Lost Moving to 10 on Wednesdays - 歐美

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-12-06T12:03

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Lost Moving to 10 on Wednesdays
Source: Variety December 5, 2006

ABC is moving "Lost" out of the way of the "American Idol" juggernaut,
reports Variety.

ABC's January schedule, set to be unveiled later today, has "Lost" moving to
Wednesdays at 10 when it returns Feb. 7. The shift ensures the third-year
series won't have to battle the Fox behemoth.

A year ago, "Lost" took a notable ratings hit once "Idol" returned. The
series has held steady in the ratings this fall vs. last spring, but ABC
executives clearly don't want to take the chance of further slippage.

ABC has decided to slot its buzzworthy laffer "Knights of Prosperity"
Wednesdays at 9 p.m., directly against the "Idol" results show. It'll be
paired at 9:30 with another new comedy, "In Case of Emergency."

The new comedy block is set to debut Jan. 3, a month before "Daybreak" was
set to end its run. The series may shift to 10 p.m. Wednesday before "Lost"

Tags: 歐美

All Comments


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2006-12-05T21:57
請問一下剛剛AXN播的那個慾望之都(是這個名字吧) 最後一幕有個女的(新老闆) 從屋頂上飛走 這是男主角的想像 還是是真的啊 超玄的 有外星人嗎 慾望之都我一直都沒在看 剛剛無聊看了一集 沒想到就給我來個奇怪的結尾 然後來個待續~~~ 可惡~~討厭等 我愛單元劇 誰來解救我 給我雷吧 - ...

Producers Guild announces TV noms

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-12-05T05:51
製片人協會公佈了電視部份的入圍名單 Housewive再度落選 戲劇類ABC跟FOX各自靠自己最強的兩部戲入圍 Comedy: and#34;Arrested Developmentand#34; (FOX) and#34;Curb Your Enthusiasmand#34; (HBO) and#34 ...

舊影集 in 好消息電視台

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-12-05T00:03
剛剛轉台看到的 之前的一部舊影集 不過英文原名忘記了 現在是取「扭轉危機」 內容就是男主角會在今天當天早上 拿到明天的報紙 得知將要發生的事 進而採取相關行動 好懷念說~~~~ 自從「家園情深」以後 就很少看到影集裡那個打棒球的弟弟的作品說 -- 今天這一集裡的那個機車白人的兒子 明明就 ...

Studio 60 1x11

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2006-12-04T23:32
Merry Christmas~~!! 這一集超級有氣氛的啦,而且主戲擺在Matt和Danny兩人各自的感情上面 那一親 那一告白 一整個就是佳節氣氛(好閃好閃) Jorden這集不講話,一直吃(孕婦食慾這麼強) Jack這集看起來超級悶的 其他的人都出來一下下,and#34;I love Lucyan ...

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2006-12-03T14:07
好幾年前曾經在華視看過播映這整部影集,中文譯名是「原野奇兵」, 一共二十七集,每集分成七節,一集片長約兩小時。前幾個禮拜在電影 台有看到第一集,可是後來的部份好像就沒有了。 精華區有這部影集的名稱,但是內容被鎖住了,頗為可惜。不過,華納 兄弟娛 ...