Jim Parsons對提名的回應 - 宅男行不行

William avatar
By William
at 2010-12-15T23:45

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看到金球公佈提名時,就想以Jim Parsons向來的習性,
絕對會先(至少鏡頭前總是這樣 XD)把自己擺一邊,
果然在不少報導看到他這麼說(都要打哈欠了 XD)



Golden Globes nominations: Jim Parsons
December 14, 2010 | 8:04 am

"The Big Bang Theory" star Jim Parsons says he was sleeping when his
publicist called with the news of his nomination in the best performance
by an actor in a TV series, comedy or musical category. “It was one of
those things where the phone is ringing and it’s pitch dark, so I had a
suspicious feeling that either I’d been nominated or something really
horrible had happened.”

    如果是我鐵定睡不著。他總是在睡夢中獲得提名通知,Emmy我記得好像也是 XD)

This is a first nomination for Parsons and also the first for “The Big
Bang Theory,” which is in its fourth season. Asked why the Hollywood
Foreign Press Assn. chose to nominate him now, Parsons says, “It’s been
a slow climb. Maybe having us on a new night is showing us to different
eyeballs. But I think it’s also that the writers have always remained
honest to the characters, and those characters are getting deeper.”


After four seasons, does he feel like it’s about time? “I’d need to be
fired from Hollywood if I had that attitude!” he says. “It’s obviously
an honor and I’m looking forward to having us all do this together with
chocolates and Champagne.”

(感想: 總 之 就 是 一 貫 的 謙 虛 話 )

Having worked as a presenter last year, Parsons hopes he’ll have the chance
to talk to people more this year. “I’m a shy person, and I can be a bit of
a wilting flower when I see people I’ve watched all my life,” he admits.
“Last year, I stood next to Meryl Streep when I was waiting for my car,
and I couldn’t even talk to her. How can you not talk to Meryl Streep?
This year, I hope I’ll have the courage to say hello.”

(感想:遇到大明星就變成含羞草 XDDDDD 讓我想到他之前在某訪談中提到,

-- Melissa Maerz


All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2010-12-20T12:04
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-12-21T15:14
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-12-24T23:10

411 預告

Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2010-12-15T12:29
這禮拜預告 The Justice League Recombination http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TClcv0yJ0js The guys find a use for Pennyand#39;s boyfriend this week, as they ent ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2010-12-15T10:46
※ 引述《sinway (Holography)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《HDT (氕氘氚)》之銘言: 我不確定ip masking有沒有侵犯版權的問題,如果有請提醒再自刪 最直接的方法就是弄個掩蓋自己ip的軟體上CBS去看就行了,這原本就是方便 沒辦法守在電視前面準時收看的人可以看的 至於在叫沒字幕 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2010-12-15T02:32
※ 引述《HDT (氕氘氚)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《MILLER26 (米勒‧璽恩)》之銘言: : : 我有申請PPS的會員(但不是黃金會員) : : 最近發現PPS的歐美劇場不見了 : : 把PPS刪了又灌 還是沒有 : : 很著急 最新一集的大爆炸還沒看 : : 請問有大大知道原因嗎 : 支持正版不就好 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-12-15T01:53
金球公佈入圍名單了,TBBT入圍兩項大獎: 1. 最佳喜劇或音樂類電視影集(被Emmy拋棄,被金球青睞 XD) and#34;The Big Bang Theoryand#34; (2007) and#34;The Big Cand#34; (2010) and#34;Gleeand#34; (2009 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2010-12-14T17:00
我有申請PPS的會員(但不是黃金會員) 最近發現PPS的歐美劇場不見了 把PPS刪了又灌 還是沒有 很著急 最新一集的大爆炸還沒看 請問有大大知道原因嗎 - ...