07
這下載網址應該是盜連內地別人分享的網址 其實不太好喔
另外這網址我之前有下過 非常慢而且很容易斷線 不好下的
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-03-14T02:38
阿 是YDY的 我忘了說 抱歉囧>

Heroes 如果Peter接觸到...

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2007-02-26T15:51
這應該不算有雷了吧 剛剛看影集 突然想到 如果Peter接觸到Niki的話 那會不會也有第二人格 造成紐約的大爆炸 感覺上 通常第二人格 都是被壓抑的負面情感 不知道有沒有人討論過這個問題? - ...

Grey's Anatomy 317爆雷

William avatar
By William
at 2007-02-25T00:25
※ 引述《amberzook (Gilmore girl)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《miamikay (矇矇小糊狸)》之銘言: : : 很大的雷 : : 第三季的走向整個就是灑狗血 : : 最好是停止心跳好幾個小時不會影響到器官的生理功能 : : 一直在猜想會不會就meredith就變成地縛靈之類的 : : ...

Grey's Anatomy 317爆雷

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-02-24T19:27
※ 引述《miamikay (矇矇小糊狸)》之銘言: : 很大的雷 : 第三季的走向整個就是灑狗血 : 最好是停止心跳好幾個小時不會影響到器官的生理功能 : 一直在猜想會不會就meredith就變成地縛靈之類的 : 然後繼續演下去XD : 更扯的是還母女相見勒 : 果然一定要有一個人離開..... : 從ge ...

神鬼禁區第二季 今晚緯來見

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-02-24T14:13
【聯合晚報/記者唐在揚/台北報導】 2007.02.24 01:57 pm 喜愛影集的觀眾注意了,AXN在新春之際將推出兩檔全新影集,下周一起晚上11時將播出 「綁票風雲」,而下周三晚上9時推出全新第四季的「24反恐任務」。至於緯來育樂台 則是今晚10時播出全新「神鬼禁區」第二季。 緯來育樂台熱門的「神 ...

ABC to pilot "Grey's Anatomy" spin-off: WSJ

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2007-02-24T09:37
有人已在推文提過了, 新聞在這. ABC to pilot and#34;Greyand#39;s Anatomyand#34; spin-off: WSJ NEW YORK (Reuters) - Walt Disney Co.and#39;s television network ABC has de ...