'Gilmore Girls' canceled - 歐美

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2007-05-04T02:45

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Gilmore Girls也跟7th Heaven一起在本季結束了..

'Gilmore Girls' canceled
CW, WBTV wrap production on show

Say goodbye to "Gilmore Girls."
After weeks of talks aimed at bringing the show back for a limited run next
season, the CW and Warner Bros. TV have decided to wrap production on the
quirky dramedy that focused on fast-talking femmes. Skein, now in its seventh
season, will air its final episode May 15.

"Gilmore" was a holdover from the now-defunct WB network. Debuting in 2007,
it quickly became one of the Frog's signature skeins, with crix eating up the
witty banter between mom Lorelai (Lauren Graham) and her daughter Rory
(Alexis Bledel). Series was set in the fictional hamlet of Stars Hollow, CT.

CW and WBTV released a joint statement noting the passing Thursday morning.

"Announcing the final season of 'Gilmore Girls' is truly a sad moment for
everyone at The CW and Warner Bros. Television," statement read. "This
series helped define a network and created a fantastic, storybook world
featuring some of television's most memorable, lovable characters."

David Rosenthal exec produced and served as showrunner on the current season
of "Gilmore," which was created by Amy Sherman-Palladino. WBTV and CW thanked
the producers and cast for their work, as well as crix who supported the show
with glowing reviews.

"(We) promise to give this series the send off it deserves," statement said.

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-05-04T11:40
嗚~ GG 沒了 >< Luke 和 Lorelai 一定要給我個交代啊!!
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2007-05-06T01:28
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2007-05-06T09:44
就影集本身其實是該結束了, 可是這個類型的影集越來越少
剩下兩集(?)我想雙L應該會復合, 然後乘船遨遊吧
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-05-10T01:51
William avatar
By William
at 2007-05-10T03:59
也該結束啦 演了那麼久
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2007-05-11T10:12
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2007-05-13T06:19
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2007-05-15T06:03
John avatar
By John
at 2007-05-18T18:35

One Tree Hill 416

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2007-05-04T02:20
這集復撥真的是蠻精采的 這集最大的爆點是Dan真的是有人看到他殺Keith, 被一個當初躲在教室裡面的女生隔著窗簾看到了, 不過她當時的表情非常害怕,應該是被嚇到了.. 之後威脅Dan的人應該就是她, 最後在舞會上那個女生經過Dan時斜眼看了Dan.. 然後這集 ...

Re: 「實習醫生」今晚公視首播

Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2007-05-02T22:14
※ 引述《previa ()》之銘言: : ※ 引述《fairyjk (世事紛亂中)》之銘言: : : 看了第一集我就知道我會是以後11點守著電視的人了:) : : 同樣是和醫療業有關的戲劇 為什麼我覺得歐美或日本拍的 : : 比台灣拍的 讓人覺得漏看一集都可惜..... : : btw 雖然慾望之都播完了 ...

Grey's Anatomy 新版連署

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2007-05-02T10:42
視聽劇場 → Buzz_Group → Buzz_newBd 506篇 麻煩大家幫忙囉~ Greyand#39;s Anatomy 已經在台灣播出囉 國內的Fans也越來越多了 我希望能夠有個地方集合起來分享新聞,一起討論影片心得 另外如果有興趣協助提供資訊,幫忙整理的版友 請不要客氣寄個信給我,我們可以 ...

Re: 「實習醫生」今晚公視首播

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2007-05-02T03:45
※ 引述《fairyjk (世事紛亂中)》之銘言: : 看了第一集我就知道我會是以後11點守著電視的人了:) : 同樣是和醫療業有關的戲劇 為什麼我覺得歐美或日本拍的 : 比台灣拍的 讓人覺得漏看一集都可惜..... : btw 雖然慾望之都播完了 可是現在每天都有實習醫生可以看 : 開心~開心^^ 有連署 ...

Re: 「實習醫生」今晚公視首播

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2007-05-02T02:50
看了第一集我就知道我會是以後11點守著電視的人了:) 同樣是和醫療業有關的戲劇 為什麼我覺得歐美或日本拍的 比台灣拍的 讓人覺得漏看一集都可惜..... btw 雖然慾望之都播完了 可是現在每天都有實習醫生可以看 開心~開心^^ 有連署的話我也會挺一票的!! - ...