Happy National Napping Day! - 六人行

By Megan
at 2019-03-12T07:43
at 2019-03-12T07:43
Table of Contents
Season 7 Episode 6 "The One with the Nap Partners"
Ross: What happened?!!
Joey: Well, I don’t know!!
Ross: We fell asleep! That is all.
Joey: Yeah. Yep. Yeah. All right, well uh, I’d better go.
Ross: I think that would be best.
Joey: Yeah. All right, I’ll talk to you later.
Ross: Okay. But not about this!
Joey: No! Never! Never! (Pause, then Joey wants to shake Ross’s hand.) Bye.
Ross: No touch! No touch!
Joey: Hi.
Ross: Just uh, brought back your videos.
Joey: Uh hey look uh Ross, look I think we need to talk about before.
Ross: No! No we don’t!
Joey: Yes we do! Now look, that was the best nap I ever had!!
Ross: I… I don’t know what you are talking about.
Joey: Come on! Admit it! That was the best nap you ever had!
Ross: I’ve had better.
Joey: Okay! When?!
Ross: All right! All right! It was the best nap ever!
Joey: Uh-huh!
Ross: I’ve said it! Okay?! But it’s over Joey!
Joey: I want to do it again.
Ross: We can’t do it again.
Joey: Why not?
Ross: Because it’s weird!
Joey: Fine! Do you want something to drink?
Ross: Sure, what do you got?
Joey: Warm milk and Excedrin P.M. (Ross just leaves.)
Joey: Boy I tell ya, that judging stuff took a lot out of me.
Ross: Yeah?
Joey: Yeah! I was thinking about maybe going upstairs and taking a little nap
on my couch. (Raises his eyebrows, questioning Ross to see if he wants to
join him.)
Ross: Why-why would I care about that?
Joey: No reason, I’m just saying that uh… That’s where I’ll be.
(Joey gets up and heads for the door. After a pause Ross decides to join him.)
[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey and Ross are napping together again and both
wake up at the same time.]
Joey: Great nap.
Ross: It really was.
(Suddenly Rachel clears her throat and the camera cuts to the rest of the
gang staring at them. Needless to say Joey and Ross are shocked and slowly
turn their heads to see the gang.)
Joey: (reacting first by jumping up) Dude! What the hell are you doing?! God!
(Heads for his room leaving Ross.)
Ross: (slowly stands up and says quietly) Excuse me. (Exits.)
All Comments

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