Lights almost out for Studio 60? - 歐美

Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2006-10-30T00:39

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NBC應該是準備要把Studio 60收起來了

Here we go: despite receiving an order for three more episodes on Friday, the
Aaron Sorkin NBC drama “Studio 60 on Sunset Strip” is about to be put out
of its misery. Cast members are already confiding in friends that the end is
near. It’s likely NBC will pull the plug shortly I am told by insiders. Last
week, Studio 60 had 7.7 million viewers. Compare that with competing "CSI:
Miami," with 17.5 million. That gap cannot be closed. But ‘Studio 60’ has
trouble internally at NBC, forget its intramural rivals. According to ratings
stats, the “Saturday Night Live” behind the scenes soap opera loses almost
half the viewers delivered to it a few minutes earlier by another new show, “
Heroes,” which has become a surprise cult hit. Sorkin and friends will argue
that NBC has done something wrong, or that the audience isn’t smart enough.
Alas, in this case, neither is true. ‘Studio 60′—as I wrote on August 7th
after viewing the pilot—is just a bad show. There’s nothing wrong with the
acting, directing, or dialogue writing. But the premise is faulty. No one
cares whether a bunch of over caffeinated, well off yuppies, some with
expensive drug habits, put on a weekly comedy sketch show from Los Angeles.
There is one winner to come out of ‘Studio 60,’ however: Matthew Perry. In
this show he’s proven himself to be a star on his own separate from
"Friends." His comedic timing and ability to ad lib, toss off lines, and give
restrained physical reactions is what keeps ‘Studio 60′ even remotely
interesting. We can only be hopeful that someone comes up with a great new
show for him quickly—but a comedy that’s funny, not a drama that isn’t.

It's the hunger, hunger for alternative
and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness.

Sarah Pierce, Little Children

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2006-10-31T05:19
好可惜 我喜歡這部片ORZ
Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2006-11-01T14:36
Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2006-11-02T12:47
唉,不過至少Amanda Peet不用擔心怎麼遮肚子了 @@
David avatar
By David
at 2006-11-05T20:14
damn!! I love this show much...................
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2006-11-09T01:15
NO! 不能砍啊! 我愛Studio 60!! Damn you to hell, NBC
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-11-09T05:45
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2006-11-10T00:55
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2006-11-13T19:38
繼Joey, Phoebe,和Chandler單飛失敗,下一個是Monica在FX的
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2006-11-18T18:29
Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2006-11-19T03:48
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2006-11-23T11:10
他們只在乎那個數字 收視率是同時段CSI: Miami一半不到
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2006-11-27T08:53
Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2006-11-30T15:22


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2006-10-27T10:25
※ 引述《gaudi (勿擾 勿詢問 勿來信)》之銘言: : 標題: Re: [問題] 問一下整形春秋的內容 : 時間: Fri Oct 27 01:12:56 2006 : : : 我想問現在第四季的劇情走到哪裡了 : 這部我沒什麼跟 : 但是對於劇情一直很有興趣 : : 誰要是哪天有空就來爆個第四季的雷吧 ...


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-10-27T03:01
剛剛到手台版整形春秋1~2季 在買之前 還特地注意有沒有剪片 第一季明明說一刀未剪 但是 三區台版硬是比一區少三分鐘 最誇張的是 第二季在台灣華納家庭的網頁上 明明寫了片長:773 可是我拿到後看外殼 只有764分鐘 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2006-10-27T01:12
我想問現在第四季的劇情走到哪裡了 這部我沒什麼跟 但是對於劇情一直很有興趣 誰要是哪天有空就來爆個第四季的雷吧 ※ 引述《vitaminv (vitmainv)》之銘言: : 最近都有再看緯來的nip tuck : 因為漏看了一集 : 導致星期二撥出的#12有點連不上 : 內容就是醫生把哪個病患給棄屍了 ...


Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2006-10-27T00:45
最近都有再看緯來的nip tuck 因為漏看了一集 導致星期二撥出的#12有點連不上 內容就是醫生把哪個病患給棄屍了之類的? 所以有把柄在黑道那裏 這是哪集的內容阿?? :( 漏掉不該漏的 真是 另外問一下 在AXN撥出的畫面都沒有霧嗎?? 那豈不是頂可怕的... ----------------- ...

The Suite Life of Zack and Cody(小查與寇弟的頂級生活)

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2006-10-26T13:01
不知道有沒有人對這部影集有興趣的 我是無意之間在 disney 頻道上面看到的(看康熙,廣告中間亂轉發現的) 順手轉了雙語頻道來聽 發覺劇情、對白還滿好笑的 雖然這是給小朋友看的影集 但我覺得很生活化 據說這好像是小朋友票選 2006 年很受歡迎的影集 官方網站, http://psc.disney.go ...