"it's never off the table"的意思? - 六人行

By Kama
at 2006-05-13T10:45
at 2006-05-13T10:45
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※ 引述《ewen (積沙成塔)》之銘言:
: 在第十季13集,快結尾的部分,
: Rachel 和 Ross 在 Joey 的公寓裡有一段談話:
: (主要是在討論彼此從此以後是否不要再有sex關係)
: Rachel: You know, when two people have a connection,
: you know, that's... just seems like such a... waste.
: Ross: ...I hate waste.
: Rachel: ...Ross?
: Ross: Yes?
: Rachel: Just so you know... With us... it's never off the table.
: (she enters her room and closes the door.)
: Ross: Damn it. It's never off the table. (he leaves the apartment)
: 談話到這裡就結束了,請問"it's never off the table"是什麼意思?
: 看不懂這句話就不是很明白他們兩個談話之後的舉動了.
: 有請高手 ^^
It's never off the table = 永遠都存在的 , 沒離開過
table = relation between Ross and Rachel
Never off = always on
所以也可以說 " With us ... It's always on the table"
: 在第十季13集,快結尾的部分,
: Rachel 和 Ross 在 Joey 的公寓裡有一段談話:
: (主要是在討論彼此從此以後是否不要再有sex關係)
: Rachel: You know, when two people have a connection,
: you know, that's... just seems like such a... waste.
: Ross: ...I hate waste.
: Rachel: ...Ross?
: Ross: Yes?
: Rachel: Just so you know... With us... it's never off the table.
: (she enters her room and closes the door.)
: Ross: Damn it. It's never off the table. (he leaves the apartment)
: 談話到這裡就結束了,請問"it's never off the table"是什麼意思?
: 看不懂這句話就不是很明白他們兩個談話之後的舉動了.
: 有請高手 ^^
It's never off the table = 永遠都存在的 , 沒離開過
table = relation between Ross and Rachel
Never off = always on
所以也可以說 " With us ... It's always on the table"
All Comments

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