'Men In Trees' Makes Way for 'October Road' - 歐美

Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2007-02-23T12:21

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Men In Trees將在3/15讓出時段,讓新劇October Road在週四十點播出,
October Road是OTH的Jake/Bryan Greenberg主演的新戲.

另外Six Degrees也將在3/23起週五九點復撥.

'Men In Trees' Makes Way for 'October Road'

ABC has announced that the new drama series "October Road" will premiere
Thursday, March 15 (10:00-11:00 p.m., ET), on the Network. "MEN IN TREES"
will return in this timeslot following an initial run of the new series.

In addition, "Six Degrees" will return with original episodes in a new time
slot, Fridays at 9:00 p.m., as of Friday, March 23.

"October Road" centers on the young, popular author, Nick Garrett, who is at
a crossroads in his life. To get over his writer's block, he goes back to his
hometown and must now face the family and friends he has avoided for the past
ten years. Once back home on October Road, he quickly discovers that the
circle of friends whose teenaged lives he wrote about have trouble forgiving
him for leaving them behind, and that his ex-girlfriend, Hannah Daniels, may
have had his child.

"Six Degrees" follows the intertwined relationships of six intriguing
characters as they affect and influence each other's lives. Laura, a single
mother who is embarking on a new career, begins the chain. Next is Whitney,
the self-made success story who has just called off her engagement. Move on
to Steven, the formerly successful photographer who finally, after years of
self-destruction, is taking control of his life and getting his career back
on track. Follow with Damian, who can't escape his criminal brother's shadow;
on to Mae, the girl with a past that she's hiding from; then to Carlos, the
good guy who's fallen for her, and finally to Ray, the force of nature who
will eventually bring all these characters together.

Tags: 歐美

All Comments

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2007-02-24T18:25
Six Degrees都復播了,The Nine勒????
William avatar
By William
at 2007-03-01T09:20

Grey's Anatomy 316爆雷..

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-02-17T09:22
※ 引述《zerkchu ()》之銘言: : 雷 個人的猜測, 下一集超過一半的重點會在Mer陰間遊地 府一圈, 和爆破小組的那個及Denny來場似哲學非哲學 的對話, 聊聊生死,聊聊對人間的牽掛與不捨...那兩 個就像閻王派來催Mer上路的使者.... 一開始Mer千百個不願意, 不肯相信自己就這樣 ...

Deal or No Deal Shifts to Sundays

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2007-02-17T06:48
NBC把周三和周日的節目表更動, 從三月開始原來在週三九點播的Deal or No Deal移到週日九點撥, The Apprentice延後一小時撥出,這樣NBC週日都算是實境節目了.. 應該還是想要救The Apprentice的收視率. 而原本在週日十點撥的Crossing Jordan移到週三九點播 ...

Grey's Anatomy 316爆雷..

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2007-02-17T05:59
雷 這集真的非常好看, 前2/3處理病人和家屬的情節非常寫實感人痛心, 中間搭配者Meredith的生死垂危, 到最後大家齊聚在Meredith身旁, 不管Meredith最後會如何,整集氣氛的營造很強阿. 這集一開始最驚人的就是Izzie拿電鑽開腦的片段, 雖然 ...


Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2007-02-17T03:29
關於Jessica收到的照片,Nathan後方的氣球是本來就在競選總部的嗎? 覺得Linderman不太有殺Nathan的理由,因為之前Nathan有說Linderman 需要他當選吧. 除非是Linderman覺得Nathan醜聞層出不窮,決定更改 利用的對象(Nathan的競爭對手之類的),怕N ...

Grey's Anatomy 316爆雷..

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2007-02-16T21:24
※ 引述《maggie777 (no)》之銘言: : 有超大雷 : Meredith好像真的死了.... 她的確是真的死了, 不過還會活過來吧 :P : 在LA看的,因為錄電視關係,最後幾分鐘沒有錄到 : 看到的最後一段是Meredith在病床上醒來,眼前 ...