Google+中的娛樂名人有William Shatner耶 - 星際爭霸戰

By Jacob
at 2012-01-22T17:50
at 2012-01-22T17:50
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Google+中的娛樂名人有William Shatner耶
William Shatner
Visit My Official Website -
Plusers! Have I negotiated a deal for you! (Who needs that other guy? I can
negotiate bargains myself!) For those of you who wanted to see my Broadway
appearances of SHATNER'S WORLD - I've convinced them to give my fans 10% off
the ticket prices. It's only for 2 days starting Tomorrow (Saturday 1/21/12)
through Midnight Sunday (1/22/12)
From tomorrow at 10am ET thru Sunday at 11:59PM ET, William Shatner’s
Google+ Circle of Friends gets 10% off tickets to see him live, On Broadway
for 19 shows only, February 14-March 4 at the Music Box Theater. Visit
and enter “Shatner”. Offer is valid only from Saturday 1/21/12 at 10AM ET
thru Sunday 1/22/12 at 11:59PM ET, so click or call today!
The VIP Meet and Greet package is not eligible for this offer..
老中 的意思(就小弟所知道的,按年代來排列)
1. 日本江戶幕府時,直屬將軍管轄的政務最高責任者。
2. 現在對中國人的簡稱(像老美……)。
?. ……(誰有 象形文←→華文、楔形文←→華文、……辭典呀?)
?. 不知是否和雅虎、金石、百度一樣,可以在古代的書籍中找到這兩個字?
William Shatner
Visit My Official Website -
Plusers! Have I negotiated a deal for you! (Who needs that other guy? I can
negotiate bargains myself!) For those of you who wanted to see my Broadway
appearances of SHATNER'S WORLD - I've convinced them to give my fans 10% off
the ticket prices. It's only for 2 days starting Tomorrow (Saturday 1/21/12)
through Midnight Sunday (1/22/12)
From tomorrow at 10am ET thru Sunday at 11:59PM ET, William Shatner’s
Google+ Circle of Friends gets 10% off tickets to see him live, On Broadway
for 19 shows only, February 14-March 4 at the Music Box Theater. Visit
and enter “Shatner”. Offer is valid only from Saturday 1/21/12 at 10AM ET
thru Sunday 1/22/12 at 11:59PM ET, so click or call today!
The VIP Meet and Greet package is not eligible for this offer..
老中 的意思(就小弟所知道的,按年代來排列)
1. 日本江戶幕府時,直屬將軍管轄的政務最高責任者。
2. 現在對中國人的簡稱(像老美……)。
?. ……(誰有 象形文←→華文、楔形文←→華文、……辭典呀?)
?. 不知是否和雅虎、金石、百度一樣,可以在古代的書籍中找到這兩個字?
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