Katharine McPhee 簽約 Sony - 美國偶像

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2011-10-19T22:14

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在 Verve Forecast 發了兩張專輯之後,
Katharine 拜參與 NBC 音樂電視劇「Smash」之賜,
也與發行該劇原聲帶的 Columbia Records 簽下個人唱片約。


Columbia Records Teams With NBC For‘Smash’Music Albums, Inks Solo
Recording Deal With Co-Star Katharine McPhee

By NELLIE ANDREEVA | Thursday June 9, 2011 @ 3:10pm PDT

EXCLUSIVE: Following in the footsteps of Fox’s Glee, NBC has signed a deal
with Columbia Records for the soundtrack of the network’s new musical drama
series Smash. Additionally, Columbia has signed a solo recording pact with
Smash breakout star and American Idol alumna Katharine McPhee. I hear
Columbia, which also handles the soundtracks for Glee and the upcoming X
Factor, landed the rights to Smash after a bidding war. The deal, brokered by
NBCUniversal TV Consumer Products Group, gives Columbia Records worldwide,
digital and physical rights to the first season of Smash, with options to
subsequent seasons. It includes both original songs, written exclusively for
the TV series by the Tony Award-winning duo Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman,
and covers of hit songs featured on the show. “Our Columbia Records partners
will guide the soundtrack of Smash into a big component of the show’s
success,” said NBC chairman Bob Greenblatt. Added Rob Stringer, Chairman of
Columbia/Epic Label Group, “Music is at the heart of Smash, and with our
wonderfully creative broadcast partners, we will develop innovative
strategies to present this music to a huge audience.”

Smash, slated to air in midseason behind The Voice on Mondays, stars Debra
Messing, Christian Borle, McPhee and Anjelica Huston and follows the creation
of a Broadway musical about Marilyn Monroe. Playwright/screenwriter Theresa
Rebeck wrote the pilot and is executive producing the series with Steven
Spielberg (on whose idea the show is based), Craig Zadan & Neil Meron, Darryl
Frank & Justin Falvey, Shaiman & Wittman and David Marshall Grant. Following
her runner-up finish on American Idol in 2006, McPhee has released two
albums: a self-titled one in 2007, which premiered at the No. 2 spot on the
Billboard 200, and Unbroken in January 2010, which debuted at No. 27.


All Comments

Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2011-10-21T02:10
順道一提 她也有演最近在台灣上片的"大白鯊3D"
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-10-23T22:23
good for herrr

Top 12 Love & Heartbreak + Results

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-10-17T11:25
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Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-10-17T09:04
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Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2011-10-15T20:29
剛剛逛Youtube就剛好看到昨天MV出來了! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3EG4olrFjY 很Olly的曲風,我喜歡 :D 不過感覺沒什麼宣傳阿,新專輯已經發行了嗎? - ...

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Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2011-10-15T12:39
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Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-10-11T11:50
看推文板上應該也有些捧由在看澳版XF,這幾天連假也抽空看了一下 well,除了評審們互動略嫌冷,製作經費疑似有點低之外 (那出場影片根本就是喬弟跟Olly他們那季的吧= =) 其實還不錯耶!!大家有空可以看看:D 四個評委最受注目的應該還是今年帶團體組的Ronan吧 其他還有女孩組的Mel B,男孩 ...