Gibbs' rules (更新版) - 重返犯罪現場

By Rachel
at 2012-09-23T20:43
at 2012-09-23T20:43
Table of Contents
※ 引述《nerak (Zurouck)》之銘言:
: : ※ 引述《TX55 (金屬齒輪)》之銘言:
: Rule #1: Never let suspects stay together.
: Rule #1: Never screw over your partner.
(註: McGee在9x17跟潛在可能的新probie Dorneget傳教。)
: Rule #2: Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
: Rule #3: Don't believe what you're told. Double check.
: Rule #3: Never believe what you're told.
: (註:Tony在9x01與海軍部長講的變奏版)
: Rule #3: Never be unreachable.
: Rule #4: The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell
: one other person - if you must. There is no third best.
: Rule #5: Don't waste good.
: (註:Tony在9x01與海軍部長的對話)
: Rule #?: Never say you're sorry. It's a sign of weakness.
: Rule #6: Never say you're sorry.
: (註:Tony在9x02向Gibbs感慨他向過往童年欺負Sticky John時引用。)
: Rule #7: Always be specific when you lie.
: Rule #8: Never take anything for granted.
: Rule #9: Never go anywhere without a knife.
: Rule #10: Never get personally involved on the case.
: (註:Tony在7x21最後與Gibbs感慨對話。)
Rule #10: Never get involved personally in the case.
(註: McGee在9x17提點潛在可能的新probie Dorneget時的變奏版。)
: Rule #11: When the job is done, walk away.
: (註:6x24)
: Rule #12: Never date a coworker.
: Rule #13: Never ever involve a lawyer.
: (註:7x24劇末Gibbs規則卡)
: Rule #15: Always work as a team.
: Rule #18: It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
: Rule #22: Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.
: Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live.
: Rule #??: Never marry a woman who eats more than you.
: Rule #36: If you feel like you're being played, you probably are.
: (註:Tony在9x01與海軍部長對話時,說這是他最喜歡的一條規則。)
: Rule #38: Your case, your lead.
: (註:6x16 Tony當家)
: Rule #40: If it seems like someone's up to get you, they are.
: (註:Abby在7x22最後與Gibbs的對話)]
Rule #42: Don't ever accept the apology from someone who just
sucker your punch here.
(註: Gibbs在9x16對老搭檔Jamie Lee Curtis
飾演的心理醫生Dr.Samantha Ryan的回應)
: Rule #44: First things first, hide the women and the children.
: (註:7x24劇末Gibbs規則卡,第一任妻子Shannon口述)
: Rule #45: Got a mess I got to clean up.
: (註:7x24裡Gibbs回Tony的話。Tony隨後對Ziva說:That's 45, basically.)
: Rule #51: Sometimes─you're wrong.
: (註:7x24劇末Gibbs新添之規則卡,寫在Rule #13卡片背後)
: Rule #69: Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man.
: (註:9x07 Gibbs和Fornell在討論他們共同的前妻Diane。)
: : ※ 引述《TX55 (金屬齒輪)》之銘言:
: Rule #1: Never let suspects stay together.
: Rule #1: Never screw over your partner.
(註: McGee在9x17跟潛在可能的新probie Dorneget傳教。)
: Rule #2: Always wear gloves at a crime scene.
: Rule #3: Don't believe what you're told. Double check.
: Rule #3: Never believe what you're told.
: (註:Tony在9x01與海軍部長講的變奏版)
: Rule #3: Never be unreachable.
: Rule #4: The best way to keep a secret? Keep it to yourself. Second best? Tell
: one other person - if you must. There is no third best.
: Rule #5: Don't waste good.
: (註:Tony在9x01與海軍部長的對話)
: Rule #?: Never say you're sorry. It's a sign of weakness.
: Rule #6: Never say you're sorry.
: (註:Tony在9x02向Gibbs感慨他向過往童年欺負Sticky John時引用。)
: Rule #7: Always be specific when you lie.
: Rule #8: Never take anything for granted.
: Rule #9: Never go anywhere without a knife.
: Rule #10: Never get personally involved on the case.
: (註:Tony在7x21最後與Gibbs感慨對話。)
Rule #10: Never get involved personally in the case.
(註: McGee在9x17提點潛在可能的新probie Dorneget時的變奏版。)
: Rule #11: When the job is done, walk away.
: (註:6x24)
: Rule #12: Never date a coworker.
: Rule #13: Never ever involve a lawyer.
: (註:7x24劇末Gibbs規則卡)
: Rule #15: Always work as a team.
: Rule #18: It's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.
: Rule #22: Never, ever bother Gibbs in interrogation.
: Rule #23: Never mess with a Marine's coffee if you want to live.
: Rule #??: Never marry a woman who eats more than you.
: Rule #36: If you feel like you're being played, you probably are.
: (註:Tony在9x01與海軍部長對話時,說這是他最喜歡的一條規則。)
: Rule #38: Your case, your lead.
: (註:6x16 Tony當家)
: Rule #40: If it seems like someone's up to get you, they are.
: (註:Abby在7x22最後與Gibbs的對話)]
Rule #42: Don't ever accept the apology from someone who just
sucker your punch here.
(註: Gibbs在9x16對老搭檔Jamie Lee Curtis
飾演的心理醫生Dr.Samantha Ryan的回應)
: Rule #44: First things first, hide the women and the children.
: (註:7x24劇末Gibbs規則卡,第一任妻子Shannon口述)
: Rule #45: Got a mess I got to clean up.
: (註:7x24裡Gibbs回Tony的話。Tony隨後對Ziva說:That's 45, basically.)
: Rule #51: Sometimes─you're wrong.
: (註:7x24劇末Gibbs新添之規則卡,寫在Rule #13卡片背後)
: Rule #69: Never trust a woman who doesn't trust her man.
: (註:9x07 Gibbs和Fornell在討論他們共同的前妻Diane。)
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